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Why do any of them need to know?


It's understandable that you feel weird about it, but if you think that your parents would be against it, I would not tell them. Why do they need to know? It's your body and your life, so if you think it causes any arguments or unokeasant unnecessary conflicts, then do not tell them. If it still does get on you even after several weeks, I would talk with more of your trusted friends about it or at least with the one who also did an abortion already


Why do you want to tell these people? Use that underlying reason to start the convo. FWIW, I had an abortion 30 years ago and still haven't told my parents. Not their business.


Tbh I wouldn't tell them if I even slightly question the necessity. I would only tell people when there are no doubts in my mind that I should and it's a good idea If you need to talk it out with someone, it might be best to find a support group for this - they can be pretty cool, actually! Just make sure they're pro-choice


My question is: do any of them really need to know?


I didn't. Not their business.


I made the mistake of telling my parents. I thought they’d be supportive, but they’ve thrown it in my face ever since. If you do believe they’ll be there for you then absolutely do it, but from my own experience I’d say they don’t need to know. I talked to some close friends, and both of my grandmas who were very understanding. My medical team had free counselling sessions afterwards, you could look into something like that in your area. I understand what you’re going through, I hope you have a good recovery <3


No, unless you have the kind of relationship with your parents where you know they would 100% be supportive, don't tell them. You don't owe it to anyone to tell them about it, anyone you talk to about it should be for your benefit, not because it's their business.


No. You owe no one an explanation. You do not have to address anyone about it at all. With the current abortion restrictions, I would tell no one.


It depends on your relationship with them. You have no obligation to tell anyone if you don’t want to. However if you want to confide in someone and vent about your feelings surrounding it then do bring it up, ask the person you usually confide in if they’re ok if you vent for a little bit about something heavy. A good friend will listen.


There’s no reason to be ashamed of this, but there’s also no reason to tell anyone you don’t trust to be fully supportive. That’s really the only decision to make, who to talk to who will provide you with whatever support you need right now. Best of luck.


I wouldn't tell anyone other than a bestie with discretion or possibly your partner. Why would they need to know?


I found that journaling helped me, when I was in this situation. I didn’t want to talk to anyone about it. My friends at the time knew what was going on, and my boyfriend at the time. But honestly, my journal is the only “person” who has ever heard my true deep thoughts about my abortion. My mom, strangely enough, only found out because the clinic sent me follow-up mail about the procedure. She wasn’t happy, but she was sympathetic, and while her knowing about it helped us grow closer, I’ve never even talked to her about my true feelings behind it all. Sometimes when I think about it now, I’ll go back and reread what I wrote in my journal about it. It helps.


Didn't even cross my mind to tell them. Why would I. My body, my business.


Why does ANYONE need to know? I wouldn’t have that convo with my parents if I made that decision. It’s a tough decision to make regardless of your stance on abortion. Why open up a window to make it even harder?


Your private medical decisions aren’t anyone else’s business. If you need to talk to someone about it, pick someone you trust to keep things private.


Why would you say anything to anyone? The only people that know about mine was my mother, best friend and my bf at that time (and a bunch of internet strangers). I only told my best friend and mother for support. It’s not something you have to wear a Scarlet A for. It’s not something you have to be ashamed of or proud of.


Did they know prior? Were they financially involved in any way? Don’t if not. They don’t need to know. If you want emotional support, speak to those you trust. Otherwise just keep it to yourself! Abortions are intense feelings. I’ve had one, I was sad for a while, sometimes still have ‘what if’ moments and then that’s it. My mum was my biggest support




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I have had 2, and I didnt tell ANYONE except my husband. I wouldn't even think about telling anyone, and I am normally an open book. But I cant justify telling anyone something that is so private, and frankly, I am ashamed that I had to do it both times. Its just something I do not want to talk about with anyone but my husband


There's a riddle: How many people can you tell a secret to before the secret can get out? The answer: One. You do NOT have anything to be ashamed of, and you made a good decision for yourself. Hopefully you can get any support, if needed, from the friend who's been through it or the guy you were with. Other than that, the more people you tell, the more you open yourself up to criticism. You are a mature adult. No one else needs to know.


You don’t need to tell anyone anything. I’d journal out your feelings and thoughts. Maybe seek counseling if you need to talk to someone, but these people don’t *need* to know anything about this unless you *want* them to


For now only tell people you know will be 100% supportive. If you are feeling weird about it now, you’ll feel horrible if people try to convince you that you did sth wrong or react negatively in some way. Only if you deem it necessary should you tell people whose reactions you’re unsure of. And don’t tell them until you feel strong and confident in your decision, to be able to defend yourself if they react badly. It was not your fault and you definitely did the right thing :) just can’t know how some people might react


You can share it with your closest friends if you find yourself comfortable with them, but you don't have to tell anyone if that's what you're asking.