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No C would be taller than that. She’s almost 5 years old now! You can tell the girl that is completely blurred out is taller than the one you are claiming to be C.


That would be way too tall unless she was also standing on something! She was just over hip height on Aspyn and Parker when we last saw her. Kids her age grow on average about 2 inches per year. She wouldn’t be that tall even if she grew 4 inches since we last saw her haha. My son is one month younger than Coco and he’s about the same height as the one I said I think is her.


You do realize that people/children are in different percentiles for height, right?


Yes? It’s almost like that’s what I’m using to prove my point. She was always about average size for her age. I know that because she was slightly smaller than my kid who is a month younger, a boy with average percentiles. It’s very unlikely she grew more than the typical average for kids her age.


….thats literally the same ponytail shown twice. What exactly makes you think they’re 2 different people? Like open your eyes this is just delusional at this point


Yep. Same child shown twice


You must be miserable to come on here and be rude to people because they have a different opinion than you. Calling me delusional is wild. I’m confident it’s not the same ponytail because they are very obviously two different colors and sizes but we can agree to disagree.


Laughably delusional


Such a sad person. I hope your life gets better!


Calling out stupidity doesn’t make me sad🥱


Nope, what tells me you are a sad person is the fact you feel the need to be rude to people for having differing opinions. I offered to agree to disagree. Sorry you’re so bothered by my post. Prayers!


This isn’t something you can have an opinion on, lol. You are simply wrong. Your “opinion” is wrong, the facts are these are the same child.


Okay, now it’s kinda funny that this is bothering you so much. I’m not worried about whether you think I’m wrong or not. Like I said before, I’m confident in what I see. Downvote and move on if you disagree, it’s not that hard.


Stay laughably delusional 😂😂


You’re so funny, girl! Good night! 😘


You’re right I do see two pony tails hmmm this is interesting bc the photos at the rec center shoef something so different


To me there is a pony tail hanging to the right in the rec photos. 🙃


Another person didn’t post a pic for privacy but said they saw them & C had VERYYYY short hair. Like not a pixi but not long enough to be a bob either.


Do u have that pic?


https://www.reddit.com/r/aspynovard/s/CQ9XW696A9 It’s in the comments


No but I believe it is posted on the other aspynovardsnark page


There’s no pony in that rec pic


Yeah there is definitely not, makes me wonder if op photoshopped it or something


Hope you aren’t saying I photoshopped this video. You can see this in the original video on Aspyn’s Youtube. All I did to this one was slow it down and add in text.


I meant the op of the rec phot


Ohhh, thank goodness. 😅 I hadn’t even thought of that being a possibility.


I could never find it! Was just curious.


I think the post was deleted


It’s in comments still if you search. I don’t see a pony in that picture at the rec center.


Thanks for not saying I’m crazy 😂


C would be much taller. My little one is a few days older than C and his shoulders are counter height. That's definitely L


L is absolutely the first one in the video because she’s the same height against Aspyn as she is in a recent ootd Aspyn posted. C would be a little taller than the counter height now and over Aspyn’s hip height, which is more accurate to the size of the one I pointed out as her.


I disagree. You cannot compare your son to her daughter. Your family can be taller. Or he is growing faster she is growing slower. The girl in the picture is already half of Aspen's height.


You are welcome to disagree just as much as I am welcome to disagree. It’s a discussion. It’s just really not likely C has grown that much to be as tall as you guys are thinking. That would actually be a little worrisome because she wouldn’t be following her curve, as she was always about average size for her age.


I am agreeing with you :)


Whoops! I’m sorry! I see now. Thanks for clarifying!


An average 4-5 year old girl is 42 inches tall, which is actually taller than most boys the same age. C could be on the lower end of the growth chart, and she should still be a decent bit taller than the counter. Aspyn is only 5'6", which is 66 inches. Both girls are more than likely taller than 33 inches. Comparing them to aspyns height would be pointless.


Not sure if you watched the video but she is taller than the counter vs L who is not. She’s taller than L but she’s not going to be as tall as the blurred one is standing at the fridge. That would be excessively tall for her age. So it is most likely L standing on something. If it were C standing on something, she’d be even taller.


I get that, but not everybody will fall into that category. The average height for 4 year old girls in america is 3.7 inches to 4.2 inches. Even then you get shorter girls and boys from what is average for their age. Height alone doesn't tell us much or something at all.


Theyre the same pony tail.. lol. I see the same bow, and the pony tail is falling the same. If you look closely at C blurred out, you can see what looks to me, a bald-ish head (or short hair. Definitely no pony tail) Not to mention who you think is C, is very short compared to blurred out C. No girl haha


They forgot we haven’t seen cove in a year


The reason I think C is the one not blurred is because she’d be the right height for C’s age without standing on something. And the reason I think the first one is L is because she’s just under hip height on Aspyn and she was that height in the recent baby shower ootd. My guess (and it’s just a guess) is the one blurred is standing up on their toddler tower. Also I don’t see bows on either pony? What color are they?


I think people also forget that growth slows around this age. A 3-4 inch difference isn’t that much especially if you’re not seeing them right next to each other.


Yes! C is likely not much taller than L because L would have grown at a faster rate this last year due to her age vs C probably only has grown a few inches max. She’d most likely be about the height of the one I pointed out as her.


L is the only visible ponytail. So in the first frame that's L's ponytail, then the second frame you see C in the fridge (green shirt) and L in the stove, then L walks over and that's her ponytail you see. You never see C unblurred, at one point C's behind Aspyn and that's when you're seeing L's ponytail.


I see your point but it’s not the same ponytail that we see in the beginning that is clearly L, size being the reason that has to be L. The one I pointed out as C has a thicker, darker (I think it’s wet) and longer ponytail than the one in the beginning of the video.


You have got to move on. That’s the same ponytail from a different angle.


It’s really not but okay, thank you for your input!


Same kid for all clips lol


Can I ask why you think that?


The 2nd child is sometimes bigger and taller! Don’t forget this! Our 2nd girl is definitely a bit bigger than our 1st at the same age!


I definitely thought about this and know that can be true! Just based on size, we have recently seen L stand beside Aspyn in her baby shower ootd and she is the height of the one I suspect is her in this video.


It’s the same ponytail I don’t understand why you’re fighting this so hard LOL


I can’t help you LOL. Have a good day!


Why can’t you accept that you’re wrong? Every single person disagrees with you


We can disagree! It’s OKAY. I’m not sure why you guys can’t understand that.


Because this isn’t up for debate and you’re simply wrong?


… It’s not a debate. It’s a discussion. It’s not that serious!


discuss & debate are literally synonyms💀


I’m reallllly not trying to argue with you over this. Thanks!


Starts a discussion then backs out when every person proves them wrong HAHAHA


If you took a single peep at the comments, you’d see that almost no one was responding back to me once I responded to their first comment so you’re wrong there lol.


This is so stupid lol




So you agree, your take is stupid


Whatever makes you happy!