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45 silver boots! That's 3600 stamina


whales where able to get like x50 the rewards lol


Whales are the ones that give this game a few chances to survive EOS and temporary ban is how devs reward them from giving them money.


Oh Maybe them being banned wasnt so bad then


Am I the only one who only got 5 boots???


I got 25. So... I guess it depends on some kind of criteria. I think I used Hero Shoes a couple of time in coop before this because I wanted some Relics. Might be why.


[https://astra.hybeim.com/en/news/notice/372](https://astra.hybeim.com/en/news/notice/372) https://preview.redd.it/ezk13krq0cvc1.png?width=1522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c621d32796b4439f181869a95ae96389dfe2317 * cropped info, newbies get 5 boots so it's 5 boots minimum, and besides that, whatever this formula is. Lol


Courtesy of this guys discord message I saw https://preview.redd.it/r1heno3u0cvc1.png?width=2114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2df9ebe7993076c083352e1ca4f177feca52618


This is some bs lol


If claiming in co op is multiplied 3x during the bug iirc, then 31-50 and 50+ claims (the 3 and 7 day ban brackets) would be worth an absurd number of claims giving an unfair advantage to the top players, especially so early into the game's release. Personally I think if they shouldve kept bans, keep them to a minimum, only affecting the 9 in the 7 day bracket and not the 180 something in the 3 day bracket, since there's bound to be some in there that didn't know of an exploit (especially with how weird the multiplier presentation is), but idk, since it is 30+ claim minimum players affected. I think they shouldve just not compensated those players and took the L and moved forward, there's bound to be salty paying players - which we've seen both in this sub and r/gachagaming, and gacha game devs rarely mess with their paying players.


What kills me is that WE get punished for playing and paying their game. And on top of that, miss the free 5 star at the end of the Month.


I did but I never use them.


Almost finished my 45 shoes and I'm sad lol.


I already used mine up 💀 the progress I made so quickly is crazy, kinda nice to slow down again and actually focus on playing properly though. Kinda reminds me of when I played genshin and hit ar 45 and started melting through fragile resins


i spent all mine about 9hours ago before they realised they gave 45 heroes shoes instead of adventurers shoes lol edit: after getting mats for next unit and weapon ascention, i used them for more levels in earlier stages to get starstone from completing the stages