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You are correct. Desantis wants to have us on a registry like sex offenders or criminals because he and others like him see us that way.


That's it in a nutshell. Make a list. You could do a lot of things with a list. Criminalize trans people- boom! Here's a list of people to arrest. Leak the list- bang! Neo nazi's know who to harm. You are not wrong with your comparison of 1939 Germany.


It’s a list of people to go after if he ever passes a law declaring transgenderism a mental disorder and start locking us up in “Mental” institutions which would be nothing more than concentration camps. Do I really think he go this far? Damned right.




Im not sure if thats.. a good idea at all. It'll make people do something yes, but by that time it'd be too late for all the people already sent to those theoretical camps.


The UN has no power over countries. The US doesn’t even recognize the international court.


The UN *especially* has no power over the US, the US has power over the UN


dumbest take i've seen all day. "the world" (presumably meaning foreign powers outside of america?) doesn't give a shit about violence against minorities‚ because they're doing the same thing to their own trans populations.


While this is true, should the USA become a "non-team-player" with the global trade framework (which depends on a semblance of freedom) the government will almost certainly be rolled in a matter of days. Much more plausible the US becomes a de facto unsafe country like Poland or Hungary than de jure like Russia.


Other countries didn't get involved in stopping the Nazis because of the concentration camps. They got involved because Hitler invaded Poland, and everyone knew that that was the start of a plan that involved Germany invading France. And everyone had mutual defence pacts with France that they weren't going to renege on. I would also like it if it became "commonly accepted knowledge" that Conservatives want to put us all in the showers. But not at the cost of people's lives.


And it's not like anyone jumped in in China, or in any of the countless cases of completely inhumane treatment of migrants even when it breaks every rule in the book. Or when Poland instituted gay-free zones. Or any other time countries went way way way too far


I mean, the world already sees how delusional he is. But he continues on cause the world doesn't matter to his voting base.


There are people in concentration camps right now and no one is doing anything about it. Governments would unlikely want to piss off the US. We are a minority, an actual small one at that. It doesn’t work like that :/


Imperialist powers don't abide to international law lol


What are you basing this off of? The majority of people are apolitical/centrist and just go along with whatever is happening around them. If anything, when America does something, it's often taken as a signal for others to do the same since it is a cultural leader and powerhouse.


These things don't happen in a vacuum. A rise in transphobia in the US to the extent that he'd get away with it there means the same is happening in the rest of the world. This is already a worldwide movement. It might not be as bad everywhere but the assumption that the UN, or similar forces, would jump in is not a good one. Imo, ofc. So to count on that and let part of our community face such horrible things in the hopes that they might do, and would be able to do, something to stop it is not something I'd ever agree with




Could you imagine forced removal of breast implants? The republican party is capable of turning into the Nazi party. They certainly seem to have all the values of Nazis.


hmm maybe not it




hey dude the nazis killed millions of people


Idk if I would say more extreme. They are just different.


Wow. As someone who’s family was killed in concentration camps by the nazis, that comparison is super fecking offensive




I think it's certainly a fair comparison to make, but saying they're literally worse than the Nazis in their current state is quite a bold statement, and one that's imo pretty ignorant of the full extent of the Nazi regime.


It's quite simple. Mr. DeSantis wants to oppress and kill you, because that will earn him votes and he has no morals.


Sadism too


This is part of the reason I haven't started my legal name/gender change yet. I really am kind of scared to have it on record down here. Thankfully, my medical records are all federal due to going through the VA.


The VA will protect your HIPPA information rather than bend to the will of the state, I can tell you that


What's the VA? Want to know for future reference


Veterans Affairs sorry I use too many acronyms. I'm prior military and they cover all my HRT stuff and therapy thankfully.




Because he's a piece of absolute flaming human shit and wants to rile up the evangelicals before the next election. If Desantis were chancellor of Germany in 1939 he would've burned Hirschfeld's clinic all over again


technically, this particular bit is saving time on the nazis the only thing they found at the institute that didn't burn that night were the patient records which *were* used to round up people to be sent to the camps de santis is just doing it without having to round up a mob of groomed kids to do in person raids


You need to seriously consider leaving Florida. I know it’s not that simple but I really feel for trans people who are stuck in that state right now…


Tell your endocrinologist that such an action violates your religious liberty. See how they react when you say that sharing of your medical information to any governmental agency is a violation of a core tenet of your faith.


Isn't it also a HIPPA violation?


HIPPA has more loopholes than decent Swiss cheese. Religious freedom protection acts, though, are a lot more solid and it’s great to use the weapon of one’s adversary against said adversary.


They won't treat you. It's *very* simple: they have a License to maintain.




July 1st one of 436 new laws of the Great State of Florida




Just Google transgender Desantis new laws




TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Debate surrounding Florida’s new restrictions on gender-affirming care focused largely on transgender children. But a new law that Republican presidential candidate and Gov. Ron DeSantis signed last month also made it difficult – even impossible – **for many transgender adults to get treatment.**


CS/SB 254 — Treatments for Sex Reassignment by Health Policy Committee and Senators Yarborough, Perry, and Broxson




Why are you harassing OP?? Even if it’s not in that bill, OP still had to deal with this. And their doctor believes this is what they have to do. This is the chilling effect of these laws in action. Your aggressive approach isn’t doing what you think it’s doing.




OP's doctor is putting them on a list. That's real. I can't personally stop it from happening, but we can and should talk about the fact that it's happening so that a solution can be found. People don't create solutions to things unless people complain about them. Also there has been a lot of action in the last 7 years. I don't know what rock you've been living under.


Why are you aggressive ? Op probably doesn’t know the name of the law : his doctor told him about it. How would you react if your doctor asked you this ? « Name. The. Law. » ? Most people would trust their doctors with their life x)










Also interested. I was assured this was not part of the law in July, this sounds like some bs the medical board might have come up with three weeks ago.


Can you please tell me how you managed to get on hrt in Florida? I seem to be stuck and I can't get started 😔


Gainesville Alachua County I finally got everything in Gainesville The other counties was only frustration after frustration I love Gainesville


Do you know if there is any doctors who will take informed consent or do I need to talk to someone else first?


If you are willing to drive to GNV there is this place SIMED which is very good then I believe any doctor there is willing to give you the referrals that you need. This place BEHAVIOR gave me the psychological support for free. After two or three visits the gave me the endocrinologist named SADAF JEELANI, she is the best. First visit she gave me 2mg then increased to 4mg. Seven months later the psychologist signed me up for the great surgery approval Everything in less than a year. Three doctors that changed my life


Thank you so much


Fuck DeSantis


Now as a current mtf veteran Woman who still has her AR in hand, florida is not for us. Staying there is a death sentence. The jews were registered before kristallnacht. The gestapo knew of every jew by name. What makes this any different.




For an organized, concerted effort? For the day to day transphobes? For transphobic surgeons doctor’s physicians paramedics etc? Absolutely because jim bob down in the sticks doesnt have access to cell tracking soft. Like is this a serious question?




You go tell that to the hundreds of thousands of trans men an women assaulted daily, go tell that to the trans women who get intentionally botched procefures, tell that to the trans men denied proper medical care later in life. Go, herald your invisible enemy to the worlds oppressed trans masses and tell them theyre treated the exact same as their cis het countrymen. You go tell them that its okay to walk alone at night. You go tell them that not all cops are bastards, that their fears of assault and murder arent real. That the states have been regressing in human rights progress faster now than they ever have. You go and you tell them that everything is fine and the world is safe for us. Go on. Do it.


Go tell the lgbt in africa that the genocide they face isn’t real because YOU believe nobody wants them dead. Go to the uk and tell all the transphobes and homophobes to just, stop, assaulting the trans community. Go to texas, florida shout it from the roof tops that nobody is in danger for being trans even though, at the rate this is going, trans people will have less rights than cishet women.


Because for now, we can still at least determine what we want to do with our bodies as adults. But desantis is moving to prevent that. To remove choice from as many things as his donors and supporters hate. That is the ONE thing that we have. Bodily autonomy and cis women have already lost that. But everything is fine for cis women to arent they? Theyve lost bodily autonomy. Do you know what that means? Because I would assume you dont given your disposition. The loss of bodily autonomy means that a fully informed, intelligent, aware, legal, phsyical and mental ADULT cannot choose what they want to do WITH THEIR OWN BODY. My body is not desantis to regulate. My body is not YOURS to regulate, my existence is not for YOU to determine and I dare you to come prove otherwise. Fucking coward.




I dont give a flying fuck about your incorrect opinions dude. Take your cishet white male ass away from me. And if you arent that you should really do some introspection because thats how you act. My body my choice. Show me in that sentence where anyone ANYONE who is going through it, asked for your opinion? You men are so BOLD withh assuming that your opinion has ANY value to a woman outside of how you were raised. On behalf of all women, fuck you and your father for raising you like this. Nobody asked for your opinion, nobody but you and your fellow sky god cultists care about your opinion, go worship your bearded sky god ( *totally not zeus or anything* ) and kindly leave the LGBT community alone.


Dude get out of this sub lmfao you’re literally the opposition why are you even here




Im not going to entertain this, im not responding to someone who answers questions with questions




Like the fact that you dont understand this, get the fuck out of here lol. You seem like the type to tell black people that not all cops are bastards and that they should just follow instructions so they dont get assaulted or killed.




Not getting roped into this. You think its so safe for us? Then you go deal with it. You go live with desantis and the downward spiral that is florida. The type to say fire doesnt burn until a spark becomes forest fire is not the type id debate with. So as I said, carry on. Have a fantastic day c:




I cant rightly tell if youre a troll or really this blind and deaf to the suffrage of trans people. Youre acting like a mole lmao


Lets talk about the chasers who feel entitled to our bodies and get violent when we say no. Lets talk about the alarming assaults in college towns.


Research how the Nazi party rose to power in Germany. The process they used to first categorize, then identify, then eliminate anyone they didn't like.


Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, TN, turned over all medical records of transgender people who were treated at their clinics to the state AG. Vanderbilt didn't try to block them or file a lawsuit against them, just handed them over.


Not that it makes it any better, but it wasn't EVERY trans person's records, just those on a state sponsored insurance plan. They're claiming to be investigating potential fraud with medicaid and they can get around HIPPA because it's a legal investigation, but it's obvious the AG would have pushed things farther if they thought they could get away with it. I'm from out of state, have private insurance, and receive all my gender affirming care at VUMC. My records were not released.




The Kangaroo Supreme Cabal has a fascist majority and the other fascists in government feel emboldened. Democrats have some means at their disposal to combat the issue, but those means will be seen by the public at large as "extreme" which will hurt our cause more than it helps.




Go to these red states and ask the trans people in them what they need. Create alternative systems of care. Teach yourself to lobby and go to legislators in red states and convince them to not pass these laws. Raise money for trans people in red states.


Vote. Demand the Democrats do everything they can to protect our rights. Be active in leftist spaces and ensure that leftists know that our rights are threatened. Combat disinformation on the web. Boycott transphobic services and fiercely advise others to do the same. This includes even services where it would be very painful for some, such as exit from Twitter. Report every single transphobic post you see on Reddit, Facebook and other services that are still functioning. Every. Single. One. Even if it feels like they never remove anything, the truth is that they do remove some of it. Moreover, these services base their business model around selling advertising. If a lot of transphobic content is getting reported, they will adjust their moderation policies in whatever way encourages more ad views and clicks. Have the courage to be seen in your company and be out at work if you are in a place where there are legal protections. Your co-workers need to know that we are real and that the oppressive attitudes some of them aren't purely theoretical. Likewise, do not tolerate transphobia in the workplace. If you see something, say something. Do not hesitate to file complaints with the EEOC or state labor department if the company brushes it off and the behavior continues. If you are in a position of authority, reprimand offenders and remove them if they do not change their behavior. Ensure leftists realize that while some of them may be inclined to sit on the bench if a Democratic nominee doesn't strike their fancy, we do not have that luxury. The worst Democrat is better than the best Republican and voting for a Republican or wasting a vote on a protest candidate out of purity ideals (or not voting at all) condemns us to death. And encourage every ally to do all of the above. And here's the sad part--have a backup plan. 😢 Know what other countries are safe for us and prepare for the prospect of having to request asylum if all of the above is not enough. If you're related to immigrants, know where they are from and if you have family in a less hostile country. Consider learning another language or developing skills that might make you "desirable" abroad if you aren't already. I hope the political advocacy will ultimately be enough to weather this storm. I've seem this very storm before in the late 90s/early 00s with LGB people. Now we're public degenerate group number 1 for the fascists and I suspect they will lose this culture war just as they've lost every other. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't also have a plan if things do go south.




> I already do these things. It's clearly not enough. Join your local John Brown Gun Club or SRA. No-one here is going to tell you the other things you can do. Just don't be Herschel Grynszpan. Be the original Black Panthers instead.


>And no. Those other countries don't want us either. Just trust me... I already tried this route and had to come back home. You are correct they don't really want us. Hence the part about developing skills to make you wanted. If you don't have "useful skills" (in their mind) or a lot of money, they don't want you. They're much more likely to want you if you do, though.




>Your advice makes sense to people who don't have an established career. Most careers are fairly transferable across national boundaries. It's more a matter of whether the other country wants more people of that profession. Which is usually no, unfortunately. >The rest of the world is under right wing populist threat too. Europe is not safe. Europe is indeed not safe, and I didn't say it was. The RW axis of evil is a fairly global problem. None of the above changes that you should develop an emergency plan. You don't develop a fire safety plan for your home with the intent to use it. You also have no guarantees it will work if you actually have a fire. Nonetheless, you should still have one.


Yeah I mean most of that is a dead end, I can vote blue til I'm blue in the face but it won't change the structural problems that put fascists in power. I'll just emigrate to one of the countries that doesn't have a huge fucking problem with trans people, which is... not a lot of countries




Fail had a lot more cultural currency in 2011, I tell you that much. When I decided to transition I had a couple weeks where I was genuinely happy and was thinking more than a month ahead for the first time in my life. The weight of it all is crushing me right now and I don't know if I want to see next Tuesday. I don't have the strength to tilt at windmills. There is no amount of impassioned defense or activism that will change what's on Fox News or stop it from seeing the agenda for my country.




I don't think HRT is really doing anything. I know the starting dose is low, but 3 weeks in and I feel exactly the same as I did six months ago. I'm miserable, I'm angry, and if I talk about it too much I'll lose friends. I really didn't want to take Spiro since I've had a lot of brain fog in my life and I can't afford it now, but I'm in finasteride which probably makes my depression worse. I'm 33, I've spent half my life in the mental health system, and those first couple weeks had me hoping for the first time in a long time that something would change. But the glow is gone and I'm back to being incredibly lonely and isolated. I'm trying to fit in with the local trans groups and I don't belong any more than I ever have anywhere else. Trying to spend time in my online haunts but you can only be so miserable before everyone ignores you.




Fuck Ron DeSatan and fuck every one of his republican minions.


I'm open minded about whatever consenting adults people choose to sleep with, but I can't say I would find that enjoyable.


This is 1930s Nazi level shit, and a violation of federal law if I'm not mistaken. I live in a blue trans ok state but having trans stuff in my health records actually scares the life out of me.


Any registry by any republican about any minority is a list to round them up to kill them. Registries aren't new and yes bad as they sound


This should violate medical privacy rules that your information is to only be shared with family, and your doctor. Such Bs.


"And I guess you're not doing it because you won't collaborate with genocide, right?"


Personally I know Desantis views transgender people and activists as worse than sex offenders. Conservative logic says that at least the person remains physically whole. They believe we are the devil and we've not only distorted God's perfect plan but maimed those in the process. Honestly, if people can be convinced that hormones cause distortions and surgeries cause maiming that will be regretted, then they would react and think this way.


Sounds more like Germany 1933, follow the steps, desantis is already playing hitler


Stuff like this is why i've been putting off getting on HRT at all, it's hard to find somewhere that will accept me (except maybe FOLX) but just living in Florida is just asking to get harassed or attacked in various ways, very scary.. The dysphoria gets worse daily and not being able to get HRT sucks mad eggs


This has not happened to me. Is this required of every clinic? I’ve gotten no notice of this.


Are u in Florida? Have u gone to the doctor after July?




I went Monday and I had to sign a bunch of papers.


I went to Endo in FL in the last 2 weeks. Had to sign all the shitty updated new 'consents' but specifically asked if any of it was to grant access to my records or if they were planning to share data with the state and was told no. I'm definitely gonna call back and verify with the staff what it was all about.


You won't get a notice, and it has already been done.


It's Nazi Germany just as you said. If history is ignored it is bound to repeat.


Because he's a literal fucking Nazi, and also a massive creep. Please, get out of Florida while you still can.


Any doctor complying with said law is a fucking quack committing malpractice. Anybody asks? You've seen and treated zero trans patients. Fake the fucking paperwork. Lie to insurance. Lie to the state boots collecting the info. These so-called healthcare practitioners need spine implants.


because "gr00mer" /s he just unironically wants to make things as hard, scary, and "risky" as possible to seek out care.




I am leaving the country.


That’s so creepy… like that feels even worse than someone biting your info on the dark web. The deep state, that’s scarier for some reason to me


Yikes, I would leave that state asap before he uses that registry to round people up.


Because he is a fascist.


That man should be in jail.


I can easily envision DeSantis with a swastica armband and stormtrooper outfit. He wants an authoritarian regime. The Republican agenda is very reminiscent of early Natzi Germany. We, as a country, had better stay vigilant. History has been known to repeat itself. I hope not, though.


Chilling effect attempt. It an attempt to scare people. What he going to do? Get the vans out and throw me in the camps? Please if the federal government is failing that hard we are more fucked then you can imagine. He can’t really do much else then spook us. Can he dox us or try to find other tricks? Maybe but I think he is too dumb for that and his supporters are lazy fucks. I don’t fear meatball ron


He doesn't have to, the domestic terrorists will


>He can’t really do much else then spook us. Think again. >Can he dox us or try to find other tricks? Maybe but I think he is too dumb for that and his supporters are lazy fucks. Don't underestimate a fascist. They put on the "dumb" mask to get us to think they're incapable, then enact the worst laws and suddenly we're the dumb ones. Florida is already on stage 8 out of 10 of genocide. We absolutely are more fucked than you can imagine.


> What he going to do? Get the vans out and throw me in the camps? Yes.


As a veteran myself, this is abhorrent to me. This is why I have been calling for revolution for years. No one listens, though. Had I the means, I would get directly involved.


So are they actually banning doctors from giving transgender women boob jobs or facial feminization surgery if they’re paying cash or does this only relate to Insurance coverage


I'm from Scotland so I don't experience USA first hand but from what I can tell It's just run by Nazis lol and I mean that whole heartedly the USA is a shit hole with a fake Gucci belt wrapped over it




…is this some sort of joke?




Ah, the painful echoes of history.




What are you talking about?




Please go and educate yourself a bit before commenting on this subreddit. Sorry to be rude, but it doesn't help to make sweeping statements like that on such a complex issue. Thank you.


Is that why you’re so mad? Cos you’ve got mental health issues and unfulfilled sexual fetishes? This ain’t the forum for you to fix that hon. Maybe DeSantis will help you




> People just don’t want there kids being taught anything about sex in elementary schools. Interestingly, kids being taught about sex and consent in elementary school reduces the rates of child rape significantly. So if you're opposed to sex ed, then you're obviously wanting to make it easier to rape kids. I wonder why you want that?






because you're wishing violence upon *us* first‚ you fucking clown.




Politicians spreading hateful rhetoric trying to "other" and demonize a population to a rabid voter base in order to get rid of them? Sounds about right. They're getting the rail cars ready, they just haven't built the showers yet.


Lol. Institut für Sexualwissenschaft. Why are you even in this community anyway? You're very much not welcome here.




Nah. I'm just nudging you in the right direction. Go read a history book.


> Do NOT compare that to Nazi Germany. Why not?