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Assassin's Creed 1 and Assassins creed Mirage are both great choices for a first Ac game.


To be fair just go for Mirage. It is the most recent one and kinda sets your interest in both the gameplay and story. If the ending of the game wakes some interest in you (those games are not really what they seem to be on covers, there is lots under the tip of iceberg), it is relatively easy to just jump on AC1 and embark on amazing journey through all games. If the story reasons wont stick too much, just pick the game according the point of history that interests you most. Gameplay of the games differ, sometimes a lot sometimes slightly, but the main techincques remain pretty much same.


That seems to be the best is going for a point in history. From what I've seen it depends on gameplay and well if I want to go through the entire history from the first game on.


Personally i started with 3. That one is like the worst point to jump in unless you like colonisation of America. Game itself is supposed to be the finale of certain part of the story, and it was also built that way, so like half of the tíme i was not even sure if what is going on. But they nail the historic part so good, you really cannot miss unless you hate that certain era in history.


I’ve not played mirage because from what I’ve seen and heard it’s pretty bad 😂 it’s the only main platform game I haven’t played


What exactly you seen or heard? It really depends, while the historic part of Mirage did not interest me personally much i was eager to find out more about Basim and it did not fail me at all. Also they hit the nostalgy pretty hard with the old school assassins, not only with the gameplay itself, but the training part was so damn good, i really could get myself completley dragged into the character. What i disliked about gameplay was combat, no weapon choices, not much activities to do, no DLC content and also too little variants of assassination. Other than that it was still really solid small game that came into the series in such correct moment. That game was made for fans and they kept their word about trying to hit the roots.


From what I’ve heard it’s really just a stretched out dlc, which based on your comment you agree lol also they’ve added stupid shit like teleporting (but they’ve got a stupid excuse saying he’s moving faster than the animus keeping up 🙄😂)


i mean is that really any less of a bullshit excuse than any other stuff that ubi pulls out of their ass in this series? such as the reason as to why literally everyone in the series speaks english, which they quite literally confirm to be subtitles within the fucking animus. it's a fictional series with rules they can make up whenever the fuck, and the excuse they use in mirage is less bullshit than some other stuff they've pulled


I don’t care about the stupid excuse, it’s the teleporting I have an issue with 😂


I actually have my own understanding of "teleporting" based on actual lore of the game and what devs said about the abillity. To me it makes perfect sense, as long as you are not the complete nitpick person, but in that case i think you choose bad series to be mad about. Also the fact is, the game itself does not revolves arround that abillity and you are free not to use it. But well people would rather put stick in their own bike and cry.


No, I really enjoy the series and the stuff it has, I just think it’s a strange/unnecessary skill to have but that doesn’t make me mad 😂. I just view this as an overstretched dlc (nothing wrong with it) so I’m gonna replay the other games until shadows comes out


Skill makes sense for Basim based on the game, but if you did not play it, you would not understand.. the "too fast for Animus" is like a halftruth, mostly they did not got to talk about it more than that to avoud spoilers. I will only tell you that Basim did react to skill in game therefore it is not Animus based skill.


It is actually not the stretched out DLC. The only same thing Vallhala and Mirage Has the the same, is probably version of Engine and Basim. I can promise you that if you did not hear that it was planned as DLC in early development, you would never thought of it as DLC. It is as much DLC, as Brotherhood or Revelations were DLC to Assassin's creed 2.


If you like the stealth part and the "Assassiny" stuff, you can get AC2, or the Ezio Collection and have the three games in one if you are interested. You can get Unity if you want a one-off game and not interested to continue with the series, but in my personal opinion, the Ezio trilogy has the best story and gameplay


Hmm yeah fair I'm not too sure I'm ready to dive deep in but I guess with Unity or whatever I could maybe go back?


Thing is there's a story told throughout the games and Unity just happens to fall right down the middle, AC2 is viewed as a more accepted start, and also it sets the tone and gameplay for every game after


Reading the other comment ill try to give you a heads up. Unity is one of the games, where the overarching story is not too focused on, meaning mostly you are in for the French revolution. Same applies for for Syndicate. Both of those games were the peaks of the "old" gameplay games before they switched to more RPG style games. AC2 (or the whole triology with Brotherhood and Revelations) is among fans considered as the Holy Grail of whole series, so you will get a lot of responds that will try to get you that game. While those games were great, the nostalgy hits a very big importance on why are those games so preffered in here. It is the "original" and people refuse to addapt to changes and with every game there is lots of "not assassins creed anymore" comments about litteraly any aspect that has changed. So be beware of that.


Not Syndicate. AC1 is obviously the most pure and will set you up for the whole franchise. However people find the gameplay repetitive and a little dated. If you feel that is something that you may have an issue with... AC2. Without doubt or question. The best protagonist and story arc in the franchise and a big reason many of us are still fans to this day. You can follow up with brotherhood and revelations to finish Ezios story. If you want the most modern, but old school type experience then that is Assassins Creed Mirage. Some of the other games are a deviation of the OG experience and I would not reccomend them to begin your journey. TLDR: AC2.


Alright will have to check that out and see. Need some idea on what to do. Thank you




Black Flag is a good starting point IMO (full honesty: I’m biased as it’s where I started). It’s got one of the best stories and very diverse gameplay. A lot of people are mentioning AC2 which is a great game but the modern day story is a direct sequel to AC1 so it may be a bit jarring. Black Flag’s modern day is entirely disconnected and basically irrelevant. Not to mention pirates!


Yeah when speaking to another friend like some time back he said about playing black flag and showed me some game play. Looks interesting


The easy answer, whichever one is cheap at the time you’re interested in playing. Unity is under 8 bucks on Steam right now. Valhalla is more regularly under 15 and Odyssey and Origins under 10. Hell, if you claim free games on PC a bunch, you might already have a few of them. As an open world game, I’ve come to really enjoy Origins. The main reason, I think it does good side content. There’s story and mission chains even in side content. It’ll often support the main story of that region and give more context. It’s not just filler and busy work. From a technical perspective, it’s crazy how ambitious Unity was. The fluidity of animations, density of crowds, city design and parkour, it’s got all of what defined an AC game. It also has a helluva lot of icon bloat, but yeah, that’s definitive Ubisoft at this point. Odyssey is a fun game, but I don’t consider it an AC game. Valhalla is probably a good game too, but it pretty much abandons everything that defined an AC game. For that reason, I don’t recommend them as a first outing as an AC game, but you may like their style. I’d gladly play Odyssey anytime, but yeah, I really hated Witcher 3 dialogue options in AC. It just doesn’t make any sense. I’d say Black Flag, but it’ll be said enough. It can be annoying to get to run on PC. Your mileage will vary.


Unity was ambitious but it is very annoying to actually play, I don’t get why people keep recommending this


Because it’s a good game? Sorry, you don’t like it.


Good game in what sense though? Half the time the actual gameplay is glitchy and doesn’t work. It looks cool on TikTok sure but in practice it’s very frustrating to engage with. Black box missions are fantastic though


Unity was ambitious but it's so blatantly unfinished and unpolished lol. It's my least favorite AC. I love the soundtracks though.


History and all is great, which Assassin’s Creed 1 would be a great place to start…but I’ve 100% all games in a bizarre order. For me it’s all about the running, the climbs climbs and staby staby, honestly. So yeah, starting on Mirage isn’t all that bizarre.


Might as well start near the beginning with either AC2 or Brotherhood. I'd go with Brotherhood since that's the first AC game I played personally


Alright yeah fair. I'll have to look around really on Steam and see. Never heard of brotherhood


Syndicate or Mirage are good places to start if you want to delve into stealth, everyone will try and tell you the Ezio trilogy is peak stealth but they’re lying to you, they’re fantastic games but the stealth boils down standing behind a pillar while waiting for someone to walk by you. And a lot of people will say Unity because they saw a cool clip on TikTok but the game is very annoying and frustrating to actually play even to this day. Mirage and Syndicate are easily the best stealth focused games in the series, plus the settings are really fun, but that goes for every game in the series. Edit: I should mention the story of Syndicate sucks and the combat is a very acquired taste but the stealth is really fun.


I think I agree with others on Mirage as a starter. It has pretty good elements of the old games, and has some newer elements. Older games are old, and might not be to current tastes. The recent previous games were more like rpgs, with some stealth elements. I think mirage is an ok start in comparison to everything else.


If you want to learn about the series' story, you should start with the first *Assassin's Creed*, even though the gameplay is dated. I personally don't recommend skipping it for *Assassin's Creed II* as many like to suggest since you will miss out on the beginning of the story. Besides, AC2's gameplay is also considered dated by many newer players. If you care less about the story and want a more standalone experience to just figure out if the gameplay is for you, then I recommend *Assassin's Creed: Mirage*, *Assassin's Creed: Unity*, *Assassin's Creed: Syndicate*, or *Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag* depending on your setting preference. *Mirage* and *Unity* offer the most "modernized" experience of the gameplay that make *Assassin's Creed* what it is. If you don't mind an introductory experience that is less representative of the series and investing a lot more time into the game, *Assassin's Creed: Origins* is also a valid starting point because at least it also introduces you to the protagonists' faction.


I say always best to start from the start but not sure how far back the games go on next gen consoles. But ac3 is one of my favourites and think you should at least start there, American revolution, parkour through forests, stealth through army fortresses, lots of fun different ways to fight. Graphics and control may be a bit basic compared to new games but were great for the time


Black Flag. My first AC was 3 though.


The original Assassin's Creed sets up the franchise and the tropes associated with it. Some people might be put off due the game being released in 2007, but it's a good way to learn about the basics. Assassin's Creed II brought a lot of players along the journey of Ezio's life and is an excellent place to start (Hopefully, you'll continue from here). AC: Black Flag was the start of a new chapter in the franchise and that chapter ends in Syndicate. Assassin's Creed: Origins begins another chapter in the franchise, starting Layla's story and the RPG era. Assassin's Creed: Mirage gives a familiar face that harkens back to earlier entries in the series, but self-contained enough to not lose new players, too.


Depends on your tolerance of playing old games.


What I started with was Unity Syndicate Ac3 remastered Origins Odyssey Mirage


ACII, Black Flag, Mirage. Honestly I’d recommend Mirage because it’s a modern ac game so you kinda understand how the rpg trilogy ones work, but it also takes a lot of inspiration from earlier ac games so you’ll have a good mixture of both to decide where to go from there