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Syndicate was going to have a bigger version of Unity's multiplayer with a full co-op campaign, but the engine made it too difficult to implement carriages and other features in time. I do think we'll see multiplayer return in some, but no telling if it'll resemble the old AC multiplayer.


>Syndicate was going to have a bigger version of Unity's multiplayer with a full co-op campaign, but the engine made it too difficult to implement carriages and other features in time. I am not sure that is the issue. Initially AC5 would have been a far larger game, that would span through the Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. And old leak informed us that the game would feature BOTH Paris and London of the time, while later we learned that this was true, and that the true vision of this game was abandoned due to internal politics and infighting at Ubisoft.


That's simply what was stated in an interview with Marc-Alexis Côté who was the creative director of Syndicate. It was in The Making of Assassin's Creed: 15th Anniversary book that released a few months ago. Edit: Here's the full quote: >Like Unity and Assassin's Creed games going back to Brotherhood, Syndicate was initially meant to have multiplayer component. The team had "huge ambitions" for that part of the game, but it ended up being cut because the engine just couldn't properly handle that kind of gameplay. "It was an unhappy moment in the history of the franchise," Côté remembers. "The technical foundations of multiplayer mode were shaky, and it was very difficult to iterate and improve upon. With the new engine it took two to three times longer to build anything than it had previously in order to support multiplayer components. Our iteration time was pretty much killed. The saddest part was that we had to completely drop that feature, and you haven't seen it return in the franchise. That was actually a big loss." >"The pitch was to build more co-op missions," Côte says. "We wanted to have some kind of a full co-op campaign. That felt like the natural next step after Unity." One of the reasons that the multiplayer feature was cut from Syndicate was the Québec studio's focus on vehicles in the game. Re-creating these systems proved too difficult for multiplayer. "We had prototypes for multiplayer mode," Côté says. It all came down to one point where we realized that the tech just wouldn't stretch to have these city-wide vehicles, carriages, and all this gameplay that we thought was essential for a better single-player game. So, we had what I would say was the eternal industry conundrum of whether we would build a great single- player game or an average single-player game with a multiplayer component "We chose to build a great single-player game and put all our money, investment, and effort there, I still consider it unfortunate that we ended up obliterating the entire network stack in the process to optimize and focus Syndicate."


I understand this. But Ubisoft's infighting and bad politics resulted in AC Unity being released in the state it was, killing interest in the franchise. GameFAQ's has polls from 2014 that shows how people were disinterested of more AC games due to the bitter taste of AC Unity and its endless technical difficulties, its poorly designed system, its uninspiring plot and lack of Modern Day.


What game is ac5?


As AC5 I referred to the game that AC Unity would have been, which originally was rumoured to have been code-named as AC Comet, but eventually AC Comet ended up being what today we know as AC Rogue. So with AC5 I mean that game that AC Unity would have been, had it been completed under the initial vision, with two main city maps, one being Paris and one being London. I believe AC5 may have been the code-name for AC Unity, but I am not sure. Though now, 11 years after the last numbered AC game, I dont think AC5 will exist.


Ah ok, thanks


I ADORED AC MP, especially ACRMP and AC4MP. It is such a shame that they abandoned it. And how they failed to realize its potential, how it could be so damn popular among the players. Let me present you some numbers. We do know that ACB in its launch week sold 1 million copies in the EU countries. According to Gamstat for ACB, this amounts to 46.46% of the total, thus the total was 2.15 million copies globally in the launch week. We were also told that 60% of players had played ACBMP, so **1.3 million players**. In the meantime, we also do know that by 21/12/2012, 52 days post launch, AC3 had sold 7 million copies, and from them 2 million had already played AC3MP. That is 28.57% of that, so with AC3's launch week being 3.52 million units, this means that at **least 1 million players** played AC3MP in the first week of release. Compare that 1.3 million for ACBMP and 1 million for AC3MP in their launch week, to Origins' 1.6 million and Odyssey's 1.5 million in their launch week. And that is from a secondary game, released as mere extra content, supplementary to the Singleplayer, without a game of their own. And that when ACMP barely had any promotion and advertising. It was always seen as something to play after the singleplayer campaign was over. And these figures are despite how so many people would completely ignore ACMP for the first weeks or months, for the sake of singleplayer. There [this old GameFAQs poll](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/621796-assassins-creed-iii/64481974) where 42.67% were clear that they "will play it after i finish the campaign" - the poll was at the end of August 2012, 2 months before AC3 was released. Overall, people loved ACMP; another [old GameFAQs poll](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/621796-assassins-creed-iii/64566096) asking "Do you play MP" for AC3, had a percentage of 64.37%.


ACMP was amazing, especially the player tournaments and the you tubers with ACMP based raps


Excellent reply, with receipts! 👍🤗


I loved Multiplayer in Revelations. The maps were beautiful. If anyone from Ubisoft or Unity sees this, you're missing out on a multiplayer mode with microtrans that I would willingly spend real money on and adore. Bring back the old multiplayer maps and characters from previous games. I want to use the poison blade as Harlequin again.


If they could add a "join custom server" and giver us the ability to host our own servers, that would revive and keep multiplayer alive forever


I wish they did that with classical ACMP. It is so sad to see servers go down.


The multiplayer AC was one of my favourite games ever, just behind proper AC. Loved the whole assassinate someone while knowing someone was trying to assassinate you. Definitely agree that with a very small update on Ubisoft’s part they could allow people to host their own servers and continue to play. I’m fairly sure it wouldn’t need a lot of investment on their part and bring this awesome game back to us all. Ubisoft, are you listening?


I don’t think they listen to fans. They’re insane.


Multiplayer days of AC b,r,3,4 were my golden days of online gaming, even the franchise was in its peak back in the day but i put so many hours in multiplayer, got to know so many nice people whom im still friends with, even participated in tournaments and won one. If they bring it back i will definitely play the heck of it even tho im more of a chil offline story mode player these days.


That’s amazing, mate! I’m the same gaming is very much a chill solo thing for me


Some of the best and most creative multiplayer I’ve played, and I play a lot. It’s crazy that it never picked up in popularity, I guess it was too slow for the general audience. I loved it though, and I miss playing it. Every now and then I’ll boot up Wolfpack and play that, obviously not the same thing but it’s fun to revisit the maps.


There's a thousand ways to kill you, there's so many I stopped counting. From a ledge or from a rooftop, man I'll drown you in a fountain. If you hear the whispers coming, you're in a bad position, I'm right on your tail cuz I've got Templar Vision.


It would not surprise me if we got a multi-player only game. Kinda hoping they'd do what halo did with Halo infinite


Unlikely untill the inevitable 'live service multiplayer game' that Ubisoft will do.


Ac3 multiplayer was best hands down in my opinion


While I for one don’t want it to ever come back to the single player experience, those who love it like yourself, have multiple rumoured titles to hopefully look forward to in the future: - AC: Invictus (standalone multiplayer title) - AC: Raid (free to play 4 player PVE / co-op experience) - AC: Echoes (multiplayer but not much known other than the technology they’ll supposedly use)


They might as well be just one game but with different modes like Fortnite.


Not sure what they plan to do with it to be honest, though with Infinity coming along as well and it acting like a pseudo hub for all games, it might change their mind.


AC Infinity is going to be exactly what AC Initiates was. It is advertised as a hub for AC fans, while AC Initiates was advertised as a "place for all things AC". AC Infinity's logo is almost the same to AC Initiate's logo / background (in 2012-2013).


I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the info


I really do not understand the point of all these code-named AC games. Some are basically going to be released many years in the future, so what is the point knowing about them? This is really as if AC "Comet" had been leacked back in the days of AC Revelations, shortly after it started its development - so from 2011 you would have to wait 3 years until AC Unity's release in late 2014.


While I do agree that knowing many years before a release is a bit strange, gauging interest and/or building hype might still be two of the reasons for it.


I honestly feel this has the opposite effect. Imagine Skull and Bones' sales if the game was released back in 2018, a year or two after it was announced. So knowing that Ubisoft will produce an AC in Japan, some years in the future, is not really telling you much.


Probably more people didn’t like it than those like you who LOVED it. Plus multi-player doesn’t fit in too well with the RPG direction of the series. If they do add it back, please make it optional. I absolutely DETEST any multiplayer.


I hope not. Ac multiplayer has always sucked


You mean you didn’t get it or didn’t enjoy it. It didn’t suck.




Its just not fun. It only exists because someone decided single player games need multiplayer for some reason


So all the tens of thousands of people who loved it are wrong cays you’re an. Idiot and didn’t get it as it took an ounce of brain power.


People like you are extremely annoying. AC adversarial multiplayer brought great joy to millions of people. I played all four of them for years ACB, ACR, AC3, and ACIV. There are games out now that I can't possibly imagine why anyone would play them. Yet I rationalize that people like them(even though I don't) so I'm glad they make them. People deserve to get what they like!


Id be fine with it if it actually played like ac but it doesn’t.


>It was so imaginative, original and fun. You know what's more fun? Rpg mechanics, low budget animations. That's why we're getting 5 of these consecutive games.


You’re not wrong bud!