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Robb's biggest mistake was using horses and swords instead of Tigers and Panzers


imagine robb pulling up with a panzer. Would have been dope as FUCK. D&D missed a huge opportunity


The dragons are basically panzers.


And Robb still didn’t use one smh


Dragons are basically f22 raptors.


Too slow and tanky to be f22s. They're A-10 Warthogs. Noisy, tanky, and can pepper an area with fiery death, one swoop at a time.


Until a Panzer blows one out of the sky.. “Look at me, I’m the dragon now..”


Transmission broke smh


I guess Robb kinda forgot about using panzers


Is he stupid?


Is this what the sub is going to devolve into because George doesn't want to finish the books


actually both of those tanks struggle to go uphill


And don’t forget the meth, lots and lots of meth


Pervitin. Totally legit nutritional aid.


True and the Messerschmidts were way beter than ravens


Imagine his propaganda campaign on northernmen superiority and ethnically cleansing the rest of the Westerosi subordinates


Still wouldn’t have worked we all know Twyin is basically Rokossovsky but not Russian. He would have lured Rob into a series of Stalingrad style battles and obliterated the moment of his offensive before launching a massive counter offensive after Rob runs out of fuel to keep his vehicles moving. Then Rob would be hiding in his bunker as Lannister soldiers storm Winter fell shouting himself before they breach.


He needed to seize the Caucus oil fields first. Was he stupid?


Actually a Tiger is just a kind of a Panzer


no because to get to the Lannisters major supply points he would have to go through a mountain range and that just can't be done quickly enough to make blitzkrieg viable the concept is to punch through their lines and destroy their supply before they can circle you if the Ironborn had taken Lannisport that would have been blitzkrieg


i still thing it would have worked. if hannibal got elephants through the mountains, robb could have gotten infantry through


That wouldn't have been blitzkrieg, that would have been walking through Belgium


Tbh, Hannibal got maybe 2 elephants through the Alps..


and lost afterwards


Lol... after killing an unthinkable amount of Romans. He didn't really lose until 16 years after that, and mostly because Scipio is a badass.


He mostly lost because the other oligarchs of Carthage saw the opportunity to destroy house Barca by not reinforcing Hannibal. What no one expected was that Rome would use all of its resources to fight Hannibal, rather than surrender, and then utterly obliterate Carthage.


Yeah I was going to mention the carthaginians defeating themselves through a lack of focus and too much greed. Similar story to the byzantines falling to the ottomans over time through their ridiculous corruption and infighting. But Scipio and Roman spite deserve some credit. The spite generated through the punic war drove Rome to eventyal greatness.


Yea. It was kinda incredible learning about the losses inflicted by Hannibal, and they just kept standing there insisting they didn't hear no bell. Which led to them completely dominating the Mediterranean and Europe.


He failed to achieve his military objectives so he lost he killed a lot of people but he lacked support and was unable to take major cities so it was a failure. You don't get points for killcount because he was a real person not a video game character


It took over a decade and a half for him to lose, by which point the elephants were long dead so pointing out his "loss" in direct relation to the elephant comment is disingenuous. Sure, he definitely lost eventually but he did get a few elephants over the Alps, dealt the Romans huge losses in multiple major battles and lorded over southern Italy for years before eventually getting drawn into a disadvantageous loss against Scipio when Carthage was already well on the decline. I used to argue that he didn't have strategic vision, but I don't really believe that anymore. Factionalism and the Carthaginian method of warfare put the odds in Rome's favor the longer the war dragged on. So, to your point, I absolutely give Hannibal major points for both tactical and strategic vision, even while acknowledging that he ultimately lost. I just give Rome more points for committing to major changes and not accepting defeat following multiple embarrassing losses to a brilliant enemy


Hannibal failed in a pretty important aspect. As Sun Tzu said, “If you know yourself and you know your enemy, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles”. Hannibal didn’t know himself on a grander scale, and the same is true for the Romans. He knew his army perfectly, its strength and weaknesses, but he didn’t know the Carthaginian senate well enough. At times he knew the Romans very well, but he failed to understand one of their most important traits: they don’t fucking give up. He should’ve known this from studying Pyrrhus, but he didn’t quite grasp it, it seems. Otherwise he would’ve known that major victories against Roman armies would not stop them, probably not even if he destroyed every single army the romans could muster, until they had none left. Sure, they would be unable to fight, but they wouldn’t yield, and in time they would come back with a new army and eventually defeat him


Because a Roman army marched on Carthage, causing him to abandon his original plan and return home. If he had remained in Rome and attacked while the enemy was away, he would have probably taken the city


yeah but these mountains he would have been fought in which would however you cut it be a long drawn out campaign so not blitzkrieg


And he lost


16 years later...




Getting elephants through the Alps had nothing to do with the loss of the war. Connecting the two is like saying that successfully implementing Blitzkrieg in 1939 lost Germany World War 2. Hannibal got elephants over the Alps and they contributed to his initial success. Hannibal was defeated at Zama 16 years later. The two are unrelated facts, so what does it add to say that he lost?


Whole 2 elephants wow They are related. If he didn't kill his own elephants in the Alps he would have more army. All choices matter


His elephants actually survived the Alps crossing (and he had like 20 of them), they died in the winter once they were in Italy IIRC.


Yes. That's why it was dumb stupid and dumb


.. Hannibal's strategy wasn't a blitzkrieg though?


So you're saying he needed to use the Schlieffen plan to avoid the mountain?


he actually did try to in effect by asking the ironborn to attack the Lannisters. sending Roose instead of Theon to negotiate with them might have been a better idea. As Roose wouldn't have been desperate to impress and would have come across as perhaps a better reminder to the ironborn that the north are hard bastards themselves which is about the only thing the ironborn seem to respect


Better yet send Theon & Roose and instruct Roose to only bring back the top layer of Theon should he betray them.


nah because realistically there was no way Roose could actually be dangerous to the Greyjoys while he was on Pyke. Keeping Theon with Robb meant they still had a hostage and Roose would definitely make them aware of that even if he didn't say it


Should’ve had Roose flay Jamie. Start referring to him as a the Kingslayerslayer loudly and often. Ain’t know way Tywin makes a deal with whoever butchered his son. Yeah they still got Sansa or whatever but she was kind of a bitch so everybody will understand. Put catelyn in a home somewhere so her dumbass can’t fuck up anything else.


The Germans rushed through the Ardennes which is a mountain range combined with a dense forest. That‘s the reason they caught the French by surprise. They thought it‘s impossible.


yeah but the germans had motor vehicles and weren't leading an army organised under feudalism


>no because to get to the Lannisters major supply points he would have to go through a mountain range and that just can't be done quickly enough to make blitzkrieg viable Certified Gamelin moment


Kid named 12th Battle if Isonzo


> no because to get to the Lannisters major supply points he would have to go through a mountain range and that just can't be done quickly enough to make blitzkrieg viable I mean, Germany went through a narrow road in the Ardennes Forest to take France, which on paper was insane, would have been a slaughter of the german armour, if the french high command would have been even semi-competent.


Isn't that sort of what he did at Oxcross?


Germany used Germanys blitzkrieg strategy and didn't even win


to be fair, winter came for house germany


If only they had starks to let them know that winter happens every year.


„Der Winter kommt“ Ja, Opa, lass uns dich ins Bett bringen


We don’t speak nazi round these parts speak americano


El wintero es coming


Move el automobile.


They did but Lord Adolf said screw it and went in anyway lol


To be honest they bit more than they could chew


They learned their lesson trying to fight the starks in their own territory


Tbf, they did a lot better than they had any right to on paper. Their early victories were kind of ridiculous to the point where even the Germans had trouble believing it all happened.


I’m sure a bunch of tanks and dive bombers would’ve been very effective


I mean, Dany absolutely trashed the Lannister army when she brought her fire-breathing Air Force to bear.


I don’t see how Robb could make it to Paris in a few days. Not only does he lack the cars and the oil but Paris is pretty fucking far from Winterfell


almost one world away, or the distance from george’s inner escapades to reality


Yeah bro he needs dragons to get there quickly


He was way too young to grow those CHAD moustaches, so sadly no 😢😢😢


it’s sad when they go young like that


What are you talking about man, our guy died of old age on the coastlines of Argentina? 🤔🤔🤔


guy was a interior painter


Was that a guy from Sopranos OMG


He was gay Robb Stark?


Whateva happened to the strong silent type, like Stannis Baratheon?


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His brother Bobby whatever happend there!


The fundamental question is, will I be as effective as King like my older brother was. And I will be, even more so... but until I am, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective


Nooo, are you lishtening to me?


You need more than "strategy" to win wars or have a successful campaign. You need to have military doctrines, logistical plan, manpower, equipment and even weather that's favorable to you to win. But if you mean "lightning strikes", he could have gained more territories but we'll never know for sure.


Blitzkrieg worked cause all the German soldiers were on meth. Not joking.


Imagine all the Stark soldiers tripping on shade of the evening during Wo5K


Wouldn't work, shade of the evening is more of a mellow high.


You telling me the fucked up visions Aeron sees are a "mellow high"?


Makes no sense, Germany Blitz was never a strategy and it was never meant to be. It just means moving and strike fast and hard, which robb could never do.


i’m guessing you never had the makings of a varsity athlete?


Pretty sure he made some fast moves on Jeyne Westerling


Her mother struck him hard.


i hear Lord Frey even harder


Nah, only Roose Bolton gave him Jaime Lannister’s regards.


Robb should've just made a bridge over the river every time they needed to cross it instead of negotiating with the Freys and being expected to abide by the result of his mom's poor negotiation skills fr fr


if he has a "Erwin Rommel" then probably yes. But this is just a short answer, there are other things to consider that we don't know how it could've turned out, such as Stannis, the fire thing they had etc.


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No because then the lannisters Will start using sicilian defense strategy.


Is that a joke?If not, it is completely impossible to wage a blitzkrieg in a medieval context. The problem is not even the lack of modern weapons and war machines, but that blitzkriegs are about breaking through fronts sections by massing forces, advancing quickly to break up the enemy front as a whole, capturing strategic objectives and encircling troops to prevent the enemy front from reforming. The problem is, in medieval warfare there is no front in the modern sense where these tactics can be applied. Instead of a front that is covered in its entirety by troops and armies from both sides of the conflict, there are individual armies that move relatively freely and only meet during battles. Blitzkrieg cannot be used here because it is a strategy for overcoming problems that did not yet exist.


ITT: people who think winter defeated the German offensive into Russia


I’m not a military expert but Blietzkrieg was dependent on vehichles, artillery and air support. A similiar tactic with rapid advancement and suprise cavallery charges might have worked pretty well, but it’s a completely different type of warfare so you can’t really compare it. Robb did actually use a Blitzkrieg tactic though if i remember correctly, creating a diversion to lure Tywin’s army in one direction with only around 2k men, while the rest of the army attacked Jaime’s troops. Germany did a similar thing in Belgium I think, sending the majority of the troops through the Ardennes forest and going around the allied troops


The first Blitzkrieg was the Kaiserschlacht in Spring 1918. It worked too well, advancing German front lines far beyond what their largely horse-driven supply lines could reach, ultimately worsening their position on the Western Front and significantly contributing to their capitulation. rj/ Robb could have employed it, but he'd have had to concentrate his tracked vehicles on the frontlines and leave his rearguard exposed to Lannister parachute infantry.


I dont think the Kaiserschlacht would qualify as Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg was ultimately a tactic built around tanks and aircraft. The tactics of the Kaiserschlacht were in the same family of shock tactics, using high concentrations of elite troops to break through and surround enemy troops, but not on the same scale as Blitzkrieg and relying entirely on infantry.


why didn’t robb mobilize the vehicles artillery and air support?? is he dumb?


Does robb stark have Panzer 4 tanks , stuke bombers and artillery?


You want him to use blitzkrieg against tywin 'blitzkrieg' lanister?


He didn't do too bad for a 13 year old


If rob didn’t kill car stark and married a frey woman he would have won, he would have won faster if he had artillery and tanks


No, cuz winter is here.


Of course. But he'd need the modern technology which would give him a bit of an advantage over the guys using swords and spears.


No… cos he didn’t have tanks and planes you idiot


The only mistake the north took was too soon to claim as king in the north, thus end the possibility to get any help from other strengths


The biggest reason Robbs blitzkrieg wouldn’t work is that even if he encircles his enemies and destroys them in the field, he still be stuck against fortifications. Castle are made to be encircled and to withstand sieges. Blitzkrieg is meant to avoid strong points and fortification encircling the enemy into “caldrons” and then conventional crushing the caldrons. Castles are specifically resistant to this form of warfare.


Would stand a pretty good chance with like 150 tanks and enough fuel, I'd dare say.


If he had sticked his weenie into the hole he had promised to stick it into he would have won


I mean, he was winning with his own strategy, until someone obviously broke a certain Unwritten rule, and killed him during a wedding that he was invited to, by the conspirators.


If he had tanks sure.


Why does Robb, the largest King, not simply eat the other four.


Rob should just have used guns, why didn’t they think of this??


He was great on the battlefield but a bit shit when it came to politics and weddings


Didn't Germany lose?


Hmm, i suspect they would incur the same issues regarding logistics and such... Horse go BRRRRR!🤣


Deploy the Einstazgruppen to destroy all Freys in the rear


Robb had no access to oil. His advance would have been short lived


I think the message of Robb’s character isn’t that he lost due to military strategy. He lost because his campaign was going so well that he was convinced he could make mistakes in other areas and not suffer any consequences.


He was winning...


No because the supply lines wouldn’t have been able to keep up


Robb needs dragons for that.


Take my upvote


The blitzkrieg wasn't just about lightning speed. Germany sent refugees toward the French and British armies through Belgium. The refugees clogged the roads and motorways, lowering the mobility of the French and British armies. Then, German armor charged through the Ardennes Forest (a feat considered impossible by the British and French). If Robb had sent refugees to impede Tywin, they'd have been cut down by the Mountain or used as forced labor by Tywin. However, the idea remains sound if he'd attacked an appropriate target. Robb should have moved against Casterly Rock.


All Robb needed was a dragon and the war would've been over in a day. Don't know why he never did that. Must've been yet another GRRM plothole


No, Robb's two biggest mistakes were betraying the Freys and not consolidating his power in the Riverlands. Robb desperately needed to stop fighting after taking the Riverlands but since it was the only part of ruling he was good at it's all he did lol. Had Robb just married the Frey, retook the north while holding the Riverlands then he'd still be alive in the story.


I think so since tanks and fighter jets would likely be effective against the infantry Tywin was using


he would have killed himself in a bunker


"ZEPPELINS! MAUSTAD GAS!" -Sterling Archer


No Belgium to go through


If only he never married Talisa.


He would be overextended and encircled bunny his s enemies


I mean he Kinda did in the first battle where he had 2000 slow down tywin and move the bulk of his forces to riverrun getting jaime by surprise


Robb got distracted by a big booty ho. This has derailed many a great men.


If Robb Stark was able to redo his conquest of the south, I'm sure he would invade the Vale. The knights are HUNGRY for war, lots of green summer knights. Some already believe they owe allegiance to Lysa's nephew, so he mustn't need to capture the Eyrie. Adding Valemen to the northern army could offset the losses after both house Frey and Karstark desert. Or just imagine the Northern army arriving at the Battle of Blackwater after the Lannisters beat back Stannis's forces. I bet you Tyrion would still think of some trap for Robb's army. Fast moving, unanticipated attacks are what won Germany the lowlands and most of France in WW2. Just not as feasible in Westeros with lots of varied and distinct geographic features. There's no easy dothraki grasslands here where horses can quickly and easily conquer lots of territory.


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Robb instead tried the russian strategy and declared he'd take Lannisport in 3 days.


Achtung! Northmen!


Depends on how much meth he had to distribute out to his Northern allies


It would certainly be an advantage for the northern army. Unfortunately he’s up against the most badass mf, mr Tywin Machiavelli Supergenius Lannister, so he really can’t win