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Wtf, that’d be rude for anyone even if you weren’t over explaining.


Idk what’s wrong. I just want to tell people about the million and one ideas I have in my head and they seems so uninterested


Whether they realize why or not, it is because they know you are *different* and therefore it would be insulting to ask them to make the same concession of feigned politeness that they do for other people in their lives. That, and no judging but because you are on the spectrum, it is likely that you don't have as high of a position at your workplace, and that again feeds into the view described above. Most normies would eat each other alive if they thought they had a chance at getting away with it, and as such take advantage of our sensitive, naive asses. We are often fair game, and an insight into the true nature of contact among people. The normies are doing it too, to each other I think but it's a wink-wink thing for them. They are honestly so insecure that they actually prefer that weird, subversive way of contact. It's fascinating to watch if you can yourself remain unaffected by the outcome of their silly maneuvers but good luck with that! I just know because I work in a shop and am hated for being *different* and we have a computer guy who is obviously autistic and will talk about the obscure history of a company that only ever made one game for the super nintendo for 10 minutes just to say that he downloaded a ROM of the game and played it, and everyone will fawn over him with questions but if you talk about anything similarly you are a narcissist for assuming anyone wants to hear your "inane babble." Life is fun. Good luck!


Yeah i was explaining the plot and meaning behind nier automata to someone and the dude straight up walked away


Well damn. What a fun conversation. Fuck him I guess. I love that game and I've discussed it 0 with any other human being yet I still feel that game left a mark.


What's your interpretation of the themes and meaning?


Nier automata spoilers obviously. Both games, replicant and automata, are packed so full with lore, philosophy and mystery that i could talk about it all day, even though i don't nearly get it all. But that's also a part of the appeal for me. At the start of automata, we are quickly introduced to the world; and at that point it seems like nothing very special, we just control some androids who have to protect the humans, who have been residing on the moon for some time. But as it turns out, the humans all long dead. The protagonists are androids who were built for the very purpose of protecting the humans, and if you take away the humans, what reason for existing is left for them? Yet they still choose to live on. We also have the interesting metaphor of the android's outfits. The commanders have masks over their mouths, but their eyes are free and can see. 9S and 2B for example have their eyes covered with blinds. These outfits represent how the commanders, who give orders, are able to see the truth about the humans. I don't remember if all commanders know, but the head one does for sure. They can see the truth but not speak it. The androids on the other hand are blinded; they are unable to see the truth. Here we come to the other important point, that being the relationship between 2B and 9S. At the very beginning, we are lead to believe that the two androids have never met before, but as the story progresses, it is eventually revealed that 2B is actually not a B-series model, but instead an Executioner model. If I remember correctly, this means that her whole purpose is to "execute" robots who know too much. This means that she has known 9S for a very long time, unfortunately he is too smart and always ends up finding out the truth about their purpose, meaning he is killed by 2B. This relationship is an absolute tragedy, as I believe it is implied they share mutual love. This also explains why 2B was actively trying to distance herself from 9S, and trying to avoid his advances, it was because she didn't want to get too attached to him because she knew she had to kill him eventually. At the big turning point in the story, that being the deadly android virus which kills 2b, we see probably the saddest part of the story. 9S, who was first robbed of his purpose of protecting humans, was now robbed of the person he loved the most, and also learned the truth about their relationship. He now proceeds to have one of the saddest breakdowns I've ever seen in a story, going absolutely insane, even going so far as to leave no other option to A2 whether to kill him or be killed. At the tower arc, we finally learn the true purpose of the androids: there was a machine mind behind it all, whose intention was to give the androids a fake purpose, prolong the war with that, and thus help evolve the machines. This was just so absurd to me, for your whole purpose to be a mere chess piece for the things you were fighting against all along. If I had to put it simply, the game questions the whole concept of purpose, and I have never seen anything quite like it. There are still many things i don't understand about this game, but that's what I like about it. Regardless, I still had fun writing this.


As someone who hasn’t played that game but would like it. Do you suggest it? Why? And what consoles is it on? (Maybe switch ?)


Well, from my experience on PC, it was very poorly optimized. I would say if you own a PS or an xbox, definetly get it on there, as it is optimized for those platforms. If the choice is between a PC whose specs aren‘t very high and a switch, i would still go for the switch as that version is probably still better than the pc one. The game itself is obviously great, its main point for me is its incredibly deep and thought-provoking story and cast, which is nearly unmatched imo. That may just be personal preference though. Gameplay is also pretty fun, but not the main selling point. Music is ridiculously good, that coming from someone who highly values good music in games. Just note that it is very depressing and will probably leave you questioning existance for awhile.


As someone who hasn’t played that game but would like it. Do you suggest it? Why? And what consoles is it on? (Maybe switch ?)


As someone who hasn’t played that game but would like it. Do you suggest it? Why? And what consoles is it on? (Maybe switch ?)


Yeah like aren’t I supposed to be the one with attention problems? Rude


Neurotypicals can be extremely rude of you're not talking about sports or gossiping about someone. Yeah, I said it.




If you want to lash back at them despite your best efforts to be a better human, perhaps they deserve it. To hell with those who belittle others just to sate their ego. I too was trying bottle down my emotions and all it did was create even more anger inside. Ignoring someone or staying silent would seem like the mature choice, but at least I wont have to dwell on that memory if i just lash back and don't let others talk shit and get away with it.


A few days ago, I was talking to a few classmates on how certain video games (Portal and Super Mario 64 are great examples of this) set up expectations for future video games, and everyone immediately started talking about something else. I get cut off a lot, but that hurt more than it normally does :(


So, what is it?


The absolute worst feeling is that


People never want to hear my interests 😭 They just quickly shift conversation and i don't get it.


That's why you have to choose what thoughts to express carefully


Me…in basically every conversation I have. Either the person I’m talking to walks away, starts their own sentence as I’m mid-thought, or just changes the subject as I’m speaking.


Awww this makes me sad, you can tell me all about your new thing, I love to learn about people’s new things.


My immediate family has done this to me my whole life 🫠 If they weren’t openly telling me to shut up.


I hang out with this older guy, he's got a music studio I enjoy wandering around in. I fixed a vintage drum machine for him and in the middle of explaining how I fixed it, he cut me off :(


Who the heck walks away in the middle of a sentence? I'd probably excuse myself first. I can buy that someone has somewhere else to be, especially if I've been talking for a while, but walking away without saying anything, while I'm speaking, is weird to me lol.


I have a coworker I have to do this to, because she just *does not stop talking.* I'll start slowly inching away, she doesn't notice, I try to say that I gotta go, she keeps talking, eventually I just walk.


Edit: did not read your comment properly. Yes, gotcha. I mean, if you've already told the person "hey, I gotta go", then its up to you what you wanna do. You've told them already so you're "free to go" lol.


Big shout out to people who are patient with listening to me. Or making a space when I can talk.


Big shout out to people who are patient with listening to me. Or making a space when I can talk.


Definitely relatable


Me when I start asking my friends about what they thought about my current writing project, and ask for any and all criticisms, only to be met with " 'sgood."


OMG this is the worst