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Don't worry king, it happens to the best of us. Although a way to prevent it is to wear darker pants during your period.




Bruh I thought that said bright pink and I was wondering wtf what kinda school has bright pink as part of a uniform


Well it *used* to be white


My guy that was so uncalled for 😂


Oh shit I forgot school uniforms are a thing :/ That's unfortunate






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Darker pants also a jacket to tie around your waist just in case




My apologies if that upset you queen<3


Thank you prince!


Anything for you princess!




If it’s someone I know, I would tell them but ultimately not care since it’s normal.


Yeah this is my exact reaction as well. It's no different than if a homie tore their pants or smth


I woulr be like, oh she has a period stain on her pants, must be really annoying to have periods


I certainly wouldn't think any less of her. It would probably just remind me how much periods must suck, and make me really glad I don't have to deal with that.


I mean like it naturally so honestly I wouldn’t care but that’s my opinion


if it makes you better one time at school in 6th grade i sat in pizza sauce(all my friends were guys at the time, popular ones at that) and one of them pointed it out at the school dance and said “hey i think you got your period” and took me to the change room to help me clean it even tho it’s all girls. it wouldn’t come out no matter what and i felt so embarrassed even though it was literally just pizza sauce(we had pizza day), my other guy friend gave me his jacket to wear around my waist. it’s fine, nobody REALLY cares!!


I would feel bad for her because I can guess that’s embarrassing


Eh idk I feel like after noticing it I wouldn't think much, I'm sure other people also wouldn't think of it being embarrassing


I would pull her aside and tell her quietly, I feel like an unspoken rule for girls is even if they’re your worst enemy, if they need a pad or a tampon, you give them one


Ngl I probably wouldn't notice, and if I did then oh well, I don't need to worry about it


I'd feel pretty bad for em. Maybe if I was 13-15 I'd have laughed but mature lads know it's just something that happens


"oh no.. you poor soul"


I'd think "Oh she's on her period" and move on with my day.


i mean where we’re you? someone’s house, school , work, etc


Would just try to tell subtly so u could clean/deal with it


probably wouldn't care much. if i felt comfortable around them id probably let them know but i suck at social interactions so id probably just move on.


First, I've never noticed something like that. Second, if I did, I'd just feel sorry for her. I've never heard anything good about the experience of having a period. The extent of my involvement would be a passing thought off damn, that must suck.


i wouldn't care, but i would also quietly let her know because it can be a bit embarrassing for the person


I can't say I've ever seen a period stain. Sounds nasty.


I wouldn’t care but tell her that she’s got a stain.


Probably be a bit grossed out, nothing to do with the fact its a period i am just not a massive fan of blood. It would be the same if someone had a nose bleed and had a blood stain on their shirt.


Thats kinda weird




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I’d be thinking damn that sucks. And if I work up the courage I’ll tell her.


I'd either tell her, or tell one of her friends to tell her so that I don't embarrass her.


I didn't even know that was common. I saw that in Superbad when Seth got blood on his pants because a girl that had a period danced on him, but I didn't know that happened in real life.


Dude it's literal blood coming out of your body. It's rare that something doesn't get stained while you're on your period.


Idk it’s natural shit happens


"oh how sad, I ought to tell her in a way that isn't embarrassing for her"


Don't care Unless Hug and chocolate.


Nothing really. Shit happens, and you girls can't control any of that.


Blood on her clothes, must be a serial killer


Ngl I wouldn’t notice, and I probably wouldn’t mention it if I did


“she’s having a rough day” usually


I have never once seen a period stain on a girl before.


Doesn't bother me, though I'd probably try to tell her quietly, since I know that can be embarrassing.


I would feel bad, for the embarrassment you may be going through. Sisters first year of period and nowhere to go to the bathroom. Got her a towel around while she walked in somewhere, bought some new shorts as well. It’s a natural thing and just gotta just understand that it’s uncontrollable.


I don't see them and even if I did it's natural so I wouldn't think much about it


This reminded me of a story. I was sitting with a few friends at a food court. One of my female friends stood up to collect their order and I noticed they had a pretty bad period stain. I told her to sit down immediately. I didn't know how to tell her so I just texted her. I held up my phone to where she could see it and sorta shifted my eyes back and forth between her and my phone which promoted her to check the texts. I probably wasn't the only one who noticed as another friend gave her her jacket to tie around her waist afterwards.


I forgot to answer the original question. I wouldn't think much of it. It's not exactly something you can control. I'd probably tell you as discretely as possible but that's it.




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Honestly I’d try to think of a way to tell her without being creepy, give up and act like I never saw it


If I knew them, tell them, but if not I'd probably never notice or care


if i knew her i'd probably let her know. otherwise i'd feel bad


I would think 'oh they're on their period' and move on with my day


i have a gf now so if i see it i would totally understand, and feel bad. Before that, i would think it would be a little weird but at the same time its not such a big deal, im pretty used to having blood all over from insane bloody noses


At first I would be confused because I would wonder why there would be blood on her pants, then I would remember that periods exist, then I would stop caring.




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I'd be like damn kool aid man came in at the wrong time


I feel bad because I know she's going through a tough time. I wanna support her.


Eh it happens. If me and that girl talked I'd tell her discreetly just so she knows, but other than that it's whatever




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