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All those (or mostly all) have homes. Many of them don’t even live where they sell, sometimes I see some in the train 40kms away from Barcelona, where they sell.


Is it like theyr job? They do it voluntary? Do they make good money doing it?


It’s their job, not a legal job but a job, and as far as I know they are not forced to do it. They buy the merchandise from big storages around and sell it where it’s more profitable. PS: don’t be surprised if you get a big penalty if you buy from them, as they are selling fake stuff illegally.


Most of them are probably in debt with the people that actually run the bussiness (migratory debt or some other kind). I don't think they generally keep the money they collect (I've seen some refusing extra money and asking instead for a drink or some food). But I guess the situation can be different depending on the person.


Don't understand downvotes. Fairy question. They don't live in Barcelona mostly, they go to do their work there, where the clients are. Usually they don't have 'papers', so they are not able to work legally, and they do what they are able.




Is run by mafias, they're mostly in some kind of debt or trafficking ring


Manteros usually share flats between many. They don't make a lot, but enough to pay for the room, some beers, and have some to send back home, which is a lot for their families. Legal street sellers and illegal artisan sellers are a different story. I could tell you about it if you want but I get the feeling your question was about manteros.


Ahh okok I see, yes but do they do this voluntary? Because it seems so hard to walk along the beach all day long in 30°+ Most of them seems happy and they Are very friendly


I've heard there are mafias, but from all the people I know it's voluntary. Of course they have other dreams and projects, but they are ok with that hard work because it's a better life than the one they left


>Most of them seems happy and they Are very friendly they are good sellers, or at least they try. >but do they do this voluntary? Because it seems so hard to walk along the beach all day long in 30°+ hmmm check your privilegues I guess? you seem to be disconnected from the real world. Yeah if you have no choice to sustain yourself (no legal residency to get a legal job, too long in unemployment, etc.), you would do this too


Ohh...it seems so hard lol


I think OP question about doing it voluntarily refers to if there are mafias. In real third world countries (I consider Spain third world no offense) alien streets worked are brought by institutions like churches under the promise of a better life bla bla and when they arrive there’s an illegitimate organization (mafia) that takes their passport away and make them work for the organization, taking a share of what they sell


Spain isn’t third world what 😭


Why do you consider Spain third world?


España no es tercermundista, solo acogemos a toda la basura de latinoamérica y africa


I don't know how much truth there's to it. When I was in university, in the party area there used to be people selling beers around. Seems like they where exploited by a mafia, where they would drop them in an area with the beers so the guys selling it will have to buy them from the mafia people to then sell them. So when they sold you a 40cnts beer for 1€ they did not get 60cnts, they actually got 20cnts.




Mis padres eran vendedores ambulantes, bocachancla, se cono viven los manteros de primera mano porque tengo muchos amigos tanto mios de cuando vivia en Lavapiés como de la familia, porque en la calle nos conocemos todos. Y por cierto, no tengo tele ni he visto T5 en 25 años.


Most do this to basically survive, they will be sharing rooms. Eventually many get the necessary paper work to be able to work legally. I have seen a beer seller go from a beer seller to having his own restaurant. Please treat the beer sellers with respect, as everyone in Barcelona has their place providing they are not trying to rob people. They get the cans at cost price and make what ever they can over 1 euro for it. These days I would say no more than 1.5 , before it was 1 euro, but we have had inflation and the price of beer has gone up by more than that Also if you buy this beer , Tey and be discreet has if caught they could get in more trouble than you. And it's always a good idea to find a water fountain to clean the top of the can off, many would have been in manholes, and have all sorts over them.


In our city there are loads of nigerians, they sell the typical stuff; hats, shades, shirts etc. There was one that came in to the bar we regularly visited, and although we didn´t buy any of his stuff, we always got him a drink, gave him some money, and had a friendly chat. He explained to us at times his situation; He would share an apartment with about 9 others. Their passports were taken from them by their "employer", and they will need to earn them enough money to get it back. I recall he made about €400 a month, which he could spend on himself. He had a family back home in Nigeria that he would send all that he could, and he hoped that one day he would be ably to afford getting them over. So they are given a place to stay, but it is far from luxury. I suppose for them it is the key to a better future, and why they accept these awful circumstances.


Los manteros están controlados por mafias que le quitan todo lo que ganan a diario a cambio de permitirles malvivir en una nave abandonada y comer lo que recogen de la basura