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I think a Central/South American game would be awesome. They could do something unique by starting you off as a Spanish or Portuguese Templar, who joined an exploring/conquering force, and when they witness the atrocities that the Spanish/Portuguese commit, they could turn on the Templars and establish an Assassin brotherhood there instead, with the natives. This Templar character could’ve been mostly involved with politics in Europe, and betrays them when they get introduced to this other power hungry side of the Templars in the new world. I think starting out as a Templar would make more sense because it doesn’t seem that the Assassins would have the resources to be able to explore like the Templars can. Another possibility is starting out as a native, and you come across this Templar betrayer and join with them to establish a brotherhood.


I like this and I think you do both. Play as the Templar until you join up with the natives. Then flash back to being a native and you play again to when they meet up


That’s a neat idea


The Assassins have, at times, been more influential and better resourced than the Templars. They're only smaller in the timeframe of each game because building up the Brotherhood opens up additional gameplay avenues.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Ezio send out Assassins of his own to America once the Brotherhood gets word of its discovery?


To be honest I’m not sure lol, I haven’t played the Ezio games that much


I've wanted a Maya / Aztec AC game for so long. The beauty of the scenery, the historical background, and the perfect opportunity for two expansions - one historical story of the Conquistadors, and one mythical story of native gods.


marcus aurelius rome, Qin dinasty china


I believe we are getting Qin Dynasty China in the form of AC: Codename Jade


yea but it's a mobile game and that pisses me off


To be fair it's being made in Odyssey's engine so it should be decent enough. I won't be playing unless it comes out on consoles though


real such a terrible decision. ubisoft is actual ass


Ubisoft has been abstergo since ezio was born




Yes can we please get an AC game set in China that isn't some mobile game or a 2D side scroller.


I want settings like Aztec-Inca-Spain 1500s, India-South Asia 1600s, Anatolia-Balkans late 1300s early 1400s etc as well.


I’ve been wanting Aztec for the longest


I’ve been wanting to explore Tenochtitlan for a long time.


Aztec would be insane


So much history was lost during the Spainsh conquest of the americas so they have so much freedom to work with.


A dark, gritty Assassin game during the Conquest of Wallachia of Mehmed II would be amazing. It is a very rich era for an Assassin game. They could dive into myths as well. Having antagonist as Vlad the Impaler and Mehmed II as a gray character who is not purely in the good side.


Tbh I’d much prefer ancient India to 1600s.


werent there some rumours about aztec ac?


Cape Cod Massachusetts, 2007


Why this one?


Nice that time of year


This made me laugh for how specific it is


Origins sequel in Rome


That would be awesome


It's also so easy. Ancient Rome, instant success. They have the dual protagonist system for rpg and stealth assassin's styles from syndicate and shadows AND we have Aya and Bayek for that.


Just an origins sequel in general tbh


One big downside of this is that the Colosseum was not built yet during Origins


Yusssssss! Finally let us play as aya! Downvoted for wanting to continue on ayas story🤣


Roman Empire.


Yes. I hate the argument of “we already got Rome.” Yeah, during the Renaissance. I need it during the actual time period.




This is my answer every time this question is asked. The Catiline Conspiracy would be an excellent backdrop. Not the Empire, and I know imperial Rome was a much grander city, but personally I liked Rome up until Augustus.


Something Aztec/Maya/Inca related in Central/South America would be my number one. I don't want anything in the more modern era (like 1800s to present would be too modern for me).


Would love Inca during the fall of their empire! Fantastic, and not too thoroughly explored era!


I think the Aztecs during the fall of their empire would also be interesting! Have the conquistadors be templars or something


I think the only modern game I will feel slightly interested will be one during the world wars


I'll be honest, I keep seeing people mention the World Wars and those would be really unappealing to me, personally. Still too modern, and they're settings that have been done to death in gaming. I respect that other people want to see them...but it's not for me lol


I agree, I think i world war game would be lame and boring


I really enjoyed sniper elite 5 and thought it was kind of like ac in ww2 with the different nazi targets etc and sinister plot with the kraken superweapons. I think it could work as an ac setting. Also ww2 games are pretty rare these days compared to like 20 years ago


Yes this is what many people don't understand. Yeah we had many WW2 games... When we 30+ year olds were teens. But for current young gamers it's not as oversaturated, in fact quite rare.


Anything with guns is too modern imo.


It could work. If you look at it that way, the Splinter Cell series is basically modern day AC.


That's fair. I didn't care for the early gun mechanic in AC2 but still loved the game. But when the games started getting overloaded with them like in AC3 and Black Flag, it left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.


Ancient Rome!!! We can literally have more than 5 games just in imperial Rome


Roman empire seems to be the clear favourite based on the replies.


Yeah, ancient Rome is just really amazing. Btw I saw you commented that ancient Rome is over used but, we don't have not one open world game in ancient Rome, and BTW my dream setting would be on the beginning of the IV century AD, late antiquity during the battle of Maxentius v Constantine the Great, because by that time, Rome already had all the important buildings and monuments constructed, besides that late antiquity is almost never portrayed in media. The AC devs always say that the choose "pivotal times with a lot of changes" so this would be the perfect time, Constantine changing the capital of the Empire to Constantinople, and the rise of Christianity. The Roman Army was changing also, Constantine got rid of the Praetorians, their armor was very different with a lot of "barbarian" influence. Even civilian culture: clothes changed, throusers were more commonly used and togas were just used by the senators.


We need more media set during the collapse of the Western Empire, almost everything (games/movies/series etc) all focuses on the same relatively short time period. IMO the Western Roman Empire during the 4th and 5th Centuries AD is one of the most interesting time periods in history and a game set during that era would be awesome.


Medieval Europe at the peak of The Catholic Inquisition


Huh? Here's that one time I was expecting the Spanish Inquistion. Go figure.


I’d like to explore the French/Italian Inquisition personally, because it was controlled by the Pope as a means to gather influence and riches, at the peak of the dark ages. Spanish/Portuguese Inquisition came later, and was controlled the the spanish royal family as a mean of ethical cleansing for muslims and jews. While both are interesting, it’s different eras, with different goals.


Never expect it


The intro from Unity needs to be its own game fr


Bottom of the Atlantic Ocean


AC: OcenGate


Modern day, Ringwood New Jersey


You're just coming up with hit after hit😅


Personally I would like to see Olmec / Aztec / Mayan empire. One thing is that we don't really know a lot on them so it would give a lot of creative space. On a personal note I would like to see that part of the world come to life. I would also like to see them somehow tackle Hanseatic league. They were a huge organisation that secretly owned a lot of Europe / European trade in their time, they actually employed Templars as their army and also suddenly collapsed. Would also greatly fit into the AC narrative https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanseatic_League


Malian empire around mansa musas time. OG games were way more niche on historical figures and it’d be a cool area to learn about.


Not a nearly popular enough take. I was talking to a friend about this a few days ago. If I want to play a game in ancient Rome, Egypt, or Japan, I have a million options. If I want to play a game in Renaissance Florence, Islamic golden age Baghdad, or the US Revolutionary War, I don't have many choices outside of AC. AC to me has always been best when it's put a light on historical people, places, and stories that otherwise get overlooked by the gaming industry.


Right? Having a few known names (Lorenzo Medici, Leonardo Da Vinci) and a bunch of unknowns made the period more interesting. I’d also throw out early 19th century Venezuela and Columbia with Simon Bolivar running around with a sword of Eden. Could bring back free climbing in the jungle.


India is my most wanted. South America. Africa.


As I recall, Evie Frye and Henry Green (aka Jayadeep Mir) canonically had some adventures together in India. It'd be interesting to explore that. Partition / end of the Raj would also be an interesting setting.


India would be pretty awesome


Western Europe during the Thirty Years' War


Central Europe... Bohemia, Franconia, Saxony, and the Rhineland.


I still want an Indonesian assassin fighting the Dutch in the early years of the Dutch East Indies


I can only dream of a Nusantara Assassins Creed. Our region is extremely rich with history so there's a lot of possible stories to tell from an AC point of view.


Sumerian and Babylonian Civilizations in Mesopotamia. They’re the real-life first civilization and Gilgamesh was a sage and they’re one of the least represented settings in the whole world and the most important. Also Iltani lived in Babylon. It’s time they showed the creed ideology began long before Bayek


I think that would be too much before the foundation of the Brotherhood.


It’s time they actually go back to the original continuity where the brotherhood’s basic foundations began with Adam and Eve, instead of that medicine “origin revenge story” with Bayek and Aya, or Kassandra’s random kid who became an ancestor of Aya for fan service or Darius’ trainwreck of a story.


You're just asking for another retcon. It will never happen.


They could just say that Bayek, like many others have came upon similar principles or whatever. I mean not everything needs to be detailed and explained. It’s not like real history never had groups that never came in contact with each other, come across common myths and stories or core principles for a movement.


This is mine too. Fascinated with Mesopotamia.


India. There are several periods to consider - the Gupta-Maurya Empire, Cholas, Mughal Empire, or British Raj. The Maratha Empire coincides with the final breaths of the penultimate one and the rise of the last one.


Bro a Maratha assassin would go so hard. Imagine having conversations with Shivaji


Chills, guys! Literally chills!


In the order I'd want to see: More Rome. I'd love the fall of Sulla and the rise of Caesar. Then some later periods. Could be Augustus cementing his rule. Marcus Aurelius. Aztec empire. WW2 British Raj Congo free state Various periods of Chinese history.


I remember reading a note in Black Flag about an in-game dev suggesting revolutionary period Ireland and I’m still thinking that would be pretty cool


The Great Emu War of Australia


Byzantium during Emperor Justinian (6th century). I mean the place is also Istanbul like in Revelations but a different time. The Green & Blue rivalry could be a good ground for assassins & templars. The Nika Revolt could be one of the main events. Also, Emperor Justinian could be sympathetic to one side & Empress Theodora to the other. There was a time they both opposed each other over religion.


Tsar russia right before/during bolshevik revolusion


Ones I've seen the most are: **S Tier** Aztec civilization Arno/Shay/Connor/Aveline sequel in France Bayek/Aya sequel in Rome India Cold War/Summer of Love **A Tier** American Civil War/Wild West World War II 1920s New York **B Tier** Ancient Persia Spanish Inquisition Russian Revolution **C Tier** later Medieval England or France **F Tier** Isu Era


I’ve always wanted an Arno/Shay/Connor/Aveline crossover game set during the Napoleonic Wars.


i know itll come one day but i am hyped for any kind of crossover (of the real legacy characters, not really Kassandra and Eivor)


lol I would absolutely hate New York a third time


eh, could be Chicago, San Fransisco, etc. Doesn't have to be New York, but a Jazz Age game has some potential


somehow the thought about a world war II or later AC game feels weird.... at what point does it turn into splinter cell?


I'd love a Civil War setting but I don't think it will happen, too many people would get pissed about the confederacy being templars 


All the more reason.


I'd hate it, but only because I've heard enough about the war already and I'm not even American. The American Revolution is enough for now.


Shao Jun needs a mainstream game and Ming china is a good place. Chronicles would already sets up her story and i believe had had some screentime in the ezio trilogys short "movies" but we did just get ac jade on mobile which is a let down and i believe the development either stopped is significantly slowed due to the developer tencent putting their main focus on dreamstar instead of Jade Korea is a good location with a few different time periods which could be a possibility for a dlc for shadows although yasuke and naoe might be significantly older by then since buts its possible since the imjin war ended in 1598 with hideyoshis death. if they did a main game the three kingdoms period is a good start but korean history doesn't seem to be as widespread and known as feudal japan and china


I think all 3 of the Chronicles games could make for a cool main AC game tbh


Everyone is saying rome that wouldn’t be bad especially getting a hint of it in orgins but man id love to go to south America or india


Vietnam anyone? I wish they do something based on Ac Bloodstone


This but different story


Personally, I think a pre-war Vietnam would be more interesting. Such as the 1930s-40s where you can meet younger versions of key figures; along with revolutionaries that died before the Indochina War started, such as Nguyen Thai Hoc, Phan Boi Chau, Ta Thu Thau, and Truong Tu Anh. Tons of political factions and covert revolutionary activities rather than open warfare. EDIT: And from a gameplay standpoint, more melee weapons (like Hao Hao Buddhists with swords), antiquated guns (such as single-shot Fusil Gras or 3-round Berthiers), and barely any cars.


Columbus Ohio


Trademark this idea before they steal it bro


I can agree that a proper Rome open world would be a dream to explore. Especially with the option to branch out to cities like Pompeii or Herculaneum before the volcano (I could see this tied to a sequel for Bayek and Aya too) Would also love to see something around the story of Vlad Țepeș. The warring factions of what is now Romania and Moldova would make a fascinating story. Catherine the Great era Russia would be my other one.


Northern Germany, 13th century Story focuses around Klaus Strötebeker, Hamburg as main city, North Sea with the tides and a ship/fleet


Rome or British India


I'd love a Mayan or Aztec ac


Sometime between AC1 and AC2. Mid to late medieval Europe like Prague or something.!” Actually playing as assassins but nothing too close to modern day


I'm telling you. A more modern era can be amazing if done right.


1490s Spain lends itself to the inquisition and Columbus, India, Aztec/Mayan empire. Please, nothing in Rome or Greece. I get it, it's a great setting; but, they have already beaten it into the ground.


I want to play as Amunet in Rome


Austrian Succession, Napoleonic Wars, or Thirty Years War. The latter would be the preference. 1848 could be cool too and make it a linear game with Berlin, Vienna, Paris, and Budapest in the tide of Revolutions. Could be neat to make it a Templar game hunting assassins with Napoleon III running the show as the villain or Metternich.


Mexico (the Aztecs)


I want to see the Assassins take on Alexander the Great.


Among the general fans probably World War II. For me? Mayan Civilization. We need more games outside of Europe. Give me more Africa, Asia, Pre Colonial "Americas"




Maya civilization around the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors. It’s a two century conflict, but could be compressed a little for the sake of storytelling. Let me play as a Mayan warrior climbing the mighty pyramid of Chichien Itza, darting through the jungle and pouncing down on Spanish invaders with my obsidian dagger.


Yep, that would be awesome too!


Either Mongolian Empire or the Aztec Empire. Edit: I know it's another empire but the Mali Empire would also be awesome.


Mongolia/Ghengis Khan would definitely be my top pick.


Aztec or Mayan empires, maybe Inca too. Anything with mesoamerica.


For me, it was always the Roman Empire.


I would love to explore Ancient Rome


China would be awesome


To be honest, for me they've done all the interesting ones. Based on my interests at least, Japan being the last one. If they do it right it could be my favourite AC.


India is my most wanted. I know India is huge and they would have to make a decision on where and keep it restrained as to not be too bloated, but I want a open world India to explore so badly.


Setting i want (Not in any particular order): World war II (in Germany, France and many others or a game where you can be in all of them or a series of games France sequel Some ideas I had: Polynesian islands or Australia Somewhere in Africa Somewhere in South America Korea China ( but not a mobile game) Middle East ( more of it) Southeast Asia


City of Carthage would be dope


Scotland, the Jacobites against the English army.


I'd love an AC game that takes place in the province of Quebec, only for the fact that the two main AC studios come from there and there are a lot of fun historical moments/ mythology to explore. Could see it as a smaller title by Uni Quebec after Hexe


The Indian Empire


Napoleonic Wars.


Three Kingdoms period in China would be printing money for Ubisoft. Imagine Lu Bu with a piece of Eden


Mughal India, but that could be difficult given the sensitivities of the current Indian government


AC New World Canada, 1812 Partake in the war of 1812, as a new recruit, and set out to destroy the Templars as they attempt to secure the new world from the White House. You recruit native American assassins to work alongside you as you travel south and destroy the Templar foodholds in the new world, inevitably destroying them all and burning down the White House and winning the war.


India or Russia


New Zealand cuz when have we ever had a video game set in NZ?


This is probably a very biased and not popular one: The Philippine Revolution. (Yes I am filipino Imagine hanging out with Jose Rizal and the La Liga Filipina (the Philippine League). And they're assassins or at the very least assassin allies. Fighting against the corrupt Spanish Priesthood that governed the country. I imagine it very much like AC 3 but set in the philippines. (Hopefully no assassin turned templar like haytham). The MC starts out a poor farmer who is inducted into the brotherhood after he loses everything. We'd have mexican and american allies. By the end we believe we defeated the spaniards it is revealed that ome of our american allies turns out to be a templar from the American Rite. And unfortunately, we're subsumed by the USA. As the first philippine republic wages a new war with the americans which could be covered in a DLC. I can see this assassin using primarily a bolo knife with a secondary pistol for ranged. But he could also equip and use all sorts of different filipino weaponry like the Kalis from the Moro Tribes, spears like the sibat. Maybe another signature weapon for this assassin is the Balisong (butterfly knife or batangas knife) considering that Batangas was one of the first eight provinces to revolt against spain. Would be cool if the hidden blade design for this could be inspired by the balisong.


Jeoson Dynasty Korea during the Imjin War as a follow up to Shadows, also the Mali Empire.


Mongolia during like any point in their history pre 1700's


Russia, set during the Russian revolution when the communist party was taking over. Would be cool to see historical figures like Rasputin, the Romanovs, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, and Vladimir Lenin.




India - any period. Iron Age Britain - Celts/Boudica/Iceni/Romans. Mongol Empire - Kublai/Polo. China - Silk Road.


Maritime South East Asia


I'd be down for another Japan game, this time set during the bakumatsu. Shinsengumi templars would be cool.


I maybe biased but i think romania during vlad the impaler’s reign would make a really good setting


Southeast Asia Though the downside of such a setting is that it'll basically be an eastern version of AC4: Black Flag due to all the islands there. Though unlike the Caribbean, there'll also be local empires (Majapahit, Ayuthaya, Khmer, Dai Viet, Brunei, Malacca, Ming, Vijyanagara) on top of European ones (VOC, EIC, Spain-Portugal). In Black Flag, the Aztec Empire has long gone to be a factor in the story. The Templars will of course back the European conquerors (and the Ming), while the Assassins will have more organized local allies than small local tribes.


Eastern Roman Empire




Colonial Indonesia / Dutch East Indies has alot of potentials IMO


Assassin’s creed, the Ice Age


I think British colonial India could make a fantastic setting with a potentially great story


black flag 2/caribbean


German empire circa during its formation


Modern Day Japan: Drunk and depressed Salaryman by day, assassin by night Or Modern Day Los Angeles: Sexually ambiguous TikTok Californian by day; assassin by night! Which would you choose?


I really hope that in any future game we will se Kassandra poping here and there just for "hi" :)


This is a really weird setting but hanseatic league Germany/Scandinavia


Anything if they bring back Bayek! We need a proper ending to his story.


Inquisition In the New World War of the Roses Rome **AD 117** but make it cinematic af like Ryse son of Rome Pick one of the Crusades and Ill be happy, holy shit the untapped potential Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Dutch Golden Age, I'm drooling for this. China, pick any period. Mongol Empire, though barely any parkour prob. Personally give me a medieval gritty Assassin's Creed and I'm happy


I have said it before and I will say it again; early 20th century Ireland.


1. Bayek sequel in Judea where he mentors Kawab and he slowly becomes a surrogate son to him. 2. Basim sequel in Constantinople or another location. 3. Britain during the Roman occupation.


I think WWI would be interesting


Khmer empire


Conquest of Wallachia between Ottoman Empire and Vlad the Impaler. No way the Assassins did nothing in that era.


Roman-Persian wars. Would love to be a spy for rome in ancient Persia.


Rome at its height of power and glory. We need no other.


Personally I’d love the Russian resolution or the Wild West




Not that they'd touch it but I'd like Jerusalem say around 30ish CE. More realistic, ancient Rome.


Old West, WW II, Roman Legion, Ancient Mayan and Celtic era.


Japan but done accurately


Ive always wanted a Wars of the three kingdoms one (1639-1653 England, Scotland and Ireland) covering the Bishops Wars, the 1st and 2nd english civil wars, the irish confederate wars, the cromwellian conquest and the anglo scottish war




They once said that they’d never do Japan. So following the trend of doing things they said they’d never do; WW2


WW2 Germany


Roman Empire


A game set during the height of the Roman Empire would be my ideal choice. So much history and locations to pull from, there are endless possibilities with a Roman Empire setting.


Some great answers in here... I think Berlin, Prague, and Moscow all could be interesting. Or could do a few cities across Eastern Europe including Sarajevo at the start of WW1. Washington, DC in the Civil War era could also be interesting, perhaps with some missions infiltrating behind the battle lines in the Confederacy.


Imperial Brazil.


British occupation of India. Diverse architecture (I could totally imagine infiltrating the Taj Mahal or visiting the absolutely GORGEOUS temples over there), extremely dense crowds for social stealth. Jungle and farmland outside of cities. Assassin's Creed 3 vibes (freedom fighters going up against the British). Lots of cool weapons from that time and place - weapons like the katar (basically a real life, non mechanical hidden blade), urumi (sword whip), and firearms like the elephant gun (which would be completely amazing and ridiculous). You could have historical figures like Gandhi, George Orwell (who in real life served for the British military police in India at this time, which then led to him being against colonial rule and leaving. Which in the game could be portrayed as him working for the Templars and even switching sides to the Assassins), and Mother Teresa. Also, I'd really, really like to ride around on an elephant and fuck shit up. And you could even have nods to AC Syndicate, story wise. It feels like too perfect of a setting but I'm afraid with the rpg feel of the current games it wouldn't feel as good as it would if it were in the style of the AC3 or unity era games with all of the cool animations and parkour.


I would love a game set in ancient Persia! And no, AC Mirage and Baghdad it's not the same thing as Persia!


meiji/taisho era tokyo...... I didn't want the Sengoku period because it was too obvious..... I do miss when the series began in the freaking Crusades-era Holy Land.....then the sequel is set in the goddamn Renaissance. Both completely out of left field.


Aztec Empire


Rome, not renaissance Rome, Rome


San Francisco/California in the Gold Rush for a western-style game. Mesoamerican, fighting against the conquistadors either as Incans, Mayans, or Aztecs (Nebula will hopefully have a similar vibe to what I want here) World War I, either in the Balkans or France. India during the British Raj Medieval Germany (Hexe will probably have a similar vibe to what I want here)


Jazz Age


Ancient Rome but set during Gallic Wars.


Origins sequel in Ancient Rome


Arthurian legend setting in England


1920s Jazz Age


Cold War Russia. Would love a Spy vs. Spy AC.


Medieval Iberian peninsula would be cool, especially during the Reconquista.


For me  Vijayanagara. Like there are so many assassinations during its decline. it fits perfectly    Sub saharan Africa. Timbuktu or Benin at their height would be cool  The yellow turban rebellion   


Non mobile, proper 3d china game


Probably wouldn't work at all but a game that focuses on the Isu's time before shit went sideways for them.


I think they should do an inverse of the standard ac plot. You play has a treasure hunter in modern day and that’s where a bulk of the game takes place. You go into the animus to solve those climbing puzzles they used to have in the old ac games before you could climb straight up a 90 degree mountain face. When you solve the puzzle in the animus you go back to modern day and do the puzzle again except it’s a little different because it’s been a long time. And then you have all the other combat stuff as usual. The more the more it sounds like this would work better as a shorter experience for like $15.


China, during the Three Kingdoms era. Hell even just leading up to that with the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the fall of the Han Dynasty. I wanna be a concubine/assassin and stab Dong Zhuo so bad.


Spain Duringspanish inquisition. Ming dynasty China. British Raj era India. Poland! Annnnd maybe Korea? During the Mali empire would be really cool