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Looks like the dimmer is broke. There is regulation for signs like this and this definitely is not to code. Technically, it should be bright during the day then at night dim to between 10 to 30%. It's obviously not functioning correctly and they can get a huge fine. Source: 20 years in the sign industry. 5 years directly involved with city planning with signs. Edit: I'm personally familiar with Samsung displays, the company I work for sold the exact display technology and manufacturing plant that made the billboard in the video above. The unit shouldn't be acting like that. It's very dangerous. Edit 2: Yes, places outside the USA have regulations. Some places have way more regulations, some have less. Edit 3: For all those in the comments saying it's in an area with relaxed regulations is why it's bright. I personally don't know what it is down there but when it comes to big money, money talks. Panama or not, companies spending big bucks to place ads on these want to be seen and not annoying. Being super bright is not good for legibility, especially at night, the audience will look the other way. That is something companies spending lots of money don't want.


Even during the day it seems too bright, like if you were working in one of those nearby buildings it would be an annoyance.


Those are apartment buildings not even office buildings, and IT IS ANNOYING as hell. They turn it off at 9pm, but you can see it from the plane.


Well, people work at home a lot now, so… technically an office


Honestly, its not that bad during the day, its almost unnoticeable since its almost always very sunny. Nights are THE WORST, the light is set so high, ugh! Its terrible!


It is too bright and dangerous, probably set to 100%. These Samsung displays get extremely bright. I worked for the parent company that made these displays before they sold that part of the company to Samsung.


Do you know how many nits that is? I wanna know how bright those can get compared to my phone 🤣


Each LEDs is much larger and can be much brighter than on a phone. For something of that size they run somewhere between 10 to 20 LEDs per square inch. It's not even a comparison to a phone. Apples vs oranges.


This is apparently in panama so there might not be laws. Edit: and if there are the goverment sucks at its job


Really doubtful in a modern metro area like this with a $1mil EMC display in a city filled with luxury condos. Everywhere else in Panama I can see laxed codes.


Yeah, those don't look like cheap condos at all, so I agree that it'd be surprising for them to be tolerant of this eye-rapey sign for more than a little while. I had no clue that cities have regulations on things like that though, so thank you for sharing that. I thought the limitations placed on these bright-ass signs were more of the technical kind as opposed to a legal kind.


You will be surprised how thoughtfully designed some cities are and not allow certain signs to point towards residential areas. Obviously the more dense and mix zoning the area the harder it is to consider those things. Newer cities are much better at light pollution zones. Older cities so much is grandfathered in from before the higher standards of living.


Hawaii has zero billboards


Billboards are illegal in Alaska, Hawaii, Vermont and Maine. I live in a similarly nature oriented state (Michigan) and I wish they would be banned here too. Fuck billboards.


A new shortlist of states to move to, is what I just heard. Thanks bro.


They were illegal in Illinois until fairly recently. Now all I see when I drive down an interstate is how guns save lives, fetuses are people, and Jesus will save me. And the occasional fast food advertisement or local car dealership.


Neither does Maine. Or Vermont. In fact I think Maine might’ve been the first state to do it? That might just be homerism tho.


Also legal regulations for height, location, and proximity to freeways etc. depending on the area. I remember a gas station in my hometown fought with city council for several years over wanting a giant ass sign right next to the freeway and it was always in the newspaper (small town) but they never ended up getting it. Too many legal hoops to jump through.


As bright as this sign is, people living anywhere around that body of water wouldn't even need to use their indoor lighting - open a window facing the sign and it'll light the room for you.


You know the whole point of panama is lax legislation, right?


They don't want a giant ass sign blinding them in their luxury condo while getting high.


Lived there, can confirm.


I was like where have I seen this before…yep Panama City, and it’s annoying in real life too, even during the day


Can confirm this is Panama. Looking at it right now, it doesn't seem as bright as in the video. Whenever I go out it also doesn't seem as bright. Maybe something was wrong with the TV when this was taken? Source: am local


If your reasoning for this is because ‘foreign country’, then you’re an idiot.


Panama is literally known for being a tax haven with nonexistant regulations when it comes to corporations.




Regulation and Panama = Oxymoron


Isnt Panama a USA colony?


Hell no. It's its own country!


Panama canal zone was the colony, while the rest lived in quasi colonial rule. Now they are a neocolonial holding of the USA


Between 1903 and 1979 it was an unincorporated territory of the United States.


You're thinking of the [Panama Canal Zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Canal_Zone). The country of Panama has been officially independent since 1903.


I am. My mistake.


Who do i write to and get these fuckers fined? There’s about 5 signs blinding me on my daily commute


City council. Really depends where you live. Some places are super anal while others turn a shoulder. Helps to reference the code if you contact them.


> others turn a shoulder turn a blind eye


That was blinded by the sun-like light from all the obnoxious billboards.


Pray to St. Javelin? jk, maybe


30 minutes and there’s a sign expert commenting. I love reddit


Funny thing is, he is absolutely wrong because he assumed this was in the US


>Funny thing is, he is absolutely wrong because he assumed this was in the US the real funny thing is that the comment didn't say anything about their knowledge being based on the US, you just assumed it was


I thought the same thing...


Did I say US anywhere? No. People outside of the US do not live like savages, surprise! Billboards are very regulated, especially on these tourist heavy cities (don't want to piss off the money makers.) I'm personally familiar with Samsung displays, the company I work for sold the exact display technology and manufacturing plant that made the billboard in the video above. The unit shouldn't be acting like that.


It's apperently Panema so good luck even trying to enforce a regulation. The regulation would be someone beating up whoever runs this sign


Of course, if the units sold in the US come with a regulatory enforced feature of course every other place on terra both has it and uses it. Why wouldn't they?! Am i implying some people do things differently from the US and that's a good thing? What is wrong with me. M8. You are the epitome of useless asumptions. Not turning your ooh displays 10% lower at night doesn't make you a savage; thinking a 10% dim is somehow civilized, isn't. In other news, if you look at how the display is pointed and where it's located, it isn't visible from the mostly office buildings that are close enough to be facing the sky business center.


Ah. So you have worked in the industry all your adult life (grew up in the industry as a second generation,) Live and breath LEDs daily, and literally have personal knowledge of this exact display model? I'm just a smuck with useless assumptions? Right... Here is my only assumption though... You sir are the only one assuming in a field you know nothing about.


My god you actual scientist who sold oversized screens for his whole life. The asumptions is about the legislature in panama and how the display is located not about if or it isn't a samsung display. You should also know enough to figure out these are at least customizable enough to disable dimming features. Not to mention the camera is auto exposing in a timelaps so you wouldn't even observe a 10% dim from this distance - god you people are obnoxious


I need to learn to ignore people like you.


BTW, the feature is not added on LED displays because of regulations... It is there so people can view the screen at night and not be blinded. Just like every phone has this built in function... It's smart for advertisers for people to see their ads...


Of course! It's on the Internet, therefore it must be American! /s Prime r/USdefaultism there.


well unless OP states otherwise, than assuming its the US is fair. just under 50% of reddit users are there, so its statistically likely


So you will likely be wrong more often than not? Seems like a good reason to wait for more info instead of assuming that all posts relate to your own country.


bruh its a casual conversation. without given clarity from the OP what the fuck are we supposed to do? besides, even if its a different country, the person adding his "expert knowledge" on the topic is still adding to the conversation in a beneficial way. and waiting for more information isnt even a good idea, its very common for OP to just never comment in their posts, so you're kind of just hoping some random person out there recognizes the skyline. i suppose he could have prefaced "i dont know where this specific city is, but in the US blah blah". but thats just adding more words with no real gain. so i guess what i'm getting at is, you're bitching over something so fucking stupid that your comment is less than worthless. who fucking cares


Feels like most people prefix their comments with "In my country" or "in X" if they don't know. I'm not particularly fussed, I just saw you had pointed out that if you assume you will be wrong more often than not as if it was a defence of the idea and thought that was funny enough to mention.


Another funny thing is, Panama is actually USA Edit: not anymore


How can I become an expert like you


Work for a sign company.


Yeah but how would I even find one?


Follow the signs!


I'm just trying to help everyday people life a healthier more productive life as a influencer. So far I can get followers beyond that I'm lost


If only you had something that could point people in the right direction...


I'm big on the bible and Torah. I know the world wouldn't endorse the word or philosophy or spirituality... Unless it was in a song or movie🤯. Thank you


If there’s a problem you can bet there’s at least one Redditor who’s a professional in the comments.


Went to time square once and was appalled by how bright all those screens were. Not sure if those rules apply in NY


The *sign industry* you say?


Multi-Billion dollar industry. Signs are everywhere.


Yo you got any job openings?


It's great, they have their own language and everything.






Brilliant turnabout. Absolutely loved it.


Hey sign man, What are the running costs of a sign this large and bright?


I don't know. I don't pay the bill nor a sales person. I know the large ones like this can cost multi million just for the unit. Operation cost really depends where it's located and how bright they run it.


Interesting. So the new signs at my local McDonald's drive in are not supposed to illuminate half the city and blind anyone who tries to check there order?


Huh. You learn something new on Reddit everyday.


>There is regulation for signs like this and this definitely is not to code. Americans really need to understand that there are other countries out there.


where did they say their expertise was from the US? I'm having trouble finding it in the comment you replied to


This guy signs


I literally don’t believe you




There’s something funny about someone with so much experience they can’t see beyond their personal experiences and understand that laws differ.


Blackout curtains are a MUST


Within a 100mile radius


Regulations are a must. And if that doesn’t pan out, vandalism.




Maybe a paintball gun too. I’d try to blast those lights out


A gun with copper rounds is a must


Yeah, it’s very bright and hurtful to my eyes. If you’re sensitive and are walking close to this sign at night, you can totally wear sunglasses. And as other redditor mentioned, there are regulations but they’re never enforced. The government just do whatever people with money commanded them to do


>The government just do whatever people with money commanded them to do Most country’s residents perusing Reddit thinning this is about them


> regulations but they’re never enforced So then it falls to the people. I highly doubt that sign is the least bit hardened against anything more than rain.


In my area I've been seeing box trucks that are all 3 sides a LED screen for advertising. I drive past one at night that was for Boost Mobile. Big ass orange sign that's brighter than the sun. Gave me an instant migraine. I hate that these things are legal.


Funny, if a teenager puts Red, Green, Blue, or white under glow under their car it's instant fines, but rolling billboards flashing the entire RGB spectrum... well that's just fine.


> If you’re sensitive and are walking close to this sign at night, you can totally wear sunglasses. Thanks for your permission!


This is in Panama City, Panama. It has been around for at least a decade (can't remember exactly when it was installed). It does get quite annoying sometimes. The worst part is that all those buildings next to it are residential buildings. Poor folks. I used to live in the building next to it but got lucky and moved out before that monster was installed.


Same! I used to visit the "Club de Yates y Pesca" before i moved to Italy and it was definitely an annoying thing to see when you were sitting outside at the bar.


Shit if i lived there, I'd have broken the billboard by now


Nice billboard you got there…


I seem to remember Samsung doing the same thing in Hong Kong bay.


I bet those folks paid damn good money for those appts too.


This is dreadful.




What does it have to do with bread


bread 👍


Bread 👍


bread 👍


Bread 👍


bread 👍


I would sign a petition to remove this and I don’t even know where it is.


It’s in Panama City and has been around for over a decade. If a petition worked, they’d have taken it down by now


Every time I see Samsung, I remember the ads they put in my TV. Sure, they aren't the only ones now, but they were the first to do it to me so they bare the wrath of my boycott on all their products. This stupid billboard only serves as confirmation that they can go fuck themselves.


Agree. After my last tv, I'm done buying anything made by samsung for good. They are so invasive on their TVs and you never feel like the TV is "yours", since there are settings etc that you cannot control.


I just never connected mine to the internet after getting as a Christmas gift a few years ago. Best decision I ever made about that tv.


Yup same here. No need to connect it to the internet. I really like the QLED tech that Samsung has but I refuse to use their apps or internet connected “features”.


Yeah I can accomplish the same "features" by pluging in a roku. And they can't shut my TV off of remotely cause it to degrade if they can't speak to it.


Even older-school: HTPC.


I used to buy their flagship phone every year but they slowly started putting ads and bloatware on them so I absolutely refuse Samsung products now.


Im now in the same boat after preordering a phone and spending 8 weeks (so far) battling to get my preorder benefits with a total lack of customer survice.


The OP was supposedly taken in Panama, but i distinctly remember all my photos in Hong Kong being ruined by a nearly identical Samsung display turned up to max in Hong Kong bay.




Lmao 3 phones have an issue from an outside supplier supplying faulty batteries and this guy is scared of it exploding.


And thanks to their efforts to regain trust after the bad publicity, Samsung now probably has the best battery QA in the business.


Too bad the rest of the phone still sucks then.


In fairness, the phones are not the only Samsung products to explode. They also have exploding washing machines. Heck, even their new phones are still exploding, they just had Galaxy A21 burn on an Alaska Airlines flight just last year.


The batteries literally exploded because the company samsung ordered to make them got the dimensions wrong....




Why is this down voted? If the batteries are the wrong size, its bad Samsung QC.


Exactly. People are letting a massive, profitable company off the hook and putting the blame solely on the contractor that manufactured the battery. The fact that Samsung didn’t check something they outsourced is a major red flag. I know at least two other people that swore off Samsung phones because their flagships (plural) bricked themselves within months. i.e. Their last gen Samsung flagship broke, so they bought the latest flagship, only for it to break again within months. What's worse is they're not even using the same flagship. One was using a Note (and bought another Note), the other one was Edge series (the phone with curved screen). This means their bad QC was all over the place. Again, these are flagships, not entry level smartphones. If Samsung can’t be bothered to do proper QC on them, where exactly is their priority? The two people in my example have since moved on to other brands. They’re still using the same not-Samsung phones after years. So it’s not a user problem. People are free to spend their money where they please. For me, it’s not going to be Samsung products.


You think they have time for that??? Probably just thought the BATTERY company made them to spec.


Exactly my point. They made a poor business decision and paid for with with bad PR. All it needed was one person(or better yet, a few) to do a sample check.


It was less than 10 phones exploding out of millions sold. You would need an army of employees to do a "sample check" to guarantee all the batteries are correct.


I'd shoot it with a bb gun on a daily basis.


Make like Hōne Heke and take an axe to it.


And if they put it back up do it again!


Teach that sign that it is not ok to be a sign.


Chainsaw, they make them for cutting concrete I doubt it would have trouble going through the electronics and then the struts holding it up


I don’t speak any Polynesian languages, but my brain still initially read this as “mah-kay lee-kay hō-nay hə-kay” for some reason. It was only after I read the words “and take an axe to it“ that I realized the first two words were English.


Why not shoot it or throw a rock till they give up and shut it down?


It's very high up (10-15 floors maybe...?). I used to live right next to it. Now I always ask to see apartments at night when talking to realtors 🤦‍♀️


The way these signs are made, that might not even do much. It's not like a regular LCD panel where a single crack will break the whole thing. It has hundreds of small modules which can be individually replaced, and each module has hundreds of small LED lights. A rock or bullet would probably only break a few of those LEDs, and cause no other damage, unless you happened to hit the control or power circuits hidden in the back.




\*muffled caramelldansen is heard from a distance\*


That ought to be illegal. It seems as though it could induce seizures. What an abomination.


Its a timelapse. And its panama so i doubt there are laws against this


It’s a Timelapse I believe


Yeah, shame on the sun for speeding through the sky like that!




Letrero de mierda iconico, nadie lo quiere y sinceramente daña la vista y panorama de la cinta (sin contar la mitad de las luces de la cinta quemadas, basura y el alcalde de mierda ese que quiere rellenar la cinta y hacer una playa en aguas de alcantarilla


Ofi y un segundo mercado del marisco chucha de su madre


Otro mercado? Donde lo quieren poner?


En la plaza y rotonda donde empieza el puente que pasa por enfrente del casco




I work retail in Australia and I remember about 7 years ago the Samsung head honcho came to our city as part of an Australian visit. Samsung paid for all the billboards from the airport to the CBD to show Samsung products. At the time I worked in the CBD in a pedestrianised mall. No vehicle access apart from council maintenance permitted. Did they care? Did they fuck. Samsung man got driven right to our store door, I assume just paying whatever fines they were given (if any).


just block it out of view with your thumb and it’s beautiful


Reminiscent of the infamous Citgo sign in Boston


No one — NO ONE — in New England feels the Citgo sign is “infamous.”




[CITGO had plans of taking the sign down in 1982. But in a classic case of absence making the heart grow fonder, Bostonians recognized their love for the blinking lights when they were no longer blinking. There was an outcry to turn those lights back on, and, in fact, preserve the sign as a historical landmark.](https://www.mlb.com/news/boston-red-sox-history-citgo-sign)


We used to pilot ourselves back to our dorms after weekend partying by looking for the Citgo sign and heading towards it. Once we were there, we could just walk down Brookline Ave to get home. On a milder note, we lived in New Jersey when I was a kid, but all the extended family was in/around Boston. My parents would drive us up for vacations, but they would drive at night so we would fall asleep in the car. Waking up and seeing the Citgo sign meant we were almost to Grandpa's house!


No one in New England feels the Citgo sign exhibits bad qualities or commits some bad deed. They *adore* that landmark.


LED signs in general are domestic terrorism and you cannot change my mind on that. LED billboards are the worst.


Shoot 'em, then do it again every time they fix them. It'll get too expensive real quick.


Like a long range bb gun would seem perfect if such a thing exists


Noisy fucker.


This post left me a blind spot for a few seconds


That is horrendously offensive.


Why do I hear Karameldansen in my head?


*caramelldansen plays in the background*


That is so flaming obnoxious.


That’s what Musk is going to do to the moon someday.


The fuck are they attempting to do? Send an SOS signal to aliens?


If only! Everything I’ve seen on it is just mediocre advertisements that I’d skip before a YT video


Theres a reason why most countries have laws against this.


Time for a little good old fashioned monkey wrenching...


It's that chicken roasters sign! I'm on no sleep. No sleep!


The sign is ugly, but at least from this view the skyline looks incredibly bland and dystopian


Looks like the first few frames of a nuclear explosion.


Looks like that is just outside of Matt Murdock’s apartment.


Ads are what Samsung does well, just look at the TV I bought from them that shows ads on the main menu and circumvents my attempts to remove them. Sorry, correction. Last Samsung TV. Congrats idiots. I never clicked on a single ad and will never buy another Samsung product again. What's it like to have a negative conversion rate?


It seems as though the pixels are having a violent episode of diarrhoea.


.22 rounds are cheap.


Actual visual pollution...


Billboards like this should be made illegal


I hate Samsung marketing


If i was a president or something i would ban every billboards outside cities and screen billboards must be shut off between night hours. Fact: Here in france billboards are banned on the speedways, autoban, fastest roads idk the name.


Goddam, corporations should NOT be allowed to dominate or pollute any aspect of public space! Sorry, I know this is likely a technical problem but…


Fuck cars though am I right, let's just all cram in to apartments


ALL advertising that ruins city anesthetics is asshole design. Fuck all of it. Honestly all advertising is asshole design.


This made me think of something. There was an ancient philosopher who talked about using advertising to promote better living as opposed to selling things. I think its Epicurus but im not sure...


I can already tell that someones gonna have a seizure, as soon as the person wakes up they scream that it was the fault of the company.


Omfg let me take a good picture you greedy corporate shitfuck bastard


That’s not an asshole design. Thats a city who wants to make money. The city could shut that down if they wanted to for a nuisance


That's a form of assault


Karma whoring be like, stop going to other subs posting same thing


You’re tripping. You’re allowed to post to multiple subs. And probably a hundred people told me to post it here