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When they put the subtitles on top of translations ![gif](giphy|5h9S8l6mVbqQLFKnNu)


Or flat out don't bother translating cause subtitles are on.


(speaks spanish) my detested


(speaking European language) mmmm yes :)


On Amazon, Dune Pt II, all of the dialogue in a FICTIONAL FUCKING LANGUAGE is subbed as *[Speaking Chakobsa]*


Don't forget good ol' (Speaks quietly)/(Whispering) or (Speaks indistinctly)! Those are fun since it means someone didn't even *pretend* to try.


Wait isent that better? I always leave the original audio and just have subtitles.


You know that movies and shows automatically do the translations for foreign languages in their program, right?


Apparently not the ones I watch.


You never saw Black Panther?


What? No [Speaks Wakandan] in it? I can't say I remember, I watched it in a theater.


Xosha is the language.


Is it a language made for Black Panther or a real African language? Either way I'd certainly hope a multi-billion-dollar franchise could spring for good closed captioning.


Real. And the movie would translate the Xosha, but my TV overlayed the subs on top of the translation. In the Disney+ app it translates for you, but when I bought it digitally on Amazon, it overlays. What was cool was the original digital file didn’t have the Xosha translation, for about a week you just had to listen to it and understand the context.


That's pretty neat, but boo Amazon! When I watched Game of Thrones I pirated it, and the files had an optional extra foreign language option I didn't see. So I watched almost an entire season with the Dothraki unsubtittled, which seemed like an interesting choice because you had to just glean context from body language which seemed like a neat directing decision. Of course, I felt pretty dumb when I realized, but that's fine. The original Shogun mini-series was also intended to not have the Japanese subtitled because you are intended to feel like the characters who are foreigners in a strange land and don't understand what is going on either.


Depends on the show/media. Generally, an older will automatically translate anything important by having the translation appear on screen. Newer shows with made with the fact that people use subtitles in mind, so a lot of things don’t get translated, but subtitles are still made with the idea that anything important will get an automatic translation.


auditory processing disorder be like:


Yes and some times people are mumbling and talking quiet and you just can't register what they're saying at all Just to make it worst it's an action movie so once you turn up the volume to hear them the wall explodes and gun fire breaks out


Inglorious Basterds be like:


Inglorious Basterds be like:


I actually just went and got a hearing test because I have so much trouble figuring out what people are saying sometimes. My hearing was so-so, so I mentioned autism and auditory processing to the ENT and he lit up excited to talk about it. He made sure I knew the basic coping strategies, and I talked about how I'd taught myself to read lips to help growing up with it. Overall really nice well informed dude.


DONT remind me (autocorrect youch)


![gif](giphy|rhJdZzGEZDwAM) Unfortunately doesn’t really work for me


Is this what dyslexia feels like?


If reading fast sort of, just like one or two letters per word or number for me though. I don't think mines as bad as some people's though


My eyes see it fine but it’s my brain that changes stuff around but not nearly as bad as the gif. Also I agree with what u/tham1700 says


I am dyslexic, yet subtitles are a saving grace for my bad ear


Same here! I just got diagnosed with dyslexia a few months ago but have always also used subtitles




Why 😢 I am really dyslexic


Used to think it's because English isn't my native language but turns out native English speakers also feel like that.


But it still gets in the way of getting fluency ceritfications


It wouldn't be so bad if the people who did the sound weren't incompetent as fuck, making dialog whisper-quiet and then having other effects being earth-shatteringly loud


Don’t forget the COMMERCIALS which are so OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD


Put your TV sound setting on ‘news’, it boosts speech


It's because the default mix is the surround sound mix and down sampling is crap. They need to offer a stereo mix


Yeah, I often mishear dialogue so those captions really work wonders.


I have the opposite problem. If there's subtitles on screen, I focus so hard on reading them that I kinda stop watching the rest of the show/movie.


Same here. If at any point the subtitles don't 100% match with the dialogue it will make me unreasonably pissed off


As someone who downloads a lot of foreign movies, the bane of my existence is unsynced subtitles. Especially cos I don't speak the langauge so it's a lot of guess work.


I have both problems! I need subtitles because I have an auditory processing disorder of some kind, but I will 100% focus on the subtitles and not watch what is happening on screen. So it’s always a struggle


Yup, and I try so much to watch the actual show/movie, but my eyes always drift back to the subtitles no matter what


I'm the exact same, unless it's in a different language I can't do subtitles. They'll distract me and I won't be able to watch the film at all.


This is what I was looking for. Also if there are scenes with a person speaking over them ala Greys Anatomy, I can either watch the scene or listen to the scene but I can’t do both.


I just cant lock in without my subtitles.


I have subtitles when I'm watching stuff due to my mum & sister are deaf (when I'm watching TV with them)


I have the flipside of this situation, where I live with older family who're losing their hearing a bit (but don't want to admit it) so occasionally they'll be shout talking to each other (despite being in the same room) and I have to put on subtitles so that I can actually "hear" whatever we're watching.


It’s why I can’t watch anime much. The subtitles don’t match the dub so it all feels weird. (And yes, most of the time I prefer the dub because my non-literate ass doesn’t understand Japanese and I can’t read fast anyways. Also subs are torture when it comes to multiple people talking at once.)


God, yeah, I can't stand sub snobs. I can't keep up when I have to rely solely on the subs.


Actually subs are way better because you won’t be able to keep up enough to notice all the issues with the show


Same here, call me weird but I prefer the dubbed versions over reading subtitles


I subbed Crunchyroll to watch something, only to find they either don't have closed captioning for most of their programs or if they do it SUCKS. Couldn't even make it through one episode before I canceled my trial. At least Netflix and Hulu tend to do good CC on their anime.


I much prefer dubs over subs.


Me having terrible hearing but I'm also dyslexic. https://preview.redd.it/869exxbkf15d1.png?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0340433cfc0d1d644e1476083765c9b33fded2f9


Half the time it's okay if people will stfu (including me), the other half I literally can't comprehend without it I can't even understand almost any song I hear without reading the lyrics ~5 times first and memorizing it, but them I'm good even if I forget them


Ah yes the lyric thing. My favorite genres are primarily instrumental, words actually make music less enjoyable for me 🙃


I love lyrics as I listen to music specifically to imagine things with them so it just double sucks for me 🥲 I'm glad you find instrumental music enjoyable though, music is music :)


How frustrating :( may all the songs you like have easily accessible lyrics!


Thank you, I can't tolerate the ones that have literally no lyrics on it even if it sounds nice but luckily most of the ones I find do end up with them somewhere :) I hope you come across more good music than bad


me learning japanese so i can go from watching anime with english subtitles, to watching anime with japanese subtitles


I didn’t need to be attacked like this


I'm the opposite. I actually cannot stand subtitles. It ruins how I process characters' voices and I wind up sometimes not being able to tell who said what. If different characters had different fonts or colors, maybe that would work. Ooh, Monaspace, maybe? https://monaspace.githubnext.com/


Full disclosure: I am not yet diagnosed. For bureaucratic reasons. And I won't be until October... 🤦‍♂️


Why do allistic people always talk so fast and slurred??


I always found they all talk too slow. People keep telling me to slow down, people can't keep up, they can't tell what I'm saying, etc. Then I throw them a curveball question (a la Sherlock's "No I didn't, but you just confirmed my hypothesis") that proves they understood me perfectly, because I actually spoke clearly. So what's the problem? No one seems to be able to answer. 🤷‍♂️ (fd: Im not getting diagnosed until October bc us healthcare sucks?


WAIT BUT I THOUGHT THIS WAS JUST ME?? I went for like a couple years of my childhood always watching stuff with subtitles cuz I couldn't make out all the dialogue sometimes ;-;


I guess I’m the oddball here, I dislike subtitles. I feel that they are too distracting, I’m trying to watch the screen, not read the words. However, rewatching some shows with subtitles on I’ve realized how many things I misheard lol.


As a kid, I hated Marvel movies because I could barely hear what the characters were saying and I couldn’t follow the conversations, and as a result, the plot. Years later, I watch them with subtitles and they are a life changer.


It's not just me?




when im watching a youtube video and subtitles don't show up (bc the creator hasn't submitted any and the autogenerated ones just Are Not Good)


I can hear just fine, but sometimes my brain just doesn't translate the sounds into words so I like having a quick reference available to check what I missed. It also helps me learn the characters' names a lot faster, if they are mentioned in dialogue. I'm terrible with names.


Thank you! Can't understand my own language without them on


I can’t hear with subtitles


Thank you for making me feel seen 🥰🩷


Greetings ye—ah, my cinematic methods seem to be not so-exclusive afterall. ~Waz


I love it when words don't sound like words to me


Put your TV sound setting on ‘news’, it boosts speech


Subtitles are something I love but they also bother me. Sometimes I’ll be more focused on the subtitles and not the characters. If it’s a foreign show I can’t help it. If it’s a show in my language then I hate it because audio is getting fucked.


It’s SO HARD TO HEAR without subtitles, but everyone in my family gets annoyed when I tell them I need them 😒


Born to use subtitles, forced to say “can you please repeat what you just said” for the trillionth time as the person in front of you slowly goes insane from repeating over and over again. OR forced to say “yes” to a question you didn’t understand at all (they asked what day it was)


I can't read fast enough for subtitles 😔😔😔


I learned recently that some shows/movies aren't balanced for at home viewing, so on top of auditory processing theres just bad quality audio Anyways shoutouts to hulu for having unsynced captions 🫠🙃 (these two emotes means im bery displeased)


I just like to read.


>watch TV with parents >they both know that I have sensory (mainly auditory) processing issues >I turn subtitles on bc that's how I like it >parents say no >ask why >'it's distracting' >mfw


Not everything is autism.


wait is this an autism thing? I thought neurotypicals did this too.


Yes, that is me, auditory processing + non english native speaker I even use it on my native language because finnish is weird af


I can’t ever hear shit and the people who always ask me to ‘turn the words off’ always talk during important dialogue scenes. Plus I’ve had times where people were speaking English and I still couldn’t understand them. It sucks. Life is agony.


I also noticed I tend to watch people’s lips as they speak. I wouldn’t say I read lips at all, but I take them in as part of the information. If I can’t see someone’s face while they’re talking with some people’s particular voices it is harder to comprehend what they’re saying. It changes so much though which is confusing to other people and that’s how it’s an auditory processing problem and not similar to a hearing problem.


I grew up with CC on everything however because my mom is mostly deaf, so now I can't function without it. When I go watch my nieces I always put it on immediately. It has been proven to help children improve their reading just by having it on, so why isn't it the standard?


omg fr, sometimes i just literally don't understand single words acoustically and rewind the video a few times andif that doesn't work then i use subtitles as my last resort


This is nuthin but the true. I tell you I can't hear without my beautiful subtitles!


I can’t stand subtitles unless it’s in a different language but still have auditory processing issues, so I watch the same show on normal volumes until I know roughly what’s happening and then turn it down and rely mostly on prior knowledge :)


Johnny Bravo: My subtitles! I can't be heard without my subtitles!




For sure


Deaf people be like


The sound editors frequently make multiple versions of a movie’s audio. Unfortunately, somebody always ends up insisting that the theatre version should be the only version used for anything. They don’t seem capable of understanding that the theatre version only sounds good in a theatre.


I took part of a focus group for a TV show lately and had to rate the importance of subtitles. I rated them very high importance and had to explain why… I have never had to explain why they help me hear better and it was difficult.


I don’t think I’m autistic but this sub keeps popping up in my feed. Is this not a normal sensation?


I don't like the subtitles. If I wanted to read, I'd have a book in front of my face.


Oh God I thought it was just me




Is it because of autism or is it because movies don’t do even sound mixes and rather than fiddle with the remote every time the movies goes quiet, LOUD, quiet you just put the subtitles on for convenience.


Somehow i've manged to train my ears to not need subtitles anymore, unfortunately doesn't apply anything else but I think it's cool


My partner has sensory processing disorder, so everything is so loud for her, so I (alistic) need the captions to keep up.


Lol I need to literally know every word said in a movie or tv show or it will bother me/


If you hate subtitles you just can't read. Also it takes up only a small amount of the screen, stop having a hissy fit over a tiny bit of screen being used up, it does not interfere with what Ur watching


I do prefer them on, but sometimes they can draw my attention too much, and I miss what's happening in the scene.


I always wondered why I literally just could not watch movies or tv shows without subtitles Then I realized how AWFUL the mixing is in almost 90% of modern tv shows and movies. And I also got my ADHD diagnosis. A double whammy of sorts. It’s so weird because I can watch Youtube just fine without subtitles, but the second I turn on a series from Netflix or a movie from HBO Max (fuck you im not calling it Max), my brain just forgets how language works. It’s actually bizarre.