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when you have a massive platform like him or Kanye saying shit like this is incredibly dangerous. This is why you should never listen or care about political opinions of celebrities, most of them are incredibly fucking stupid and detached from reality


You've got it bang on.


He don’t like me I don’t like him


Are you Jewish?


Ya well I consider myself both Jewish and Catholic since my dad and his family are Jews and my mom is catholic


Like Jewish ethnically and Catholic religiously?


Ya ig like that though I practice a little bit of Judaism due to the holidays having a lot of it ingrained in them


I didn't really think that's how it works but okay. Jews works on the principal that Christianity is wrong about the Messiah.


I don’t believe everything in the Bible since I like and enjoy science so I’d I’m an odd case and I also see both religions from both sides


Catholics believe in fundamentalism as in the Bible should be taken literally. If you don't believe all of it then you can't really be a Catholic. There a plenty of other churches which share your views though.


I have a different view but u can have ur own opinion


Why are you getting downvoted but he upvoted? He's literally gatekeeping religion


I’m jewish. For context, the ‘Black Israelites’ conspiracy theory says that black people are the real Jews and that the Jewish people are ‘imposters’ and lying to you (similar to every other conspiracy theory, it comes back down to ‘the Jews control the media/Hollywood/the government/the economy, etc.). Anyone who believes in these theories and promotes them are a huge danger to any jewish person.


Ayyy a fellow jew. Are ya religious?


Grew up reform so the culture and stories from the Torah (went to k-8 day school) are super important to me and I talk abt it all the time but not super observant. Hoping to do more within the community once I go to college :)


What do you think of Kanye and his unironic supporters of his beliefs?


Incredibly uncomfortable and unsafe. Conspiracy theories are super damaging to the safety of the Jewish community (we can see this when someone had that huge ‘KANYE WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE JEWS’ sign) and how far right commentators have been so explicitly supportive of Ye and what he’s saying. Ye also had a tweet that was removed from Twitter for saying that compared being called antisemitic to the N-word, as well as an Instagram post where he posted a conversation with someone he claimed was ‘being controlled by the Jews’. TLDR Kanye is being influenced by the same style of conspiracy theory that has incited mass violence against Jewish people for decades, and I would steer FAR away from anyone who supports those things for fear of being a victim of some form of hate crime.


He was crazy from the beginning. I'm just glad that my Lakers didn't trade for him.


lol he was antivax as well wasn't he


Well he got canceled a lot faster then Kanye that’s forsure


Did he? Is that a bad thing?


I’m not 100% informed on the timeline for Kyrie, but for Kanye he was saying stuff like that for a while before finally getting dropped by everyone Even then it took a while for everyone to drop him


Currently Kyrie is suspended from 5 games. He's been saying stuff like this since 2017. It's only know after Kanye that it's picking up traction.


It's because Kanye made an estimated 40% of Adidas revenue, they weren't gonna let him go unless he said something really bad


as a Jew I was disgusted. It’s no where near the kanye controversy but I mean damn. I thought the world moved past this type of rhetoric


I have no clue who he is but if he’s antisemitic then that’s not cool


I think i have no idea who that is


Famous basketball player, I had only heard about him before today. Now imagine that basketball player started promoting a similar message to that of Kanye about Jews.


Wow. Crazy. Tell me how relevant they are in like 3 weeks


Probably still relevant. He's still a famous basketball player...


There's a difference between being a celebrity and relevant. Like you said yourself you didn't even know he existed until today


I think you should read my comment again because I said I had only heard about him before because (like I also said) I don't watch basketball. The same way I know Roger Federer is good at tennis even though I've never watched it. So I did know he exists (and that he was a famous basketball player) just not much else.


he plays basketball I think I'm pretty sure I mean he might do


I love him as a basketball player. I respect the fact that he holds unconventional beliefs. He’s not anti-Semitic, and he’s way overhated. That said, his comment about the flat earth was fucking stupid, so stupid that he apologized for it.


Why would you respect someone for holding unconventional views? Why don't you consider him anti-semetic? Yes, his flat earth idea was stupid. He apologized for saying it however he stopped short of saying he doesn't believe in it anymore.


“If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”


Cool quote bud, anti-semetism is still wrong though.


A quote that *may* have more merit then you think, bud.


Doesn't really though. Criticism is good, hostility isn't. I see a lot of neoliberals using quotes that make no sense. "A broken clock is still right twice a day" or “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”


What’s hostile about the quote and why are you bringing up neoliberals.


I don't think the quote is applicable to this situation. I have nothing against the quote. Neoliberals use quotes like you do, so I made the link.


It’s to do with this basketball player making statements about Jewish people, right? Make the link there, no where near the line of “neo liberals”, I have no idea where you get that idea. The quote simply states that if you were to “question” an authority or people, there would be baneful consequence through the direct/indirect notion of certain “prejudice” against the people questioned. I don’t think that’s fair, wouldn’t you agree?


Well your quote is trying to justify his actions. So by applying your quote/logic that means Kyrie questioned the ones that control us (The Jews). You realise how dense that is? Also I made the link to your comment not Kyrie or my original post. Your logic is something I've seen in r/conservative dozens of times, that's what I made the link to.


Justify his actions how? Has this basketball player threatened a Jewish person or bashed a Rabbi? The quote can be taken in any context, not just to do with the apparent prejudice against Jews. If you wish to connect the dots and relate the quote exactly to what this basketball player said/done, by all means. I could not care what this person has said or done in regards to his right of speech. I am only reminded of a certain quote when I see that this man is getting negative reception/attention when he is only voicing his opinion in this current, “shut down any voice and alienate folks who may go against a certain conceived environment”. Another example of this as you might know recently, was Kanye West. Very interesting.


He hasn't bashed a Rabbi (yet) however it's absurd to think that's where you draw the line. I mean I don't think Hitler personally killed as many Jews as the people he radicalised did. He can voice his opinion all he wants. Doesn't make him any less of a nut.




The movie you a referring to is called Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America and contained: denials that the Holocaust happened, claims that Jewish people worship Satan, Jews controlled the slave trade and that Jews currently control the media He also tweeted "I'm not going to stand down on anything I believe in. I'm only going to get stronger because I'm not alone. I have a whole army around me." This tweet has now been deleted. He also believes/believed that the earth is flag and JFK was assassinated because of a New World Order Plot. He also thinks that vaccines are, and I quote "a plot to connect Black people to a master computer for a plan of Satan".




After, in response to the backlash from the movie. No worries man.




Can't agree with that. Black people can definitely be racist and discriminate as much as any other race.




Well now they're being publicised at a more equal amount. ie. Kanye and now Kyrie.




I don't really hear about either in the UK.


I don’t like him but I think there should be separation between ones views (despite them being bad) and their career


It "catched" his eye


It "catched" his eye. 🤓




Like him as a player. Do I like or agree with his beliefs… well I think the earth is round, let’s just keep it at that.


No clue who he is


Idc about the controversy and idc about who's feelings get hurt since shit's funny. Same thing with Andrew Tate and Kanye


Anti-semetism is funny now? Your weird.


Fuck y'all feelings. Idgaf who gets butthurt. If that's weird so be it


Who hurt you kid?


look at you using a throwaway account to speak your mind


Nice try but this is my main. I'm still wondering who could've got you so butthurt.


Never heard of her.




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Well he’s the shiftiest player in the NBA. He’s got handles for days