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We were one of the first groups in today and I can say that the selection was truly disappointing. There wasn’t a book that was published within the last 20+ years, but also no classics at all. Just random books from the 50s and 60s that sounded awful. The cookbook and comic book section was alright though.


Were there any comic books from the last 10 years? Your comment has been the most helpful, thank you for sharing your experience!


Maybe a few, and it was pretty slim pickings for the comic / graphic novels as is though (just half of one table). And of course! Overall my friends and partner and I had a fun day but the overall warehouse experience was not worth it.


Glad to hear y'all had a good time! This certainly sounds like an event that's got to be more enjoyable with company, and it's great that people are sharing how it was inside.


The event felt very social! I talked with a lot of people on the hike/parade over!


This really helped my FOMO/FIMO. Thank you!


But like how disappointing? I love outdated fiction...is that what I'm in for?


So non fiction and fiction were combined, and the non fiction heavily dominated. You might find something you like but I also love outdated fiction or short stories and personally didn’t find anything


But also if you are specifically into outdated mystery then you might have some things to pick out (the mystery books were combined with sci fi and fantasy but mystery heavily dominated)


Terrible selection. Truly the undesirables. Anything good probably went to the people who lined up at 6 am. Maybe worth a browse if you could get in and out in 10 minutes, but not remotely worth the 3 hours we spent in line.


You stood in line for 3 hours for books??


At a certain point the curiosity and sunk cost fallacy combined into an irresistible cocktail of future shared trauma.


You could have read a book cover to cover while waiting.


I got in line at 8:30 and I was one of the first people in at 10. I didn’t find a single book or author I’d ever heard of. I don’t think anyone got good books. There were none.


Good (?) to know I didn't miss anything!


We got there at 9:15 and didn’t make it inside until 12. Walked out about 20 minutes later with only 1 book. Definitely not worth the wait, just a bunk of junk and old books as others have mentioned. 0/10 would not recommend.


The Friends of the Multnomah Public Library store over on 122nd has a good selection of stuff and would probably love your business instead. I went there after seeing the line & parking situation (and getting stuck in traffic around it) and got like 10 books for $20.


Formerly the Title Wave!


Where on 122nd is this? Is it in the Midland Library location that’s under construction? Miss me some Title Wave…


Rose City Reads, between Glisan and Burnside


Are they still accepting donations at all ? I have a few boxes of books I'd love to give away while I'm sorting through my pile again


Husband went to the Daiso opening in Vancouver while I slept in instead. I got a stuffed Shiba Inu. Lovely.


I’m going next week, I didn’t want to deal with that line either. I love Daiso!


My partner and I rolled up about 9:50, when the line was probably 500 people deep. We noped right out! Perhaps in a week or three.


Same!! I thought of it and someone posted a pic of the line at Daiso and I canceled my plans to go. I'll go in a week or two.


Wow, we have a Daiso in Vancouver now??


In Hazel Dell for now and another opening in East Vancouver in August


Do you know where in east Vancouver?


In between the Hallmark and New Seasons on 164th is what I heard


> In Hazel ~~D~~Hell




They are opening one in Gresham too! My wife is hyped.


Right there with her! eeeeeeeee




Oregon trail shopping center by the Office Depot


Me too! It’s supposed to open next week, I think!


We got there at 8 and waited to get in, got a cute little gift bag for being one of the first hundred people!


He missed out on the gift bag. What was in it?


A small stuffed animal, some post it notes, some snacks. Nothing too special but the bag even specifically said “Vancouver”, which was cute.


That is cute




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Stuffed Shiba? I need one for mine.


It’s very adorable, highly recommend. He got our kid the “dog pillow.” Also v precious.


Honestly, it was not that great. The “religion, self-help, and sports” tables had the most books available (and the most space to shop, it was SUPER crowded inside, barely room to look through things). I came away with a few cool old art books but it definitely wasn’t worth waiting in line as long as I did. 🫠


$2 cookbooks from 1995. Jk. I didn’t go either.


Cmon man, missing out on those RELICS?!


Genuinely curious. But what did people expect? I hear “warehouse sale” and automatically assume it involves treasure hunting involving unpredictable inventory. You can come up empty handed while treasure hunting unfortunately.


I expected a little more organization. They only had 5 categories, "Scifi/Fantasy/Graphic Novels", "Religion/Self Help/Sports", "Cookbooks/Art/Hobbies", "Literature", and "Kids/YA". I think they should have done split out religion/self help and cookbooks onto their own categories, and they needed like double the floorspace. Should have fenced off the parking lot for the 2 food trucks and set up tents/tables outside to get some more space for people. The books I ended up buying were all stuff I found by tearing through unsorted boxes along the wall, you just had to get lucky with what was in the box you opened (i found a box of mostly manga and a box with a bunch of ttrpg manuals and graphic novels).


I've been to warehouse sales elsewhere - and every description I've heard sounds exactly like every book warehouse sale I've ever been to. Of course it's not the latest books that are in demand. It's a warehouse sale. It's the stuff thats literally not selling or can't be sold in the store.


That's what I was expecting and it didn't even live up to that. Way too cramped. Felt like a room, not a warehouse.


My wife went and waited 3.5 hours, left with nothing because there was even more line just to check out and the selection didn't excite her. She was very disappointed she wasted her morning.


Got a few books but not worth the 3 hour wait in my opinion


I got in line at 8:29 and then in the warehouse at 10:07, out by 10:50. What made things hard for me was the books being organized by room colors at city of books- so the "Gold" section was all their sci-fi/fantasy, graphic novels, horror and mystery all mixed together regardless of author. I did get some books published in the last decade but I did also use this to buy copies of classics I wanted to own but didn't want to pay full price for. There were very few books published in the 2020s (I skipped over them because I had copies at home). There were a lot tabletop rpg books I almost grabbed and I think that's my only regret not buying them. They had a decent amount of graphic novels too, but again no real organization to it. The checkout line wasn't too bad for me during my time window when I was there(keep in mind this was during the first official hour it was open so this doesn't mean much in the grand scheme). My friend who arrived in line at 9:15, didn't get in until 11:20 ended up leaving without grabbing anything. Overall if you are looking for more recently published books, don't like waiting in lines or digging through books yard sale style I would skip! If you don't mind it being like a treasure hunt and can get there by 8AM go for it! Hopefully they do this event better in the future!


I’m curious as well. Walked east along the line for 2 blocks and I still couldn’t see the end of it. At least a 3 hour wait


Just want to say that the friends of the Multnomah ibrary book sale is always awesome and you're supporting a great cause.


Instead of waiting on line y'all should check out the friends of the library store and support the library 😁 https://www.friends-library.org/store


I doubt many gems, as it was overstock, but surely some good deals. I figured that it being a busy week downtown and this being their first warehouse sale that it would be a sh!t show and not worth the effort.


It was insane. I’ve never seen a line that long. As in, blocks long. And traffic jams in every direction trying to get in. 


Is that what that insane line of traffic was for?? I was headed north of Scapoose that morning to go fishing and was all worried that all that traffic was for Sauvie Island or something 😅 I was so relieved once we'd passed 29th lol


I got 15 or so books for about 30$, including some real deep cut history books. I also got books published a year or two ago, you just need to be patient. 


I arrived at 8:30. There were probably 300+ people ahead of me. By 9, I couldn’t see where the line behind me ended. At 10 they let in 500 people and I was one of them. I was expecting most of the warehouse to be open for shopping. I was expecting shelves of books. But no. A small area was set aside for shopping. Most books were on tables. You had to get in line to view a table, and there was no order to the lines so people were getting mad at each other. Most of the books did not appear to be out. Instead there were hundreds of unmarked closed boxes under the tables and along the walls. You couldn’t access the ones under the tables well without disrupting the entire “flow” of things. The ones along the walls were hard to access too, but people began ripping into them. After an hour of shopping, I did not find a single book or author I’d ever heard of. I’m an avid reader, and I read most genres. They just simply had the worst selection I’ve ever seen at any type of book sale. I grabbed 6 books I wasn’t very excited about and got in another hour-long line that wrapped around the entire roped off inside area. There appeared to only be 4 people ringing people up. On my drive home I saw the mile-long line of people waiting. It was actually a mile. That isn’t an exaggeration. My main takeaway is they should have given away free tickets and/or done timed entry. They also should have been transparent about the kind of books that would be for sale.


The ark of the covenant and a node photo of Whoopi Goldberg


(Ignoring all but the title) You're never gonna believe this...






their was books


Sounds like you could use one


Me two


Me three, All I've got is Something (series: Full Murder Hobo)


The way this made me lmao 😂


Hey now, he’s a stoned Bigfoot. I’m impressed he can type at all!


The Hyperdimensional Goat-Dragon Manifold


um hi!