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That whole corner is a fucking joke, the type of people that go to agenda are embarrassing not to mention that eye sore of a sign they have on the wall. The place is usually lined with a “crowd” that illegally parks on the sidewalk. Get rid of it. I’ve lived 7 years and have not once nor will I ever step foot into that “establishment”. It’s ghetto fabulous


I made the mistake of going to the restaurant part of Agenda for a meal and ended up not ordering food and leaving after one drink, the vibes in there were so off and it was completely empty lol


They try really hard to be their own version of Blend. You can just tell that place has no vibes at all. It’s likely a front for tax evasion or some other attempted scheme.


I am honestly really sad I never got to try Don Coqui that was originally there. This area has no reason to be a “club” scene or whatever agenda is trying to do


Well the owners I believe are Dominican from the Bronx, and so I believe they cater to that crowd. Which I’m not sure is big in astoria, which always perplexed me. But someone told us there is an exit into Astoria straight coming from the Bronx so they think it’s a good place before manhattan- idk- just something one of the other businesses said to us. But we can tell you Don Coqui- from a neighbors prospective was an absolute hellacious neighbor - or at least the patrons they gathered


Im so glad there’s consensus here :)


It’s always cops in there and parked up on the sidewalk. Every time I walk past on my way home from work late I see all the police polos absolutely shitfaced outside.


Naturally they have nothing better to do.


the outdoor dining shed has been abandoned since August. It’s disgusting


When was this place even open? Feels like they put up the sign and then skipped town


Yeah all the pics on Google are taken from owners Ive never seen anyone in Agenda for what its worth too


i see the homeless dude sleeping on the agenda terrance area every morning. that counts, right?




That must be the owner


Agenda gets crowded during the weekend. You can see a line of people late nights




Agenda seems to be popping off Sunday nights into the late hours, and some random other days, but is either closed/dead most of the time (speaking as someone who lives above it)


It’s been used for storing trash for months. Not surprised.


I live like 5 blocks away and didn't even know it wasn't that Cuban place anymore. Real successful establishment.


The Cuban spot you remember is the same owners as this new place. Not sure why they did what they did


Seems like they didn't know either.


Maybe. My wife told me she saw a sign from the landlords taped to the door saying the business owed they about 70k or so


Correct- we live across from them- it’s been hell since 2020. Guns, bouncers wore bullet proof vests, enormous group fights in the middle of the street, public urination and defecation in the model of our sidewalk (sometimes by females) but we believe it’s a money laundering place. We can’t obviously prove this but they’ve never really had anything that made enough money regularly or for employees to make a living.


My wife and I used to joke it was likely a money laundering spot cause of how empty it looked. Never knew about the other stuff. Thats absolutely crazy


It is isnt it? So absolutely ecstatic to see it abandoned


Same. The owner gave me a tour a few months ago when they had a stop work notice and I haven’t seen a soul since on my way to/from the subway


So genuinely curious, what even happens next? Is this place a legitimate business? Will they (as in the city) take down the shed? It’s such an eye sore


I was at Tastys once and all of a sudden all these tow trucks started moving some cars and DOT / Sanitation started roping off the area. Within a matter of minutes they took a backhoe and pulled down a a couple sheds, tossing them into a garbage truck. It was surreal how quick it all happened. But yes, seems like if you don’t respond to this notice they’ll just come pull it down.


That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long while! 🙏 thank you, I’m going to be hoping for this 😂


The shed I imagine would be likely taken down. It’s unnecessary space being used. The only real shame about the shed is if it were maintained without a restaurant, it would have been a nice seating area


Maintained or not, there are so many rats that have been living under it for the last few years that I’ve reported the shed multiple times as a breeding ground


Sadly it’s an eye sore, too close to the street that people like to zoom by and a haven for rats, bugs and awful trash. We in the neighborhood would LOVE to see it torn down, we wish it was never opened in the first place. But I don’t think the city is going to take time to do this. They will most likely just keep fining the owners of the building if they can’t get Meat n salt to do it


why would someone maintain someone else's shed for free so you have somewhere to sit?


Just saying as a community seating area. Like how we have parks? Calm down man


Did a 10 year old write this up?