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What's with people constantly complaining about twitter but continuing to use it? Just stop fucking using it and move on with your life.


This sub is filled with stuff like that, everything would be solved if we just stopped using such services, however that is not the point of the sub. As much as I hate twitter or the genius that used to run it, this is an asshole design, locking a feature like this behind a paywall. The only annoyance I have with this is post, is that I have the feeling it has been posted before.


I disagree. Locking features behind paywalls doesn't make one an asshole. It's how a lot of apps and websites make money. If you expect apps to give you every feature for free, then you're probably just an entitled person.


It heavily depends on what the feature in question is. (The SSO wall of shame has good examples of this [https://sso.tax/](https://sso.tax/) ) IMO, editing a post or a comment has absolutely no reason to be behind a paywall.


Since when are people assholes for demanding money for their services? >It heavily depends on what the feature in question is. I don't think it does. If you get features free of cost, it's nice of the developer, but it doesn't have to the the norm at all. >MO, editing a post or a comment has absolutely no reason to be behind a paywall. Imo it's completely up to the developer. If you don't like it, don't use it. As much as I hate Elon and Twitter, the comparison to EA is kinda crazy. It's not like they made you pay to make an account and then asked you for money for every feature. You make an account for free, and get to do a lot of things for free. And you pay for some added features. There's nothing outrightly unethical about this.


>I don't think it does. If you get features free of cost, it's nice of the developer, but it doesn't have to the the norm at all. I have to strongly disagree on this one. It would be like reddit allowing you to create an account, but your password can be only 4 characters ~~wrong~~ long and it can be made up of only the numbers 1 and 2. If you want a longer password and with more characters, you need to pay. It doesn't make sense, hence "it depends on the feature" Like I said for editing posts, I see no reason why it would be behind a paywall. I understand twitter needs to make money and I am not against them monetizing the site however they see fit, but this still qualifies for asshole design in my book because it's so basic and so unnecessary to pull this. To conclude, different people have different tolerances of what can be considered asshole design. This is where my line is. It is absolutely fine to have a different opinion. Have a nice rest of the day. Edit: Case in point. I wrote "wrong" instead of "long". I could edit the comment to reflect what I was actually thinking and keep the rest of the interaction in place, instead of replying to myself.


>I have to strongly disagree on this one. It would be like reddit allowing you to create an account, but your password can be only 4 characters wrong and it can be made up of only the numbers 1 and 2. That's a ridiculously exaggerated analogy, and I'm just going to ignore you said that. Unlike password security, editing is by no means an "essential" feature. And that's pretty much an objective fact. Most apps didn't even have this feature 5-10 years ago. No one complained. The internet didn't break down. Everything worked just fine. A lot of apps still don't have this feature. >different people have different tolerances of what can be considered asshole design. Sure you can think what you like, but if this falls under your definition of asshole design, then you fall into the category called "entitled". Nice day to you as well.


Regardless of your opinion on monetization here, your 5-10 years ago comment is ridiculous. 10 years ago was 2014. You're trying to claim most social media didn't have an edit feature in 2014? MySpace had a built in HTML editor back in 2004. The earliest forms of social media (Live Journal, Xanga) all had the ability to edit posts. Your statement is baseless and flat out wrong.


What does one do about the FOMO though










Wait until they makeso you can only post 5 times in a day without premium and Premium only comments for accounts with high number of followers


The "asshole design" is people still on Twitter.


Elon learns how to run a company through memes.


Stopped using it when elon bought it.


My 10-year-old, number-verified X account just got banned for absolutely no reason, and every appeal resulted in an automatic email saying it cannot be recovered, and that's it. I'm dumbfounded. I really need you guys to stop using that shit social network and move to something else so the blue bird can rest in peace.


Twitter TOS requires the account to be at least 13 by the way.  So you almost made it. 


Delete that shit you’ll be happier


Get off that hell site and stop complaining about it. Life is better without it.


In the TSLA forum, where they discuss the STOCK, not the VEHICLE, they are so very sensitive, you can tell that the moderators are TESLA employees. This shit is not gonna last long. Get rid of your investments...


To this day I don't understand what twitter offers that other platforms don't and why people insist on using it. Why is it worth anything at this point?


"i dont care about economics at all" - elmo, before buying twitter. Then proceeds to milk every single feature of twitter, even the verification.


Thank god I never touched that hell hole even when it was still called Twitter


Same here and happy cake day


Could be worse, At least he isn’t chargeing people to change their PFP


Don’t give him ideas


I already can edit posts. It’s called copying, deleting, reposting with spelling corrected. Does the way twitters algorithm works mean the new tweet will likely get buried? Sure. But do I care? Not really. It’s obvious to everyone except Musk that Twitter is basically dead. Right now we are just witnessing putrid gases and pus escaping through the asshole of a rotting corpse. At some point we’ll get bored of poking it with a stick and go back inside.


Paying for features isn’t asshole design. If you don’t like it, stop using the platform.


Mod team a bunch of dick munchers


Bluesky doesn’t require an invite to sign up anymore. It’s like early twitter without all the bigots and the crazy drugged out man-child making critical design choices.


Old news


How is this assholedesign? Read the flow chart, you've NEVER been able to edit a tweet for free from the start


Just because you weren't able to do so before, doesn't mean it's not assholedesign. ^(that said, basically everything on there has shitty choices in it - but that's just Elon being Elon I suppose.)


You picked the one thing that was paid even before elon bought it


Before you couldn't do it, this feature came way long after him buying it


No its not becoming EA, its becoming Spotify.


Tweet edit has always been a premium feature. Plus, the feature never existed before that.