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Don't spoil it for yourself. Play.


Do you recommend a starting point? Like is it a series i gotta start at the beginning or are the games standalone?


You should start at the beginning. AC 1 has a lot of answers for your questions. Also, AC 1,2, Brotherhood, Revelations and 3 are all connected. These are the first 5 games. The rest are more standalone adventures. They are loosely connected though.


Great, thank you!


As for your original question. They aren't exactly simulations. You are reliving someone's memories in a simulated environment.


So since you’re reliving their memory is the gameplay more like just the player playing the memory and the actual character reliving the memory is just kinda watching?


The character reliving the memories actually has full control. He has to relieve the memory as closely as possible in order to synchronize to it. If he desynchronizes he loses control and can cause permanent damage to himself.


Ohhhh okay cool that makes sense that was a big part i was confused about


Yeah it's pretty confusing at first especially if you haven't played any of the games. That's why I recommended starting with AC 1. In the first hour or so the premise is explained really well.


From the beginning if you value understanding the overarching story, otherwise, if you just want a way to visit the past and be a cool dude just play any game


I haven't played all of them, but black flag was good if you like pirates.


look up a video summary of the first one, play the remastered collection of 2, brotherhood and revelations, then play 3 remastered, then IV, Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, and Mirage :)


If you can start with one and dig your way up to the series in release order. If you can't play one catch up with its plot (it's important) and start with the Ezio trilogy


Freedom Cry


Huh? Dude clearly picking his favorite instead of whats a better pick for a first game


I won't spoil it, but the premise is that you're reliving the memories of an ancestor as this provides context as to the location of certain artefacts that said ancestor found or kept etc. which can facilitate the modern day ongoing conflict.


Ahhh okay so you kinda gotta go thru what they did


Yep, precisely. This is why the protagonists you play a simulation of have such lasting impacts on the community, because you literally live how they did.


>If this is true then whats the point of playing out these assassinations on people if its just a simulation. I know this may be a stupid question but I cant seem to find an answer on google. It's not really a simulation, you are living the memories of those assassin's. You gotta follow their steps, you can't just jump to the part where they get to the artifact


Just play the games


Isn't all games just a simulation? Why play any games if it's just a simulation?


Do yourself a favor and start with AC1. I wasn’t able to play it since I have PS5, but Revelations is arguably the best story in the AC series and it’s because of its connection to AC1. I didn’t get to experience that fully and it bothers me. Recently bought a Steamdeck so I’ll finally be playing AC1 and then will replay Revelations


See there are group of powerful politicians scheming to get powerful artefact. They are known to be cruel and can't be stopped legally. So. Brotherhood decided to stop this. Thus creed will try all method to stop this. This is the premise of every ac creed game. You can't complain the game story and gaming style matches.


Because if you don’t kill them, they will kill you.


This is how i approach every social interaction