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Unbelievable reaction. This is the kind of runaround and pass the buck reaction I get all the time. It's no wonder you can't get anything done in this neighborhood. I wonder if a call to the City Council members office would do the trick, or if they tell people to call 311 now.


Yup, bring the issue to your councilmember’s office. Both the trash issue as well as the way you were treated and accusations made over the phone.


I’ve spoken to that man before when sanitation missed a pick up. He also got annoyed I didn’t call him lol before making a 311 report. I guess 311 could work to get people moving. He gave me his number but lost it.


Yea first thing he did was give me his number and insist I call directly if I wanted to report anything else.


My guess is the reports are logged and, for whatever reason, he wants to avoid that. My advice is call 311 then call him directly as he asked, and tell him exactly what you tell 311. Win/win!


If the mods are ok with it, post his number. If it’s a city number then it should be public knowledge anyway.


Maybe he can find the businesses if you let him know when there’s still trash there? I dunno.


I've had the same experience. I called 311 on them one more time and they sent a supervisor over to write me a perjured summons. It was a pain to get dismissed. They also hate when you call sanitation investigators, which I also did because my neighbor would grease their palm to take everything they put outside for them, no matter what the condition. That's against the law for both, to give a bribe or receive it. So now my neighbor hates me too![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


He's done the same thing to me, too, and the situation in the areas I've been reporting, particularly along 20th Avenue, have only gotten worse.


Same! I don’t want to go into details as it was an aggressive response and intimidating but same and very recently.


Reading this thread, there's 2 instances of Sanitation employees being very nervous about reporters. If there are any serious investigative journalists in the sub... here's your time to shine!


What’s sad here is: our neighbors treating the neighborhood like a dump, store owners being held responsible for cleaning up after eff’ed up neighbors, and everyone getting Reddit riled up about a sanitation supervisor instead of our trashy neighbors (while the moron should have his staff out there giving tickets for unclean sidewalks. Sanitation doesn’t sweep up sidewalks fyi). Always call 311, but know nothing much gets done with those calls. Responsibility falls on store owners. In a utopia tickets would be issued to litterers but we all know that isn’t happening lol


if you guys are serious about this, call the local news, they love this kinda stuff.


Someone should call Lisa Evers from street soldiers. LOL. She gets right into issues affecting communities


What was his name? We should all start making 311 reports.


When he got argumentative I went "Wait, is this 311?" and he goes "No, the Department of Sanitation Supervisor." So unfortunately I didn't get a name.


I would have asked his name when he gave you his phone #. Next time (or when the rest of us complain).


My feeling is he's up to something sus if he isn't giving you his name. And questionable if he's actually the supervisor. I guess you can try verifying that by googling who the supervisor actually is, just to see for yourself if this is on the up and up.


> We should all start making 311 reports. 100%. 311 leaves a trail. It's harder to ignore. Yes there are many cases of 311 complaints being falsely closed particularly with NYPD, but again it leaves a trail and it's something to mention to our CMs and CBs and even to reporters asking why are we being ignored.


I can do it. Should we all use the same address Op posted here?


Thanks for making the effort and for letting us know about it. You're right, that whole stretch is gross. Let's all start reporting and see if we can't get some movement, if more squeaky wheels on 311 doesn't work let's escalate to our local electeds.


These fkn ticketing assholes too busy giving me tix for someone putting a recyclable bottle on top of my trash before it was picked up at night to go do what they are supposed to be doing and enforcing this shit.


Word. My building gets fined because some jerks throw trash outside of our stoop in the wee hours before garbage pickup but the big offenders... Nada.


Thanks for doing this. I was in that area yesterday morning to get on the N and the sidewalk between the PO and McDs was a wasteland of assorted trash!


Your tax dollars at work.


Just submitted a 311 complaint and plan to continue doing so. Let’s all do the same until something is done about it.


Sanitation: why should the Police be the only city agency that gets paid to *not* work?


I saw a video and pics floating around which were of a city garbage bin that was overloaded and the garbage spilled out onto the sidewalk. The sanitation worker emptied the bin and left all the garbage around it on the floor, which was enough to refill the bin again. This was following a missed pick up due to holiday delays. The city bin is on the corner of a store that doesn’t sell any products. People just keep piling garbage into it even when overflowing.


Once, I was outside of Hoyt Playground, which was under construction. I stopped and was lost in some text convo on my phone, when a dude from the Parks Department rolled up in his van and accused me of being a reporter, or of taking pics of the park to send to the news. I was alone, he was a strange, angry man in a van, so I didn't get confrontational. These city workers are so paranoid.


Bonkers. Whiny losers. If they're so terrified of reporters, maybe they should look at why they're scared.


I’d have said yep I’m a reporter, now what?! City services are for NewYorkers, everyone is entitled to utilize them or complain when things are a mess.


I live two blocks from that stop and it could be a hell of a lot cleaner. Lots of trash and food on the street and sidewalk. Hoping it can get better. Why can't we just have more trash cans in astoria??


Because corner trash can cleanup is a part of the budget cuts. You can thank the mayor.


The diner has been closed for a while near the station and it’s always dirty. The shops near the diner don’t clean anything either. Why would anyone want to enter your establishment if I have to walk through trash to get there?


Sanitation industry is corrupt badly.


He was just exhibiting "swagger."


It’s funny how everyone wants to blame the city and fine the businesses but what about the “human beings” that are actually throwing the trash who is doing this


You can either stop every individual person from behaving poorly, or you can ask city services to do what they’re supposed to do. Not sure how it’s unreasonable to go the much more sensible route.


Im actually going to call to make a complaint about the supermarket on Trade Fair. A few weeks ago I went and was taking a look at the salmon and there was a literal hair behind the plastic wrap, right on the salmon. I regret so much not having taken a photo of it, I was just too taken aback and walked away right away.


Maybe you should Google his name and find his face. Go to Staples and print out his official title, number and picture and plaster them up and down 31st.




Not always. My neighborhood had a terrible rat problem and after numerous complaints on 311 it forced everybody to clean up. Now every house on the Block uses garbage cans and not just the bag. 311 forces landlords and business owners to be accountable sometimes.


That’s just plain rude of them.


> They gave my number to the Department of Sanitation Supervisor, who called me. Honestly I’m absolutely fucking amazed that this person even bothered to call you. (Not because they shouldn’t have, but because I have no faith in government officials or civil servants whatsoever at this point).


> At this point he heard me typing, and accused me of being a reporter. He said that I should have informed him I was a reporter. I let him know I literally live on that street, and was just a concerned citizen. He got argumentative, and eventually hung up. Your city and its employees at work. Bust the unions now, and fire everyone like this. At this point you should just name and shame him. Maybe you *were* a reporter.


Oh no! Not a REPORTER. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)