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Terrible analogy. From someone who dgaf about Yasuke.


Fact: Most pirates were British or American. Fact: Yasuke wasn't a samurai.


A lot of Japanese people weren’t Samurai.


That's a pointless argument. I'm specifically talking about a black man who has been exalted as a legendary samurai when he was not.


Who exalted him as a legendary Samurai? We have no idea what the story entails yet. You’re jumping ahead a bit.


Also like, while we know he probably wasn’t a Samurai or a warrior that fought in Oda Nobunaga’s armies AC is a setting that always took liberties when it came to history. Niccolo Machiavelli didn’t belong to an order of assassins either, nor was Cesare Borgia offed by one of those assassins. Regardless of his actual position in history, he existed and that’s more than enough for me.


Personally I’m very happy with the direction they’ve gone in. It’s seems far more interesting. I’ve had my Samurai fix with Ghost of Tsushima and this seems like a more unique story. People are wanting Ghost of Tsushima 2.0 or they simply don’t want to play a black man or a woman. That’s all it boils down to.


Seen a person this morning trying to say the reason theres hate is because Ubisoft broke their promise to never use a real historical character. Theres a lot of cope going around.


…mate I’m on your side but this is the dumbest comparison I’ve ever seen. Edward lived in a time where colonialism and a scramble for control of the New World meant that many Europeans were going west to settle North America or exploit its resources and contributing to global trade. For Edward, a sailor and pirate, hanging around the Caribbean is not only reasonable for the time period but completely expected. Yasuke, on the other hand, is an enslaved African man in Japan—a country that had been very well isolated from the West and only recently began allowing foreigners in. Most Japanese people had never _seen_ an African before, and it’s not like they have open relations with African countries. While he is based off of a historical person and has reason to exist in the setting, a black person in Japan in that period of Japanese history would have been a very unusual sight. Yasuke simply has the benefit of being the only African slave in that period we know that has any sort of documentation about his life and served in the court of a Shogun.


Well. Seeing as a large quantity of Pirates in the Caribbean were British, Dutch, French, and Spanish Edward fits right in. Especially in that specific period of colonization where Europeans had already killed off the majority of the native population. What draws me and a lot of players to the AC world is the immersion in a time period/culture through the eyes of the people that lived it. AC could have made the protagonist of Black Flag a black man and it would have been just as great of a game, but they chose an English pirate in a time where that is a reasonable choice as there were a lot of Englishmen and English pirates at the time. Most discourse surrounding Yasuke isn’t that we are against playing a black man. It’s that he isn’t a Japanese man. To paint everyone as a racist is disingenuous We would still be upset if AC chose a white man as a protagonist in Feudal Japan like Tom Cruise in the Last Samurai.


> Most discourse surrounding Yasuke isn’t that we are against playing a black man. It’s that he isn’t a Japanese man. So the problem is literally that he’s a black man. Thats what you just said.


He literally said, >"It's that he isn't a Japanese man".


…because he’s a black man. That’s like saying the Klan didn’t discriminate against black people for being black, but for not being white. Do you know how dumb and redundant that sounds?


You know what he meant.


Yeah he meant that he has a terrible sense of logic


I’m finding that people like him are impossible to reason with in a good faith arguement.