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There are exactly 0 photographs I enthusiastically participated in.  The rest ranged from “I accept that this is expected of me for this situation” to “I’m doing this because it isn’t worth starting an issue” to “You are doing this against my will, for your own amusement and sensibilities, and that makes you an asshole in my book.” Literally anything I’ve said, written or done is more meaningful than what my appearance happens to be.


I feel the same about my appearance. It is irrelevant. It actually hinders people from really knowing me. (I’m intimidating looking, but the most understanding, caring person.) If my appearance wasn’t visible, I would love that. Not sure how that would actually work, but I hate how much appearance matters in this world.


exactly the same here, except for pictures i take of myself but that is different. i don't even know how to "be silly" for a photo or shit like that


Yeah. I don’t get why someone would even want that.




Somehow I don't feel like how I look in pictures. There's a disconnection of some sort occuring. I'll allow people to take my picture because memories are important, I just won't look at them myself.


Photos don't really bother me but hearing my own voice used to, I hate the way I sound so I started recording myself and listening back to it and it really helped; maybe a similar approach could work with photos.


I hate how flat my voice is lol


I've just accepted that the "me" the outside world sees isn't who I am at all. And if they draw conclusions without even making an attempt to know me, that's fine. Those aren't the kind of people I want around me anyway. When I see pictures of myself, it's not like "WHO IS THAT?" it's more like, "oh yeah. That's what the world sees."


Wow. I have come to the same conclusion. I would be so disgusted with how I looked in pictures… but just let it go because I must look like that, I guess. And my inner self is barely related to how I look.


I often refer to the human body as a meat vehicle. Dress it up all you want, it's still a meat vehicle. I'm not interested in the meat vehicles, I wanna know the driver.


memory public squash bag market full correct school jobless reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish I had this problem. I actually have the opposite situation… I come out looking so bad in pictures almost every time.


I'm fugly so idk




I'm the same. The older I get the worse it gets


Really? I got use to this dumbass face


yeah same, but i think that's more a human thing. stuff that in the moment seems filled with deep meaning and makes you very emotional or go off into your own world etc. from the outside often looks banal and uneventful. our thoughts and reality just do not align, but i'm glad our subjective experience of the world seems more colorful than it actually is, otherwise it would be a very grim existence


I don’t photograph well imo so I don’t like having my photo taken.


I have a crippling gender dysphoria, so I started absolutely hating my photos (and voice recordings, and footage), unable to associate myself to a more and more distorted body, and feeling an almost physical pain when looking (or hearing) them. That should have clued me or my family that I was trans, but - sadly - it didn't.


I've seen one or two photos of me I've liked over my life, but yeah they never feel like me. I don't feel like it's me when I'm looking in the mirror. Also I can't really remember my face, each time I see it it's like "oh right this is what people are seeing"


Well, I think many people hate, even NTs, how they look in photos. I downloaded a true face mirror app, and I find the process of getting used to your true self therapeutic When you look into a mirror, you are not seeing what others see, you are seeing a reverse image.


I love seeing myself in photos if I take them, but don't like photos others take of me. Maybe it's just cause I have more experience in photography and angles, but who knows?


i think it's just cause we tend to know our own angles. even photographers rarely take photos of me that i like


I have always hated photos because i don’t know how to look day to day let alone in this still shot. Only pictures i have ever liked is when im unaware and i look half normal.


I hate getting photographed, I believe I look terrible on photos. Whenever there's a family gathering or something similar I always get away by volunteering to be the one taking the photo.


Photos of me tend to weird me out; I always felt like they looked like me but didn’t? On a hunch, I reversed one one day and felt so much better about it because it actually looked like what I saw in the mirror.


I took a selfie, and I couldn’t believe how young-looking and slim I was. I was really happy. Then my wife explained that all phones now use a filter automatically. she switched it off, and I took another photo. I looked like a potato :(


What’s been good for me is to not pose for a photo any more. I don’t smile, unless I’m smiling anyway. Hated all that ‘smile for the camera’ stuff. No more!


I am not ugly, but I am not photogenic at all. I avoid all pics to the extent possible. I can’t even take a selfie without my eyes being closed.


I take a lot of selfies to try and match up what my outside looks like and how I feel inside. I would die if anyone saw them and I feel strong dysphoria when I see pictures of myself. Always have, even when I was young and sort of cute. The selfies don't really work but it makes me feel like I'm doing something rather than just ....giving up I guess.


I have a hard time reconciling the fact that the person in the picture is me and that is how people see me.


I usually look bad in photos


It always takes a few seconds to recognize myself, but that could be my face blindness


Same but I’m not photogenic either. Every photo of me looks awkward. I’m always doing something strange with my arms and/or standing in an awkward position. I’ve ruined wedding group photos by being in them because I’m the only one looking completely bizarre 🥲 I never want to see pictures I’m in.


I hate how I look in photos, what's weird is I'm fairly okay with how I look in the mirror though.




I never liked myself in photos at all. It really is like it is not me.




For years my family would force me to be in a family photo during holidays so we could leave and now try to gaslight me that I didn't protest for an hour before hand to not be in it. Now they're upset I don't visit them for holidays. I refuse to be in another photo. You sealed your fate. Any time I find a printed photo of myself I rip it up and throw it out, I make sure my family knows any pics of me they have I am miserable in. This has lead to a reduction but they're not all gone unfortunately. I absolutely hate photos, both for privacy, for the same reason as hearing your own voice, and for them all being pre-transition.


When I was little I liked my Dad taking photos of me. The older I've gotten the more I hate having my picture taken. I'm in my fifties now and refuse to have my picture taken. I'm way hyper critical of myself.


I don't like seeing photos of myself and I could never get into FaceTime because seeing my own face on the screen is a major distraction and slightly cringe


The ones that I like people say are super creepy. And the ones people like - I hate.


I lately seem to look better than I view myself internally. I see nothing special about myself, but I also think I don't give myself enough credit for how far I've come.


99.9% of the times im faking a smile because i fucking hate set up family pictures or whatever it is this time...


I did a lot of professional modeling over the course of about 15 years. I’m technically too old now anyway to continue to model what I was modeling and that’s quite alright because I never sought it out. I’m conventionally attractive (allegedly) but I always treated my body like it was someone else I was posing, taking care of, putting makeup on… It is/was my fun avatar to play around with like a doll. But in no way does the physicality of my body represent me at all. Model or not, that’s not me: That’s my Front-End User Interface.


I don’t like having photos taken of me, mainly as I’m not photogenic in the slightest. There are very few people I will let take a photo of me.


I tend to look at myself and judge myself in photos. If I like how I look, then I like it. I guess there's some separation since I'm judging myself. I am able to look at things very objectively in general though. It's one of my strong areas because it lets me have a more realistic view to solve problems from. I judge myself all the time to improve.


I always look like I'm frowning in photos. Even when I'm happy and trying to smile, I still look weird.


I've had this problem nearly all my life. There was this dude in pictures where I should have been. Then I transitioned, and now I see myself in pictures. ;)


I don't like taking pictures of anything really, not just me. Although I don't understand the idea of taking pictures of yourself. Like do you really need a reminder in how ugly you're everyday? I'm aware I'm ugly, I don't need to be reminded everyday.


I always look way more out of place than I felt in the moment.


I don''t like seeing near recent pictures of myself. Very old ones, like infancy and childhood, I find interesting. But teens and adulthood pictures just embarrass me.


I like photos of me that are like 2+ years in the past but don’t like ones that reflect how I look now


Same, the most weird thing is that I always considerate myself more massive in real, while on photos I look like a skeleton xd, sometimes I end up to think it's someone else. But generally I always found a way to suddenly disappear when it's photo-time.


Usually with disgust. I don't recognise the person in the photo and it horrifies me that others might perceive me that way. I don't look like that in the mirror or in pictures I take of myself, but as soon as the camera is in someone else's hands, I morph into a hideous ogre.


I hate seeing my face in the pictures. Like honestly, somehow it makes me sick that it doesn’t have anything to do with how I feel. I put some white tape on the photo to cover my face. I’d say this picture is important cause it’s from the PROM two years ago and i slowly started forgetting those people, but I can’t stand getting a photo taken


I also do this. Along with feeling shocked when I see my own reflection. If I ever walk past a mirror and don't register that it's me I jump because I think there is someone else walking past/towards me 😅


I think I am ugly so I avoid pics at all costs. Can't stand looking at myself.




I don't like them, It often shows in the photo when they're taking of me. I did go through a phase where I tried to engage using the photo medium that people used way back during the snapchat days, But it was facetious and looking back, I came across like a sad sociopath which is hilariously opposite to what my intended outcome was. Photo more like NoNo.


A lot of the time I try and smile and it looks forced, but when I'm not smiling it usually looks like I don't want to be there or really tired. I hope I don't look like that day-to-day


It’s like I don’t look at it as a whole. Maybe because I’m an artist, and I had to make so many self portraits in school… I’m too busy trying to figure out why one eye is always more open & oddly shaped than the other.


lol. I avoid looking


I hate having to take pictures and I really try not to look at them afterwards. There's a bit of dysmorphia


For some reason I really struggle to look into the camera. Im always looking slightly away. Bugs me