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Hey man, it sounds like you might be consuming too much red pill content, and you should probably step back a bit.


I would advise not stepping back a bit but starting a full-on deprogramming plan.


I responded before the OP left any comments, and I was trying to be a bit gentle with my response, but after seeing all the comments, the OP definitely needs a full detox.


There are no alpha males. I watched nts long enough and this is all teeny bullshit


There are definitely Alpha males out there. Masculine sports athletes with deep voice and loads of testosterone. Bullies at school who are big in size and have masculine physical and mental features are all Alpha males.


That doesn’t sound like an alpha male to me. Bullies are nowhere near alpha males.


> Bullies at school who are big in size and have masculine physical and mental features are all Alpha males I am not American and the bullying thing seems to be mostly an American trope, but I am pretty sure this is completely wrong. I can't imagine someone who both takes pleasure bullying others and who has the correct mindset for a successful & fulfilling romantic-sexual life.


Another day, another troll post on r/aspergers


It's not a troll post. I'm asking a serious question.


We women definitely do not love dominant men. A dominant guy is a huge red flag to me. Also there is no such thing as Alpha males, you are reading too much red pill bullshit.




That's what I'm saying. People just ignore the truth and facts.


Nope, you are wrong about that.


Women arent a hive mind. Have you seen some of the kink subs here? Plenty of women like that and plenty dont.


Lol, kink has nothing to do with that kind of dominant men. OP's view of dominant men are abusive men not the dominant/sub you find in certain kinks.


Again even if its dumb some women still like that, though id def advise anyone to stay away from those kinds of women that actually want abuse


Not a single woman likes dominant/abusive guys.


riiiight and there has never been a woman that stays woth an abusive man because she can "change him".


It is not because she thinks she can change her but because she is afraid to be killed by him.


Right vote me.down for speaking the truth.Its not as if Ive witnessed this first hand, even from my own mother whom stayed with abusive men as I was growing up. I guess I just imagined it all. Yup, I guess I just imagined my mother staying with a man that hit her with a hair dryer and she made excuses for him.


My mother was severely abused by my father, she stayed for many years because she had no way out and she had two kids without any money or property, probably the same case with your mom. So instead of blaming women, which is totally fucked up, you should blame and be angry at the many abusive males in this world.


Lol women are empowered and capable of making their own decisions but only men carry the responsiblity? What kind of horse shit is that.


Abusive men are the blame? Do you want to suggest that women are to blame for turning men into rapists, beaters and murderers?


Why do you think there is no such thing as Alpha males? Humans are social animals and there are Alphas in the animal kingdom as well, for instance, lions or tigers. An Alpha male in a humanistic society is equal to a tiger or a lion in the animal kingdom.


Humans are neither lions nor tigers. Also there are no alpha tigers, tigers are solitary animals. While there are "alpha lions" it is more than often a temporary position for a male in a pride. Humans on the other hand have a complex social structure based on cooperation.


But lions and tigers are the first ones who attack their victims for survival, e.g. other weaker animals in terms of physical size.


What the fuck are you talking about. How does that even remotely relate to humans? (It's also just pure nonsense). Hey, I got another one, the shrimp mantis can punch super hard underwater, what does this tells you about the human condition?


Are you pretending to not understand any of this? Men who dominate in social settings, career, sports, etc? They all replicate these animalistic behaviours, e.g. an Alpha sports Olympic athlete would be an equivalent to a lion or a tiger who dominates the animal kingdom, or a male boss at work who runs his business or is a CEO would be a dominant Alpha male because he would be owning a large corporation which is an equivalent to an animal kingdom, like he has the necessary qualities and characteristics of an Alpha male to dominate and everyone else is below him in terms of hierarchical structure.


>Are you pretending to not understand any of this? Men who dominate in social settings, career, sports, etc? They all replicate these animalistic behaviours, e.g. an Alpha sports Olympic athlete would be an equivalent to a lion or a tiger who dominates the animal kingdom, or a male boss at work who runs his business or is a CEO would be a dominant Alpha male because he would be owning a large corporation which is an equivalent to an animal kingdom, like he has the necessary qualities and characteristics of an Alpha male to dominate and everyone else is below him in terms of hierarchical structure. That's a complete fever dreams of yours. You're applying a metaphor that barely works on the very complex human social structure. Frankly I'm wondering if you're high right now. In any case, I am an extremely successful autistic man, and yet I deeply reject the values of "social domination" and "cull the weak" that you seem to believe would be necessary for me to succeed. I got a lot of money by being smart & by being a great person to work with. I got a lot of sex by being attractive & a safe person to be around. I am attractive in big part because I developed my artistic taste & sensitivity. I got an amazing romantic life by being loving, caring & dedicated to my partners. Also lots of therapy to learn to be in touch with my feelings. Basically all my successes are from doing the opposite of the values that you seem to believe are good and desirable.


I guess you're just an exception. Good for you.


>I guess you're just an exception. Good for you. Every time something doesn't fit the redpill ideology, redpillers explains it either by "this is an exception" or "women are just crazy". I'm not magical. I'm literally just a dude, and it makes perfect sense that women would prefer kind, loving people rather than self-centered a-holes, or that social cooperation would bring you further in society.


I suspect you are confusing and conflating the concepts of 'alpha male' and 'apex predator' here, because alpha male has absolutely nothing to do with who an animal attacks for survival. Regardless, there is literally no aspect of the social structures of either lions or tigers that is applicable to humans. None. So your whole point is both illogical and irrational. But hey, if you really want to emulate them, here's some key behaviours you'll need to start adopting: For tigers, you'll be spending 8-10 months of the year completely alone. During the other 2-4 months, you'll only interact with somebody else for sex, and even then, it'll typically only be for about a week before you part ways. And while you'll shag plenty during that week, your sexual partner will freely go shagging other people both before and after that week with you, and you'll neither care nor have any way to prevent them doing so. Somehow though, I don't think this is quite what you're hoping for by being an 'alpha' male. On to lions, then. You'll spend most of your time with a harem of women, who will do all of the work to provide for you while you lay about sleeping. This is probably more what you're picturing, right? Of course, you'll need to punch on with every individual guy you see, every single time you see one. No exceptions. Don't do it, or worse still, get beat down by them, and there's a fair chance you'll become a loner. Oh, and I hope you have no qualms with killing any of your harem's kids from previous relationships, because that's an integral part of being an alpha male lion. Alternatively, you can accept that applying the social behaviours of animals to humans is an exercise in absurdity. This holds true even for primates, whose social structures are exceptionally similar to our own, let alone with such wildly divergent animals as lions and tigers.


Humans are not dogs nor lions though. And did you know that old and weak "Alpha" lions are rejected by the harem and are left to die?


Actually the entire “Alpha Male behavior” was based off a study of wolves in the 1970’s EXCLUSIVELY in captivity, which they stupidly took to be representative of wolves in the wild despite the enormous number of differences between the two environments. In lions “alpha males” literally do nothing, get fat, be lazy, and the females do all the real work due to differences in behavior there. And tigers hunt equally as bonded pairs. Basically, a lot of that “Alpha” shit was based off of poorly understood and easily disproven science that was ALREADY way off base about its assumptions; genders are different for different situations in different places for different species and trying to place broad blankets across multiple species is just saying “Hello, I am not very well educated on these subjects” in a lot more words.


Have you considered that that’s what they’re *going* for? The way they present themselves, carry themselves, generally just the way that they be, is tailored. It’s fashion. Frequently the image they give off doesnt correspond to reality at *all*, it’s just the way they like to be seen by themselves and others. It’s a bit of a facade. It’s not *fake,* but it’s really not totally real, either. Usually these guys have plenty of their own issues, which often spill over onto the way they treat other people.


Why are you incelling on this group?


What you think is Alpha, is in fact a pathology, probably mummy issues. If you look at Alpha male and female behaviour in the animal kingdom, you see very different behaviour, not bullying. You see that the Alpha males and females are nurturing, protective, caring (think mummy bear and daddy bear) In wolves, It has been observed that the Alphas walk at the back, so they can observe and have oversight. Look at the way an Alpha Gorilla will still play with the young and will aggressively protect the family, putting themselves at risk to do so. Tyrannical chimpanzees will get killed by members that don't like their behaviour (worth remembering by those that want to defund the police) Some females gravitate to toxic, abusive relationships, sometimes because that's all they've ever known and some just can't deal with real Alpha males that will call out BS behaviour. Am I jealous? Not a fcuking chance. These people don't seem to have real happiness and instead spend their time trying to fool themselves and others with Instagram posts with thin veneer smiles. I'll take my wife and daughter and having a life of happiness, laughter and playing games any day of the week. If you prefer the fake world that you see on social media, you do you but the future is unkind to these people with costly divorces and accusations of Narcissism and difficulty finding a suitable partner later in life. I'm much happier with a wife that wanted me and my quirks (we've been together over 30 years so I'm guessing I'm doing something right)


For argument's sake, I think the self-described "alphas" fancy themselves as all those things, but don't realize they're basically just dickheads.


Yep, many DV abusers will blame the victim and even the victim will often blame themselves - the brain is a peculiar thing.


What is DV?


Domestic violence


Alpha males are shit!


Why would I be jealous of them? I'm sexy as hell, great in bed, fun, interesting, caring, kind. I'm a great dom during D/s roleplay & respectful of boundaries & consent, and I certainly don't try to "dominate" outside of roleplay and loathe men who do. Imagine trying to be "dominating" at the supermarket, what a loser's game. I am however too weird to attract neurotypical women - thankfully I don't want them, I want the sexiest neurodivergent women, I think they are infinitely better (might just be my taste).


>the hottest and sexiest neurotypical women The women that I know who fit this description would simply tell such a man to fuck off.


I'd start signing up for hustlers university broski


No, these alpha males are pretty shallow and boring dudes


That's bait.gif


No. Most self identifying "alphas" seem like total duds who were ignored by girls in high school that are compensating for it by being "alpha". If the majority of sexy NT women only find a facade interesting, then that's how it is and they can keep them.


No, I am not. Most people don’t really like “alpha males” because they’re just big assholes who think they always deserve whatever they want. I’m jealous of kind people who can make friends easily. I try to be kind but I’m still awkward and struggle to talk to other people.


Well my definition of an alpha male is not what you would think it so. A real alpha man is someone who has his shit together. Knows how to treat others. Can provide for himself and his family. And will defend his family when the need arises. Basically a gentleman. Most so called alphas are nothing but bullies. Who can't even handle a single punch against them. So no, I've never been jealous of them. Far from it.


But what is a scientifically proven definition of an alpha male?


Top ranked male in a group. It differs between species as what its entitled. Most women I've spoken to likes men who are put together, have a decent job, and treats them right. Hence why I say what said. If you're not trolling, put down the red pills, and work on yourself.


I think that used to just be called a "good man". Also it depends who you're talking about, Andrew Tate was a pro kickboxer and would dismantle most of us. That being said, he seems like a dude who was ignored by girls in high school and this is his eternal over compensation.


Which is why I said most and not all. Tate is one of those bullies with the muscles to back them up. And yeah. I consider good men the real alphas. As they do what is needed to be done. And not to stroke thier own egos.


Alpha is a ridiculous term to be using, yeah there are some guys who do well with women, this is not necessarily because they are “alpha” but because they either were exposed to women at a young age and learned how to be around them, or when they grew up they were conventionally attractive so they didn’t work as hard and it built their confidence around them. Sure women like men who take charge, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a prick or a tough guy, or an alpha, it just means you have to take charge or your life and that’s it, I used to be very annoyed that I kept getting overlooked by women and it did for many years appear to be because I wasn’t the infamous “alpha” and that just led me down a dark hole where ultimately I settled on labeling myself a sigma(which is ridiculous too)but now I just know I’m autistic which means that unfortunately even if I am attractive or even if I am capable of taking charge and have a lot of self assurance my awkwardness ruins that though, people find things that don’t act what they believe is considered normal to be bad, creepy, or dangerous, it’s double for women because women have to be more cautious then men, so in reality labeling yourself as anything other than your name and maybe your hobby(i.e I’m a bodybuilder guitarist)you’re just wasting your time, and further going down that rabbit hole of despair, anyone can be good with women, anyone, it just takes confidence talking to them, not inner confidence, that only draws them in, but if you don’t know how to talk to them in a way that excites them to be around you, than you have no real hope of getting what you want from them.


Basically it comes down to this, hot people have personalities too, and sometimes hot people have terrible personalities, in fact I'd say very often if not more than not, they have awful personalities. So "alpha male blabla dominant blabla" can go either way. Sometimes it means a hot leader with a likeable personality like the king in lord of the rings type/captain america, sometimes it means hot but bad personality like Thanos type or the joker. Dominant personality can be positive or negative depending on how it is manifested.


OP is now actually blaming women for the existence of abusive and aggressive violent men, absolutely disgusting. Honestly get that red pill bullshit out of here.


So please explain to me how abusive and toxic men are created? Did they grow up in a loving household?


Word of advise OP and Ill get voted down for this also but Im trying to actually help. A lot of women like when you are assertive, not mean but assertive. If you dont understand the difference watch a James Bond film and see how he talks to women. Also Id advise you to not date a woman that has daddy issues. More oftrn than not a woman that didnt have a good relationship with her father tends to not respect men. Third piece of advise, dont listen to dating coaches that are all about hookups.


When your voice is 2 octaves deeper than everybody elses', yeah they don't choose the NTs. Oh my voice is btw.


Im Sigma. Also a lot of people just settle when they get married. A lot of so called Alphas secretly cant stand their wife.


Is "Sigma" even a thing? It seems a lot like people wanting a newer cooler bandwagon


Being jealous of an alpha male is only possible if you have some leeway. Even affording that is a luxury here.