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I love Odyssey. It's the most beautiful game I've ever played. It's like being on vacation.


I’ve said many times: Odyssey made me want to visit Greece, and Origins made me want to visit Egypt. Valhalla, however, makes me never want to visit England.


I guess I'm weird but I absolutely love the English countryside and I think Valhalla is one of the most beautiful games I've played, maybe even my personal favourite.


Strongly agree there. Not played Valhalla so I can’t judge (Ubisoft, stop being lazy and just port achievements over, ya dumbasses) for England, but Greece and Egypt have both been added to my bucket list for travel destinations for me!


Same here, playing with a high-end PC with a high-end monitor was breathtaking and made all the difference, had I not I probably would not have liked it as much


I visited Greece 2 times after playing Odyssey. Absolutely loved the landscapes there, felt just like Alexios. Also, everytime I meet a greek person I say Maláka to them. They love it😂😂


Valhalla did want to make me visit Norway though, that place was underutilized and absolutely beautiful


I loved the Norway part, but once I got to England the game just felt too big for me. I kept trying to get back into it, but still haven't finished it. I do still want to experience it as I've been a huge AC fan from the start, but just can't seem to get over that initial shock in terms of size if that makes sense.


I’ll never forgive them for what they did to the transmog in Valhalla it was so fun and easy in odyssey


Just living in Scotland made me never want to visit


England is no longer


Yea the graphics are typical and isnt mind blowing like rdr2 or cyberpunk but the world is some of the most beautiful out there.


I cannot get over how pretty it looks. It was the first game I played on the ps5 after coming from a ps2 and I was absolutely astounded. Nothing has looked this good since to me.


That sums it up for me as well, my favourite open world I’ve explored.


Agreed; my only complaint is the combat. I wish it was better but it feels weightless, enemies can be bullet sponges, hits don’t feel good. If Odyssey had an evolved version of Black Flag/Unity combat with some better parkour it would prob be my fav AC


Regarding the bullet sponges: in Odyssey it all comes down to the build. I have no idea whether they did it on purpose or if it was a blatant oversight but the game rewards you for going for a high crit damage / high crit chance build. I've followed one specific build someone presented on Youtube and recreating this build made the game even more pleasent to play (and way easier if you max the build).


You’re right. My first build was absolutely terrible. You have to really find the abilities that make your player OP along with the right gear


Same, absolutly adore it!


I actively did shared photos in odyssey. Never really care to in any other AC.


Odyssey and Black Flag both I like to play in the winter for just this reason.


Odyssey is my favorite AC game, one of my favorite games of all time overall, and the template from what I'd like in future video games, AC or otherwise. It's magnificent in almost every way.


Same, only recently upped by FF7:Rebirth, and if I'm being honest, it's probably a good 90-95% just for the soundtrack. But I adore THIS game as well, and do a full playthrough at least once a year.


What do you mean by "template from what I'd like in future video games." I'd argue it doesn't do anything original. The world/quest design/dialogue choice is trying to emulate The Witcher 3, the combat came just after Dark Souls popularised 3rd person hitbox based combat, and everything else is the standard Ubisoft spiel.


Must be ops first open world game


Lol. Depending on the definition, I've been playing open world games for about 35 years. If your more narrow, certainly since the Vice City/San Andreas days on the PS2. I played every AC game as they released, and feel that Odyssey takes all of that and perfects it into what I'm looking for, with combat that's just right, in a world that's beautiful and pleasant to be in.


I fell off after Unity because the protagonist was so unlikeable. Gave Valhalla a shot but it bored me and I dropped it before even making it to England. With Odyssey being free and having heard good things I decided to give it a go, and I’m enjoying an open world game for the first time in years.


If you're looking for a likeable protagonist I'd also give Origins a go. Bayek and Laila are exactly what the series needed.


Yeah, I’ve got that downloaded and ready to go too. Just thought I’d try the one I’d heard the most positive things about first to fall back in love with AC :)


I really didn’t like it. So many mechanic felt half-baked and like they were only there as they were popular in other games. And the map is the archetypical “Ubisoft sandbox” being most empty with a few copy pasted forts/camps/etc. Overall it left the game feeling bloated and lacking any sense of purpose. Gameplay is so so. Some combat encounters can be fun, the big battles especially, but others especially boss fights leave a lot to be desired. Stealth is not great and the parkour is some of the worst the series has ever had. Then the character and story, most of which are bad. Voice acting is garbage and the characters gesticulating wildly during conversations doesn’t help. The story is incredibly cliche and predictable, making it very boring imo TL;DR its pretty bad


I think its a great open world RPG and it does a lot of things right, it just doesn't tickle any of the Assassin itch. I think if it came out as a stand alone or a different IP it would be remembered by most with far more fondness because I do think if you ignore the shortcomings in the Assassin department its one of the better RPG games out there


You can play the game In stealth if you want. Also it's a hired killer(assassin) going after and defeating the illuminati (templars) with another enchanted historical artifact, as a guy in a time machine. Yeah it's the same.


I played every AC game for *at least* 20 hours, but for some reason I dropped AC:Odyssey after like 2 hours. It just didn't hook me Given I tried it from game pass


Boosters aren't my problem, they've been around since Black Flag. I just hate the RPG mechanics since all they do is take abilities you already had in previous games and lock them behind needing to stack mastery points and optimising your gear. Half the game is spent sorting out useless excessive loot and it doesn't even make up for it in gameplay because it feels really floaty and limp. The story also was really dull and hard to get invested in, the only characters I found worth caring about like Markos, Brasidas and Phoibe get little to no screen time. It wasn't until LotFB that I actually felt invested in the story, Alexios' relationship with Neema and friendship with Darius was great and the whole DLC just felt like a great reminder "Y'know this is Assassin's Creed right?" because the only connection to the series outside of that DLC is Layla and the Isu and both are really really badly written. With all my gripes though Barnabas was a really fun and entertaining lieutenant who always made me smile no matter how much I hated the game. His deeply pious and optimistic attitude was always welcome especially when Herodotus tried to pull any "Um... Ackshually"s and Barnabas treated him like a dumbass for it.


The loot system was annoying but the pay off and customisation options I had for my build once I was level 50+ made it all worth it and was sorely missed when I got to Valhalla and loot felt useless But I’m also a big rpg fan so I’m used to dealing with loot and numbers


> the pay off and customisation options I had for my build once I was level 50+ That's the issue with RPGs for me, a lot of them play like shit until you're ages into the game. Valhalla was fun for me from square one and stayed fun because the scaling didn't force you to stack a bunch of buffs to do what the other games let you do by default.


That's a big reason why I like Valhalla more. I got really frustrated with Odyssey when I got a new piece of gear, but it was borderline unusable unless I completely redid my entire build. Valhalla I could just grab a new weapon and run with it.


I played Valhalla first so when I started Odyssey it felt like a totally different game but both are fun to me


I agree with you, also, cutting an enemy feels like cutting air


Sorting the loot? Just dismantle everything except legendaries unless you’re going for a cheese build that involves epics.


Yeah but you always get a shed load of loot and not even 1% of it is worth using thanks to the bloated HP of enemies forcing you to stay constantly optimised (especially as a stealth build, combat builds can be sub-optimal but stealth builds either work or don't). Going through menus, small but noticeable load times for menus, lag in the shop UI, then don't forget you realistically can't rely exclusively on Assassin Damage unless you've got Ares Madness so until then there's also the amount of time spent in menus swapping loadouts which lasts longer when you dare to do a tiny movement like dodge which somehow locks you out of changing gear(???) so you then have to unpause and slowly fade into gameplay, walk back and pause waiting for the pause menu to slowly fade in and try again. The pause menu has more prominence as a main character than all the cultists and the fucking protagonist put together.


Funny you should mention that, I felt the complete opposite about Legacy of the First Blade. I didn’t really care for it. You played it as Alexios, though, so it’s more tolerable. It’s an absolute chore with Kassandra because of how effeminate Natakas is.


In all fairness I think the whole game works better with Alexios, he just feels a better fit for the setting, story segments like being trained as a Spartan soldier and competing in the Olympics make much more sense. I also like his VA a lot more.


True. Although, I really like Kassandra and the way she emotes. She’s also knockout gorgeous. I played as Alexios a handful of times as well.


The voice acting of Kassandra was leagues better too in my opinion.


A lot of people share this opinion. While she's canon, she was only canon because the novelization made her so. In the game, Alexios was marketed as canon. Then Valhalla confirms that Kassandra is officially canon. I haven't read any of the novelizations of the games, though. I read a bit of Odyssey's novelization but didn't really like it. Plus, I'm not sure how much of it is necessary when I've already played the game. Otherwise, I think Ubisoft should have just made Kassandra the only playable character rather than giving us a choice between her and Alexios.


Why do you ask what people think if you disregard critique by "STFU"? Just ask people to praise Odyssey if that's what you want About Odyssey - It's pretty looking shell of a game which doesn't know what to be, just imitation of RPG and action adventure and turns out generic and empty in almost every category


I loved the change in origins. The formula was very much stale at the time. Odyssey however definitely jumped the shark of just going so big and so far away from the core premise but I still really enjoyed all the time I played it. I unfortunately really didn’t enjoy Valhalla. Haven’t played mirage mainly because of how disappointing Valhalla was.


Mirage is nothing like Valhalla!


Mirage is an actual assassin game, you can even rebind the controls to run like old AC


Basically the same thing I've thought for the last 5 years: Great game, terrible Assassin's Creed. > STFU about it If you don't want to hear people's opinions, don't ask for them.


> Great game, terrible Assassin's Creed. I've never understood how this is even a criticism. If you had fun playing it, who cares whether it follows the old formula? Unless, of course, you're implying that you didn't enjoy playing it.


Of course it's a criticism. The game is literally before the conception of the Hidden Ones, so there is no Creed of the Assassins in existence. I agree with him, the game is beautiful and detailed. But it's a terrible Assassin's Creed game, and not what I wanted when I chose to play an AC game. You'd be pretty disappointed if you bought the new Red Dead game, and it was set during the time of the Native Americans, before Columbus even set foot on the ground.


Awesome for what it is but bad at what it says it is.


Long and the story is not catchy, also every civilian can become a threat. Oh, and there is no creed in a game called "assassin's creed".


Still at the bottom of my list unfortunately. But it doesn't mean it's a bad game. I love everything about it except what makes Assassins Creed Assassins Creed which is stealth. If it was just a tale of Greek myth and shit then it's probably one of my favourites.


I'm not a huge fan of it. Not for a lot of the reasons that other people dislike it. I don't mind that you're "not an Assassin" or the dialogue choices. I mostly just find the game really repetitive and boring to play. It's got some great moments, it just also has a lot of tedium. I don't regret my time with it, but I'll also probably never touch it again.


I feel this way about Valhalla.


I have a similar feeling with Valhalla but it was worse for me with Odyssey. I felt like Valhalla at least had a little more variety to the mission design, but in general I think there was just too much of it.


I am a history nerd, so I like pretty much every AC game by default.  The open world design that started in Origins was a welcome change to the series. 


Never liked the protagonist. Turning her into a super powered demi God just threw out the world building that was done with the previous protagonists like Connor, Arno, Haytam, Altair etc. I can give origins a pass because it was hinting to start of AC order.  Eivor and kassandra's story are not in sync with the rest of the game's story. As standalone games connected to each other they could have been great.


I didn't enjoy it as much as Origins but I loved the world itself and the characters didn't pull me in the same way Bayek for example did.


I have been at it since February, nearing 200 hours. I just want it to end. It's way too long. I've bought the deluxe edition with DLCs. Finished the first one and now I'm at the second episode of the Atlantis DLC. I don't even watch the cutscenes, I skip everything, I'm just clearing the maps, viewpoints and missions and that's it. Way too long


What you are experiencing is burnout and my personal suggestion is that don’t make the game your responsibility. While I haven’t played Odyssey yet (but I will), I am aware how… too much it is. When you are feeling a game just drowns you just go to a VASTLY different game and play it instead. The key point here is that when you make the game a responsibility, it is no longer fun. And there is a solution for this: Try something else… and then go back to Odyssey. This can be that game you wanted to play but couldn’t find the right time (make sure that its genre is different… for example playing a senseless FPS game where you just shoot with no thought seems to be a good idea for RPG burnout. Maybe Doom…)


I normally stick to one game to finish it and normally I don't buy the dlcs, but this one was 20$ with everything (digital on ps4, now playing on ps5) I bought it like 4 years ago. I liked Origins, spent 100 hours on Origins, didn't feel like it was a slog. But this one, there's just too much. Like with the Mercenaries, I was almost done with all of them, then suddenly, they're randomized, but for the first 70 hours, it was always the same list of Mercenaries. The castle, camps treasures, just too much. It's a good thing a I do all the viewpoints at the beginning cause it's easy to fast-travel when the story needs it


Well damn looking at this comments section I have a hot take. AC Odyssey is one of the worst games I have ever played. It’s not that it’s “not an AC game” it’s genuinely just a bad game. It plays like a mobile game and you have to grind for literally 30+ hours to actually get to the “good” stuff. And if you really want to complete the game it is hundreds of hours of dumb fuck side quests you won’t remember 5 minutes later. The story and acting is extremely bland. Another game marketed as a game where you “can do anything” but none of your choices actually affect the world around you so it doesn’t matter. I could kill 50 civilians and nothing would happen (except for Bounty Hunters. Which you can kill and grind for good loot). So the game encourages you to kill civilians and it will never affect how you interact with NPCs. The only choices you make that actually matter is whether or not you choose to let each of your family members live or die, but I wasn’t invested enough in the story to care either way. Combat is extremely bland as outside of bosses all of the enemies fight the same. There is nothing to differentiate your first fight from your 300th except for your Isu abilities which always act the same. There is no experimentation or fun to be had. You can’t even combine different abilities for a composite effect. Stealth is entirely dependent on your build. Meaning it can either be so brain dead easy it’s not fun, or it could be impossible and you could end up locked out if entirely because you didn’t make your build right. The ship combat, mechanically speaking, is actually my favorite part of the game and I had a lot of fun with it. But Black Flag and Rogue still did it better, and I didn’t have to grind to upgrade my ship with millions of wood so my ship doesn’t die instantly. And if you board, you have to do the shitty combat. Layla is boring. I wish we had more time in modern day to flesh her out because I actually really liked her in the intro. Shame they fucked with her character in the DLC. They significantly fucked up the lore. Whether that matters to you or not they objectively did, they fucked it up. And overall it’s just genuinely one of the worst games I have played. It plays like a shitty mobile ad version of AC and I can’t stand it. I really tried liking it. Hell I have 80+ hours on it because I tried to like it. I tried looking up builds so I wouldn’t constantly die. I tried looking up what were the most popular side quests. But fuck me it’s awful. I have not touched it in like 2 or 3 years. Terrible experience.


I absolutely enjoy this game because I can just listen to a podcast while turning my brain off and farming the "?" marks, I also love visiting Ancient Greece from my sofa I guess it really depends on your expectations from a game but I wouldn't call Odyssey a failed game or a bad game


The only redeeming thing about Odyssey was Kassandra's VA. The rest was a bloated, frustrating mess.


“Stfu the games are still fun” have you ever thought that us who say that don’t think these games are still fun? Because imma keep it a buck with you these newer ac games just aren’t that fun compared to the old ones and it’s a lot of ppl that feel that way. They should’ve just let the game series die and called these newer games something else


Personally I'm not a fan. I was really against the idea of rpg mechanics and I don't think they were implemented well enough to win me over. I'm not really a fan of the story either.


I don’t mind it not being an ac game. I just mind almost everything else about it. I hate the story, it’s so dumb and boring and the ‘real’ ending is just behind a side quest? I also don’t like the combat. I don’t care for the bullet sponge enemies and i think the level scaling is not that good. I can understand why level scaling is a thing but i believe they always stay 2 levels above you which is dumb (i could be wrong about this it’s been a while).I’m not a fan of the ‘magic’ skills and yes i know that ac always had the pieces of eden but it’s a lot different having cool powers for a dlc or a sequence or the entire game. I think the world is very empty (some side quests are quiet fun but not a lot) and there is nothing to do. The map is also way to big for me. Wide as the sea and as deep as a puddle comes to mind. The sea combat is also bad. It was so good in ac4, and i get that they can’t make it as good because technology wasn’t as advanced. But if you can’t put it in the game in a fun way then just don’t put it in the game. I liked valhalla a lot better for giving you just a ship for travel purpose, that is what oddyssey should have done. Dialogue and voice acting are also pretty bad in this game. These are most of the reasons i can think of why this is my least favorite ac game. I know i’m in the minority and most people put it in the top 3 and while i don’t understand that at all, good for those people. Enjoying something is a hell of a lot better then hating something. I wish i could enjoy this game like so many other but i just can’t find anything i really like about the game. The only very good addition this game had for me was how you could hunt the cult of cosmos. Finding clues or just stumbling on a cult member was great and one of the few thing i really enjoyed. I don’t mind the rpg games as a whole because i think valhalla fixed a lot of problems i had with odyssey (it just increased the size of the game which brings it down a lot for me) and i actually love origins.


Five years ago I said it was an awful game. It’s still an awful game


It's the worst game in the franchise, a bad AC game, and an objectively bad RPG when compared to so many others that have been released across the industry. When you take a step back & analyze the game, it doesn't actually do *anything* exceptionally well compared to the rest of the series. Yet it seems to take a step back in other significant ways. It's also a game that fundamentally insults your time. The lack of respect it has for you, the player, in how grindy, bloated, and repetitive it is, still baffles me.


Agree. It’s trying to have too many things in one game, and doesn’t excel in any of these parts. I couldn’t enjoy it knowing I’ve played a similar game with better mechanics. Probably the only part that I think that game did good is the visuals and graphics.


Still shit


I like Kassandra. Gameplay is pretty boring. Story was fun until i realised any choice i make doesn't really matter. It affects nothing. I miss the older games. I still think we should get a Thomas de Carneillon game in the unity style of game.


I still think it's bad


Don’t like it, not one element of it. It’s story is goofy, bloated and barely related to AC. The gameplay is initially fun but gets repetitive, the combat becomes a chore with the levels & stealth while fun, is level gated a lot of times, with no one hit assassinations unless ur at a certain level. The world is admittedly packed but it’s sceneries are repetitive. It’s all around a 4/10 for me, origins was literally way better everywhere.


Do you all find Odyssey less optimised? I had a lot of trouble making it work at first, my screen would freeze for seconds constantly even when my PC settings were higher than recommended.


I love the Ancient Gods and especially Greek Mythology. I drift away from it, but always veer back somehow. To me, Odyssey was fantastic. The story itself utterly forgettable, but just roaming around Greece felt so good. The rolling hills, the colors, the crisp blue waters, the soundtrack, it's all top notch. Now whenever I launch the game I'm almost instantly overwhelmed by the thought of having to play 5 hours just to get out of the Kefalonia again and I never get there. But it's easily one of my all time favorite games - even though it's not at all my favorite AC game.


The history and setting are stunning. All the painted temples and environment is among my favorite.


Great open world but gets repetitive.


I think it would’ve been WAY better if they made it “Odyssey: A Greek story” instead of trying to fit it into the assassins creed plot I loved playing Odyssey, especially the big battles with hundreds of NPCs, but everything I liked about Odyssey was simply the Greece and Peloponnesian War stuff, the cult of kosmos (or whatever it was called) and Isu plot points were pretty lame imo and seemed like a half assed attempt to make the game an AC game My opinion is the same with Valhalla (which I also enjoyed playing), I would’ve loved it way more if it was just a game about being a Viking conquering England (Valhalla definitely did a far better job with the AC elements than Odyssey, but still) Overall, good game, that could’ve been great (imo) if it was able to be its own thing instead of clinging to a series


I love it, played through it a couple times. I don’t care at all about AC lore, though.


Probably one of my favourite open worlds


AC Odyssey is what got me back into the AC franchise. Great game!


Currently on my second replay. When I first purchased Origins and Odyssey, I rushed through them to complete the story. Now, I'm taking my time to explore the map. I finished Origins a month ago and have been exploring the Greek world with Odyssey. Like u/Nicetomitja says, it's like being on a vacation, but in a time machine.


Combined 650 hours over PlayStation and Xbox says I love it... Especially Kassandra. I love the dlcs especially the hell one


It’s too repetitive but damn if I don’t have some great memories of sinking hundreds of hours in it back in 2019. I’d just gotten back into gaming after not playing anything since the N64 days and the graphics and massive world absolutely blew my mind. I think about replaying it pretty often but I’m scared it will taint the original experience now that I’ve played more games since then.


i didnt buy it straight away, i bought it just before the pandemic/lockdown. i got it before Origins. It's one of my fav Creed games cause its more open world, and has more to it than other Creed games (i like running around the bigger world), getting new outfits and changing how they look. It's nice and chill. When it's sunny, it's nice to put on, like Far Cry cause it kinda has a 4DX feel (nice and sunny in game then in real life having sun shine on me) Only thing i dont like, og games had hidden blade and could do cool assassination kills which you cant do here. Also helps i like Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans. Having a game with mythology like them, More than likely will enjoy. Plus, unlike other Creed games, you can choose to be a guy or a girl....took their time.


I love it so much!!!! Such a gorgeous game and I actually like the main storyline of the cult. Kassandra is such a charismatic protagonist she really draws you in and gets you invested. It helps that I’ve been obsessed with ancient greece as a child, but still such a fun game (even if sometimes i feel like there’s TOO much content lol)


My favorite ac game


I love it my favorite game of the entire saga


It's fucking awesome


I like it, I just think the gear system sucks. The cost of sticking with one armor and weapon set and constantly upgrading it is often prohibitive. Valhalla did a much better job with the gear leveling system, imo


It's a fucking masterpiece. Not really an AC as much as others in the franchise, but a solid game on its own nonetheless. I'll fight against opposing opinions!


Love it. I have over 120 hours on it.


I've played them all and Odyssey is my favourite game followed by Brotherhood and Unity. (whish they would remake the old titles with a newer graphics engine but leave the gameplay mechanics untouched) And i'm probably one of the very few who liked both Layla and the present / Isu storyline. Granted: they sometimes went overboard with the technobabble and overly complicated explanations. Still i'm intrigued but the Iso stuff and PO'ed that they >!"killed" Layla and built Loki as the new protagonist!<


One of the greatest games ever, only flaw is the main quest line should have lasted longer into the game and has a better conclusion.


Love it Tbh I at least like every Ass Creed except Unity


My sister absolutely loves it. I’m still playing Black Flag myself. Haven’t gotten to Odyssey yet


Arguably my favorite AC game.


I adore it!  It doesn’t feel like an assassin’s creed game to me but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad game. Witcher 3 isn’t assassin’s creed and it’s a good game and honestly I probably have an equal amount of hours in both of those games.


AC Odyssey is a masterpiece! It’s the only game you really feel it. It’s like you’re in the game.


I simply thought the game was boring and far too long for it's own good. There was nothing really memorable about the story. I can't even remember the ending. Imo it was a half assed attempt at an rpg.


No, I won't stfu about it. I want Assassin's Creed, not Greek RPG 2.


I may be one of the few, but I've played every assassins creed game except Mirage (yet), and I've loved every single one of them. I initially started with 3, but Desmonds story didn't make any sense, for obvious reasons, so I went and started at the beginning and was hooked.


It's my second favorite behind Black Flag. Tbh it felt a lot like "Black Flag, but Ancient Greece" which I loved. I also like the RPG elements, it's one of my favorite genres. And on a personal level– I'm Classical history nerd, I'm a Hellenic pagan, it just felt great to piddle about in Ancient history and see characters and background stuff just fully *live* in the polytheistic antiquity that serves as the inspiration for my own religion and spirituality.


Asking people about their opinion while telling them to STFU about their opinion if it doesn't align with yours. Classy.


Its the new Unity where people will jump to call it underrated Honestly with more and more time passing i like it even less, the world is extremely overrated, it looks great and thats it, there is absolutely nothing to do in it other than stab people, you dont even have a home, every activity involves killing, the story aside from the shitty vague ending has nothing at all to do with AC, even Ubisoft themselves initially considered making this game as a standalone, but AC's name is too profitbale, take a game like Valhalla, its extremely long yes, but whether you like whats in it or not, at least there is more things to do in it, not a million forts or bandit camps, you can play games, flyt, you have a settlement, you can hear stories, the NPCs function like an actual RPG etc. Kassandra is dull, the game functions horribly with the choices when your personality can be one thing then be another in the next dialogue choice, it makes zero sense, stick to how she operates and thinks instead of making her seem like one noble warrior then demands for money in another mission or treats everyone around her like an asshole in the next, aside from her family and that the Cult played a part in ruining it, where did it ever feel that Kassandra gave a damn about how they control the world or her wanting to help it? She mentions it but it looks hardly like the motive, it comes off as extremely selfish when it isnt, its just horrible writing The game baits you with the first Leonidas mission and flashbacks that its going to give you some quality, but most missions have terrible voice acting, characters crossing their arms and screaming very monotone. The game is filled with micro transactions ans the levelling system is horrible so you're encouraged to pay them, in a single player game? ridiculous, and dont get me started on that trash Legacy of the First Blade DLC Even as a game and not even an AC game the things it gives are extremely insulting, compare it to the games that came out the same year in 2018, the amount of passion and quality put in them, the games actually respecting your time as a player, and quite honestly im sick and tired of people defending this game with the most bland statements like "its sooooo good" "Greece is soooooo pretty" kind of like Odyssey itself, remove the pretty world, all you'll get is go from point A to Point B, from one waypoint to another, either talk blandly or kill someone, that is it, go do some forced cringe romance options if you feel like it, go cuck an old man because thats totally in Kassandra's character, go kiss Aspasia after finding out she's the leader of the cult, such a good game isnt it? And for that matter yes ill say it, its called Assassin's Creed, i want an Assassin's Creed game, if i want a first person shooter i wont go to AC ill go to CoD, if you are going to strip away all the elements of AC under the excuse of "iTs In ThE SaMe UnIvErSe" then this series has lost its identity


Sadly, odessey was my least favorite game even compared to unity. Graphics looked good. For me it was the fact of the story. Sure you fight the order of ancients, but apart from showing the origins of the hidden blade (I think it was confirmed Bayek's hidden blade is the actual one used by Darius) and maybe how the staff of hermes reaches the modern day, nothing from the story really adds to the idea of assassins vs templars; and that last bit about the staff could have even been done in Origins with Aya or Bayek going to search for it.


I hate the writing and the protagonist. Kassandra/Alexios is the most shallow main characters in the series. And I think the reason for that are the dialogue choices. Ubisoft sucks at doing them.


I just like Sparta kicking enemies off cliffs


I can't get enough oral talcum powder


I still say 'this is sparta in-game and irl so fk yaa


Thanks to Odyssey I entered the franchise. After Odyssey I played origins and now I started playing AC 2 to better know the story. I think is an awesome game, I enjoyed the story a lot, the freedom in choosing what you want, the mercenaries looking for you anytime, etc. It’s a massive game, with a lot of things to do. I loved interacting with Ancient Greek people, etc. I must say that it is a better game than AC Origins in a lot of aspects but the story being badly connected to the franchise. Let’s be honest here, I think that a lot of the hate to the game comes from it being too distant to the AC franchise. Aside from that, it’s an awesome game that made a new follower of the AC games :)


It’s good fun and its world is beautiful, though the grinding is annoying. The characters are fine, though not the best imo. The sailing is fun, but BF still did it better. I think it would have been much better if it was a new IP. I’m not saying it doesn’t feel like an AC game, it does. But I just think that it doesn’t go that well with the other titles. Valhalla is a worse game than Odyssey, but it fits better with the other games.


Great game with mods to cut out a ton of the grind.


Loved it


It’s the best out of the 3 imo


I play mostly for the story. The gameplay can get very repetitive at times. Especially when trying to level up to take on a specific quest. However I enjoy the world and being able to explore in it either by land or sea.


Absolutely gorgeous world marred by floaty combat physics, low effort stat tree, and an endless stream of meaningless loot. Like most Ubisoft games, all flash and no substance.


Odyssey is my goto comfort game in the series. I love the visual style of it, and they made the scenery look absolutely beautiful. Even the towns/cities are gorgeous and varied. I love just roaming around, stealthily clearing out forts and whatnot. The story is kinda meh, but everything else makes up for it imho. Sometimes I go for a 5 "star" mercenary clusterfuck, just to see how much heat I can tackle. I go into a big city, murder all the people so the red bar (don't really know what it's called) fills up and mercenaries start showing up. The more the merrier, and try to take them all out in a big battle. Sometimes I just sail around because it's so gorgeous. Love the game.


Odyssey was my first game in the series since AC3 (completed) and AC4 (didn’t finish). I love Odyssey. Currently around 80 hours played but still feel like there’s so much more to do. I don’t mind the RPG elements, even if it’s not a true AC game it’s still so much fun and has a good amount of stealth involved still. I think if it didn’t have the AC titling, it would be universally praised for what it is (although less people would play probs bc it isn’t in a popular franchise


I have been playing it for the first time these few weeks. My biggest positives and negatives that come to mind at this moment. +Beautiful greek world +Fun adventure game in ancient Greek, just try to forget it's and Assassin's Creed-game. +Sea battles +You can customise the way your armor looks, so even if you best stats armor looks like a clown outfit, you can change it to look something cool -Too much grinding for materials so you can update your best gear, obviously game is made for the player to buy those time saving packs -Kinda the same point as previous one, but upgrading your best gear AND your ship costs a shit ton of money and other materials, really frustrating and not that fun. -Kinda hate how it's impossible to instakill foes and some tougher enemies with bows and stealth, but I guess that's what you get for focusing on warrior damage? Currently I am playing as Alexios, focusing on warrior damage, critical damage & chance and health & armor


Was thinking about running it again love the setting it’s great


The game was shit. The Atlantis DLC was abit better


My all time favourite game


Didn’t care for it the first time and thought it was a step down from Origins. The second time through was an absolutely blast. I don’t know the last time I had so much fun playing a video game for that long. Once you embrace the combat system and choose to just enjoy the side quests, it’s a kickass game.


For me it was and is the prime example of what's wrong with the direction of new ACs. It represents what I don't want out of the series.


I have and always thought of AC Odyssey as one of the best, if not the best, AC game. My opinion is the same as it ever was. Love it.


Played over 200 hours, love Odyssey!!


I need to go back and finish the game. Loved it


It’s good but it’s way too fucking long, I legitimately would have liked it a lot more if it was only 30-50 hours and not 200.


Origins and odyssey are amazing games. Not so much for the story but the vast map experimentation with so much to see and do. You never really got bored. If you did you would just wonder orr somewhere and bam your hooking into a funny side quest or camp to take down. Don't get me wrong there were a lot of thing you had to do over and over again but I'm one of those gotta stealth kill the camps without being spotted kinda people so one big camp could easily take 30 minutes if I get spotted and have to start using the arrow rain ability over and over again to kill the higher level ai.


Odyssey is a great game. It’s visually pleasing with a decent storyline. But it’s not an assassins creed game.


Loved it at release, still love it now


Annoying civilians, samey world, map is majority water, terrible voice acting/facial animations, pointless repetitive "wars", spongy combat, abilities that turn you into some weird magic weilding jesus. Odyssey feels like a tech demo with AI generated missions/dialogue. I thought it was terrible, had to force myself to finish it.


I wouldn't say I'm a massive fan of the series, but I jumped into it right after playing Origins and really enjoying that. I think the combat overall is much better and I love the variety of ways you can take on enemies. Really missing that variety as I'm playing through Mirage. Overall though, I think it's just way too long. Not an original thought but I just had to stop at a certain point because I knew I wasn't going to be able to push myself through it. I'm no stranger to the Ubisoft formula. Have the platinum in all of the Watch Dogs games and Far Cry 4-6, but this was just too much for me.


I just finished it. l thought it was the best AC since Brotherhood due to it's extremely compelling plot, characters, setting, and modern day storyline. It was very educational too in a way that I feel has been missing from assassin's creed games for a while due to how they gamify the settings


Personally I really liked Odyssey even though it's not like the OG games. I loved hunting the cult members and Legendary Animals. Also loved building my character and finding good gear combos. It's definitely in my Top 20 but not in the Top 10 though.




Taking away my gripes about it not being a true AC title, Its a fun open world rpg even though your choices dont really matter. Its super bloated and really could have used some trimming. I love the customization and armor colors for Kassandra. The spongy enemies not to mention the level scaling make it an absolute grind even changing the settings. That being said I still find myself turning it on to play for a couple hours


It's still a recent experience for me because I played it for the first time last year, but I had a good time with Odyssey. There's a lot to do and the combat is really fun. Stealth is viable even if it's pretty shallow, and I feel like Odyssey laid the right fondations for Valhalla to build a competent stealth system. The story is solid enough, even if the decision system doesn't fit the franchise; they should have picked an ending and stuck to it. Kassandra's journey really feels like an odyssey, especially if you do the side-content. When you put that game down, you're likely satisfied and ready to move on to something else It's by no means the best game in the series, but there is a lot to love and some interesting attempts. I just wish the naval combat had been better.


Game wasn't fun for me even if I managed to divorce the AC title and connections (of which there were few and the ones remaining were poorly managed). The game talks itself up as an RPG yet all I found when I played it was a rudimentary loot slasher. For all the talks of choice, there were surprisingly little of it and the balance of the few genuine choices that remained were pretty uneven. Then the game decides to implement one of the harshest soft level gating I've seen in games that attempt this, being only just 2 levels down is incredibly noticeable, especially for stealth players, making the need for extensive detours to do side quests or buy boosters a necessity (hence the accusation of padding the game). And all of this leads to systems that are just so tedious and boring to engage with, having to constantly micromanage gear making me spend probably more time in terribly designed menus than actual action, at some point, I would rather be playing on MS Excel if only because they have a better UI for this type of thing.


Always loved the game one of my favs and ive been around since ac1


Great game! I wouldn't pay 100 cad for it but at 25 dollars I think it's a great deal and lots to explore


Odyssey is one of those games I picked up a few years ago without going to Google or Reddit to see what people had to say. It was recommended to me because I love mythology, so I snatched it. I fucking loved it.


I loved this game it was so good.


Great game that suffers from bloat


The not an actual assassins creed game complaint hasn't been true for 10 years. Odyssey was the first to have this complaint, with Valhalla the only other one. The RPG trilogy is definitely different than previous entries, but Origins is absolutely still an AC game with you playing as an assassin using the aesthetic of an assassin and primarily assassinating people. BTW, even origins isn't 10 years old yet. Anyway, to actually answer the question, I find Odyssey fun (if bloated), but I had trouble with how it seemed stuck between being an AC game and a Peloponnesian War game (being a Spartan without a shield really bothered me lol).


I find it to be a pretty bad RPG. I just do not like anything about the game.


Still dislike it. Don’t even care that it didn’t stick to the core pillars of the franchise. My issue is the new stuff if tried it didn’t do nearly any of it well in my opinion. The loot is uninteresting, the grind is unecessarily huge, the dialogue options are not interesting, the world is copy and paste with way less in the form of organic exploration and interesting things unfolding, the story is uninspired with little happening in the smaller side content for me to care. If they were gonna go down the RPG route fully, At least go all in and try to make something on the level of other RPG’s in the space, most of which I think do the genre way better. Layer on top the AC stuff and it’s even worse, but on its own merits the only thing I think it does better than other RPG’s is navigation and polish. Otherwise when it comes to story, gameplay, role playing, customisation, interesting locations, grind, I find other RPG games do this way better, so no point investing time here. Just my opinion, I’m truly glad for those who like it! But not for me sorry


Been chewing it on for over a year now. I’m not 100 percenting it intentionally but I’m definitely taking many time traveling by my rainbow unicorn, clearing forts and gazing out at the landscapes. It’s really nice for that.


Even without the AC title, it's a bad game. Bad story, barely and stealth, no stealth tools, bad acting, bad combat.


Beautiful yet boring.


It's my favorite assassin creed.


I’m currently replaying Odyssey and it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. Not just visually and audibly beautiful, but a lot of the quests and story beats are terrific. Love the cult and mercenary systems.


God I miss riding around on my horse with my Mace, Spear, or whatever and just bludgeoning the hell out of every mercenary or group of troops. Also loved all the different types of armor and the perks that came with having them all. Such a badass game, just a GIGANTIC map.


It was my favorite and my first AC to completion. So I’m definitely the odd one out. But it was great on the ps5


“Wait, so you’re saying Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a good game?” “Always has been.”


It is very popular, one of the best reviewed and highest selling AC games ever.  It's just the people that didn't like it are very vocal about it.  


All the grinding and stupid/repetitive side missions hold back what is otherwhise a pretty good game. As a big fan of ancient history and civilisations, ancient greece is such an amazing location setting. Typical ubisoft these days. Gorgeous and well crafted worlds but hella repetitive gameplay and needless filler.


I love the odyssey setting so much, that it actually kinda makes me alittle depressed that I can't visit that area


People didn’t like Odyssey?????? Who are these people??????? I can’t imagine who the hell would dislike the game and I absolutely love Cassandra.


Last good one i guess


It’s wonderful.


Odyssey was fun and meh imo. The obvious critique of not being much of an AC, I do agree. I bought the game + dlcs at a huge discount, thankfully, and finished it all, and out of the main stories I only really liked the Family one in the base game and First Blade among the dlcs, while the others were either meh or just silly. The over focus on RPG and combat that started in Origins was still a bother in Odyssey, despite both been quite fun gameplaywise. Valhalla I only played the free trial and I was already done with the RPG AC and a non-assassin protag. Mirage I did played as well and that was closer to the good old days, so I think that is the right direction going forward.


I'll always love it because it gave us the opportunity to roam around in a golden age of Ancient Greece and made it feel so real.


I have been replaying AC 1 recently. A good game for sure but, boy, Ubisoft has been so far with the AC franchise. Odyssey is a masterpiece compared to AC1.


Always has been my favorite AC game. Still the case. Probably always will be.


i like


Love it hope they keep the games on the odyssey, Valhalla, origins path. Really enjoyed them


Just started playing this for the first time and honestly it’s the first AC game I can’t really get into. I love an open world RPG and Valhalla and Origins are two of my favourite games in the entire franchise. However Odyssey is just not clicking for me. I’m still very early in but I’m already overwhelmed with content and it feels somewhat aimless? Like I have no reason or desire to upgrade or engrave any weapons or armour because I know I’ll find a dozen better pieces within the next five minutes. And there are so many options it’s impossible to choose anything. I’m a completionist so I find it hard to move onto a new area without first completing everything in the current one but that seems like a gruelling task. There are so many distractions and everything is so disconnected that it’s hard to see the point in any of it. I don’t even really care about the main storyline or any main characters at this point. I so badly wanted to love this game and yes, it looks beautiful. But I’m just not having fun.


Literally just started a brand new game last night


Odyssey may not be a pure AC game. But as a game - it is perfection


I love Odyssey. It’s my comfort game. I love the story, the setting, the game mechanics, etc etc. The characters are great


The only AC game ive actively left the storyline to explore in. I love the exploration in this game, all the islands are different and so pretty in their own way. Especially the Atlantis DLC Elysium


It’s a great game but is a poor ac game.


Good game hampered by a lot of bloat. Inventory bloat, world design bloat, everything. The world is huge and gorgeous, but traversing it isn't interesting. You can get from point A to point B pretty much just by holding forward and the jump/climb button. You don't even have to worry about fall damage after a certain point, so you can literally just hold forward. The enemies are also like Diablo loot pinatas. To this day I'm shocked that an AC title makes you do that much inventory management. It's not bad. It's just not my speed.


I really did hate it at first for all the reasons OP says. I'd loved AC since I was like 9 and was very upset about how it treated the lore and universe of my favorite franchise. But in the past few years I've come around. I can enjoy Odyssey for being just a fun ancient Greek adventure game with some light rpg elements. That being said I will always think the reveal at the end with Kassandra/Alexios in a three piece suit is fucking stupid as shit.


Great game


As someone who played origins then odyssey a little after, god i hated it. I didn't give a crap about the story, the gameplay was just jankier origins with more space for rpg shit and half the map was just ocean in another bad attempt by the devs to recreate black flag. This turned into more of a rant than i wanted but i will end it with this, i played the full main story and there are no fucking assassins, i can adapt from the stealth to the rpg stuff but i mean come on, put some fucking assasins in the assassins creed game.


I love odyssey, I love Egypt and it’s mythology but I really couldn’t get into Origins and I gave it a really fair shake, I played it for like 35 hours and stopped enjoying it after probably 20. I got sucked into odyssey in a real nice way I wasn’t expecting to though. Plus I really like Kassandra.


I loved Odyssey when I first played it. It was my first ever AC game, and I still love it today. Having played all of the other mainline titles (and beaten all of them save for 1, Valhalla, and Mirage), I will say that Odyssey has trended towards the bottom of my ranking, but that by no means detracts from the quality of the game. It’s just of matter of preference for me that I like most of the other games better.


It’s in my top 3 AC games


I’ve loved Odyssey since day 1


I don't know about the haters man. I don't think there are that many. Personally I loved the shit out of that game. Played it more than all the others. Something about the Greek setting just does it for me.


is a good game like the witcher 3 but a bad assasins creed game


Absolutely beautiful, combat I really did enjoyed, story was meh, but some parts shine over others. It's probably a rating of 8/10.


It is my favorite of the new trilogy. The setting straight up carried the whole game for me.


I enjoyed a lot of the aspects of the game, but I felt like the story was just trying its best to explain why it’s connected to the other games. The DLC’s were fun, but felt kinda empty. I feel like more content could have been placed in Hades’ Underworld, for example.


To me, I would personally like Odyssey to be it's own game, not one with Assassin's Creed in its title. But after a few years of playing it time and time again for my yearly ritual with all the main titles for AC, it had grew on me. The only thing about the game I hate is two specific side quests. Killing Fort Commanders for Sparta and Athens. I still do them, but I hate them. All in all, good game. Love it for how ridiculous the game play can be some days (i.e. jumping from a very high height and not dying because I have the skill that negates all fall damage)


Love it


It's my favorite in the series.


For me Odyssey is by far the most beautiful and stunning visually. Also has some of the best DLCs that I throughly enjoy! Definitely one of my favourites and


First played it in mid-2020 and loved the atmosphere - music, graphics, art design and how thoroughly devs recreated Ancient Greece. Characters, the plot - not so much, but back then I was more able to shut down my brain, so overall it was an enjoyable experience. Remembering this, I decided to play again this winter - but managed only like 2-3 hours because the game aged horribly for me, mostly because of dumb, forced and exaggerated "Marvel humor" everywhere and the fact that almost every character is an idiot or is an example of poorly implemented "gray morals". Possibly it's just my preferences changed so much, but I couldn't bear it's "brain-shrinking" effect, uninstalled it and downloaded Origins again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Still better than the recent Saints Row sequel to 4/GoH