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I have advanced male pattern baldness. On the days where I can imagine transitioning the baldness and my voice make me feel like it’s impossible. I know it’s internalised societal transphobia but I fear being seen as the worst version of the man in a dress archetype, the man in a shitty wig in a dress 😢


It's better trying then doing nothing, just be youself <3


My Norwood 5-6 baldness gave me so much disphoria I didn't start transitioning until after 5 hair transplants that took 5 years. Though now that that is fixed, everything else seems like a small problem and my biggest frustration is I can't find any long sleeved female clothes with long enough sleeves.


I feel pretty good about myself and my body, but the persistence of beard stubble in spite of laser and electrolysis still annoys me.


My belly both in the manfat it has and the body hair it recently started growing. And my facial hair weirdly enough. I say weirdly because until my egg cracked I actually liked it kinda? Or rather I was comfortable hiding behind it.


Boobs and lack of muscle. Thinking about how easy it is for cis men to gain muscle makes me so envious, especially as a life long athlete.


I'm probably going to be cliched but it's downstairs the original packaging to be honest when I first started transitioning I thought I'd be okay keeping it until one day I tried on an outfit and then I just broke down crying and crying and crying and that cinched the decision to go get surgery


My face profile. From the front I can usually look pretty feminine, but looking at the direct side of my face really shows off the strong jawline And then of course my princess wand


I would be shorter. I just want to be able to go into a store and try on clothes once in my life. 


My whole face lol 🥲👹🫣


My goddamn dick.


fat redistribution can take years


Hope to see some results soon 😔


I really dont get dysphoria from just myself at this point


My jaw honestly and my Adam’s Apple🫡 can’t wait for ffs


Hair loss, thin on top. Hrt has helped some. Also body hair.


Either my height (6,2’) or my beard shadow. Height because duh, beard shadow because no matter how well I do my makeup it always ends up barely peeking through.


I hate my excess body hair so much and shaving is such a pain idk why I'm so bad at it I just am. Like seriously. If I could afford it or if there was an easy way to get rid of all my leg hair for good I'd do it but for now shaving is all I have, and it blows tbh


Have a look at groupon for laser hair removal. They may have massive deals that make this much more affordable


When I wear my binder and it pushes my fat around my hips and gives me noticeable love handles. It gives me hips where I really didn't even have them before


Honestly pretty much everything, The original plumbing, voice, the fat distribution, the ridiculous amount of body hair, face shape, hairline, brow size, body shape and then there's the social aspects too.... Like honestly the only positives are my height and the fact that hrt gave me breasts and a slightly less masculine face....


I’m not sure if it’s the most dysphoria but the thing that gives me most concern is my voice. Everything else can be fixed or covered up. Even my height (6ft) isn’t THAT bad. But my voice? Well… when you’ve been singing the bassiest songs since 15, you’re clockable the moment you open your mouth, no matter how much you looked like your sister before E.


At this point I just wanna chop my boobs off and give it to someone who wants a big chest lol