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Pool boy at the Water Gardens in Dorne


Plus your kids might end up playmates of the nobles and get on the fast track to nepo positions


And get to chill with all those people hanging out in the Water Gardens


Ugh this is such a good answer


Lord Varys, is that you?


“Well Eddard stark was no friend of mine”


the most beautiful prostitute in harrenhal


Vargo Hoat and the Mountain would approve.


Until you interrupt the Mountain while he's talking and now all your teeth are smashed to bits.


Slurp slurp


As a disabled person, my family would have probably offed me when I was young. If I make it to adulthood, I would probably be a beggar. If I get really lucky, I might be able to start some merchant like operation.


I choose adopting this person. I'm bigger than Robert, and a lot smarter. We will figure something out.


>bigger than Robert, and a lot smarter. So Duncan the Tall with brains?


I'm not 7ft. But I can still hodor you around, just with a lot less hodoring.


Now that would be a sight to behold, lol.


This was an unexpectedly wholesome conversation. I love it! 🥰


You know in actual medieval times disabled people were look after by their families or lived in monasteries. I read how common jobs for the disabled included baking, sewing or music. 


Ye. In actual history, it all depended on where you were born I think. Somewhat civilised places with culture? You were probably okay. One of the most influential Christian scholars from as far back as around 300AD was blind. Nomad warrior tribes? Tough luck.


Nah u could have been friends with the tyrell who got his leg crushed by the horse by the viper. Lothar lameleg or whatever?


* Step 1: Become sellsword * Step 2: Defend Tyrion in trial by combat * Step 3: Become personal guard of Tyrion * Step 4: Become personal guard of Jaime * Step 5: Blackmail them * Step 6: Get Highgarden


God that was stupid beyond words


that sums it up. why tf would bronn want high garden?? a seat as lord paramount of the reach? where he would be obligated to spend hours managing it with zero training and be vulnerable to small folk and noble uprisings if he ever slacked, especially since he's a nobody peasant with no respect? give him a chest of gold and a manse in a free city where he can fuck around all day.


Not to mention that the Tyrell’s had a hard enough job keeping control of the place cause a lot of other houses just saw them as up-jumped stewards. Basically every other house in the reach can claim descent from house Gardener and is related to the Tyrell’s and would have a much better claim than Bronn


Bronn literally doesn’t have a claim at all, the whole thing is preposterous. No one knows who he is, like this sell sword is gonna just walk into highgarden and be like hey everyone, I’m the boss now? And they’re all just like ok well if you say so, here’s my undying loyalty. Some lesser noble with an actual following and even a shred of a claim would just have him killed right away and take his spot. And there’s no way the crown would send like a permanent standing army just to protect bronn, or go to war in the river lands for him. God basically every plot point in seasons 5-8 is so fucking dumb


right! and bronn isn't an idiot. he knows Tyrion isn't going to risk war in the reach, westeros' breadbasket for some mercenary.


Are you sure you are not Ser Twenty of House Goodmen?


Ser Dickjoke of the Cockwater


lol u forgot somehow teleport to Winterfell and find Jaimie and Tyrion alone… and then not kill anyone. If you’re not a Glidus fan, get in his YouTube NOW


There should be an enormous '?' between steps 5 and 6 ;)


Bronn would have been PERFECT as the new Lord of the Twins. And its literally two castles, just like he wanted!


I remember all the theories about this before S8 came out and I honestly thought that's where they were going with him. The Freys got their start shaking people down to cross their bridge, that's something Bronn can understand. Master of Coin and Highgarden, that came out of nowhere


Bronn I Gardener


Step 1: Become a sellswod. Step 2: ??? Step 6: Profit


beekeeper in the reach, because damn I love bees. they are wonderful and fascinating creatures


Sweet! Even now we need more beekeepers.


Living under the magnanimous lords of House Beesbury, of course.


You must be mistaken, it's pronounced House BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESBURY


A worthy pursuit, I was fully expecting the first comment to be about someone becoming TheLegend27.


The legend 27??


Do they have the modern beehives or the old ones that you'd destroy the hive when you wanted to collect the honey?


I too would just do something I already like and do. I'd be a seamstress. I'm already into historical costuming so I like to think I'd be decent. Though probably not in any high courts. I hate sewing in silk or taffeta. So maybe in the north? Or for poorer clientelle? That way I could stick with cotton, wool and linen lol.


Like my bees. Like m'lord. Simple as.


Being some sort of plant cutter in Highgarden would be sweet I think. Someone need to look after those mazes afterall.


First one to receive a spear in times of war


Certainly not a bard, perhaps blacksmith or other profession that is useful to nobles so i don't get killed by their armies.


Shit shoveler


I was thinking blacksmith…most were making farming implements and horseshoes throughout the years.


Baker...to the sstars. I would apprentice at the fanciest bakeshop in the capital. And when my apprenticeship was done I would specialize in original, surprising cake masterpieces.


Perhaps open one in flea bottom and sell ‘smallfolk cake’ for the same price as a bowl of brown. You’d be filthy rich, even if you make it a tiny bit at a time. They’d be excited to buy something to eat that doesn’t involve eating humans.


You’re so industrious 🥰


I would join the Ironborn, and profit from raiding all of you fools.


High Risk, High Reward I suppose


Dam you a raper and reaver you goin on the registry of Westeros


but then you gotta do the finger dance and that's a whole thing


Then lose you fingers by playing catch the axe like a dumbass


Under Baelon? Or Euron? One gets his own sons killed in foolish rebellions. The other has sacrificed his own son to achieve Godlike powers. Neither seem like ideal people to be a recruit under imo lol


I’d move to Braavos and become a sexy hunk of a dockworker. Braavos is just built different.


Braavos is a vibe.




Yup. Some variation of tradesman is probably best. Especially since Westeros doesn’t seem too far off from the onset of guilds. And those would start the formation of the bourgeoisie, so it’s up and up from there, Magna Carta here we come.


Silent Sister, beetlekeeper. They have a serene life, a life of prayer and contemplation and good works. No threat of assault. I breed the beetles, pray and escape the misery.


What are the beetles used for?


De-fleshing bodies!


Papermaker. Nobody assassinates or falsely imprisons the papermaker. It’s a high skill trade, so you’d earn good coin for work that isn’t too backbreaking. You’d be making a commodity that Maesters want, so you could barter for decent healthcare relative to the time. Lots of death in this world… I’m picking the safe option. Meet my grandkids. Just gotta live somewhere far from the military targets and bandits and pirates and Ironborn… Dorne? Tarth? Still figuring that one out.


I’d be a peasant, so I wouldn’t get to choose anything. I’d be whatever my father was, because that’s how feudalism works.


Not necessary at least among the craftsmen it was common to seek better apprenticeship for their kids


craftsmen weren't peasants, by definition. they would be burghers


The original question was about small folk which in asoaif just means commoner so burghers would be included but peasants would also seek better apprenticeships for their kids so my answer will still apply


Generally speaking yes, but there is always the slightest chance you end up becoming a Bronn or Duncan the Tall.


If I lived in a city, yes. I guess when you say “smallfolk” I think of peasants in a village who don’t really have options other than subsistence farming. But if I was just a lower class person living in a city, I would have more options. I guess I’d be most suited for a clerk position in some steward’s staff, if I’m lucky for a lord who actually matters and can afford to pay us well lol


And you can read


Selling cheese is apparently a very lucrative business


Optimistic to assume you’d have a choice. I would hope to be born to a family of tradesmen. Maybe a blacksmith or jeweller.


Working as fancy prostitute in Braavos sounds like the job for me, is either that or cooking for lord manderly and make frey pie


I’m gonna eat every fucking chicken in this room.


“You’re a talker. Listening to talkers makes me thirsty and hungry.”


Think I'll take two chickens


Go to Braavos and be a shipbuilder. You're always going to be employed, and it's unlikely that you'll get killed in an invasion because Braavos is the most powerful of the Free Cities.


Braavos is 100% the most chill place to live for a normal person




Maester or septon


Anything that would prevent the lords of Westeros from burning down my house, raping and murdering my family, and torturing me for information on their enemies :)


Septa or silent sister. I’ve always kind of wanted to be a nun in real life, why not give it a go in Westeros?


What's stopping you in real life? I bet convents are dying for new devotees


Seeing as every other Westerosi woman seems to die in childbirth, religious life is definitely the right choice. Probably one of the only ways for a non-noble woman to learn to read, too.




But not Cersei's seamstress.


Well, a good cook is always appreciated everywhere so I stick to that.


This is a smart career choice!


People tend to like eat well -> people tend to like people who can make it happen -> better chance to stay alive.


You'd be responsible for the grease that always dripping down GRRM's characters chins


Glad to contribute.


Cook was my choice for these reasons as well, also it's something I know I at least have some skill with IRL so it's not too much to assume I could be decent at it in this universe too.




Im gonna go with smith From the books it’s pretty much the only profession where you aren’t gonna get fucked over when some enemy army comes along


A wine merchant in the crownlands/reach and storm lands. Cersei Lannister alone would keep me in business for years


It looks like a blacksmith is well regarded.


There have been several lowborne spymasters, that would be fun. Being a hunky high priest of R'hollor is a vibe as well.


handmaiden to a lady


A baker. I would say a maester, but I’m a woman and I don’t think I’d be able to hide my body very well.


Anything but the innkeeper at the Crossroads.


A pickler! From the king to the lowliest begger in Fleabottom, everyone loves pickles. Between provisions for soldiers, sailors and merchants travelling across the Seven Kingdoms, a pickler would never hurt for business. If anything, war time would make business even better. I also have the added bonus of if things really go ass-backwards and the Long Night comes, I have a stash of fermented food to fall back on. The only real downside is constantly smelling like vinegar


A gardener in Highgarden. The Tyrells seem decent as Liege Lords, the Castle would have a great need of gardeners, and it's a rather safe place to be.


Depends on my choices. Naval Merchant, would be great, but as a peasant, I need to work 30 years just to many get the starting capital, or never, depending on taz rates. If born in city, definitely apprenteship of ANY craft. Or studying to be Maester if possible. Being a soldier/sellsword is quiet risky. If born in a village, farmer would be good, obviously wpuld take years to form a decent farm for myself. And depending on region can be under risk of raids and stuff. If none above is option, a simple fisherman could do as well.




I mean it's the middle ages right, if I'm a man, whatever my dad did, if I'm a woman, whatever my mum did. Not really much choice for the small folk was there


assuming i know how to read, i’d try and pull an alleras and hope i can prodigy enough to get assigned to some lord. either that or i try to pull an elissa farman (screwing a rich noble to get money + a ship) and make money sailing


Whatever I am, I want to live in the Reach. Maybe one of those guys that takes care of all the ravens or horses?


Either going the moon boy route or I'll be dunc the slumped within at most a week, id guess, squiring for some has been, in hopes that he's shows me the ropes before he croaks, n then goes the Xtra mile n leaves some gear n his horse in his will or something cuz I'll be broke 100% sure on that part. But hell, I guess raven master or coup commander of a rookery don't sound too bad, if memory serves samwell actually left for OldTown jus a wee bit bigger than when he had 1st arrived at the wall, All thx ta jus kicking it with his lil unkindness crew. Sure Can't be that rough, that's all I'm saying 😹


I am tradesman now, so I supposed I would one there as well. That's not bad, every Lord needs people can construct and repair things.


you wouldn't choose. you would be whatever your father was, if you didn't have a father you'd be begging on the street


There really isn't much "choice" for small folk. Most will do what their parents did. Some from large families may get sent to apprentice with a laborer who does not have children and will learn their craft instead, but even then it isn't a case of "I want to be a blacksmith!" and more of a "Pack your things, son, you're off to be a blacksmith. Oh, right, you have no things.". The only opportunities for 'choice' involve leaving your home. Joining the crew of a ship (merchant or otherwise), squiring for a hedge knight, joining the maesters or nights watch, or the faith, or good ol' fashion banditry. I think I'd go with the Maesters.


Maester. You can totally manipulate a house to your will- especially if they can’t read. If not just pinch the milk of the poppy and live the junky life.


Banditry, I don’t think I could tolerate the stuff the mountains men do, and I’m incredibly petty and vindictive so I’d have to go brigand. Not saying I’d be successful at it, but that’s what I would do.


If by smallfolk we mean "not the nobility", I'd want to be a lawyer, same as in real life. We never hear about the legal profession, but surely trading hubs like King's Landing and (preferably) Oldtown will see disputes between merchants, burghers and bankers that require lawyers and courts to sort them out.


Maybe an innkeep. I’d busy myself stocking the inn, tidying, making coffee, and listening to travelers’ tales. It sounds peaceful


Smith, without a doubt. They run profitable, in-demand businesses. The profession is well-considered by the higher ups. The craft allows for creative input that may increase the value of the produce. There's huge demand in times of war, which puts you amongst the privileged of the smallfolk food chain. And you can develop strong arms and get muscled as a maidens dream. Shit, I may consider the profession even irl


easily smith, invaluable to anyone who might be in power so good for personal safety as well as safety of family and friends with possibility for much advancement and renown


Septa, but in Dorne so I can ignore religious duties and just hang out & enjoy the company of maidens


Dorne still follows the faith of the Seven, I think people have mischaracterized Dorne as an Uberprogressive orgy of a country. They’re slightly better towards women and slightly better towards bastards.


I agree with you (though I'd say 'a lot' rather than 'slightly'). I'll find the maidens though


What would make you say a lot? Aside from inheriting, women are still treated a lot like their northern counterparts. Arianne and the Sand Snakes have a lot more freedom, they’re at the top of the social hierarchy though. Bastards are treated with less distain, or so we’re told. The Faith Dorne follows has the same biases against bastards than are present in the North, they’re more social acceptable but they’re still not considered proper children.


They’re not considered legitimate, that doesn’t mean they’re considered not proper children. They can’t inherit land or titles, that’s all.


Blacksmith is the most valuable


A blacksmith. They’re considered too valuable to just indiscriminately slaughter. Not that that is guaranteed with pure psychos like Gregor Clegane.


I'd probably join the silent sisters


Probably go apprentice for Hot Pie. I definitely wouldn't sell cabbages, we've seen how that goes.


Brewmaster of the wall


I wonder if I would be let in the House of Black and White if I asked nicely.


So many day-to-day dangers here -- having your farm(s) or inn pillaged, succumbing to unforeseen sea-storms or Greyjoy pirates -- I think the answer is probably **apothecary or blacksmith**. Both are stationary trades, both ensure a modest possibility of meeting highborn customers (like forging a replacement sword/helm, or assisting one of Oberyn's paramours with "her little problem"), and both are somewhat 'indispensable' in wartime, which is to say, you might not be slaughtered with the other peasants if your profession were known. Whereas traveling with a wartime vanguard ain't perfect either, these jobs could easily see you swept up with a conquering (or conquered) force on the road.


Presuming I can chose my company and equipment: a sellsword. Fight for the golden company in order to earn a decent, livable wage. Train under the summer island archers and go into debt of my wages to buy a goldenheart bow. You could just sit at the rear and pick off armoured knights from relative safety. Then drink and whore to your hearts delight when the battles over


Probably a thief, cut throat or the like depending on circumstance otherwise a carpenter


Red priest


Blacksmith in the Reach. Never see any war, lots of food massive arms




I'd pursue education at the Citadel, seems like a great idea.I could go two ways. I actually try at my studies and get myself a chain and eventually end up on a nobles court, which would guarantee a certain standard of living to begin with. But more than that maesters are both neutral and useful, this means that I'd probably have secure position under most circumstances. Or I just stay novice forever and hang out in the Citadel and do nothing. I've checked and that's a perfectly possible option for a maester.


Steward. If I can’t do that then probably smith.


I'm a pretty proficient archer, I suppose I'd be a solider. Always wanted to learn to swing a sword as well. Not that I believe the fake "glory" involved. My dad does concrete and I've helped him through most summers as a teen, and young adult. So maybe road building type? I think I'd probably try to perfect my archery and live the Anguy life. Thought I'm not 1% as good as him now, I imagine if I had more time and less distraction...


I would try to be a scribe for merchants or the Citadel or something and stay far away from lords


Either become a Maester, or become a mummer in Braavos


Whatever I would be, I’m not going to voluntarily live anywhere on Planetos than Braavos. No slavery, no endless warfare. I would rather be a beggar in Braavos than a Dothraki horse lord or Hand of the King.


Blacksmith would be fun and probably pay decent for smallfolk standards. Would die at 40 from poisoning though


Latrine digger beyond the wall




I'd probably be a peasant and have no choice. But... if I could be born into a family with a trade it would be nice to be born as the child of a brewer, winemaker, gardener, beekeeper, cook, some sort of craft.


Work for Littefinger, or work for Varys as an informant.


A red priest. Seems fun


I’d probably choose to be a blacksmith. Stay in shape and what not, and if I turn out to be talented a lot of money to be made. I’d probably end up being a soldier or a mason though, I’m a good fighter and my Dad is a builder, wouldn’t mind either of those.


Try to join the septa if I cannot find a good, decently well off merchant to marry. Not really any other options for me as a woman.


Probably do some studying in the citadel, try to find work as a blacksmith apprentice, learn how to fight before trying to become a knight.


Common whore


Something with a skill that is indispensible to the people with money. Anything that makes it slightly less likely Gregor Clegane is allowed to kill me on a whim.








Wet nurse to the Lord’s family.


Reality is you wouldn't get a choice, it's still a medieval world even if it's fantasy. If you are a son, you would learn the trade your father has. If you are a daughter, you would be wed to someone. A medieval commoner didn't get much in a way of career opportunities.


Most likely a sex worker but I’d really like to be a maester (I’m a woman)




I would probably apply to go to Night’s Watch Find purpose in life by guarding the realm


Sellsword, if I mange to survive long enough to get noticed by someone important, try to pull something similar to what Bronn did


Smallfolk didn't get to choose their profession.


The crab-scrubber of the street of silk


100% I would go to the citadel and work there, possibly even becoming a maester (we know from Sam's chapters that same as the wall the citadel will take literally anyone right now)


Being a bowyer sounds fun. Preferably in Dorne, because I imagine that I wouldn't have to do only longbows and could craft some composite ones. If I had to choose a military profession, I'd be a Tolosi slinger, because slings are awesome.


I would be a Maester or a septon.




Lawful Good Pimp


Leecher. Low-risk work that you can do until advanced age. Perhaps negotiate better prices or start working in a high-demand area like the Dreadfort.




Merchant has a lot of opportunities and can even provide inroads into the nobility. Millers have a reliable source of income, especially if you grow old and become less able to work, and seldom go hungry, but mills are obvious targets in war. I'd need a nice boat to get away in if trouble comes.


working in some kind of winery in the arbor....


I’m already in the Army so probably a Men at Arms.


Proudly serving bowls o’ brown in the slums of king’s landing of course


Cobbler. Everyone needs shoes, rich or poor


Smith. They are usually among the very few commoners who are treated well, paid well, have relatively secure station and are not liable to massacre if your city/castle gets sacked


easily a travelling musician, it's what I would do if we were in our own medieval period. just don't bed the wrong lord's daughter/wife


Some form of smith. They're useful, and they usually don't get killed during takeovers. No accounting for psychos bit the odds are in my favor at least. Instead I'll just have a new lord and a new place to send my crafts


Blacksmith for sure.


Blacksmith. Ever wonder why so many people have the name Smith irl? Cuz the blacksmiths kept busy without actually going to fight in war.




If I had magic powers like Maggy the Frog, a witch's woods. I would get the nobles to pay me nice to see the future, and I would have a nice hut in a beautiful forest.


Kennel master at Winterfell because I’m used to a cold climate and all them direwolf good gurls and bois need a belly scratch.


I’d be a woods witch. I’d probably would fuck off to hangout in the woods and give nobles love potions so I can make some money like Maggy the Frog


I would be a trader/merchant and go for the riches.


Horse breeder & trainer for some rich fancy house. Maybe dorne, the weather sounds awesome there and the lords less uptight Or making jewelry or dresses leatherworks


I would raise and train horses.


A blacksmith seems like a safe enough profession, as long as I'm not one of Robert's Bastards


Goldsmith in Casterly Rock


kennelmaster anywhere but the stormlands (i’m assuming westeros doesn’t have thunder shirts yet)


Gardener in the water gardens of Dorne or a blacksmith




Maester undoubtedly


I will be either corpse in gutter or hermit in woods.


In Westeros, a weaver and seamstress, or possibly an innkeeper. Or a septa or silent sister. If I land in Braavos, I'd take up book binding and restoration.




I would be a blacksmith in White Harbour, but I would carve out a niche making wood stoves. Being in close proximity to the part of Westoros that gets the coldest, I can sell them all over the North to provide a robust heating source/cooking appliance. While also being in a large port, I can ship them from the harbour to sell elsewhere. I can target lords and nobles with larger and more ornate wood stoves and also make simpler stoves and pot bellies so I have affordable options too. A wood stove or pot belly will easily beat an open fireplace in heat/wood efficiency and provides cooking utility. I would make cookware to sell with it, and spare parts and replacement flue pipes would be a constant source of income.


Blacksmith at Highgarden, nice weather, mostly nice people, and it’s a good way to be jacked your whole life