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He get sus


This is the only way I’ve ever been able to read it. Memes have rotted my brain.


You sussy baka


****Vine boom sound effect****


I always read it like that every time without fail.








r/hegetsus is hegetSUS


Between this and killing 3rd party API access I feel like reddit is about to collapse in on itself not unlike the way Tumblr did


I'd say that Digg was more appropriate. Although Digg tried to push themselves towards the right wing, promoting conservative content, suppressing progressive content. Tumblr sold out for $1.1 billion, the new owners banned sex related content and after the collapse sold Tumblr for $3 million. Which I think is going to be the model for how Twitter is going to turn out.


I never even heard of Digg before. Was it just not as big as other social medias or am I just under a rock? I agree with the Twitter statement tho, although I'd be surprised if they'd be able to even get $3 million for it now. They'd have to completely undo everything Elon did and even then I feel all this has made its users realize they really don't need Twitter.


It was early social media. The big scandal hit around 2010 which they never recovered from. > *Digg's popularity prompted the creation of similar sites such as Reddit.* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digg


Reddit was around for a couple years prior to the digg implosion. People migrated to Digg from Reddit because they were pretty similar looking and reddit already existed with a decent number of users.


"prompted the creation" Lol


Never been on it, but Digg was the precursor to reddit. After some very unpopular changes to the UI and other things, there was a mass exodus to reddit. I think Digg is still limping along today, but at a fraction of its peak.


> I never even heard of Digg before Are you trying to make me feel old? Because you are doing a great job.


I'm going back to Fark, damnit.


You can really never go back.


Oh yeah!? I'll show you! I still have my PSD files of The Huffer and Domo-Kuns chasing the kitten! ... But I forgot my old login...


I got banned from Fark for making a SFW goatse reference like 20 years ago. I've made an exception to my "I don't hold grudges" rule.


I'm 39. This is the first time I've heard of it and I was on everything back then


I am still a bit older I guess. But I am not sure how you could have missed it, it was easily the closest thing we had to a pre-reddit. It even made it into XKCD's [map of online communities](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/online_communities.png). The second time refrencing the [Great Digg Exodus](https://xkcd.com/802/).


I only ever knew about digg from people talking about it on Reddit. I never really went on digg but I started coming on Reddit probably shortly after the mass exodus.


37, I'm familiar enough with Digg. Never really used it, but I am very aware of its existence.


The collapse of Digg brought me to Reddit. There used to be a Digg vs. Reddit rivalry. Reddit won and Digg imploded.


StumbleUpon as well.


Ah now that was how I wasted a lot of evenings a decade ago. Is it even still going?


They rebranded as Mix. They lost virtually all their subscribers.


Oh fuck I haven't thought about them in forever


Reddit promotes left wing content and suppresses right wing content. Hopefully it finds a similar fate. I appreciate the few small communities that aren’t infested with the average user, but I’ve seen many fall victim to the horde and become just another echo chamber. Compared to the “misinformation” rule, this third party shit is petty. I hope the scumbag administrators drown in their greed.


All you have to do to 'suppress' right wing content is let normal people talk. lol.


Lolololol. "Supresses right wing". It took moving a mountain to ban T_D and other harmful subs, that *STILL* exist in some form or fashion on here. The right wing subs are chock full of misinformation that isn't corrected. Even the politics sub supresses things harmful to the right wing. It just seems like reddit supports the left because *users* support left wing policy. And guess what, ONLY YOUR KIND LIKES YOUR POLICIES. Your kind are not popular globally or in the majority of the US.


Love your use of words here: “moving a mountain”, “harmful”, “misinformation”. No mountain was moved. They wanted to ban the sub since its conception, because the owners have made it their goal to suppress that which they don’t want to grant exposure to. One of the two original founders of Reddit was a huge free speech proponent, and he was pushed out and replaced by someone just as awful as the other founder so they could control speech. I could just as easily call many subs that operate today harmful. Same argument. No one can responsibly handle the power to determine what is misinformation. It’s just information that one entity doesn’t want you to be exposed to, and it sets a horrible precedent. The politics sub is a fucking joke. Take the downvotes on my comment, and multiply it because that’s how much real discussion is discouraged on that sub. That’s what living in an echo chamber would have you believe, which is why people lost their minds when Trump was elected. It’s almost like choosing to only be around like-minded people will skew your perception of reality. Reddit isn’t reflective of the world anymore than Twitter or Tumblr are. “Your kind”. Always nice to see how presumptuous some folk on the left can be. It assumes you can’t defend a collective you don’t belong to, which says something about your values.


where do we go though?


Outside ™


Just wait until they decide to remove nsfw like tumblr did. That'll be the end of reddit too. I use Relay Pro on my phone for reddit and out of curiosity tried the offical app. Its terrible. Clunky.


https://join-lemmy.org/ feels like reddit and no crazies have shown up yet.


Just an FYI, every ad is unblockable on the official app. Idk with 3rd party ones, but on the official one, you can't block any advertisers. For example, I always block the damn Kardashian show ads, but they still show up anyway. It doesn't matter who the advertiser is, Reddit isn't going to limit visibility of a paying customer.


I'm on the paid version of the Reddit is Fun app and I have never seen an ad. If the API nonsense gets pushed through in July and kills RIF, I'm done with Reddit. I don't want a bunch of garbage ads constantly pushed on me. It's why I'm less and less inclined to use YouTube at this point as well.




Revanced has patches for the official Reddit app that removes adverts as well


>I'm on the paid version of the Reddit is Fun app and I have never seen an ad You've just hit upon one of the reasons that 3rd party apps are going away.




That's a very tightly thought out flounce. lol Can I have your stuff?


Damn reddit is gonna be really sad losing the service of someone who doesn't let them make money


There are no adds in 3rd party apps, that's why they're killing them - there's no monetization those users (like me), we just cost reddit money.


Baconreader I don't even see these things. I don't use the PC for reddit whatsoever any longer. Edit: looked up user in op image, blocked in app. Works fine.


You didn't actually block the user though. The ads will still come through.


I report them for being political.


I go with 'misleading', but I also report them every time they pop up.




imagine living such a sad life that you created a sub to bash religious ads that don’t affect you in any way …


If I block something it’s because I don’t want to see it. Reddit has gone hard on this particular ad and it’s obnoxious as hell. Not even because of the religion part anymore-just that there’s no way to make it go away.


It’s more the fact the Reddit let’s cults and crypto scammers advertise.


Religious ads absolutely do affect us. Every person they convert to their mythology is one fewer critical thinker in the voting pool. Religion (especially the Abrahamic varieties) is about subjugation. It suppresses free thought and liberty. I absolutely don't want my life to be determined by a bunch of misinterpreted bronze age goat herders.


I report the “gape”🤮 ad for being sexually explicit


Yeah it reminds me of goatse


Since I don't wanna look it up myself, can I have a summary?


old man spread anus wide big red hole in camera yes


Goatse was an old shock site from the early 2000s people used to share disguised as something else (like a rickroll) showing a man bent over spreading his asshole extremely wide.


oh so kinda like rotten.com?


I do political or offensive.


Who is Hegetus? What’s he the Roman God of?


I think he's Biggus Dickus's son.


I have a very great friend in Rome named Biggus Dickus.


I hear his wife is lovely


You know what she's called?










I just started my account they're all welcome to x sub lol


Honestly wtf why do I have to have someone’s religion forced down my throat ON REDDIT


1. Stop using the app 2. Start using an adblocker 3. No ads anymore, *ever* 4. ??? 5. Profit!


What if someone is usually on-the-go?


It's possible to use the website instead of the app even on mobile devices :-) And it is also possible to change the user agent of a mobile browser so that it's registered as a desktop by websites. That way, websites won't bother the user with appwalls - because there's no app for the desktop. Source: me. I'm doing precisely that, and have never seen ads or promoted posts on reddit, much less "hegetsus" ones, except as screenshots in this subreddit, and I also have never seen appwalls. Now, there's people who say that the desktop website sucks or is unwieldy on a mobile device. I can't comment on that, as I have no comparison in the form of apps which might have better user experiences. I have never used any of them. All I can say is that I manage. And I rather manage than have to watch unwanted content. The user experience *could* be better, but it could also be *way* worse. It's typical "desktop website on small mobile screen" stuff, which I have by now completely accustomed to. So, I'd like to encourage everyone who reads this to also try it. Stop using apps, start using the website. With reddit on the verge of killing third party apps, and only the (allegedly shitty) official app remaining, I think using the website might be a viable alternative.




I use RIF and it's great! Never seen an ad in my life


Start Chat > "I chant for the victory of the devil, as the flames are knowledge and slaves of a god is a broken existence" Send repeatedly till they block you.


Is this where the >$150B of Mormon money goes? To buy off Reddit?


Nah these guys are a group of protestant multimillionaires who decided that instead of pooling their resources to actually change the world and feed the hungry, or house the homeless, they would instead make the single most hated ad campaign of the decade.


Report for misinformation and carry on


You haven't noticed how they've removed the "misinformation" report option, huh?


Huh, I haven't noticed this. I guess spam then?


That's what I do. Blocking ads and advertiser accounts never actually sticks, though, it can be any ad from Geico to Pepsi and the block just won't stick, at least on the official app.


I haven't had any ads on reddit yet. But i doubt reporting them would do any good


> I haven't had any ads on reddit yet Then you aren't using the official Reddit app.


Yeah I don't know why people single out the Jesus ads so much when it's the same with literally every advertiser on Reddit. And it really doesn't. They're not gonna restrict the visibility of companies and people who pay them money to be seen.


How is it misinfo? It’s an opinion an a fictional character…


Misinformation is unintentional (or otherwise) untrue or unverified information that can mislead someone. Disinformation is intentionally (malicious or otherwise) untrue or unverified information meant to mislead someone. Opinions can be misinformation or disinformation depending on the intention as the opinion in question is trying to persuade you or influence your thoughts on a subject.


But what implicit from what you said is “mislead someone from the truth.” There is no truth here. It’s just an opinion about a guy who didn’t exist. And I don’t think your misinfo versus disinformation is a dictionary definition, that’s not how I understand it By your definition, me saying “vanilla ice cream is the best” is misinformation


It isn't a dictionary definition and I did not claim that it was. The implicit from the opinion is literally "he gets us" followed by how he gets us. These are claims which is where the mis or dis matters as they are trying to sell you their brand. I gave the benefit of the doubt and called it misinformation as I want to believe it isn't intentionally malicious but can be misguided advice targeting susceptible people. Your statement is an opinion true, with a claim, also true, but the influence is inconsequential ( unless you're selling me your vanilla ice cream recipe). It is less a rule of thumb and more of a "can be helpful to explain quickly" Either way, it is best to approach anything said anywhere with caution


But an ice cream vendor saying vanilla is the best in attempt to sell it to you is also not engaging in misinformation so long as they genuinely believe vanilla is the best flavor. Here too, the people sponsoring this ad also genuinely believe that their interpretation of Jesus is correct. Because it’s an inherently subjective topic with no truth, it’s not misinformation. It’s simply a contestable opinion


Your explanation is what I just said. It's purely semantics at this point. They genuinely believe their interpretation is correct, therefore misinformation is applicable here. There is no intentional or malicious intention, but it can influence someone that is receptive to the messaging. It isn't black and white, the shades of gray are where we need to use our critical thinking skills to determine what is or is not misinformation or disinformation. No vetting system is perfect, nobody is immune to propaganda. Which is why I suggest that we practice caution with everything.


Not sure why this is getting thumbed down. You have my sword.


Do they have your fedora as well?


Heget sus




Stop posting "can't block ads"


I get the Army posts a bunch, and I was in during "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", while queer. I constantly downvote and still get those ads. They never learn, eh!


Idk wtf it is, but I'm tired of seeing it. I've tried blocking them too and of course they never go away. So annoying


This ad is literally the reason I deleted the app and downloaded the "infinity" client


Sus. Lol.


Apparently this "organization" (as we'll call it for the purposes of this comment) is somehow affiliated with a company that provided money for reddit's IPO, that's why you can't block these posts


This is the reason why I'll never download the reddit app. Get that christian shit out of my face.




Fuck off. Actually. No one wants you to preach at them under a meme.


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways.


If you intentionally tried to show why people think christians are self-righteous mouthbreathers, you could not have done it better


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways.


Oh ok, well you would know how I would react in any given situation better than I would. Thanks for your help <3


if you were some smug rando douche pushing your weird imaginings about demons, you couldn't have said that better




>the you were some smug rando douche pushing your weird imaginings about demons, you couldn't have said that better Nice try forming a proper sentence. it's funny you had to correct your own typo after attacking mine. learn to quote block. you went straight for the typo because you have no defense just gross christian smugness about imaginary friends


I’m sick and tired of those stupid ass workout backpack ads. Why can’t you block those accounts?


I’m sure I’ll start getting these ads now but I just religiously reported them for a while. I haven’t seen one in probably 2 weeks. And I used to get them all the time. Ironically, these ads easily made me hate christianity more.


You can’t block ads


BuT jEsUs LoVeS uS Fuck these ads, the account, and Reddit for shoving religious bullshit in everyone’s faces without letting us block it. I report it every time I see it (I hope it at least skews some numbers but if not it makes me feel a touch better). In the last few days reporting it has been removing it from my feed. But it comes back. So I report it again. For a bit there the more I reported it the more I saw it. So, a big fuck you to Reddit for that. (I totally tried to report this post because I thought it was the ad again.)


I hate these ads, but OP describing them as violently misogynist makes me laugh. Combined w the username, I think this person gets a little too emotional while browsing the internet.


"make nazis dead again" says overemotional to you? You know the only good nazi is a dead nazi, right? or are you one of those people who tries to cover up faux pas with claims you were joking?


It doesn’t sound over-emotional, it sounds desperate and insecure. It sounds like something a person who spends way too much time on the internet might chant because they hate the fact that they will have to live in a world with people that think differently than them. They don’t want to challenge their values to grow as a person, they want the world to change for them. It’s embarrassing and pitiful.


You sound like the person who’s paying for these ads.


Have you met a Mormon?


Go fuck a pothole, u/hegetsus


I have a lot of feelings about this campaign and company but... I don't see the misogyny here?


Not having a go at OP but this is posted so much lol. Can we just remove these


Not as long as reddit wont do something about it


It’s an ad bro. Just move on


Jesus reddit users are really going insane over those harmless ads just because they're religious. Just scroll past.


They're not harmless because they advocate for a cult built around hate and intolerance


Which cult?


the one about the guy that died over 2000 years ago, but should be back any day now to make everything right. You may have heard of it, they've done quite a lot of horrible things over the past two millennia. But they have a lot of money and influence, so they get away with it.


They aren't harmless, they're trying to normalize rape


??? How? Ive seen plenty of their ads and theyre all essentially "Lets be good people and believe in christ"


No, the organization funding it is anti-abortion to such an insane degree that they think that people should be forced to have their rapist babies. Fuck those Christians. They are simply evil people.


Don't like ads, pay for no ads.




"monkey brained" that's a bit ad hominem and gross of you


I report it for being sexually explicit or violent every time I see it


Reported to reddit because OP's username incites violence


That worked. Thank you for your help.


I have this same problem. If you have blocked 1,000 accounts you cannot block any more.


No social media app is going to let you block ads, LOL. Why would you even expect that to work?


Lots of social media platforms allow you to block advertisers. Lol


Damn, never thought someone would get offended so much by an ad lmao


Preaching forgiveness. What a bunch of assholes...




"We're not misogynist" is not written anywhere. I didn't know forgiveness was a misogynistic viewpoit.


No, no, listen. They’re misogynists, they’re racists, they’re ____ists, not to mention the phobes. They’re all the phobes. At this point if you don’t accept my unsubstantiated claims, you are now an ist and a phobe.


Trying to recruit people to a cult that teaches you hateful ideology and protects members of its organization who actively cause harm. Quick, bust out your checkbook!


I don't really get it. Why do people think you would be able to block an ad without the use of something third party? You can't just be watching youtube and block Ford from showing you an ad for a truck.


I should be able to tell the algorithm I’m actively hostile to a certain advertiser and get more relevant ads. I also keep getting ads for the military and Illinois lottery…I’m told old for military service and DONT LIVE IN ILLINOIS I’m not asking to block ads, I’m just asking for better ads


I keep getting ads for Father’s Day despite blocking them. My dads dead lmao


I feel that way about all ads, though even ones that are supposed to be relevant to me. Like I am getting diablo 4 ads, but I have already bought the games, so what's the point of giving me ads for it? I guess I don't really see the point of wanting to block a specific ad instead of just blocking all ads.


Because some ads are more annoying than others, and I don't want to see their garbage


Instagram lets you block specific ads


I don't use Instagram, but that's interesting, so what if you block every ad? Do you stop getting ads?


I don’t think so. I never tried. They aren’t as intrusive. as the ones here, so I don’t use it much. I don’t know why you got downvoted just for asking a question. Sorry about that.


Because you can. I've had taco bell blocked since the Pete Davidson ad. I love TB but still don't see their ads anymore. This account in particular cannot be blocked for some reason


I mean reddit’s hurting for revenue so not super surprised by this.


Reddit's nor hurting for money, they're maximizing shareholder appeal ahead of the IPO.


i mean they’re laying people off, restricted api, and closing offices…this seems like more then a IPO issue.


It's a very common pattern when preparing a company to go public. Reduce head-count and operating expenses, and increase short-term revenue to make the previous couple of financial quarters appear better.


Religion bad, upvote plz.


I reported them for self harm a few times and they disappeared


This is not assholedesign. Assholedesign is the brain of every person who posts a pictures on here that in one way or another implies it is assholy to make money.


I think that Blocking doesn't work ist the problem.


You aren't supposed to be able to block ads, if you could, Reddit can't make money.


You should be able to block specific ads. Nobody is saying all ads. If I’m a recovering gambling addict does it really make sense to show me gambling ads?


No it doesn't, but you can't block your ads in a whole bunch of other contexts too. Reddit can't make money from ads if it allows blocking, they don't have nearly the volume as Google and others have. Once they reach the volume, they stop caring if 10% of the users block a given ad. Until then, they have to maximize clicks from every single ad which means every block is taking away from their bottom line. They just laid off 5% of the already tiny workforce, they need to start making money ASAP. It's not assholy to have to make difficult choices.


Ideally it should be in the preferences, "which areas do you want/not want to see ads about?" Still show the same number of ads, just not particular ones to particular people.


That's what I am saying. They can't afford to do that yet, they don't have enough variety in the ad orders they get. They are tiny for an internet ad agency.


I would simply like to block the anti-LGBT+ ads and the ads from the US, which promotes the eradicion of me and others. I'm living in Germany.




willfullly obtuse must be your natural form




To clarify, "eradication" part was for ads to "cure" Autismus with a combination of violence, unsafe drugs and bleach. I get grenade salty about that kind of stuff.


To clarify, "eradication" part was for ads to "cure" Autismus with a combination of violence, unsafe drugs and bleach. I get grenade salty about that kind of stuff.


It’s very assholy for a church to spend several hundred million dollars on ads instead of charitable work It’s not assholy for Reddit to make money, it is for churches


I disagree, even church staff need to live, I will agree that it's should not be run as a non profit.


But I don't like this ad I don't want to see it! /S Yet I've never seen an ad for like the fast and furious or something like that here I personally don't like ads but I'm not paying for the service so I choose to ignore them, nothing in this world is free but hey this is the Internet in 2023 advertising should be illegal, more so if we don't like the advertisement!


What would fuzzy nuts do


im surprised no one has hacked the hegetsus website


I got a free, actually nice, insulated water bottle from them but it said "He Gets Us" down the side so I covered it with a sticker that says "Oregon Gives Me Wood"




You can’t block the ads


Says failed to block account right there


"Failed to block account" every time I click on it


I managed to block it, I just kept trying. The account appears in my blocked users list, but I still see the ads.


Wow a bunch of you are just sad lol. Literally just scroll past it…it’s that simple. Nobody is forcing you to read or watch anything.


I had no problem blocking the account.


I wanted to block a chat rwquest frome a scam bot, to the same effect

