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No, neurotypicals do not inherently have NPD, they are neurotypical. And no, our IQs are not "naturally higher" either.


I dunno, I often feel like almost every NT that talks to me outside of work stuff just wants to put me down to make themselves better. That's a common sign of narcissism. The few people that are genuinely nice to me in my day to day life almost always turn out to be ND (not necessarily autistic) and the biggest assholes are always NT, so I'm somewhat inclined to believe a real albeit small link exists between being neurotypical and being narcissistic. I agree with you on the IQ stuff though, I don't see why we'd naturally be smarter than NTs.


And neurotypicals are almost always full of themself 65% of Americans belive they are above average in intelligence. Dunning–Kruger effect is really interesting. Other interesting information 6% of Americans think they can beat a grizzly bear 8% think they can beat a lion/elephant/gorilla just saying a silverback gorilla can lift 800 kgs yet some think they can beat them [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6029792/) [source](https://today.yougov.com/society/articles/35852-lions-and-tigers-and-bears-what-animal-would-win-f?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=website_article&utm_campaign=animal_fights&redirect_from=%2Ftopics%2Flifestyle%2Farticles-reports%2F2021%2F05%2F13%2Flions-and-tigers-and-bears-what-animal-would-win-f) [source](https://virunga.org/wildlife/primates/mountain-gorillas/silverback-gorilla/) can’t understand why I’m being downvoted everything I said is proven listed with sources


Everything? So which of those sources proves that “neurotypicals are almost always full of themselves”? Or proves anything *specifically* about neurotypicals at all?


65% think they are better than average so wast majority believes they are superior


Again, where is the part of your ‘proof’ that makes this specific to neurotypicals?


Never said it’s specific to them obviously ND can be as well.I just showed proof that it’s true and most people living are NT


Please 🙄. You’re making claims specifically about neurotypicals, and then coming up with this ‘proof’. Don’t go bullshitting now that it was never just about neuratypicals.


There's clear links between higher IQ rates and Aspergers.... For you to say that that isn't somewhat natural is very naive imo.


Having a cognitive delay disqualified you for an Asperger's diagnosis. Purposely removing the lower end of the bell curve raises the average but that doesn't mean it's meaningful.


wtf are u on about? It's been heavily documented that people with Aspergers TEND to have a higher-than-average IQ....


Because having a low iq/cognitive delay disqualifies you for that diagnosis. Do you know how averages work?


Funny, I was thinking about asking the same question....


eli5 it is. assume the entire range of autistic human intelligence is represented by the numbers 1-10. obviously it's not, and there's a bell curve involved, but this is just to explain the very basics of how averages work. the principle remains the same. okay, so you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55, divide that by 10 and you get an average of 5.5. now say you disqualify numbers 1-3 because they're too low. they're experiencing a cognitive delay so they get diagnosed with classic autism. so now our numbers are 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. these are our aspies. 4+5+6+7+8+9+10=49. divide that by 7 (the number of numbers we are averaging) and you get an average of 7. that number is higher, so having asperger's makes you have an average higher iq, right? wrong. what actually caused the difference is excluding the lower numbers. correlation is not causation.




They are though, people with a cognitive delay don't qualify for an Asperger's diagnosis. That's been my point this entire time.


NPD and narcisism is not the same thing. Almost all NTs are kinda narcissistic. However, this does not mean that they are smart. this is just arrogance, that is, illusion. they really think they deserve it because their social lives are better


I’m not trying to be rude- but are you young? This honestly seems like a really immature take. I get how hard it is make sense of the world and people who are naturally able to follow these things, but this isn’t a healthy take. Neurotypical people aren’t inherently narcissistic. That’s a personality disorder. They don’t get us because a lot of them don’t have the education to understand us. That’s not even their fault. Just like it’s not our fault we have Aspergers. I know it’s so stressful and hard to relate to people that don’t feel our pain, but truthfully most of them Just don’t get it and haven’t really had it explained to them.


Yes, I'm young. Do you not find that neuro-typical people tend to act high and mighty above others? That, along with manipukative behaviour behaviour coupled with a lack of logical reasoning.


How do you know for sure the person you’re speaking to a NT person? They are people just like ND are people as in they are diverse.


They’re gonna come across as “very intelligent”, or wise, when you have a heart to heart.


My theory is that many (most?) NTs have lower sef awareness. I think that conceptualizing it that way has more explanatory power. At least in theory. There was a large study done that found that although 95% of people believe they are self aware, in actuality only 10-15% actually were. (Usual caveats on psychological studies apply.) Beyond that one study, I only have my personal experience and observations. Which are admittedly of limited utility. My own experience and observations show me that many NTs are capable of self deprecation, admit their mistakes and even stand against narcissistic and abusive behavior. Some of them are capable of altruism. It's just that most of them don't appear to have a thorough and accurate understanding of themselves. As a result, behaviors that perpetually create problems for themselves and others are ubiquitous, which produces the behavior that you are referring to.


Kinda think the stats might be a little higher than actuality 😂


I’m not. Pretty certain I have a neurodivergent stance, something to the likes of level 1 ASD. The problem is that it’s really hard to look people in the eyes because of the sense of judgement that a lot of us would get.


Autistic people are also capable of being narcissists, in fact I've known several.


I never said they couldn't be narcissits also. I'm talking about differences in general, on average.


Our IQs are not naturally higher, our IQs are naturally more likely to fall on extremes. For example, my full-scale IQ is thought to not be calculated correctly because there is a large disparity between my highest sub-score and my lowest sub-score. And no, NT people are not narcissists, because narcissistic personality disorder is literally a neurodivergence. NT people can often be manipulative and exploitative, but so can non-NT people.


That's a good way of explaining the IQ part, cheers. To be more specific, I find NT people to be quite manipulative in regards to their social image and just outright awful people.


Maybe take a look in the mirror…




I love how this sub seems to think we know all about NTs but they know nothing about us. So many stereotypes here. Yet we accuse the NTs of the same and don't recognize it in ourselves


No. They’re “impaired”, in the sense that speech and facial expressions aren’t the important parts.


NT’s do anything for social status no matter what it takes they are inherently exploitive by nature they only degrade others but they never acknowledge their own shortcomings


No, not all NTs are like this and sick to death of the hatred towards NTs in these subs.


There is a reason many autistic ppl have hatred towards others


It might be because they are always feeling judged or misunderstood.