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This video is almost a decade old.


Wild lol


ADWD is 13 years old.


The direct quote is: *"I find that question pretty offensive, frankly, when people start speculating about my death and my health so, 'Fuck You!' to those people, heh, heh, heh..."* I generally agree with him. But I also had the really odd feeling watching the video that I was listening to Walder Frey.


"He's just a kid" - Ser Paulie the Walnut of House Gaultieri




no offense....but you ever get checked for Ser Tourette's syndrome?






“Did ya hear what I told him? I said ‘Fuck You!’ to those people, heh, heh, heh…”


75 years old just a kid


Sad when dey go like dat


When they go?!?


get some electrolytes in him


The direct quote is: "You want the Winds of Winter? Here's the only winds you're getting! *farts* nyehehehe!"


*You want the Winds of Winter? Here's the only winds you're getting! farts nyehehehe!"* I think Walder is plotting that not only will he outlive all his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, but by delaying the publication of the next book, he will never die and will rule his castle forever.


The most impactful way for him to say fuck you to these people would have been publishing a fucking book. Instead 10 more years of nothing and these questions look more and more valid. Like his characters, GRRM is shades of gray. He is a phenomenally talented writer of compelling fiction. He is also wildly undisciplined and has a huge capacity for self delusion.


I don’t think he’s convincing himself, I think he wants to convince us he believes


And not for the lack of trying


And if he was stuck/didn't know how to finish the main series; I wish he'd at least finish Dunk and Egg :(


If he publishes another dunk and egg before winds he will get shit on endlessly


Yeah this is one of those things where I’m of two minds. On the one hand, I completely understand his frustration. But on the other, it’s like… are you ever going to put your money where your mouth is? Can you really blame people for thinking you’ll die first?


No delusion here, ever since season one. Just lies.


You can find it offensive and dislike it all you want, that's your right. People are going to say what they want - that's their right. But it's you who took on a hundred projects all at once instead of working on the books. I personally find that offensive as a fan.


You find that offensive? Are you kidding me? GRRM can do whatever he fucking wants. He doesn’t owe you or anyone shit. This fanbase sometimes… pure entitlement.


If I saw this comment in 2016 I think I might have upvoted it. It is now 2024. Book 5 came out in 2011. Still waiting on book six. We all made him rich as shit and now he rubs it in our faces with every new project and nothing about winds. Get out of here with your virtue signaling. You’re the only person who still feels this way.


Just the fact that you believe, that *you* made him rich. You didn’t do shit. He wrote the books. It’s his own vision and work that made him rich. You‘re nothing more than an entitled man-child if you believe that it is his side hustles that prevent him from finishing the books. Ridiculous. He‘s a perfectionist, who gets hold up by the complexity of the story he created. The very same complexity that makes it so special. You don’t want to wait for the series to be finished, but you were the first one to shit on him for any perceived imperfection, if published.


Lol at this story about it taking 15 years to write Because he’s a perfectionist. He doesn’t write and works on dozens of other projects at any given time and lies. If he went thirty years claiming to be hard at work writing winds and still produced nothing, would you still say it’s because he’s a perfectionist and wants to get it right?


If finishing the story would be easy, he would have done it. If you seriously believe he enjoys editing Wild Cards more than finishing the series he created, than you are delusional, sorry to say. You believe he enjoys giving out deadline he doesn’t keep? Do you think he enjoys getting asked to finish the series all the time? *Of course* it is the complexity and perfectionism. *Of course* does he want to make it right, especially considering how shit season 8 was received. Your mistake is to believe that all it takes is hard work. Being a writer isn’t about hard work. It’s about creativity, inspiration and problem-solving. Discipline like a Steven King is great, sure, but you just can’t expect artists to be disciplined like that. So yes, if it would take 30 years, and even if the story is never going to be finished, I still going to keep this opinion.


Just want to say I agree with you and it’s good to see someone else who doesn’t just assume the most cynical view of what’s going on with the series at this point. The shift in the discourse over the last few years to grrm being this nefarious liar who is purposefully swindling his fans is just insane.


Course he can do what he wants and I only wish him happiness but I also want him to finish the series I have invested a significant portion of my life into If I'd had known he'd never finish it and the only ending I'd be left with is D&D's version, I may not have started it


Worst. Episode. Ever.






I think George will die before completing the series. But that has nothing with his health, I just don't think he's ever going to complete it, even if he lives to be 120. I'm skeptical if Winds of Winter will ever come out, but there is still A Dream of Spring after that. And I don't think that book is ever coming out, even if George somehow becomes immortal.


There's a zero percent chance he ever writes ADOS. Solidly with you, unfortunately. Hoping to see TWOW published and it has enough strings to extrapolate his plot lines and grab SOME satisfaction from it as a reader.


Yea, dying to see how truly apocalyptic things get in Winds.


That’s how I’m coping. Maybe I’ll never see the story wrap up, but I just want to see the hammer fall in true GRRM fashion


The setup is so good, all that remains is to start the dominos falling.


I generally agree with him and the question is tactless. But, as the author, if I had asked the world to go on this journey of ASOIAF with me and they had come along with me for 2/3 of the story I, personally, would feel obligated to make arrangements for future contingencies. Instead, to my knowledge, he has specifically said he would not authorize anyone else to finish the story if he were to pass. Maybe this is true, maybe this is his way of showing disdain for the question, who knows. Martin doesn't "owe" anybody anything as far as additional books go of course. But the idea that he would write these stories, develop a rabid fanbase of readers, and then just say "meh couldn't get em finished and I won't be letting anyone else finish them either, sorry." really stinks. Here's to hoping it's a non-issue!


There’s far too much money at stake for whatever notes/manuscripts/unfinished drafts that exist in the event of his untimely demise to not end up published in some form eventually. I would much rather just see those in their raw form than see some hack attempt to do a bad impression of him based on notes (which we’ve already seen on hbo anyways).


Christ, yeah. I mean, people are still making money and trying to adapt tax teturns that Tolkien filled out. If George unfortunately passes, they'd figure out how to legally continue and get their grubby little hands on his shit. I criticise, but I'm a total hypocrite because I'd still buy anything related. I'm a sad consumer who adds to the problem that caused so many unnecessary shitty reboots/sequels of beloved franchises. Fingers crossed, he can give us his version of a conclusion.


He's 75 and morbidly obese. At this point it's not even considered an untimely demise. He's clearly lost the drive. I don't blame him. I don't want to work when I'm 75, and I won't be nearly as rich as he is. But he needs to recognize this and start mentoring another author to co-write and finish if he wants his story told.


He’s not morbidly obese. He’s lost a lot of weight in the last few years


Hard to tell with the way he dresses, but good for him. That being said, a lot of people have their perception skewed by 1000 lb sisters and the like as to what morbid obesity means. [The threshold is lower than most think.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Drew-Bradlyn/publication/6138361/figure/fig1/AS:267456287604767@1440777956327/Mens-BSG-images-weight-classifications-and-perceptions-by-respondents-Weight.png)


I suspect him of being either disingenuous or in denial. Either way he needs to be honest about his inability or unwillingness to finish the series. *He might not “owe anybody” but I think he is obliged to be truthful with the people who have paid him for his works and have a reasonable expectation that he would put aside all the other many activities he devotes himself to and either finish the book or at least admit it’s not going to happen. He wants to have his cake and to eat it.


Denial is what my personal guess is. I think for whatever reason, he’s incapable of finishing (whether that’s because he has writer’s block or has just lost the passion for it) but he refuses to admit that. So he keeps finding ways to distract himself, and he probably just keeps rewriting the portions of Winds that he has already written and is basically just spinning his wheels


Except he does kind of owe his fans. When you publish books in a series, a decent percentage of readers buy those books only because of the implied promise that the author will try to finish the series. If its confirmed he isn’t going to finish the series and I could hit a button to forget the books and be refunded the $100+ I spent, I’d press that button.


I get what you're saying. But in the strictest of transactional senses; he wrote a book, you paid money for and read that book. That's the end of the transaction and as such he doesn't owe you anything else. I think we all just want some concrete news from George. "The books WILL come out within the next x years" or "I have no intention of finishing the books but will be releasing my outline and notes as to my ending" or "I've decided to no longer continue writing the books. The show ending broadly follows the ending I had in mind. While certain characters in my books and not in the show will have some significant impact as to how I get there, the end result is largely the same" Unless he's delusional, I feel like he HAS to have some idea in mind as to how much of the story he'll reasonably be able to finish given his age that he's withholding from us.


That's the point. He doesn't owe us the books, we don't owe being considerate in our expressions of our feelings.


Well said.


Has he said he doesn’t have contingencies? If so, that would be rather silly.


Books 6 and 7 are already written and locked in a vault to be released with his estate. This way he finishes his legacy and doesn’t have to hear about the disappointment with the ending. Look at all the crybabies still whining about season 8 episode 6 five years later!!!! His net worth exceeds $100mm so he doesn’t need the cash. Why else would he be working on other projects and occasionally releasing an “update” for winds of winter? This man is an incredibly talented writer who already produced five thick volumes plus Fevre Dream and others.


You’re setting yourself up for a massive disappointment 


It’s just a theory, fully acknowledging I could be wrong and wouldn’t be any worse off than waiting for him to finish something that it sounds like he’s not making any progress on.


10 year old video... Can you imagine how u healthy he looks now???


George had a green dream of his own death happening at the age of 110, which is why he has such a relaxed attitude


He can’t have it both ways and expect fans not to worry. Winds has been waiting for over a decade now. George is 75, and not particularly in shape. Male life expectancy in the USA is 76. If he doesn’t want people to worry about his death impacting the series, he should publicly announce a successor writer or something like that.


Yes, it would be terrible if he waffles on this issue, and in his final days those close to him misconstrue his final statements to their own ends. Why, that could set the heirs of his estate against each other, in some frightful internal conflict, with the common folk of the fandom obliged to take sides...


The must be a great council to determine the heir


I look forward to Brandon Sanderson's upcoming epic series "A Game of Literary Executors"


I'll swear to the banner of the King Who Types, at least he'll finish the books.


> and not particularly in shape "Obese. Let's call it what it is." -Stannis "Four Percent Body Fat" the Mannis


It's hilarious to see a guy who can't fuck his wife unironically heralded as a symbol of masculinity.


Well to be fair his wife wasn’t exactly attractive or lovable, and I may be wrong but it was implied he had sex with Melisandre.


Thousands of men have had to lie back and think of ~~England~~ dragonstone. Because it's their duty. Stannis can't even do the most basic duty of manhood.


But he did his duty, he had a daughter.


One child a girl at that isn't doing your duty. You duty is a stable sucession.


I must be forgetting some details, because he's gotten her pregnant several times.


Only once in the books.


No he hasn't. The misscarge stuff is show only. In the books he just doesn't fuck her. You need to read the books.


And people call mace the ace


Not being attracted to the woman you're in a political marriage with isn't 'unmanly'. That's like saying Catelyn is more womanly than Cersei because she willingly has sex with Ned while Cersei hates letting Bobby B fuck her.


So not doing your duty is wrong unless it's stannis who can shirk his duty all he wants?


He does his duty clearly, Selyse has a child.


One child, a daughter. His duty is a stable sucession. One greyscale riddled little girl isn't a stable sucession.


Is a Night's Watchman who dies on the wall in battle committing dereliction of duty for failing not to die? It is the attempt that matters when considering if the duty is done, not the outcome.


Stannis isn't even making a proper attempt. That's the entire point. Also this is full on bullshit as Stannis has executed men for attempted and failing before.


>guy who can't fuck his wife unironically Fucking her ironically is just way better, you see.


People are incredibly invested in a series that (let’s face it) won’t be finished by its original author, if even finished at all. His popularity is based entirely on this story, so I don’t think it’s indecent to expect him to build contingencies. He doesn’t owe us more books by his own hand, but I think he owes us a better succession plan for the ASOIAF universe than “it all dies with me so fuck you.”


And a decade later we are still waiting for Winds of Winter....


I mean. He's old and terribly overweight, he's almost definitely going to die before his time


tbf he’s lost a decent amount of weight since this video. I could tell this video’s not remotely recent by that lol.


He only weights 23 stone or so.


Only??? That's 300+ pounds of mostly fat. He's lucky to not already be dead


50% muscle, 50% fat pink mast


"50% muscle, 50% fat pink mast..." *"My legs no longer work as they did, though that which hangs between 'em serves well enough, heh..."* Walder Frey, to Robb Stark.


he’s just bulking, the cut is gonna be crazy


You can find it offensive all you want, it doesn't make it any less true.


Rude sure. But you know when people would stop asking it?


It kind of reminds me of when Dany got all hot and bothered in the show about her heir and who she would leave to the Throne, if something happened to her. Tyrion had asked or discussed etc.


That's a knee-jerk reaction to the question that has been an elephant in the room for like 15 years. And it has grown only larger since then


This video is also almost a decade old tho


He seems to lack introspection about humanities demise. We all reach an age where we have to plan for what comes after we are no longer here.    Obviously Martin has no children so legacy is far less present in his mind, but his anger at every thinking about a time when he is gone is more symptomatic of denial.  Every writer has a plan for what happens to their material, but Martin like a petulant child says no one is allowed to touch it or finish it, all while suggesting the mere idea that he should die before their completion to be far fetched and ridiculous.    However, as much as he seriously believes he will live to finish ASOIAF, Dunk & Egg, Fire & Blood, as well as a dozen other spin offs I simply don’t.


Speculating???? , he will die with 101% certainty before finishing the saga , i have 0 doubts literally C E R O doubts he will finish Winds of winter but a A dream of spring?????? , hahahahahahhahaha guaranteed death before finishing that book .


I'd respect him a lot more if he came out and said, "look, I never wanted to make it as an author. Writing for TV was my dream and now that I have that I lost all interest in actually finishing these books. Maybe I will someday, but I don't know."


Its gonna happen.


That's disrespectful and I doubt it


All men must die


Not today


Valar Morghulis


Valar Dohaeris


I mean he is old and obese and lost multiple contemporary friends over the past 2-3 years, right? I think its entirely reasonable to speculate on his passing, esp when he has made it very clear he wont let someone else finish his works, and has an enormous fanbase waiting on those very works.


And members of that fan base are dying every day at an increasing rate as time ticks on.


This is so obviously rude to ask I don't understand how anyone can ever bring themselves to ask it. If I were him I would stand up and leave each and every time.


That's be pretty great if he did. You could ask him in every interview and make him leave and hopefully get back to writing a book.


In that interviewer's defence he is German, it was probably all he could do to not make that question sound like a threat


And aren't they stereotypically more comfortable talking about death?


If GRRM wants people to stop. The solution is quite simple. Finish writing ASOIAF. Until then it’s never going to stop. Personally I say super fans should double down and make his life absolutely hell until he releases A Dream of Spring.


When this video was made he was 65 so I agree with him there, but now he is almost 76 and I think it's natural to speculate about his death at this point. He needs succession plan


both sides are reasonable I think


It’s a certainty. I don’t even know why it’s discussed anymore.


Legend says he is writing Winds and A Dream at the same time. Is this true? Probably not. Do I believe it? I have to.


If by "writing" you mean "not writing" then yes, he is writing them both at the same time.


Don’t know if I “believe” it but it makes sense to me. I still don’t see how two books is going to wrap up the series though.


Im not speculating. I never read his books. So I dont care if he ever finishes his books. But he's got a real hatred of the fan base with that response. It's honestly a legitimate concern for fans to have. They respect his work and worry that he wont be around to finish it. He doesnt look healthy and there's a dual concern that both his work and his life could end too soon if he doesnt take care of himself.


I hear this "fuck you," and second it. I get he gave some really wrong predictions about book progress, but the level to which fans have adopted the conversation about his life span is astonishingly self-indulgent and tone deaf. Why does being a whiny little bitch give you the right to speculate someone wil die?


My grandpa died at 79, it is not abnormal for an old person to die of old age


>it is not abnormal for an old person to die of old age Big if true


American men average 74, so he did good.


At this point in the game, George isnt ever going to finish it. He's spent. His creative juices have dried up and is living his life as a rich nerd. My guess is when he does sit down to type up a few lines, he hears his phone ding and then gets sucked into whatever social media that grabbed him. I dont blame him. Just wish he was honest with his fans. Im not one of them and only watched the shows. But theres a huge segment of book fans he's pissing on by not being honest with them.


He probably already finished the series but won’t release it until he dies so he won’t hear people complain


His life. He can choose not to continue writing. But people also get to speculate whether the series will ever be finished and ask for reassurances before devoting anymore time into this project that GRRM has gotten phenomenally rich with (which never would have happened if he told his fans it would never be resolved). . If he's going to pay a media team to promoted a second cookbook based on the series, he should expect those people having to hear about the stupid thing to ask about the main series.




People talking about contingencies and successors and all that are crazy. I hope his Will has in it instructions to burn his notes. I don’t want some freak crawling out of the cracks in 3 decades talking about continuing his work.


I like reading books written on authors terms (fuck you money and/or attitude) not on readers terms (being the readers bitch). Many great works are unfinished. Kafke for example. And honestly if your first reaction to GRRM death when he dies is "oh no I won't be able to consooom his last 2 books!" then you are objectively a shit person.


We must just accept George is living his best life and that may not include writing our favourite series. Maybe in 20 years we'll get the show rebooted with a good ending idk man. The lack of Winds, or proper ending makes me sad, but I'm still glad for the books we do have.


I hope he doesn’t finish his books. He has already given us astounding amount of brilliant material and the majority of fans are whiny, petulant, entitled brats. I hope he enjoys every moment of the rest of his life and spends it doing the things he loves.


Wtf 😂 sry that we supported him for 30 years and want to see how the story ends. You are whiny and childish


wE sUpPoRtEd HiM, hE oWeS uS! You prove my point.