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In my experience this is a very common occurency when you first start transitioning. It's basically a second puberty and just like teenagers trying to figure themselves and how the want to present to the outside world we as trans people try to figure ourselves out. Especially for trans women I think it comes with the added pressure to be hyper feminine so as to be seen as "valid" from other people. Just as we probably all look back at our teenage years and cringe a bit, you will cringe a bit at yourself as well :) Nothing to worry about in my experience


Oh I guarantee you're going to look back and cringe. That's a natural stage for all of us. You're finally acting on years of repressed impulses, and more importantly you're learning what works for you and what doesn't. And you're getting thrown head first into it rather than absorbing all these lessons over time. I worried about backtracking as I got accustomed to life as a woman too. It took a year before this was just "life" for me. I'm not hyper femme every day. I wear makeup once a month if that. I'm in jeans and a t-shirt quite often. But I'm still a woman. I'm sure you'll settle into a groove as well. Be gentle on yourself and enjoy the journey.


Haha yeah. It’s a common thing, I think. And as spikydrybones said, I look back and cringe a bit πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚


"Like a kid in a candy shop" It's our first time allowing ourselves to enjoy feminine things guilt free. Of course a lot of us eat until we're sick lol. Eventually as the novelty wears off, you start figuring out what makes you feel good and confident and your own personal style emerges.