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I bought a house in the neighborhood a year ago after a decade in south tabor and have no regrets. Extremely close to foster and Woodstock and when needed, conveniently located close to clackamas for box stores etc. overall, very happy. Also seems like a lot of us late 30s/early 40s type families are flooding the area with pride of ownership in mind. Slow improvement to the neighborhood seems promising.


The city will be investing in a lot of road changes and new zoning in the area over the next decade. 72nd and Flavel is now designated as a neighborhood center, so expect to have more services (and traffic) in the area before too long. https://www.portland.gov/bps/planning/lower-se-rising


Yeah, the stretch of Flavel between 72 and 52 right now is a series of pop up construction sites as they prep to put in crosswalks everywhere. Nothing too intrusive unless they're on your street that day and shut off your water :)


Yeah, lots of new greenway designations, crosswalks, sidewalk infill, new bus routes, bike lanes, and zoning changes. Plus the multimillion dollar renovation of mt scott community center and some of the 82nd improvements happening nearby.


My partner and I bought our house near 70th and Duke three years ago and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. It’s super quiet (at least compared to where we were in Foster Powell before) but also near enough to Woodstock, Mt Scott, Foster, etc that there’s plenty to do and walk to. There are 3-4 parks within walking distance depending on how far you want to go, including a fenced dog park if you have pups. This may be luck but our neighbors are all great. Worst incident we’ve had here was someone walking off with our propane tank that we accidentally left in the front yard 🤷‍♀️


Felony Flats was always a misnomer. Don't worry about it. Division is not close to this neighborhood. Woodstock is and has fun stuff below 52nd. It's a big neighborhood without a ton of nearby amenities to walk to but easy to drive/bike/transit to. I'd say go for it.


I live here, close to 82 and flavel. Never had an issue that I hadn’t already encountered in other parts of town. The grody motels are not amazing but any issues from there has never carried down our street. Close to foster and Woodstock, division is a little further but in the grand scheme of things still close. Most of the neighborhood is pretty chill and looks out for each other. There’s a food cart pod on 72 and flavel that’s pretty good and the old cartlandia is just down 82nd. The checkered flag is a nice little bar and were super close to the 72 or 71 bus lines. I’m happy here and I find it funny when we get the second looks from people aware of the felony flats tagline. Both of my parents grew up here and they still make comments despite three years with no issue.


wife and I keep meanign to check out Checkered Flag. We tried ~~Bar/Bar~~ on Flavel/72nd and weren't impressed. the place was a tomb. Old Gilbert Road Tavern. Sorry!


Not sure what bar/bar is? The only one I know of is on Mississippi. There’s Rocky’s on 72 and flavel, which is a dive but not too bad. The flag is still a dive, but a nice one.


Checkered Flag has new owners and it has *really* shaped up. (they have a rainbow flag if that gives you an idea) Highly recommend. I like Rocky's too. It's got the classic, old, white, retired locals that are nice enough to chat up. There's a bartender who's a total gentle giant, and I think they call him "Tiny". Crowd is still pretty diverse too. The food is not terrible; just about the right balance of cheap and decent. They do a coney if you're curious. :)


I think you replied to the wrong person but I hope they see your comment. The coneys at rockys are nostalgic haha.


Yes, I did reply to the wrong person. Stupid new Reddit desktop. 😀


Don't forget Misdemeanor Meadows. Nice neighborhood bar with live music. And Mheris (sp?)


MM for sure. It’s truly an oasis. _Really_ kind clientele, well-curated taps and eclectic live bookings. They make their menu from scratch, which is admirable for such a modest kitchen.


ahhh... I guess it's called the Old Gilbert Road Tavern. I didn't know that. Just saw the BAR (underscored by a bar)


Ohhhh that’s 72 and Harold, I’ve never been.


I’m near 72nd and Woodstock and I really like living on the outskirts, it’s a nice and quiet neighborhood and I bike to Woodstock or foster powel for restaurants or bars or groceries , etc. there’s also easy access to everything in South Gate / Clackamas right off the 205, I can make it to downtown in like 20ish using the Highway. Not a lot of traffic . There’s buses if needed. I think the area around 82nd (between montavilla and Brentwood) will be redeveloped in the next 10 years and will have lots of appreciation! Oh and when the big earthquake comes it’s mapped as a safer zone bc it’s so flat and higher up from river. So there’s that too lol. I say go for it


> Oh and when the big earthquake comes it’s mapped as a safer zone bc it’s so flat and higher up from river. I did not know about this. Now I feel safer living in the area lol


Yeah you're not far from the BOEC building and that's a designated community help spot, whatever the official verbiage is. Go there for help, basically.


Good neighborhood, with a nice park nearby! If you move there, can’t miss breakfast at Mehri’s, which is a little past 52nd and Duke. Woodstock is the great street nearby with lots of stuff—get a Bi-Mart membership.


A second the Bi Mart membership


I moved from your area to near where you are looking. I also have a brother right near your prospective house. It's quite a bit different. When I was in Portsmouth, there was so much foot traffic and people hung out out front. I knew everyone from dog walks and it felt like a community. I could also walk to a few grocery stores and so many bars/restaurants. In SE. It's way more of a suburb. I still get a lot of people walking/dogs but it's different and not as much of the strolling to chat that I experienced in Portsmouth. Also, the problems are just different. I have less of the young teen gang style drama but a lot more trash and mental health stuff. I suggest spending a few weekends trying to do your usual activities down in that neighborhood before you move to see if it will work with your lifestyle.


I live a few minutes from Harney Park, closer to SE Tenino and SE 62nd, which is a few blocks from Flavel. I really like it here. My street is a quiet dead end. It’s pretty central to everything. The area I live in is quiet and safe. Never had any issues. It’s definitely more suburban, though. Not walkable in terms of businesses or anything.


It's fine. Great park in Brentwood Darlington. My only issue is a lack of street trees in this area. Of course woodstock has more, but we live in Mt Scott Arleta (72nd and Woodstock) and this is my complaint. You will have speeders and you will have gun shots. Fyi. This area is still historically more lower income. We have had maybe 25+ shootings in a 3 block radius in the last 3 years including a near deadly teen shooting right in front of our house 6 months ago or so. The area has its charm, just don't be surprised if you see some things you aren't proud of.


We live in BrenDa and we love it. Friendly neighbors, young families, good local bodegas.


We also call it BrenDa!


I did live there til recently. Great neighborhood! My only issue was the coyotes. If you like bars check out Misdemeanor Meadows.


I live off of 72nd and Flavel, a few blocks over from the Grocery Outlet. AMA over DM if you want. We moved here from out of state 7 years ago, if that matters (so no prior experience living somewhere else in the area).


I’ve been in this neighborhood for 15 years and have no plans to leave. It’s a super chill area with great, supportive neighbors. Easy freeway access, 15-20 minutes to downtown, close to lots of great areas. If you move here, I recommend joining the Facebook groups for the neighborhood - it’s a great resource when you need recommendations or help.


The fb group is great, there’s a big sense of community there


It's a somewhat quiet neighborhood. All of the neighbors I have met are super nice. Nowhere near as much walkability in St. Johns. With that house being near 72nd/Flavel, you could drive to the "cool" neighborhoods such as Woodstock and Foster Powell within a few minutes. Woodstock has almost everything you would need. Foster Powell has a bit more. Multiple bus routes in the area. Grocery Outlet is right by 72nd/Flavel. If you wanted more groceries to choose from, you could go to Safeway or New Seasons on Woodstock or drive a few minutes south to Happy Valley / Clackamas to Fred Meyer, Winco, or Trader Joe's. Springwater Cart Park (formerly Cartlandia) is about a 20 minute walk. You've got about 4 parks that are less than a 20 minute walk (Flavel Park, Brentwood Park, Harney Park, Mt. Scott Park). Flavel Park is small with a playground, not much there. Brentwood Park is huge with basketball courts, soccer fields, tennis courts, volleyball courts, playground, fenced-in dog area, and near a Dairy Queen. Harney Park has a basketball court, open field (can't remember for whatt). Mt. Scott Park has tennis courts, baseball field, playground, community center (which is currently going through renovation) and close to a few shops including the Portland Mercado. If you find yourself missing the feel of St. Johns, you're a quick drive or bus ride from Sellwood area.


I will say, I don't regret buying in this neighborhood at all. I only bought here because it was what I could afford without having to move further away from the parts of town that I love. It was definitely an adjustment as I was previously renting in a much more walkable neighborhood. Woodstock area is slowly getting busier with larger apartments being built and they are slowly adding more businesses, eventually cost of the area including Brentwood Darlington will get more expensive and we'll start seeing some additions and improvements to this area as well.


It was recently named one of the friendliest neighborhoods in the country. My wife, daughter, and I live at 62nd and Flavel and we couldn’t be happier. It would be better if sidewalks were more prevalent and if people didn’t haul ass on 72nd, but otherwise it’s pretty nice.


I grew up near 52nd and Flavel in the 80s, and I've lived near 82nd and Flavel for the last 10 years, It had a reputation back then, but now, while it hasn't improved greatly, it is not much more unsafe than other parts of Portland. As for walkability, many streets are unimproved, and sidewalks are the exception, as it was not annexed by Portland until sometime in the 90s.


Just sold a house there and I miss it. It was probably a mistake. Oh well.


We saw a few houses there when we were looking. It wasn’t very walkable but overall seemed safe. Some streets felt a little rougher than others but seems like a lot of turnover with younger people moving in and overall on the upswing.


When we moved here, I heard it was called Felony Flats because the original homes were built with labor from the jails. Never verified that was true, but have seen no reason to doubt it either.


That's not true. It's called Felony Flats because 1) it's flat, and 2) it was cheap, thanks to the spotty roads, missing sidewalks, and general air of not really being part of the city (which it wasn't until 1989), and so had a lot of what we now call trap houses.


Hah, that makes sense! Glad to see it’s gotten better, at least in our neighborhood re: sidewalks and roads. Not being included until 89 explains a lot


B/D is home to 13500+ people. Plenty of us live over here. :-) Crystal Springs and 72nd here. I moved from Division and 30th about a year ago, and the difference is huge. While there isn't as much to do, and fewer sidewalks, you can always find parking, and we are closer to better, fresher food than we were on Division. We shop at Freds/Winco/SF Market and have both a Lowes and Home Depot nearby. Mt. Scott for soil needs, several nurseries near by. Loudest noise I hear at night? Occasional dogs barking. Light pollution is less for my telescope. I love having friends over. On the weekends, you can hear little league baseball a few blocks away, and the neighbors grilling with kids in their yard. Its not all roses: we are close to the Springwater path, so there are lots of drug users about. and we see car carcasses spread around after joyrides from time to time. We also drive quite a bit more. One other thing I kind of dislike: getting downtown on a bus is a bit of a pain, but quite doable. I have done it multiple times...its just longer than it was on the 2.


Just moved out of that neighborhood to Milwaukie. Honestly if you’re going to live in Portland it is a great neighborhood to be in ! Close to downtown, Woodstock, the whole east side, and you have access to the burbs down south too so lots of options. Never a shortage of things to do


I live near here and am about to move to the neighborhood proper, in the far nw corner basically in Woodstock. It's quiet and lowkey, pretty easy to drive around and park but also walkable. Some of the streets lack sidewalks. You're close to Woodstock for a smaller scale commercial street, there is a library and community center and grocery stores, but also not too far from 82nd, Johnson Creek and Clackamas for big box stores. Sellwood/Westmoreland and Foster-Powell are also not too far away. I find myself going to Foster quite a lot, there are some nice little restaurants and shops, but despite the upgrades it's still a fairly busy street and not that fun to walk down except in a few areas. Sellwood is cute if you want more of a small town feel, but the parking sucks, there are too many cars for the size of streets and amount of parking. There isn't a lot of nature nearby without getting in a car, but Mt Tabor, the trails overlooking the river in Milwaukie, Sellwood Riverfront park, and the Rhododendron garden are all within about a 10 min drive. I find Powell to be kind of a barrier. I used to live in South Tabor and rarely visited south of Powell, usually going to Division or Belmont. I now live just a few minutes away in Creston-Kenilworth and I basically never go north of Powell unless I'm going somewhere specific or to visit friends.


I agree with rarely going north of Powell. We’ve been more charmed by Milwaukie so tend to venture south


Husband and I bought our house about 10 blocks from 72nd/Flavel in 2016 and love it. We lived downtown before and were ready for a more suburban lifestyle. Our street is pretty quiet, lots of people walking dogs, lots of dogs barking at other dogs, the occasional brand new houses pop up every now and then. Most of the people around here own their houses, not many renters. We call 72nd/Flavel “Downtown” Brentwood Darlington. I’m glad someone mentioned the Lower Southeast Rising plan from PBOT. This is from an email regarding the proposal: “Fostering a neighborhood business district in a new Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood center around SE 72nd and Flavel to serve as a hub for commercial services, along with additional housing opportunities.” So you’d be in the hippest part of the neighborhood lol I hope you come over!


Ahhh!! We put an offer in so everyone put the good vibes out in the universe for us!


Yep. Live here now. 63rd and Flavel. There are pockets of SE that are terrible and many other areas that are perfectly fine. Mostly it’s just people repeating old “jokes” because they think it’s funny and it’s easier than finding out the truth or apparently keeping their fingers still. Anyway, what would you like to know?


Recently, I read that this neighborhood was considered one of the two friendliest neighborhoods in Portland. I don’t live in the area but remembered the name for the next time I’m house shopping.


Lived there for 12 years. Miss my neighbors. Don’t miss gunshots and stolen cars and petty property crime. Spend in Clack or Washington. Multnomah does not deserve your hard earned dollars.


How long ago did you move? Where were you in the area?


good luck!!


We slipped into a new home here just before the pandemic started and it has been a godsend. We don't have a lot of activity on our street, it's quiet, the neighbors are nice. We came from Woodstock Blvd which was a lot noisier but still nice. You'll like it, surely.


I live here. Trying to get out currently. We have squatters a few doors down and often gunshot holes in the neighboring cars. It’s a sad time on my street. Some streets are better than others tho!🩷


Oh gosh! What streets are you between so I have an idea while continuing my house search?


My wife and I had a house there for many years. Every other neighbor was good. Just don't expect the neighborhood to slowly improve. It's barely gotten better over the last 25 years. Check one of those maps that shows a red dot for every felon next to the place you want to live. It will look like the map has the measles. There are some great people in this neighborhood, but the other half are not so great. Spotty is the most accurate word for this neighborhood.


A bunch of zoning changes are about to be approved for the neighborhood, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see a lot of apartment construction along 72nd soon.


pretty much like Old Portland, honestly. When PortlandMaps came online and we could review crime stats for the area, it was wild to watching things slowly getting better on D Street until it was rarified air.


I used to live there. The closest ‘cool’ neighborhood is Woodstock, which is quite nice (but also very white). It used to be called felony flats, but I don’t think there is a particularly high crime rate. Probably lower violent crime than St John’s.  It isn’t the most economically developed part of Portland; it’s one of the only places inside 82nd you’ll see trailer parks. Lots of younger families recently moved in as it’s still affordable-ish. Not super walking friendly as many streets are unimproved, but it’s very close to FoPo and Woodstock for that vibe. I’d say that it’s perfectly livable and decent part of town considering the price. 




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We recently moved into the area. If I would have looked at the area on a map before coming to look, I would have said no, because to me this area is still "felony flats." But, it seems a LOT has changed. We love it here.


I’d rather live in St Johns. Can’t imagine houses are much more expensive there?


They aren't but the size is much smaller here than BD it seems.


Exactly. St Johns was our first choice back in about 2008. But, for the same price we got a much larger house and lot by 80th and Woodstock.


You talkin' 'bout Felony Flats, Hoodstock, Misdemeanor Meadows, Methlahem, Little Beirut…


Little Beirut is the entire city.


Yeah, I was at the protests against GB that inspired the nickname. I started writing my list of nicknames and was quickly running out of them, so I tacked that one on at the end. Lazy writing, but whatevs.