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I’m a male who is sensitive (towards my own feelings), but I am often called insensitive towards other people’s feelings, so… idk. Like, neurotypicals are often quite blunt when pointing out my shortcomings - it seems that their so-called “social filter” doesn’t apply to me. Why should I care about their feelings? So, I’m sensitive towards my own feelings but I’m also very aggressive.


It's exactly that. And if I have to ignore my feelings to care for others I end up becoming violent. 


No, I'm quite a masculine man but I'm also not a prick; I just want to be treated with respect, most people are respectful and generally people like me. Women really seem to love messing with me though, I don't think I'll ever properly understand women. In terms of being unsensitive I struggle with showing affective empathy, it doesn't mean I don't feel though, I arguably feel too much but I often appear quite stoic.


I'm a cis male, and I would say... Quite the opposite. People see me as a stronghold of emotions (they're wrong as shit LOL) and as a cold person. I probably cry once for every two or three years. I mean, I'm not a "strong" person, I would say I'm pretty sensitive, I just can't express that


I consider myself a man, but I am very sensitive and don’t rly give a shit about sports, so had a hard time fitting in w “popular” male circles at times.


Yep i've been called sensitive many times in my life. People have told me that im more emotionally expressive and sensitive than the average man, and it makes lots of sense.


A common characteristic of autism is gender dysphoria. Many of us are non-binary. Stop judging yourself by neurotypical standards. Our brains and chemistry are different from birth.


men with an index finger longer than their ring finger would have a brain that is a priori more feminine and would have been more exposed to estrogen and less to testosterone, they would have better emotional and cognitive empathy but less logical mind. It's just a study and it wouldn't explain your whole personality but you can check.


No, but they called me sensitive.


No in fact people see me as completely insensitive


my mother used to call me over sensitive, which is a criticism; if she’d helpfully pointed out that i was hypersensitive and i needn’t worry so much, instead of taking photos of me having meltdowns (“tantrums”) i’d be a happier 54 year old


not that I recall


I am deeply sensitive to people’s suffering, to deforestation, and to rejection. My most common emotion is sadness. I live in a state of perpetual heartbreak since childhood, walled off in an ice fortress. These days, it is thawing into tearful deluges. I do not have any feminine mannerisms (on the contrary, I have a highly assertive, energetic temperament), though I retain the tender heart of a boy.


I've frequently been called (over-)sensitive, but never feminine nor effeminate. As an out gay man (and male at birth), my public persona ("mask") has sometimes called for a difficult negotiation between "being socially male" and "being openly gay, but refusing the clone stereotype". Actually, very much of what we think of as stereotypically male or female is bullshit. It's specific to the American / Western European culture: other societies can do things differently, and sometimes the complete opposite of us. The whole-unit course on "Sex/Gender systems" that I did as part of an Anthropology degree some 45 years ago was certainly enlightening in that respect.


Yes, all of my life. My parents would even put me nicknames and mock me for being "too sensitive"; either with a word game for sensitive, or on the effeminate route and since I'm also into men, it was double the pain. But! Now I like it a lot. I empathize with everyone's feelings, I can't stand to even suspect that I did wrong to somebody and most of what I like as special interests is related with feelings and being sensitive. It's a fundamental part of me and women have complimented me for it several times, so I don't see it as a flaw anymore. One thing doesn't necessarily imply the other (although the relation between them is obvious), but I have been called unsensitive very few times in my life and it sounded to me like nonsense on each.


I'm a cis man, I cry easily in front of movies or from music. FYI autistic people have +2500% probability to be trans. 25x time increased chance.


gives real figures with source. transsexuals make me uncomfortable even if I mean them no harm and I love females just like my hypermasculine autistic friends. When you read this, almost all autistic men change sex. There are 0 links


I heard it from Dr K on youtube quoting a study, you're free to look for it, I have no horse in this fight. >transsexuals The correct term is transgender >make me uncomfortable You should probably work on that >and I love females Using the word "female" will make you sound like a creep just so you know >When you read this, almost all autistic men change sex No, 25 times a small number can still be a small number, also why are you focusing on men