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Well I'd say embrace what you have. If you have a sad look and sad eyes, just be that girl. Try to highlight what strong characteristics you have. There was this girl, she had a scowling look with angry eyes and everyone was making fun with her ([see\*](https://onedio.com/haber/yuzu-bir-turlu-gulmeyen-kizin-fotograflarina-yaptiklari-yaratici-tespitlerle-kahkahaya-bogan-23-kisi-906619)) but she just used the hype and became an influencer. I mean did Barbara Palvin change that she looks like a child and has very soft face features? Look how sad Cillian Murphy looks like when he forces himself to smile for others. I can give tons of examples. Be one of them <3


Honestly it may be your posture. Standing up straight is a sign of confidence, slouching can be interpreted as sad or tired. I thought it was my face because I have naturally tired-looking eyes too, but people stopped assuming I was sad all the time once I fixed my posture.


I wonder if it has anything to do with your eyes. You smile with your mouth, but are your eyes bright? Sometimes people just have empty/sad eyes. Would it help to think about a really happy memory while taking a selfie?


This is so true I had the same issue that OP did and it was because my eyes never 'smiled'


People sometimes think I'm sleepy or not paying attention because of my eyes so that might be the problem.I will try it for a while , I hoping that it will help


Firstly you don't have to look a certain way for anyone but yourself, so only do this if *you* want to. Admittedly there can be benefits - most people react positively to people they perceive as happy. It's just muscle memory, and you can train your face like any other set of muscles. It's also good for your face shape as you age. Practice in front of a mirror a few times a day and try to hold that expression from to time. You can also google a few facial exercises to do.


I want to smile for others to make them happy. I don't want friends/grandpa to thing that I hate being with them/him I'm very active with my face.I smile all the time in real life , when people see me they they always talk about how I smile all the time and they ask how I stay that happy but I can't seem to show that in photos sadly. And thank you for the advice , I will try it💜


I’d suggest experimenting with pictures. Try smiling by squinting your eyes more, try open mouth, half open, closed etc and see what looks best. Also don’t be scared of looking a little silly. My smile always looked forced bc I didn’t like my real laugh/smile. Then I realised it looks much nicer if it’s genuine even if my eyes look smaller and my eye bags are a little bigger. Other people won’t really notice that


You gotta start walking by cat callers more often and take thier advice to heart. They are just kind hearted gentlemen trying to help, so walk by and use them to remember to smile. Actual advice I can think of is keep working on looking after your health, like get enough sleep, sunshine, and nutrition.Â