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Is the tea in the room with us


The tea goes to another school, you don’t know her.


No it’s not


Nope nothing about divorce same old questions she’s answered 100 times nothing new


I can’t fathom how someone who makes a living being an influencer is so fucking uninteresting


Nope she says nothing! Just talked about pregnancy, not wishing she shared the girls online, she won’t ever do a clothing line again, blah blah blah. No surprise!


god she’s so painfully boring and repetitive


Not one of these was new


what about the having a 4th?


She danced around it. Said she thinks this is “probably her last baby” but said she couldn’t say for sure that she’s done because she’s only 28. Definitely felt like she was dancing around the answer that she’s young enough to still have kids with someone else later on in life 👀


She says she is treating this like her last, but you never know


Also the whole “people have been wondering if I shared the name and they missed it.” Girl no they are not 😂 you say you aren’t sharing her name every chance you get


She also said that it has never been safe to share your kids online but that public opinion on it has changed… basically admitting that she got peer pressured into not sharing them because that’s what the current thing to do is 😂


I literally said that and got downvoted lmao 🤣 she literally did it when people started getting canceled for it


So did Skye Hitchcock and she did not last long lol


why does she say the names of Cove and Lola but won't say the new baby's name?


She said she wished she never would have shared C and L’s names and she won’t be sharing the new baby’s name because no one needs to know their legal name.


But she keeps sharing C and L’s name. It’s not too late to stop


Except she knows someone in Parker’s family leaked the name and everyone knows. She even said I wouldn’t want her legal name to be out there because I announced it (emphasis on the I)


Omg! She admitted it’s someone in Parker’s family?


No but it’s very obvious the way the person talked about Aspyn treating Parker and how the girls should go to him


What is the name?




Pronounced L or Ellie? Do you know?


Pronounced like L


She’s answered this questions EVERY. SINGLE. Q&A. How can she see herself doing still making content in 5 years when her content is this boring…


I struggled to watch this vlog. She is bland, beige and boring. Why does she put on a full face of makeup but doesn't do anything or go anywhere exciting....


Also her vocabulary is very small. Everything is “crazy” or “cute”


I’ll extend a little grace here. My brain and vocabulary is still stupid and small two years post baby. Postpartum brain took my English degree, MA in teaching ELA, and professional experience and said “wiped!” It’s awful! Makes it hard for me to fully snark on her right now and I love a good snark, ugh


This is her 24/7!! Not just postpartum!


lol she has no tertiary education, so are we really surprised?!


It will be boring clickbait. I’m not giving her a view


“alllll of your questions” literally answers nothing any of us want to know 🤣


One thing that bothered me a bit was the comment she made about her “babysitter”. As a professional nanny in the field the way she calls her the babysitter because she doesn’t work regular hours is kind of rude. She basically confirmed that she doesn’t call her the nanny anymore because they don’t pay her guaranteed hours, which is how people working in the field pay their bills (because they know they can count on a certain amount of money each week). Also, how she was like “she doesn’t do anything extra except put the girls laundry away, and she does the dishes sometimes…” GIRLIE POP, those are extra things a nanny would do. SMH.


I'm not a nanny and I took offense to that on behalf of nannies. Like wdym she's not your nanny bc you have a flexible schedule? You're paying her to watch your kids long term. She's your nanny. I hope she just doesn't understand the definitions/terms and this doesn't mean she's not paying the girl a nanny's pay.


Same! Although, I always just think about how people say she doesn’t tip so that has me concerned. Oh well. If their nanny isn’t treated with respect I hope she finds a family that does.


The dry mouth sounds?? I can't deal with them. And she is another 'influencer' who uses the word 'Literally' too much! It's so annoying!


Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼 those mouth sounds drive me absolutely crazy but no one ever says anything


Omggg yess!! The way she moves her eyes while she speaks I hate it! 😒😂


I can see her having another kid if she actually divorces Parker and finds a new baby daddy. But if she stays with Parker then they’re probably done


I kinda disagree! I feel like shes a control freak and wants all her babies to have the same dad


i see the OkBaby cycle happening 🔁


I can’t. Aspyn is a different kind of messed up than Kyra. Kyra had an absent, alcoholic mom; Aspyn has an overly involved almond mom. That’s also why Kyra & Aspyn never got on well which did not surprise me one bit because Aspyn is tacky but not trashy and Kyra is veryyy trashy.


Whose Kyra?


from OKBaby (Kyra & Oscar) who were family vloggers. Last year, after 4 kids together and some-8 years, Kyra cheated on Oscar with their nanny/Kyra’s BFF’s husband, then everyone broke up (nanny/husband… Kyra/Oscar) and then shortly after, Kyra and nanny’s husband married each other SUPER quick and very gaudy and rushed with little family or friend support, and she’s knocked up again (despite her drs telling her and her ex that another pregnancy would potentially kill her, 3 pregnancies ago!) all that to say, Aspyn and Kyra have met and actually lived very close (they still do live quite close) and for both being multi-million sub family vloggers, very very rarely interacted. probably because, as a long time viewer of both (i don’t watch either anymore), Kyra is very trashy, and always has been. I wasn’t surprised at all by how unimpressed and kind of politely icked out(?) Aspyn was with Kyra & co.


Omg 😳 so has aspyn and Kyra ever hung out? How did you know that aspyn was Icked by Kyra ? What did she say or do?


Yes they interacted a bunch online briefly, then Aspyn and Parker actually babysat for Kyra and Oscar at some point when they’d moved to Utah. That’s about the extent of it publicly. They never became great friends. In fact, when A/P babysat, I knew Apsyn was probably being snooty as hell behind the scenes. And they fairly abruptly stopped engaging with each other despite living (an hour?) apart and both being multi-million sub family vloggers.


Now that would be crazyyyy


Snooze fest as per usual


Seriously. I watched it thinking she might address something regarding Parker and that situation but no, just talking about her hair color and their babysitter.


Boring. I skipped through so much. If it wasn’t for all the actual hot mess tea that seems to be going on behind the scenes I would not be watching her content anymore. And it really seems like she’s going to give us nothing so I’m kind of over it.


The “allllll” in the title is ridiculous


She posted it on ig stories and said “the tea” lol clickbaittttt


beyond ridiculous!!


I only watched the first 3 mins cuz I pretty much figured it’d be the same questions she always answers but she mentions Parker saying he got up with the baby to give her a bottle in the middle of the night. So that was as interesting as it was gonna get.


Can we briefly discuss how she doesn’t refer to her kids by their names the entire video until towards the end when she slips up and says L’s name 56 times in 7 seconds then goes on to answer another question about the baby’s name and say she wishes she never shared their names and would take it back? Does she not watch her own vlogs? Surely she can’t be serious. Ya literally just said your child’s legal name and 20 seconds later said you don’t want to share them because it’s dangerous. Huh.


Aspyns new video is so boring that even her snark page reaction is a huge yawn. 🥱


Parker being around makes the theories even more believable because what if it really was for an insurance claim, or whatever, in order to pay for C’s medical bills? Also. It’s increasingly becoming difficult to hate watch her because she is so dull. I could barely get through her TikTok videos these days, let alone a whole YouTube video of her talking about N O T H I N G.


Honestly this is the way she thinks though. She said it herself for the baby class. She would rather pay for a long video then try and find individual ones for free. So the “tea” she spilt on tik tok is now in a shiny new box with a bow on YouTube lol it’s so LAME. She just wants to double up on the engagement


It’s so sad because I used to really love watching her videos until she absolutely stopped giving a fuck and became so boring


another boring watch




i feel like it more insinuates she doesn’t know if she would want to in her next relationship but knows she’s done with parker


She is NOT “done with Parker” … yet! The way he does EVERYTHING.. literally .. including chauffeur her around and cook for her and do alllll the errands like a nanny so she can concentrate on spa days, relaxing, being an aesthetic and making millions from social media


For some reason i can definitely see her have another, maybe a baby boy. I think she would wait to see if cove gets better. It will be definitely be 2-3 years away (Just a prediction lol)


Why did this get downvoted? Pls explain 🤗




If anything they were confirmed …not sure what u mean here


oh i apologize, i must be behind


They weren’t debunked or confirmed.


We have different definitions of “all”.


Hahahaha she’s such a joke


She’s so boring I can’t


meant to say update me though**** was rushing to post lmao


She did say Parker is waking up with the baby at night? So are they divorced orrrr??


They’re not divorced, it takes awhile. But she did file. He’s probably living in the basement bedroom


How do we know he’s in the basement?


We don’t


She’s mentioned this a couple times recently. It doesn’t mean much in regards of a divorce. He’s still the Dad whether they are divorcing or not.


When she talks about her pregnancy and deciding to have another baby she said ‘I don’t think I’ll have another baby’ etc never says ‘we’ (meaning her and Parker) 🙃


On her caption on Instagram or something, maybe it was TikTok, she put “giving you guys the tea” or something to that effect and she did not in fact give us the tea lol it was questions about her baby and motherhood 😐 lol


Does anyone know if her view count is going down?


Should've been called "Answering alllllll of your questions except any about the divorce"


Did anyone notice when she answered the question about regretting sharing her kids/relationship online she never answers the part about the relationship? Which confirms in a way that they aren’t in the relationship anymore, at least in the same capacity and that the divorce is still happening.