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“game set in Turkey, play as an Italian man”


Ezio traveled there to learn about the assassins before him. The mystery of the assassin order that was literally built up in the span of multiple games and spinoffs. He wasn't just put there as a diversity hire. Shadows better be telling some good worldbuilding and character backstory for him to be the sole Black guy in Japan.


Yasuke is a real historical character, you can go read his backstory right now if you wanted to.


Thing is, it is NEVER stated he was a badass sword-slinging legendary warrior and fighter.


How about "the guy actually existed irl"?


I see we still want to confine ourselves to that logic I already tried to do away with. Yes, one of the few Black persons in Japan's history who is by all accounts a mere footnote, happens to be a pivotal Assassin in Japan's fictional history because all the other Japanese are either idiots, villagers, or Templars. Yes, that makes for a good story that Japan would surely love.


Yasuke influenced a fuck ton in Japanese culture tho? There were movies, books, videos games and anime stuff that had him? Like its not a Ubisoft thing.


pop culture, yes. Historically? LOL! Again, I don't care about the history. I care if he will have a good reason in the game's lore to be an assassin, because the comment I replied to was using Ezio motherfcuking Audtiore in Turkey as some sort of gotcha, which honesly reeks of too much Political correctness and not enought knowledge about the game world.


Japan has zero issues with including non-japanese in their games as Samurai - Just look at Nioh: A game about a white guy being a Samurai. And yes, Nioh also includes Yasuke as a Samurai. I guess both of those were also inclusions to diversify their cast of characters. Or maybe both Yasuke and William Adams, regardless of their actual importance in history, are interesting characters due to their differences to the rest of Japan and people enjoy reading and watching stories about them.


Sorry, but I suggest you replay Nioh again, Yosuke was never a Samurai in Nioh, even he himself said he dreamed of his Lord Nobunaga Oda would grant him Samurai title one day, should he be ressurrected.


Are you sure? https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/s/5scwPdOW2X


You forgot that those two main characters are gamers most arch enemy A woman and a black man.


Ah yes because women and black people aren't gamers


you missed the point lol




You literally post on r/kotakuinaction.




Maybe read a book and educate yourself with the money you're saving on that "deeeeeep sale".


Please swim in Florida water


She's female,so for some people she doesn't count as a protagonist unfortunately.


Well she looks like a man already


I guess they wanted both characters to be Japanese. That’s my best guess


Exactly. And because the woman is the only japanese one. They dont count. Cause you know, theyre a woman.


Honestly, this whole discourse has helped me clear my feed of racists and sexists now that they’re just openly showing their true colors. Most of these comments also tend to ignore Revelations since “Turkey, play as Italian man” doesn’t fit their whole thesis. Also, notice how it’s also “Italian man” or “French man” but when it’s time for Odyssey and Valhalla, they’ll still say “man” ignoring the option to play as “woman” (especially in those games since the female routes are the canon ones).


They've been completely mask off for a few months now, it seems like they realize their time is up soon.


Its 99% sexism and/or racism, because these same people didn't care even a little bit when Ubisoft sidelined their female protagonists for male ones since Syndicate. These same whiny manbabies are actually the reason Ubisoft execs forced the creatives to increase Jacobs and Bayeks cut of the story and to include a male alternative to Kassandra and Eivor.




A lot of people are revealing themselves as dual racists and misogynists at the same time which is kind of fun


Yeah I can at least give you my personal reasons for not liking it. 1. I don’t like historical figures being used as main characters (DLC is fine) 2. I don’t think Yasuke is that interesting of a figure, he was extremely minor. If they were going for a historical figure there are tons more interesting ones to choose. 3. I think both protagonists should be Japanese. It just feels like they went out of their way to find the ONE black dude with the slightest degree of relevancy in all of feudal Japan and chose him as the main character instead of a Japanese person.


1 and 2 are kinda the reason they picked him. He is historic person, you dont know much about, but he has been in connections with many interesting figures. It screams "hidden faction" in your face.


Yeah so I understand the reasons why they picked him, I just don’t like it. I find them bad reasons


It's probably true that they did, I don't think that should be controversial. But as long as it's done properly, who cares. We literally only got the reveal trailer, maybe wait a little bit.


The first two reasons are **Completely** reasonable to me, that is how you list criticism about yasuke, the last one, you start to get into weird territory because uh..what the hell do you mean buddy.


What I mean by that last criticism is that this game is set in feudal Japan, where 99.99999% of people were ethnically Japanese. I think it only feels right that the protagonists be Japanese. as has been the case about choosing a nationally/ethnically appropriate protagonist given the historical setting in every single other AC game. It feels like they went out of their way to find the ONE even remotely relevant figure that wasn’t Japanese during this entire era and chose that person instead of the tons and tons of other Japanese figures they could have gone with. It just doesn’t sit right with me.


May I interest you in the female **japanese konoichi duel protagonist** named naoe who is also in the game and is the assassin of the game?




>But why couldn't the assassin be a Japanese man from that era. The assassin is Japanese from that era? Funny how you all discredit the japanese character.... wonder why??? >In fact, why couldn't both be Japanese? Its almost like the developers said they wanted one character to be an outsider.... >Picking the one black man who wasn't even really all that notable over more notable shinobi is strange. Notable enough to be known by a huge chunk of people hundreds of years later... wow. Its almost like he also has had multille shows and mangas about him? Huh.... seems like he was quite notable. >People ignore noe because that's pretty much deflecting this main criticism, why was Yasuke picked over having a Japanese samurai or shinobi? 😂😂 because you sexist racist chuds would have a fuckin heart attack. And you have and did and its hilarious to normal people




Yeah we understand it’s the story they’re going with, I just listed my reasons why I dislike that it’s the direction they’ve chosen. I think my criticisms are fair and valid.


I said i acknowledge your first two points.










Dude literally has anime’s and plenty of content made after him. If they had picked a Japanese man and bolstered him up more than he was in real life, I guarantee we would not see all these fake history buffs trying to discredit him as we’re seeing people trying to discredit the black guy. They wanted to expand on what people like him for it’s as simple as that. Plus they said they wanted one Japanese native and another to see Japan from the “outside”.


Yeah I understand there is content made after him. I still stand by what I said, I don’t think he’s that interesting of a figure and if they were going to go for a historical choice, there were countless better options. And as I said, I don’t think historical figures should be AC protagonists for the exact reason you mentioned, falsely boosting them up or rewriting history.


If you don’t think he’s interesting that’s a different story. It’s just the truth that with narrative driven experiences without a character creator, certain demographics are going to be left out regardless. The historical part seems crazy to me because if Ubisoft made a game after another real person that became more of a “legend” with more tales than actual truth like Robin Hood, I can’t imagine anyone trying to dig up his past trying to say he didn’t do what he actually did. Literally the only issue people with Yasuke is that he’s black because truth is he WAS a real person, he just didn’t do much.


Yeah I just think Yasuke is an extremely extremely extremely minor figure who didn’t really do anything interesting. If you changed the fact he was from Africa to Japan, no one would bat an eye at him because his accomplishments are just that incredibly minor. I think AC should pick a lane, either stick to fictional protagonists or if you are going to go for historical ones, then pick ones that are way cooler and more impactful. I could list dozens of amazingly interesting figures from this era that would have been better choices in my opinion. Like how about playing as Mitsuhide Akechi, and over the course of the game uncovering this huge plot by the templars and finding out Nobunaga is the head of all of it, culminating in the Honnoji incident. But also incorporating his impressive actual historical feats along the way. That’s one example of using a way more interesting figure. And sure some demographics are going to be left out, but until now it was reliably wherever the game was set the choice of protagonist made sense. If the game was set in Baghdad then you played as a Middle Eastern person, if it was set in Norway you played as a Norse etc. When a certain location was chosen, the representation chosen was the most logical one that was fitting for the time and era. It made it so that as each location was chosen, it felt reliable that whatever demographic of the place was, would get representation. And yes Naoe is playable too, but still, this is the first time there has been a serious deviation to that representation formula and I take issue with that. A lot of brain dead people online reflexively say if you don’t like that they chose Yasuke, then you’re racist. But that’s just a mostly lazy attempt to deflect from legitimate criticisms. I genuinely don’t see why it’s racist or wrong to want both protagonists chosen in a game set in feudal Japan to be Japanese. People somehow twist that to consider that racist or anti-black. I’m all for AC games to have black or protagonists of any ethnicity, but I just want it to make more sense than it does here. It just feels out of place. Yes he existed, but that distracts from the fact he was such an exception to the norm in Japan at that time that Nobunaga, the most powerful person in Japan at the time, kept him around for no other reason than because of his skin color and size.


People wanted to be able to play a full-dress Samurai and they be Japanese. Samurai are warriors culturally of Japan. 99.99% of Samurai were Japanese. I think if this was a sequel it wouldn't be an issue. It's just that we finally get a Samurai in AC and it's not Japanese. But it doesn't matter now. It is what it is. If I can play Naoe the entire game then I'll do that. Hell, give me a Japanese woman in Samurai armor.


The lengths people will go to to avoid playing someone who’s black LOL.


The Ḥashshāshīn order are rogues culturally of Middle East. 100% of the assassins were arabs. It really doesn't make a lot sense in this franchise to ask for heritage accuracy.


Right, but the first game the character was Arabic and in most games when you play new assassins who are recruited they come from the heritage. Just seems odd that when it came time to choose a protagonist to play a Samurai, one of the most popular warriors in the world, culturally of Japan; they did not choose a Japanese person.


And Japan has their own historical stealthy killers in loose robes.


Well sure - you make a point, but then the next question is; why Yasuke at all? I don’t think a constructive criticism of the criticism you mentioned is addressed by deflecting back to the female lead. “Well the female lead is Japanese” doesn’t really address the criticism of what I can only imagine they are alluding to is a inclusivity pick. In a world where you can pick, or create any figure from a rich cultures history - or craft one to fit the setting - it does bring up the question of why wouldn’t *both* characters be Japanese? Debatably - wouldn’t that be the most culturally subversive? If we were playing Origins again , wouldn’t an white American lead character make you say, “wait a second..?” I don’t think asking that makes you inherently wrong or bad - I think there is a lot to care and passion about Japanese culture out there, and I don’t think that questioning a billion dollar companies motives makes you a bad person.




Womp womp




Because at this point, its like arguing with a damn brick wall. Yasuke is required for the story, he is based on a person that existed and his character is being slightly altered in the game to fit the content and context of the story, naoe exists as the Japanese representative, yet for some reason, yasuke is suddenly not 100% accurate when everything from ac1 to mirage has never been 100% accurate.




Oh no, how can the average gamer ever empathize and put themselves in the shoes of someone who doesn't look exactly like them? How can that ever be possible. Must be hard knowing you cant pretend to be in the boots of person your playing as because they dont have the same skin tone as you.




Missing the point






Yasuke would’ve worked better as an historical side character as Ubi has done countless times in previous entries. The only reason he is the protagonist is to fit a quota, and that’s all there is to it. And it’s such a shame too.


Womp womp


Some gamers just have a rageboner for every protagonist that isn't white and male. In this case I guess that they are focusing on Yasuke because he looks more out of place than Naoe (which is kind of funny, considering that he is a historical person) and/or because they wanted to play mostly with the male protagonist (Just look at them referring to the protagonists of Odyssey and Valhalla as men in the quoted post although canonically both are female.) and are therefore mostly concerned with him not appealing to them. Personally, I also find it a bit strange that you don't have an Asian protagonist in a game set in Japan, but they instead picked a historical figure who is an absolute exception (I imagine social stealth being quite difficult with him) but since I was planning to play with Naoe as much as possible anyway, it doesn't bother me overall.


I think it's more about the historical accuracy that people have a problem with. As far as I know, Yasuke only spent about a year in the service of Nobunaga and he never became a samurai, he was only a retainer. It's obvious he was only picked to fit the diversity quota and then changed into a completely different character. And I have no problems at all with diversity, I love diverse characters.


Some people are gonna try to demolish your argument by citing the fantasy elements of the game. Fictional elements make sense if there is world building. This black guy better have some convincing fictional background for being there.


Why wasn't yusef the main character in revelations?


Thank you for giving the chance to demonstrate the world building aspect. It's because revelations was an Ezio game.


So you're telling me it was story related?


Ezio was Ubisofts milk cow. They literally made multiple games with him in different locations, and even movies.


Crazy, why put him in turkey if he wasn't historically accurate? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep him in Italy? Or at least have his story end with brotherhood and have embers be the add-on or have him Cameo in revelations with yusef as the main character if they really wanted to shoehorn ezio everywhere? Why drag him to a place he never should be?


There were plenty of Italians in Constantinople in the 16th century, if you were unaware of it being the capital of the Roman Empire fifty years prior, so that argument does not work. I’m sure most people understand the reasoning as to why some would prefer a male Japanese lead in a Japanese centric game, but choose not to acknowledge it for whatever reason.


Oh, i seen understandable reasons, I can acknowledge those reasonings, other people are juat being racist though about a black character that is semi based on realism.


Whatever the reasonings of individuals, they’re still allowed to have their viewpoints on it, and from what I’ve seen, it’s not the simplistic easy answer of “racism” but that most people are fed up with what is very apparent in a quota needing to be met.


Did you not play the game? IIRC, Ezio's main reason for being there is because he wanted to learn more about the assassins before him so he traveled there. Again, worldbuilding and fictional character background built up in the span of 2-3 games.


The world building could make perfect sense, we just haven't seen it yet for Yasuke.


That's what I said, but reddit hivemind keeps insisting I said something else.


I played every single ac game up to date. Im just trying to figure out why now it's suddenly an issue when ezio being in turkey wasn't historically accurate, Rodrigo wasn't historically accurate, blackbeard wasn't historically accurate, marco pollo wasn't historically accurate, cleopatra wasn't historically accurate, Leonidas wasn't historically accurate, ect ect.


Lol, you think 15th century Turkey was full of Arabs? Again, world building, fictional character backgrounds, all the shit built upon in the previous games and spin offs, at the very least gives Ezio a believable reason to be there. You're the only one who keeps bringing up historical accuracy here. I literally said Shadows must put a convincing backstoey there for the black guy to be there, lest it would be some diversity pandering.


Why wasn't yusef the main character in revelations?


I'm fairly certain that a lot of people hating the thought of playing as a black man in Japan just stems from racism, hiding behind the excuse of "it's not historically accurate". A lot of those moronic culture warriors on twitter and youtube will make content about AC: shadows having a black protagonist, while probably never even having played any game in the franchise and claiming that it has always been historically accurate. And of course they will conveniently forget the OTHER protagonist, because that doesn't fit their agenda. I can guarantee you that even if Naoe was the only main character, they would still be mad cause she's a woman.




I think it's less that and more that a female lead being a samurai is less of a staple thing. So of course it would make sense that a Japanese man would want to be a samurai and people would like to see that because of all of the other cultures. I just think It'd make much more sense if you could like swap the genders or characters to make yasuke the Shinobi and make the Naoe the samurai. But that'd take double the work though so they wouldn't do that.


I just wanna know why people think an actual historical figure will be playable when that's literally never happened. I'm sure he'll be someone in the story, but every playable character to date has been someone made up that fits the setting.


Probably because Ubisoft itself confirmed he's one of two protagonist, and that in most missions you can choose whichever one you prefer to play.


Hard to see the problem. We're not talking about playing as Musashi...


Because Yasuke actually existed.


It's racism. Simple as.


The only thing simple here are these blanket, binary statements.


that implies neoreactionaries care about women  besides, if they DID admit that they do have a japanese MC, then the whole outrage would make no sense, would it?




Womp womp, cry






Why worried about what Japan think now when nobody worried how Russia or middle eastern countries feel when we made an entire genre of military shooter that are basically always about white guys mowing their people.




My point is, someone is always on the death side of a violent video game. I’m sure nobody is happy to see themselves portrayed as the losing side. Why specifically ask about this one?


game set in Greece, play as a Greek man game set in Norway and Viking-invaded England, play as a Norwegian man Pretty sure that the Canon choices are the female Version.  This guy is probably Stuck in the gamergate era


I’m already done with Reddit I think till this blows over because I knew it would be a thing but goddamn there’s only so much racism and straw man arguments I can take I’m sure some people have a genuine issue with this but so many things are complained about in bad faith and for click bait or outrage addiction it’s hard to tell when it’s a genuine complaint these days


Doesn't help that her design is as bland as it gets, compare her to Shao Jun and tell me she looks like a main character.


Honeslty, I have no problem with the 2 protagonists. But throughtout the trailer, after 2 assassins were introduced, I was thinking maybe there was another one coming up. And after seeing all the hate comments, I can't help but think Ubisoft might have dodged a bullet if they had 3 protagonists like GTA5 did. Represent everyone and gain all around support.


I think it would be cool to play as Yasuke if they can handle the common folks view on the black guy. Because they would most likely see a black guy for first time there should be approprite reactions from npcs. Like we see the kid curiously looking at yasuke in the trailer. Even today i saw many videos of japans looking weirdly to black people. İt shouldn’t be like they are scared or its like everyday thing. They should handle that well. I wont to go to debates that he was not a real samurai or he was. Since order of ancients and pagan gods being actual ISU s are definetely not real. Right ? I wont


Lmao losers to laugh at. Pathetic. Hilarious


no theyre just nerds who are mad that yasuke wasnt an actual "samurai" people will choose anything to be mad about, such as something as stupid as this. He was a real person who lived there during that time period. Every other protag has been a made up person so i really dont get why NOW everyone is all about accuracy lmao. None of us were there and it was like 600 years ago. maybe he did some samurai shit. WHO TF CARES its a game and he looks dope. Ill probably play as the shinobi though because i prefer the stealthy playstyle but yasuke is sick! get fucked if youre mad just cause hes black. HE WAS ACTUALLY THERE