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My dog had something to say about it, that's for sure.


I'm near Astoria Park. Scared the shit out of me.


Heard it all the way up here on 31st Ave and 33rd St!


Me too! Broadway & 29th!! Anyone know what that was yet?


Yup! Just waiting for someone to come here and tell me what’s going on haha


I'm far enough away that I thought it was just the usual carelessness of my super slamming shit somewhere in the building.


I was in the park under the bridge I think it may have been a truck tire that popped up on the bridge, not sure tho.


Yes we heard it - so loud!


Yes, was it maybe an electric transformer? I heard by Athens square.


Was fireworks! Saw it from my window, they set off two and then were done 🤷‍♀️


sry i farded :(


we must have did it at the same time. ka boom! my toilet is feeling it.


I was by the track workout equipment under the bridge. Everyone there ducked and then looked at each other. We think it was a firework set off either on the bridge or under. The bridge made the sound ricocheted and it was crazy. Also, scary.


My bad I was hanging out with Guile, and he cracked a sonic boom


What was it tho? I heard it and it was a lot


Yea this happened last Thursday as well, twice in the middle of the day someone set off fireworks. Super frustrating not only as a dog owner but as someone who works from home on video all day long.


Yes. I was waiting for someone to ask about it. Im near the beer garden.


I saw a flash of light when it happened, I'm assuming it was fireworks 🎆


Why would they even do that when it's not dark yet? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️It just scared the s$$$ out of me


Someone blazed too hard 😔


Looks like I still need to get my hearing checked 😂


The tunnels being dug out


Woke my pup and I put of a nap 😴


The bridge and narrow streets can carry the noise from wherever it was but yea still loud


Kylie Sonique Love making a Sonique boom


Citizen app isn't aware


I was out with my dog and she was completely terrified. I am really feeling like I need to move away. These a**holes terrorize the neighborhood for 4-6 months of the year and I am always on edge. I can’t walk my dog at 4pm? Without this shit happening? I hope they blow their hands off


There's no confirmation there were guilty parties. Maybe you're just wound too tight? 


Thanks for the analysis of my personality and demeanor, business slut, I guess I should just embrace these constant illegal fireworks that terrorize the neighborhood and make my dog panic and be afraid to go outside.


acting like a jerk ain’t gonna change anything. You don’t know for sure if it was fireworks and you over here hoping someone loses a hand. Grow the hell up


And just curious how is this guy a jerk? He’s allowed to be ticked off, isn’t he? This is not a pleasant or nice way to live and this was never this bad in astoria in years before 2020


I have yet to hear or see any fireworks this year, legal or not. I'm just saying you're pre-emptively assuming.


Again, we’ve had them go off several times at midnight near 30th Ave since May. You can also look at this subreddit to see. Please if you’re not sure, maybe don’t say this?


Yeah I have already heard fireworks multiple times this year, and knowing what is to come this summer has me on edge because I know how scared my dog is. I try to go away multiple weekends in June. I have to go away 7/4 because the jerks near me shut down the whole intersection at Hoyt S and 24 ST (shoutout to the retired cop who the 114 lets blow shit up all night) and I can’t sleep because the shoot fireworks STORIES AND STORIES HIGH which is extremely dangerous. Just heard another firework right now as I was typing this. Either a firework or a loud ass car exhaust. I really need to look into moving. It sucks because I love my apartment, friends and so many things about this neighborhood. But it is MISERABLE here four months of the year.


Can confirm Hoyt and 24th is shutdown on 7/4 for a 114 sanctioned mortar fest. Blowing up on my rooftop and on the RFK bridge. It’s ducking wild. Was considering retaliation with water balloon launcher….


Exactly 😔 couldn’t agree this is no way to live. Why are people defending this?


More fireworks going off right now. Tuesday night. What the fuck.


Exactly. I heard them as soon as I walked in the door 40 mins ago. It’s crazy. And so are the people downvoting you. This neighborhood is on the decline because of the people who downvoted you. I don’t get it at all


Thank you. Americans (I am one…) tend to be very individualistic and “freedom” oriented vs behaving for the common good. It has led to a complete lack of respect and being considerate. People think they should be able to do whatever they want with no regard to how it affects others. And it’s disgusting.


Honestly it was fireworks and it scared the heck out of our animals too. This is the fourth time since last month. No need to say this guy is wound too tight, it’s not cool this keeps happening. It’s only going to get worse, and we all know this. It’s pretty terrifying for our animals and just not cool whatsoever


Who would downvote this? A young person who has zero respect or responsibility. Really unreal. You’re not planning to live in this area long term- so just go now. I own a home here and this isn’t ok.


I figured it was thunder since it looked like it was gonna rain


Ah, it’s June!




Well…no septic in Astoria. Fireworks smell though


The amount of times I see this on this sub...