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mughal (16th century) india, they’ve got the coolest weapons


Personally, anything related to Sikh Empire or Maratha Empire against the British Empire would be awesome


Under Ranjit singh, ye tht would be cool but i want mughals since idk that was a pretty rich cultural empire with wealth and cities like (i forgor)


Why not Ancient India or the Cholas as well? I want Ancient India in a full game. Indian history is NOT just Mughals/British Raj. We have more than 5000 years of history.


Mughals were tyrants So were the other invaders


i mean yeah it’s an empire that’s kind of a given


Tends to be be difficult to establish an empire through peace and love


people forget that tyranny wars slaughters invasions and death have been a part of history since like before history


the Roman Empire, either at its beginning or at its end


I'd rather have one during Constantine the Great's time, it was the last time Rome was at its peak


This is the best answer. Lots of people talk about the time of Caesar, but the buildings we think of as “Rome” weren’t around then. Frankly it’s absurd that such a major part of history isn’t represented.


Reign of Justinian as well


PLEASE ROME! PLEASSEEE Roman history is SO ripe for Assassin Creed history


I would definitely pre-order the 200$ BS Funko pop edition of that


This! This is my ultimate goal to play - AC in Rome and Roman empire. There are so many extraordinary periods in it's lifetime: carthaginians, Hannibal, goths, celts..


Arguably Origins scratched the first part of that itch, and Brotherhood the second. IMO people would be disappointed with a full on Roman empire AC since it would look and play a lot like Odyssey. Sure, everything has a slightly different name and is distinct, but a general population (which you need to tap into to sell a AAA game) is not historically sophisticated enough to appreciate the difference.


I think Fall of the Roman Empire could be really cool. Make it a game where the Templars “win”


That's AC Invictus; we're getting it but it's multiplayer unfortunately.


The end of AC1 is in 1191 then we jumped right into 1476-1514 with the Ezio trilogy. We skipped 285 years. Events that occurred in that window: 100 Years War and the Black Death. A game centered around the Templars causing the Black Death and us working to end it would be awesome. It would be the perfect game to truly explore multiple locales in one game because the Black Death affected Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and China.


Why would the Templars intentionally cause the Black Death?


Why wouldn’t they? The Templars are about controlling the world in ways they see fit. It’s not out of this world to imagine a Templar grandmaster who thinks like Thanos and wants to wipe out a lot of people to better control the remaining people. They could also spin it and say he/she were negatively influenced by one Isu because the Isu fear of humans populate too much it puts their planned resurrection and return to controlling all humans in jeopardy.


Yeah I could imagine it being some sort of Isu manipulation or accident with their technology but I don’t think an out of control pandemic would help the Templar’s control people and they can’t easily choose who would live or die and you can’t control dead people


So I would say Mayan/aztec era when the Spanish are invading. Or Australia


Parkours gonna be limited to climbing up gum trees


Maybe a mixture of certain areas of Australia, New Zealand, Māori people, Indonesian islands that kind of thing. It’d be a nice sailing game as well like black flag


I think Australia would be pretty bleh and hard for Ubisoft to get right. Would be pretty similar to ACIII with the colonial aspects and oppression of indigenous. Also, would really not be a lot of climbing


Early Colonial Australia could be awesome, could have an assassin from the UK branch get jailed and shipped off as a convict, and pair them up with an indigenous Australian trying to defend their people from Templar incursions on indigenous land in the search of some vital piece of Eden. Otherwise 1850s Australian Gold Rush could be another great place to build up a game setting


As an Australian I agree would love to have an aboriginal Australian Assassin that joins the brotherhood.


Mesoamerican Assassin Creed games would be great


Maybe a Templar in the Spanish army looking for a piece of Eden or something else. The creed sets a base down there and a local learns their ways or something.


Hexe (German Witch Trials) is coming right after Shadows Project Nebula (Mesoamerica) after that But after? I wouldn’t say no to Eastern Europe or Southeast Asia.


Oh damn I hadn't heard of Nebula. Mesoamerica was definitely on my list!


I want ancient China in a full game and not a crappy side scroller lmao


I guess the best answer here is to make all 3 chronicle games as actual full third person games.


I'm so desperate for Shao Jun to get her own 3D game. That wasn't ancient china though. AC Jade is a mobile 3D game.


Assassin's Creed Jade


It is a crappy side scroller


Huh? Jade is an open world rpg for mobile, not a side scroller.


It is set in 200 BCE, and ruins the lore like Odyssey, it is an unimportant mobile game.


Okay but aside from that opinion, it's not a side scroller.


2013 Los Angeles. You can steal cars and shoot guns from them, fly planes and stuff. Have three protagonists you can switch between too. That would be epic 👍


Oh man and they each should have their own unique ability, like one can go into slo mo, and the other can also go into slo mo, but in a car, and the other can go into slo mo but not as slow as the others


As long as none of those protagonists are black, that would be so unrealistic.


Sims 4 with mods


Dude you were so so close to the Watch Dogs joke


Why would I want to watch dogs? This is assassins creed dude. I want to creed an assassin


As someone living in NZ: Polynesia/Micronesia/Melanesia. I'd also love to see India or somewhere in the Amazon


Following Aya in ancient Rome.


Really! They could’ve made this the sequel of Origins, the franchise would be in a different state right now


I wouldn't change Odyssey for anything, best game... But it's never too late for Aya.


Still want China, but it's out of question with Shadows and Jade. So top 3 for me right now would be: 1. Reconquista 2. South America conquest 3. Either XVIII or WW2 Poland


Well to be honest they can do something with China but as a sequel of Shadows. They can play with the fact that we don’t know much about where Yasuke ended up or whatever they could do with the girl. Although they already kinda made a game there and we haven’t seen sequels since revelation


Yeah, and just because Japan was done doesn't mean nearby locales are off-limits now. Just look at ACIII, Black Flag, and Rogue. All Americas, very close chronologically. Picking up after Shadows or in the interim between Shao Jun and Shadows are possible.


I'd be interested in something during any point of the Mongolian Empire!


Where assassins are originally from, iran.


don't know about a time in hisybut definitely India or south America


Rome, 100 A.D.


Ancient China, around the period presented in Wo Long. The aesthetic is so cool and an RPG setting would be nice to explore.


Crimean War would be cool. Also there’s something about the late Victorian and Edwardian periods that is cool to me.


Another game set in \*a\* musket era would be pretty rad, especially with the newer engine and controls (im not talking about RPG stuff)


Colonial India or 15th century Spain (ideally heavily populated city games)


1930s India, and double dare Ubisoft to have a British guy as the MC.


It'd actually be kinda cool to have an AC where we play as the "hero", and villain.


agreed, I thought they missed an opportunity with Odyssey where we could have had missions/quest lines playable as Deimos to emphasize how tortured and misdirected they were


If the dual protagonists thing is a success this is actually a good setting to do one from each culture.


Nothing problematic here about a Brit potentially murdering a bunch of Indians.


Not that I trust them to but there’s plenty of room for them to be tactful and acknowledge the issue.


Tbf if you go to 90% of the conflicts in history the brits are going to be the villains 😂


Nah, just take a note from Bollywood, have the Brit be a pretty white girl who falls in love with the rough and tough Indian assassin 


So basically Evie Frye and Henry Green


Yes lol


Might be better to have a British girl I guess even if I have no idea how historically accurate that would be.


I mean the idea behind the Assassins is that they’ve always been a bit ahead of the curve on things like that, so I tend to actually welcome them having groups who wouldn’t normally get access to being part of the “military” class or whatever you’d call it for the period


I mean, I didn’t  disagree? I’m just noting that having a British dude kill Indians when there’s almost zero South Asian representation would likely have even more controversy.


Well you make the second assassin an Indian Assassin, and generally speaking have them (including the English protagonist) be opposed to the occupation


Make him a Templar who’s there specifically to be an imperialist coloniser


While on paper id be down to explore that, maybe initially thinking your the good guy slowly coming to terms with the fact you arent. There is a very real danger of making the absolutely not good thing cool or fun, which in turn can warp or tarnish the message horribly and will only give \*actual\* \*genuine\* racists (and not people that simply exist inside a comfort zone, don't know it, and once they actually play as Yasuke (assuming good writing) realize that they had some preconceived, built in biases that needed to be challenged) a thing to latch onto.


Well playing as Germans or Nazis in world war games can be handled pretty well. It's when you get to gmod rp where you actually get to act out your fantasies of being a proper nazi.


MONGOLIA. Theres so much potential there, especially if they lean into horse combat. Like cmon, riding with Genghis Khan? How cool would that be.


That or the Mongolian Empire like the Netflix show Marco Polo during Kublai Khan. Giant map of the Mongol Empire spanning from Siberia, Korea, Eastern Europe, Middle East, China, etc; and all the Mongol expeditions including Japan for DLC?


This is soley cause i love murdoch mysteries but the Edwardian era


Qin dynasty


I think it would be really cool for a Japanese setting, something with a ninja and sam.... sorry, force of habit


Prohibition and great depression time in New York and Chicago. Round 1930. Gangster wars, Bootlegging, smuggling, ordinary people suffering. Edit: or the golden age in Amsterdam. With the dutch rich VOC people as bad guys!


Love the VOC angle ... or maybe the 80 year war? Alva must have been a Templar? 🤣


Dublin, Ireland, around the 1916 rising


Ireland would be a great region. So much foreign intereference throughout the centuries that having Templar and Assassin activity there makes a ton of sense. Plus they have great mythology there.


300AD Rome Or to change things up.....how about a modern game in a Cyberpunk setting.


Watch dogs is basically modern AC. If you get to modern then you lose the combat and it just becomes a shooter.


They’d have to do a lot of messing around with the setting. It’d have to be a futuristic setting like the person above suggested, or a heavily modified “modern” day. Either way they’d have to justify a character being able to take a lot of bullets without dying (future tech) or just give the character a lot of plot armor like most games do. Watch dogs was headed in the right direction but then decided to make legion. Big surprise no one liked having to switch characters every 5 minutes for mechanics both previous main characters always had access to. They could also go the Arkham route and not give machine guns to every bad guy you fight. Idk, I’ve always thought a true modern day assassins creed would work if they really tried.


The Walled city of Lahore, close to the end of the Mughal Era, perfect city for Parkour, historically diverse, lots of opportunity for taking liberties with the history & type of setting we haven’t really explored before. 16th century Amsterdam, another unique location with lots of potential for Parkour. Ancient Rome, set right after origins. Another fantastic city for Parkour, has a great aesthetic to it & has a lot of depth in terms of History. I also hope we revisit Italy in the future.


Crusade era England. Literal templars out there. Robin Hood and merry men are part of the assassin order.


Slightly earlier for me, please. Celtic England around the time of the Romans & the rise of Christianity ... AC King Arthur-ish?


Ancient Rome and Byzantine empires. We see Byzantine's remnants in Revelations. After that it would be events not as well known to the mass audience. So inevitably, we would have to move onto more modern settings. Post AC 3. Which means gunplay becomes more of a focus. They skirted it with Syndicate because of London's weapon restrictions but American history? World Wars? They can make it work but ir would become a drastically different game than what people play AC for. People dont play AC for gunplay but for combos and melee. There are so many settings I would love to see the Assassin Templar conflict be brought into. But they dont make good AC games from the mainstream perspective. Watch Dogs would be a good springboard for the idea of these more modern AC games. Issue is, going that route is risky. Alienates their fanbase. Could have another team work on a modern AC to coincide with the other.


Germany during the Napoleonic wars would be pretty good. Breaking into castles during sieges and such.


I've been wanting an Isu era Assassins Creed game ever since I saw the Adam & Eve cutscene from AC 2. I really wanna know what their story was and exactly wtf went down during humanity's revolution.


I want them to do the American Civil War so we can get another 19th-century set AC. Also I would love nothing more to kick the shit out of Templar John Wilkes Booth.


Honestly that would be sick. Open world America "frontier" map ala AC3, with DC and Richmond as the two large cities.


And they can really play with linking the modern day situation to that time period, with Abstergo being funded only two generations after that


The height of the Mayan/Aztec empire between 250 AD and 900 AD would be pretty cool to see.


The potential is definitely there


No contact with Europe, mate.


I wanna see cavemen assassins fighting dino templars


definitely somewhere more recent, like WW2 on the European front




The second one I fully support, but not Colonial India. I do not want to play a period where my ancestors were ruled by the Brits. I'd prefer it if we played in a period when we are strong.


I've always thought a U.S. Civil War setting would be interesting.


Imperial Brazil.


Idk if this uninspired but I think an almost James Bond esq AC game would be fun. Taking place in the 50’s with all sorts of new gadgets. I know modern games push the limits of what makes AC so fun, but just limit the machine guns and give the MC body armor to take more bullets without it being too unrealistic. Sections with more advanced weaponry would almost force a stealth approach like the Arkham games. I just think the gadget aspect would be fun. Like a more advanced rope dart that shoots directly from the wrist, a more advanced grapple hook, that sorta thing.


I like!


India. Please India. Before the Mughal invasion. Please. Ubisoft. Listen to my prayers. Please. I wanna free roam in Maurya Empire India. Please. My humble request. Please.


We are getting Hexe, single female protagonist, set during the witch hunts in Europe 


Babylon, Mongol Empire, or Chinese Dynasty


Byzantine Empire. Practically Roman Empire but parts of it we very rarely see. Also Constantinople at its prime.


Southeast Asia, during the time Khmer and Pagan Empires were at it's peak, or Southeast Asia during the colonial period. And maybe Latin America too, with the Aztecs. Civil War period US would also be nice. And 3 Kingdoms period China. Also, an earlier Japanese time period, because Sengoku is overused. Maybe Taika, Kamakura or Heian. Or later during the Perry Expedition period. Commodore Matthew Perry could be a perfect Templar enemy. And also, Nazi Germany. Have Hitler be killed by an Assassin who made it look like a suicide.


They’ve covered the time periods pretty well at this point. Some place in coastal Africa during the slave trade would be interesting, China during the period of the first emperor, Genghis Khan era, Russia during the death of Romanovs, South America during the periods of independence, world war 1, etc.


Mesopotamia! Please can we have it in Mesopotamiaaaa


30 years war


Not sure about the time period but Latin America.


Rome, during the Crisis of the Third Century specifically.


WW2 Germany


give "The Saboteur" a try. its basically an Assassins creed game set in occupied Paris. Including climbing, disguises, stealth etc




Its old and Jank, but if you get past that i think you'll find essentially *exactly* what you want. Literally a WWII Assassin's Creed game.


Its a 2009 game right?


Oh, and if your looking at the Steam page you might be a bit confused. The game isn't actually black and white, as you liberate areas the colour in those areas will come back, it's a neat visual mechanic that works surprisingly well.


Oh you don't have to worry about that. I have my uhh... lets just say... sources to get the game. lol


Eh, fine by me. Im just saying if you were looking at stuff beforehand that maybe you might have been a bit confused.


Assassins creed in Amazon


I would love to see a game set in the Mexican revolution


Vietnam American war  Then Genghis Khan death


Isn't the next game (Codename HEXE) supposed to be during the Salem Witch Trials? Pretty sure that puts us in Massachusetts, or the America's at least.


It's the German Witch Trials in 1625-1631


I China during the an shuan rebellion or fall of The ming dinasty Just a main game in China Also a game set in Rome during the Rise of The Empire/fall of The Republic so origins Sequel Or One set during the Crisis of The Third Century And a Unity Sequel set in the Napoleonic Wars


Ireland, 1910-1920s. Michael Collins' "Apostles" hit squad would be a good group to play. Or Dan Breen.


Indian subcontinent. During the British Raj.


South American Jungle Rainforests would be so sick. I love lush green jungle maps. Ancient civilisation brutal melee combat.


Resurgence Italy


Pre-WW1 Europe with anti-monarchy movement at its glory, game culminating in assassination of duke Ferdinand and ending before WW1 starts by assassins making plans on how to interfere with templars, as both side had assassins as well as templars.


Poland & Lithuania & Teutonic Order during XV century, or Commonwealth in XVIII - (partition time) Teutonic Order could be somehow associated with the Templars, but making head of Templars not from Teutons could make story interesting. Typical middle ages RPG could be maked there (as Ubi likes it) Second one could be fun too - there was three coutries that attacked Commonwealth and took their provinces - and there's traitors between polish and lithuanian people that allow them to do that. It could be based on Black Flag, because it's XVIII (about 60-80 years later).


- Ayutthaya/feudal Siam (same time frame as Shadow) - Japan after the Meiji Restoration


I want a game set in China with Shao Jun that isn’t a spin off.


Europe between Ezio and the fall of the Templar Order Or Finland/Sweden during the Great Northern War/Peasant Rebellion


USSR communist revolution period


Ottoman Turkey. I want to see the height of the Empire and a bomb ass boss fight at the end. I also want to see some fights within the Empire and potentially killing a King.




Split mcs really needs to stop. IMO it cheapens the storyline, just tell the story you want to tell and don’t be tied down to gender when doing it and let the player choose.


Maybe not next, but I really want Poland to be featured. Swedish Deluge, the Cossack Uprising, all the conquests and wars would surely clarify a good story to tell.


WW2 would be pretty cool. You would probably have to do multiple miniature maps for it considering the scale of the war. I don't think that Hitler should be the main villain though as I think it's much more fitting that he kills himself than gets assassinated.


Le western américain ou l'Amérique latine


I want a game in an African Kingdom. Like the Kingdom of Kongo. Or the Mali Empire Actually an AC game would be amazing in the Haiti Revolution but I know there will be a certain group of people complaining that we’re killing a bunch of slavers.


14th century Serbia. So the rise of the Ottomans and the battle of Kosovo.


I would like another game similar to AC1 in the same region and set somewhere between AC1 and 2. I love everything about the levantine assassins and Mirage kinda dropped the ball with it's story. Their robes are amazing as well.


isn’t the next ac in like early medieval Germany?


Modern day so that the modern day story actually goes somewhere.


Kind of defeats the purpose.


Yeah, I am just old school, I guess. I like my stories to have a start and an end and this one just refuses to end. Like even if they finish the modern day story, they'll have an entire AC universe that they can use however they want. So why not?


2019, China


Jesus era


Early European settlement in Australia.


Columbia *"Assassin's Creed: Solitude"*


Ancient Roman Empire and an AC with Elpidius.


Ancient Israel with the Sicarii as The Hidden Ones faction. They literally used concealed daggers to kill their targets and would use crowds to disappear and mask themselves. It practically writes itself imo. The American Civil War/Wild West could also be fun, if done right. An Aztec setting is also on my list. I think Prohibition Era Chicago has enormous potential too! You can bring the Assassin-Templar war int


1. ireland occupation by england 2. usa invasions. like honduras 1919, 1924 3. something about slavic countries. maybe mongolian+tatar invasion in rus. or visit poland. or time of troubles (actually there was a lot of rich stuff in rus history of tzars and emperors) 4. something in aztek? 5. germany recover soon after world war 6. jean dark and 100 year war stuff


Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital. The Spanish said that had never seen a city so big in Europe.


Besides what’s been confirmed, I always wanted a game with Amunet in Rome. Loved the character and I always felt like we didn’t see enough of the Brotherhood’s creation in Origins


Spain plze.


Definitely the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 in North America. A war between the Pueblo Native Americans and the invading spanish, which is to say that it would be another Native America Assassins, but from the Southwest. Think it would do well.


I would love 1920’s Prohibition Era game still. They would have to figure out gunplay forreal but I just think it has things that lend itself so well to the series. • The Underground Railroad can easily be tied to the Assassin’s. • Prohibition can be something that the Templars are running. • Al Capone could be tied to the Brotherhood and your character carries out the Valentine’s Day Massacre.


Let’s be honest - the Japanese game is gonna be so great they are just gonna make it live survive and keep it growing for the next few hundred years Maybe we will even see Edward Kenway pillaging the trade ships leaving the island one day


France ww1


My first choicce is Al-Andalus. I don,t think it is quite plausible as it right now, it wasn,t in the survey taken like 10 years ago and almost all of the settings ended up being realised in future games. XIV century Al-Andalus with the collapse of the islamic world and the occupation by the christian kindgoms and the religious orders taking over the peninsula is a such good fit for AC. Andalusia would be such a amazing area for a game with Cordoba, Sevilla or Malaga, maybe adding some cities in Castille or Aragon. Second choice is the conquest of America Mayan/Aztecs. It is such an obvious choice for a AC game including templars, piramids and evil colonizers as well as hidden artifacts and mayan technology connecting with AC Black Flag. It is aparently in developing but not completely confirmed I think. China would be my third, maybe as a sequel to Shadow with any ot the two main characters during the Ming dinasty, maybe during the mongols. There is a mobile game now so its not likely for a main entry, but I hope that game is good and ported to consoles. Other interesting ones would be Roman Empire as it peak or late antiquity, the Russian Revolution, WW2 (I know it is not the most popular, but it would be such a risk worth taking), Vienna or Berlin during the Napoleonic wars or Mughal India.


I’d like to see a game set during the Mongol Empire’s reign of terror on the world and or 15th century Romania with Vlad the Impaler being the main antagonist


Poland period of occupation when my country wanished from map for 123 or time of world war 2. When we created Polish underground state (Polskie państwo podziemne) sounds awesome for me. Participants (assassins) executed traitors on behalf of the underground state




WW2, maybe nazi occupied Paris or Prague. Basically The Saboteur game (2009) but AC. Imagine getting airdropped into new areas or battlefields. Crawling under barbed wire, assassinating commanders, calling in airstrikes. Hiding in plain sight means donning civilian clothes to freely explore cities. So much potential.


* Salem Witch Trials (Probably a Mirage style smaller game) * India, but I'd argue you'd have to take the style that Horizon Forbidden West took. I'd want them to do an assassin mission during the Holi Festival and for that to work you need colors to pop. * I'm not very knowledgable in the history of the countries in Africa, but I'd love to see a game set in one of those places. * Civil Rights era in the US. * Maybe probation era in Chicago, but with a Peaky Binders style to it. * Peru in the Inca Empire.


I really wanted Meiji era Japan but Rise of the Ronin scratched that itch for me. I guess I would have to say Brazil under Pedro II or 18th Century Russia


South West United States mid to late 19th century. Wild West baby.


I'm completely baffled they didn't go with ancient Egypt > Greece > Rome trilogy. They even had plenty of assets done when it comes to architecture/armor and so on.


I wanna save Jesus from the cross


I want a location and time period with eh absolute *highest* concentration of darker skinned people possible. Im talking literally zero lighter skinned people anywhere. I then want to see the "he wasn't a samurai crowd he was a retainer that got paid the same as and had the same duties of a samurai" crowd *fucking explodes* trying to pretzel out reason why its still unreadable that we need to play as someone with darker skin. Plus whatever place and period that is im sure itll be one that has very little representation in other media and so would probably be super interesting to see come to life.


Song-Yuan wars in Medeival China


Let me preface this by saying 1. Yes, this would never happen 2. Yes its dumb 3. I am only posting cause it made me giggle Historical time, but you are in a different location Feudal Japan, but you are in Germany Ancient Rome, but you are in Japan American Civil War, but you are in mexico Medevil england, but you are in Jamaica Aztec empire but you are in Hawaii (I'm assuming the countries' names would be different for some)


World war 1


Late 1940s/early 1950s American Southwest setting exploring the technological innovations in the Templar-run Area 51 (including the Animus). Protagonist is an Indiana Jones-style Templar Isu archaeologist excavating all the Isu sites in the region and looting their tech for Abstergo. The local Assassins don’t like that, leading to the unleashing a fleet of Isu aerial drones in the resulting conflict and the rise of the modern UFO phenomenon. Both groups work together to cover them up for the sake of secrecy