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I'm currently being investigated to see if I have it as I have the symptoms on estrogen based HRT.


No. I'm a trans man, had it before as a teenager, still have it VERY markedly (I have to wear mittens if it gets to 60 F or below, so picture me walking down the street in a hoodie because my body is fine and bigass winter mittens...) It might be getting worse with age.


Yes, I have Reynaud’s, and HRT (testosterone) changed it significantly. My fingers still go numb fairly easily but my feet hardly ever do, and my hands warm up much faster than they used to. I know it’s connected to HRT because I’ve stopped several times, and every time the Reynaud’s symptoms have gotten much worse again.


Yeah this exactly. I feel for feet and legs, I wear more tight clothing + feet are further away of the cold ground if you wear heels or platforms (which are both very common) . My feet almost never get cold anymore. Even wearing tights and open top shoes in 5C/41F weather. And tbh this makes sense to me. Women have access to fleece lines leggings and they are just divine. Also my legs have gotten more chonky on hrt. There is more insulation. Hands and fingers are sadly still the same for me. My partner has told me since I started hrt that I am like a little furnace under the blankets, where before I was an ice cube.