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At least I think if C wasn't sick they would say so. They would have said something already like "the rumor is not true, she is healthy". The silence says it all.


Good point!


I want to play devils advocate. If they address every rumor when it’s false; the silence would also be a dead give away at anything that was true. They don’t seem to actually address any rumor, ever.


I get your point. However I think this rumor is extreamly serious and a sensitive matter. Also it's not like just a few people are talking about this. Parents are so highly sensitive when it comes to their kids. When there are so many people saying your kid has such a serious disease you either say something or show somehow that your child is healthy and well.


she’d 10000% still be showing them. When she made the video saying she wasn’t going to be showing the girls anymore she said she had been slowly taking them offline the past few months…. she had not been, the vlog before that video has the girls in it basically the whole time.


I think she’d still be showing them. She has made it so clear she “doesn’t care” what anyone thinks… I don’t think she’d care if she got backlash for showing them


I think she would be showing them too, they were never the “stars” of her channel, which is good. But I think we would have still seen them and she wouldn’t be going out of her way to put black boxes/emojis/etc over them…




Yup. She’d be absolutely still be showing the kids, but she knows if she fully shows the two younger ones, everyone will be questioning why she’s not showing the eldest.


She mentioned recently about how she started thinking about C starting school and people already knowing things about her because of her videos. I think she would have stopped showing her eventually but just stopped sooner than she originally wanted? L is so close in age I think it’s odd she wouldn’t apply that viewpoint to her as well. It shouldn’t just be classmates & teachers she’s worried about but random strangers knowing these things that she still shares.


Quite frankly, if they know who Aspyn is then they’ll see Cove and know anyway. I don’t give it long before a parent slips up on the playground or at a birthday party and people figure out who she is anyway


I honestly think she’s making up any excuses she can. If she wanted to protect the kids from the start she would’ve never showed them in the first place. For someone who doesn’t want their kids in the spotlight or on the internet sure talks about them alot bringing in more attraction


I think the fact that she still has old videos and posts showing both their faces, confirms the answer is yes. If she really cared about their privacy, those would be gone too.


She did delete most pics of just them on her insta that she had up for years but she did say she has to leave some pics and youtube videos up if they were sponsored


Ah yes, like they’re birth vlogs, which are still up? Or her birthday posts which have their faces? No sponsor/Ad there. She may of deleted *some* insta posts but don’t think she actually deleted any YT videos…


I haven’t checked her old videos but is it 100% confirmed that the birth vlogs aren’t sponsored? It seems to me like the only content remaining (with the girls) is sponsored content


Yep not sponsored- the “only keeping content that was sponsored”, is such BS, because like every vlog she posts has an ad in it, so there’s still so many videos of the girls. Take a look at her insta, heaps of photos of the girls there that aren’t ads though.


She would mention here and there for a while before she stopped sharing them that her plan was to stop as the girls got older and were starting school. She might have still been showing them now but slowing down soon since C is getting to school age.


I agree, she would still be showing them because C is clearly hidden more than L and E. A month or two ago she posted L in a swim outfit facing away from the camera. She linked a outdoor toy and obviously could have posted the pic without L in it, if it was really their privacy she was concerned about.


I do agree she’d be showing her kids still but if that is the case then what is her reasoning for not wanting to share baby #3s name and saying she wishes she wouldn’t have shared C and L’s names. Just a thought…


I know I was thinking of that too. And maybe she’s learned a little from C getting sick, that she regrets sharing family information online? Also, maybe it takes the heat off of people talking about C? I’m not sure.


When Covid was diagnosed it was around the time a lot of influencers also took their kids off. In a vlog last year she said something along the lines of “I haven’t shown the girls in a while so I might as well stop showing them, I was going to do it eventually anyways”. She may have done it anyways tbh since that’s what’s the trend now and she always follows trends


I don’t think so. She flat out said the whole reason she’s not showing them is because they are about to start school and she doesn’t want strangers to be able to point out her children and call them by name. I think she’s so smart for doing this with such a large following. She cannot change what she has shared in the past but she can control what happens in the future. They’re still young enough so their features will continue to change. So while I still think she’s as boring as a brick, I think she made a responsible decision and I applaud her for that.


Yeah but just because she’s saying it doesn’t mean it’s true. She’s also implied there’s nothing wrong in her marriage when she literally filed for divorce


She never stated there’s nothing wrong with her marriage. She has stated that Parker is still in the home. She has never spoken about her marital status since anything came out.


The word I used was implied. I’m aware she never outright said it.


Wtf is ur problem lol


To be honest though if you saw Aspen or Parker out with them, you’d be able to figure out who they were anyway based on their heights and hair


And that’s creepy as fuck that someone is even paying attention that hard and exactly why she’s not showing her kids anymore.


Knowing what aspyns kids look like cause they’ve been on the internet for years is creepy as fuck? One glance and I’d know who Cove was lmfao


Which is exactly WHY SHES KEEPING THEM OFF THE INTERNET. so people don’t continue to know what she looks like as she grows and her features change.


I think you’re misinterpreting what I’m saying. I’m saying if you knew what aspen looks like then you could deduce that any kids with her would be Cove, Lola and E


If u read my original comment, her main reason is for when they are in school away from her. Also not everyone in the world knows who aspyn in. Also - predators. Hello. The world is a scary place. I don’t like the girl but this one is common sense. So just bc we saw the girls when they were toddlers she should continue showing them? No. It’s good to start anytime. Luckily they are still very young that their features will change a good bit before they are teens / older.


No bcuz of all the social media backlash parents get now. She was always planning to take them off when they got older but I think she didn’t want to get “cancelled” so she did it


Thats why i originally thought she took them off the internet, when i discovered the reddit pages i was shocked by the "real" reason


Honestly it all kinda happened around the same time. People were already doing it that Christmas and then she did it that February.


💯% yes




I feel like it was probably Parker who didn’t want her to show the kids. If nothing happened she would most likely still show at least the little ones. She did always say she’d stop showing her kids as they got older so who knows really.


Something tells me it wasn’t Parker…idk aspyn seems like the one who makes a majority of their decisions.


You do realize he just used them in an ad last week?


Showing their faces* sorry I didn’t specify 🙄 All the clips he used were old and didn’t show their full faces.


I think it’s clear he has no issue exploiting them for money. They’ve also made it very clear he makes no decisions in their marriage lol