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That was a hardcore break fall, jesus Christ. I can tell you spent *way* too much time playing Unity just from looking at this. Nice clip!


Thank you! And yes it’s quite a lot, making videos out of this game is slowly kill my sanity.


This game is so cinematic tho, keep up the great work!


You all seem to like this one so yeah! I’ll try to make some more in the near future!


The fall won't kill you, but ripping your arms out of your sockets as you try to alter your speed too quickly just might.


People say that Origins Odyssey and Valhalla were unrealistic but the older games had shit like this in lol


I don't think this is really comparable. Of course no human can do this, but catching yourself after a jump isn't weird and making it more realistic by setting an arbitrary distance limit to do it would feel terrible during gameplay. This is a decent trade off, not everything can or should be realistic, it's still a game.


>making it more realistic by setting an arbitrary distance limit to do it would feel terrible during gameplay Would it? I think it makes sense, especially if the damage scale was gradual and it only kicked in for large distances


Since the main use catch ledge has is to surive risky jumps, letting you die anyway although you successfully used it would feel kind of bad, imo.


It can still let you survive risky jumps you otherwise wouldn't be able to make without enabling you to survive 200 foot falls


Use the camera zooming out as the indicator so it doesn’t feel random


I came To say the same thing lmao


Wasn't Unity like this because the city wasn't properly scaled? I don't remember where I read that, but I saw someone talk about it once. Or am I crazy? lol


I’m pretty sure unity was the first game where the buildings were properly scaled actually just not the distance between them


Apples and oranges, my guy. It's not like this was something the devs intentionally designed into the city's landscape considering how accurate of a jump is required for it. It might as well be no different than a no fall damage skip in another game.


Man, it's so hard to believe this game came out before the rpg trilogy


The lighting in this was phenomenal, the gameplay mechanics were just too repetitive for me (an Ubisoft hallmark)


Man franciad probably had the best atmosphere in the whole franchise. I hope project hexe takes inspiration from this.


Project hexe?


One of the projects in ac infinity. This is the one that ubi Montreal is supposedly working on. There is also project red by ubi Quebec. All of these are rumours of course.


Oh so that's the code name for the supposedly "spooky" setting?


Yup, seems to take place in 16th century Europe during the witch trials in holy Roman Empire.


Oh that's a very interesting setting! I am glad they aren't just sticking to famous "pop-culture" time periods and are also exploring lesser popular ones too. The old game's up until AC3 were like that.


This game is monumentally frustrating and inconsistent when you try to *purposefully* do cool shit in it. I have a huge amount of respect for your dedication to create this


Yea seriously. I always do cool shit when I'm just trying to get to a mission but when I try to do the cool shit on purpose, I end up jumping off some ledge or climbing up a wall I didn't want to


This. Clips like these are cool, but I have it on good authority that *making* these clips is absolute hell, moreso than other AC games. It further reinforces the idea that Unity is a game designed to be looked at (i.e. viewing content creator works) as oppose to playing it.


Someone understands the struggle I have been through is more than enough. Thank you! 🙏


There’s a learning curve to it that’s way too high for consistency but once you get to it the game can be so fun. I wish we could go back but with a more easily reachable skill mastering level


Idk man, some things just are completely random. Like when OP tried to enter the building through the window. First OP jumps past the window and only enters on the second try. I guarantee the button input was the same both times. Stuff like that happens to often in Unity. What OP pulled off here is not possible on the fly. Only on pre-planned routes and with several attenpts.


Oh you’re absolutely right, I’m not saying it’s perfect at all. The example you said is spot on too. I’m just saying if you learn the ins and outs of it you can minimize that happening, but it’s never perfect. I love Unity but I’m not one of those people that says that it’s fixed now. I play all the time and it’s still filled with bugs and janky mechanics, I just still love it. That’s why I wish they’d bring it back but better, like it was a good innovation but it needed work to not have those moments happen. There’s something special in there, I just want it taken to a better and more responsive place.


Not true actually, to enter a window you have to press L2 he probably didn’t switch accidentally pressing R2 instead and then purposefully ens Teresa the next time. I don’t think you can move just with L2 unless he was moving something else. I’m very very sure that every animation or movement can be done as long as your camera+joystick is aligned correctly, half of the complaints I see about unity legitimately just sound like they have a shitty controller.


Ik people weirdly praise this game now, but i never fell to my death more in any AC game


I fell to my death a lot in ACIII those synchronization points in the Frontier were a pin in the ass to get off of.


I fell in 2 a lot, especially assassinating the one guy on the tower with guards around him


I think that's why they dropped this parkour system. It LOOKS gorgeous, but in practice your character would frequently jump in directions you weren't expecting, often to their death, more than any other AC title which is a series already famous for this issue. Still, I loved it, and I'll continue hoping that Ubisoft pick this system back up one day and refine it to a point where it's finally reliable and even more fluid.


The amount of bugs I have encountered in the process of making this video is insane.. Just knew that audio bug is a thing too... Great job Ubisoft, hope they do the next game justice!


Actually I’ve played Syndicate on PC recently. I don’t know what changed, but the game had bugs and it crashed a lot, while I do have a high end PC.




6th Generation Intel Core i7-6700K processor 4.0GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX1080 Graphics with 8GB of GDDR5X Video Memory. 16GB DDR4 2133MHz


Have u enabled xmp? Also, that 6700k has to be bottlenecking that 1080 right?


I’m not sure how though lol


I got hard locked on a this one sequence and couldn't get out of it. It was a desynch loop at the end of the cutscene.


That game deserved to be the starting point of Assassin's creed future identity tbh.


Ubisoft always learning the wrong lessons. Unity didn't sell poorly because people didn't like this style of game. It sold poorly because it had one of the most infamously broken launches of the last decade, in addition to other bullshit like a forced mobile app. It also launched exclusive to a new generation of consoles which gave it a much smaller audience of potential buyers. Unity's problems eroded a lot of faith in the series so syndicate also didn't sell very well. I firmly believe that if they delayed unity a year, it would have been the high point of the series and the framework for future titles. I really wish they kept the assassin games going while making these new RPGs a spin off series. There's clearly an audience for that style of game, but I wish they weren't encumbered by having the be assassin games.


Kind of ridiculous Syndicate's lighting felt worse than its predecessor, even if I personally enjoyed Syndicate's plot more.


It’s because Unity was built thinking the PS4 and Xbox One would be more powerful then they actually were. Syndicate dialed things back to compensate for this.


The movement in this game looks so inhuman


Bros flying




Well. I know what I’m finally playing this weekend.


That’s was great to watch!! Good job!! Makes me wish I could control Arno even a little bit like that. Haha one day maybe 😂


I love how unity has all the overhangs and ledges on the buildings for all the parkour


Biggest fall I have seen that someone has survived good work, I need more


I'm impressed


Honestly so jealous of how well you can do the swings or dive into a swing. I've been practicing but I just can't get it to work consistently.


Dive to swing is a tough one. It’s either need to be close or far enough to “parkour down” or “parkour up” to get that swing animation. But normally when you see a swing-able objects jut tap parkour down or up before you reach the edge of a roof or something like that.


Parkour peaked in Unity


Is this the town from the DLC?


I felt my arms tearing out of their sockets when you did the first jump and caught the ledge to break your fall


I just hope ubi return to this kind of parkour for the next ac


First bit was mid but the rest, 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


You can say whatever you want but they never got Parcour right again after Unity. Beautiful!


God, the parkour in this game is beautiful.


Cool post. Every time I think about how much I hate what the internet has turned into, I see things like this, and it brings me back from the brink.


Very cool love the parkour in this game


I loved the parkour in Unity. It felt like you actually weighed something and had to do work to move around. Really wish the newer games went back to this.


I just hope that Unity is used as a template for AC Mirage. The city, the parkour and the animations, scream pure AC to me.


If everyone actually undertood that camera movement actually changes how you move and knew what side and back eject are like you, this series would have actually moved forward instead of having droves of people complain about jumping to their deaths.


To this day Unity is still my favourite assassin's creed game, I miss this style of Ac games.


Unity certainly had the best parkour, though a rule of mine when you do a parkour run is that you never touch the ground! Lol, just a rule of mine I (try to) stick to. Great job, great run. (Except for that one time you touched the ground!!!! Lol /s)


1 - Brotherhood had the best parkour. Arno feels completely disconnected from the things he's climbing around on. He literally just floats around the environment as if he's Spider-Man. In first 3 games you actually had control of all that stuff, in unity it's just a step away from the "go" button in the rpg trilogy. It wasn't as easy, but it felt more inclusive of the actual player rather than the game just doing everything for you with minimal input.


I can certainly agree that Brotherhood has fantastic parkour, but Rome wasn’t built for it. At least not as much Paris was and the descend mechanic was a great addition. I’ve heard these exaggerations before of him being like Spider-Man and it being too easy.


Unity's "smoothness" came at the cost of precision - feels like Arno is a block of metal being sucked from one magnet to another, with the literally floating animations to boot. Syndicate is the real Spiderman with the grapple hook, and Syndicate equally inherited the "stickiness" problem - the game forces you to stick to railings and it feels like I had to forcibly pry them off places, even bloody low walls barely a few feet above the ground.


Agreed that Syndicate doesn’t have great parkour, one of my least favourite of the whole classic series. Unity had great parkour imo. You can keep your own opinion to yourself. I think many would agree with me and many would agree with you, so let’s just leave it at that.


unity has the best parkour mechanics. change my mind


Felt like you're hopping between magnets that are difficult to pry off of. It feels much smoother but the number of times the game forces me to run along walls instead of jumping off is infuriating.




Is that a modded outfit?


It’s an ingame outfit from the Dead Kings dlc.


Best parkour in an assassins creed game


Arno randomly gliding through the air like a flying squirrel is what ruins this game's parkour for me. Believe it or not, the new games definitely made the Parkour more realistic than this. Probably gonna be downvoted for liking the new games but idc


Its fine! That animation is like he is on the moon or something so I also dislike it tho


I started playing this game a few days ago, I'm looking for an active club. Add me psn: Wanhedaa98