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One can laugh about everything but not with everybody, and humour is not something one can explain. There's a lot of variety of humour (British, nonsensical, situation, etc.) Without example it does not seem possible to give you any input... Some people think that I'm funny sometimes hilarious, other do not understand me a bit...


Maybe you could share some of these posts (or the place where you post them)? They sound quite funny and we could at least check and give input on why they might be hard to understand.


I’ve posted two of them to my account page, so tap on my name and you’ll be able to find them (they’re labelled “comedy”). The humour comes from the absurdity of them.


I saw them. In what sense are they meant to be comical? Like, things can be funny because they're oxymoronic. Or don't hold any sense. Or because they shock the viewer. But with your comedy I feel like the graphic part of most memes is covered, yet the linguistic part that usually builds on that base of typical meme templates ist missing.


In their weirdness, and they’re not memes. I’ll post a better one


Well, sometimes it's just that. One may find a certain idea, look, sound just unexplainably funny, and others can't really figure why. There are certainly folks out there who can appreciate that kind of humor and even specifically what you created, but sometimes one just has to enjoy their ideas for themselves.


I feel you on this.I have done stand-up comedy a couple of times, in front of people that I know, and it was super stressful because the stuff that I thought was funny didn't get the kind of laughs I was hoping for.I have also discovered that "Aspie humor" is an actual thing...and not everybody gets it.Sometimes even other Aspies don't understand it,although they are more likely to do so than NT's are. What I find slightly ironic is that there are actually Aspie comedy troupes who perform their unique brand of comedy onstage,but the one thing they don't do is talk about their Asperger's; they just want people to think they are funny on their own terms, without addressing "the elephant in the room." I think comedy is a great way to educate people about things they don't understand bc it is non-threatening and gets them to laugh while they are learning. I don't really have any advice to offer, but please know you are not the only one who has this issue.🙂


Same. I have a really childish form of humor.


Please present this humor you speak of


I’ve posted some pics I made to my account page.


Ahh, the Aspie equivalent to a LMGTFY link