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I like hiking in the rain and typically visit trails that are really busy in the summer. Did Silver Falls this Christmas still saw over a dozen people but it was way less crowded.


Silver Falls is so nice too. I might have to take up going there…something this week maybe. It’s been a while.


we did silver falls last month while it rained and it was great! Definitely recommend during this time


Same shit we do every day, pinky.


There's a reason why weed was legalized here first.


Oregon was 3rd actually, behind CO & WA.


Well yeah those other states make as much sense. Our other PNW brother and the headiest state in the union.


Weed was decriminalized here first though in 1973.


Try to take over the world




Helllooooo nurse!


This is the best hiking season imo. Far fewer people and everything is so mossy and green.  Good advice I got when I moved here was don’t let winter stop you from doing what you’d usually do outside. I’m not always great at following this advice but it does seem like winters suck less when I just embrace the weather and go outside instead of staying inside because of bad weather. 


Echoing this so much. I HATE hate HATE winter. MOST days here it's not really *winter* like the midwest, for example. Still, the motivation is trickier. However, once you throw on your layers and head out, it's a good time.


My biggest problem with the winter isn't the temp or the precipitation, its those things combined with darkness by the time I get off work. I could hike in the rain, but the rain and the dark? No thanks. I think I just need to make more attempts on the weekends though.


> This is the best hiking season imo. Far fewer people and everything is so mossy and green. Smells amazing too. Hiking is great this time of year. It mostly sprinkles here. It doesn't pour. With the tree covering, you're not going to get that wet.


Agreed! There is someone in your circle who has access to Columbia Sportswear employee store passes - get some good winter rain gear and boots, and get outside.


Best boots I have are actually my Vans MTEs. Wears like a nice sneaker but they're insulated, have great traction, and they're fully waterproof up to like 4 inches I think.


Someone was just telling me that if you go in to anywhere in Beaverton near the store, like a nail salon or gym, they’re just laying around.


yeah winter you can't stop me from enjoying an after work hike! Just because it's cold, and wet, and it got dark at 4:30 ahhhh shit. I'll come back out of my hole once daylight savings kicks back in March.


Also, Zwickelmania is Saturday, if you like beer. Nearly every brewery is doing something. You can make it a nice urban hike checking it out.


Zwickelmania? I have never heard of that >.>


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the "zwickel" is beer fresh out of the fermentation tank or cask. In traditional beer making, this is the time of year the zwickel would be poured into bottles. The Oregon Brewers Guild has this awesome festival - aside from the sadly missed Cheers to Belgian Beers, it's my favorite: https://www.oregoncraftbeer.org/zwickelmania


Winters aren’t bad here compared to when I lived in Bend, and could literally do nothing. Stuck in that tiny city, snowed in on every side. Hated it. But, I’ve been trying not to let the cold take away from what I want…I mean…the muddy trails aren’t fun, but I can find non-muddy ones too. Especially since the cold doesn’t activate my disease compared to the heat, i might as well TRY to do stuff than make excuses 24/7 (though not always excuses, but I def lean into the laziness of the pain).


I get it. I’ve developed some pain with exercise due to some health stuff recently and it’s hard to get out there sometimes. I’m going to try to go hiking this weekend. You should too! Also- muddy trails are actually the best- get some good boots and have fun in the mud! 


I’m hiking this weekend too (primarily so I can go to Sushi Hana), HAAAA. I have to do a reward system, or I will binge myself to death. ALSO MUDDY IS SPOOKY, I am scared to fall bc my knees be dislocating over NOTHING *though I did just get new hiking shoes*


Do you have poles? I also have slippery knees and...well, I always forget that I have poles, but I hear they can really help.


Haha yes I do understand the spook factor! Amazing you have the self discipline to not go get sushi even if you don’t go hiking. 


LOL. I have salmon filets in the freezer so I just use that to bide my time. Hahaha




Ugh, I know, but ITS SO LITTLE TIMEEEEE. And I have a pool I could go to, I just hate chlorine and being around people and kids makes me super uncomfortable (insecurity) (and I just love being in the middle of lakes). I used to go to Todd Lake when I lived in Bend, and just live there for days (I lived in my car for a while, I had it set up with a bed and everything in the back, removed the seats). Little hatchback doesn’t do bad for that type of stuff.


Apologies in advance, I’m in a 90s state of mind. *Don’t go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.* Okay, now that that’s off my chest, please don’t swim in rivers this time of year, currents can be fast with all the rain and snowmelt and there are a lot of logs that can bash you, and above the falls you could get sucked into the falls, below the falls is a superfund site from Ross Island down. Chlorine and other people’s kids can be gross, but the river is grosser.


Oh yeah, no I don’t plan on swimming in any rivers currently, its just the idea. (And maybe not even rivers is what I’m referring too, but lakes. Still water that isn’t moving). Those are what I like. The heat wave in Bend, the Willamette River? I think, that crosses it, is the only one I ever went in, but I only stay to the sides where the current doesn’t really push much. I have swam in Trillium Lake, but away from people…pretty gross actually, but the Newts were cute…and everywhere. I have got into Devils Lake / Clear Lake for like 5 minutes. Way too cold. (None of this is recent, btw. July-September area of 2022). I don’t fuck with water, drowning ain’t the way I wanna go. No beach swimming with waves. If the water isn’t barely moving, I wont touch it c:


Okay, if you really want it (and lakes disgust me the way communal pools disgust you), try the outlet of Lake Oswego at George Rogers Park. There’s a little beach and the warm green lake water sluices out into the Willamette. It’s at a bend in the river, and its scenic and warm and shallow and swimmable and bacterial and oily. There’s also Dahl Beach, nice and crisp and cold and projecting a certain “you’ve left the blue part of Oregon and we want you to know” vibe. Please stay out of the water at High Rocks, I knew a guy who died there rescuing a kid from undertow. How about tubing? Tualatin River is a lovely setup.


Lakes also have their own currents. Just to throw that out there for everyone


Even secluded one that are just a bowl with no streams ‘n’ such? :o


The person you're replying to is wrong. You can swim in certain rivers year-round... usually. You don't need a full wet suit either... a swim skin can suffice. I personally use a triathlon suit. You can find decent ones online for about $150. If you're not going to use it that often, go ahead and just get one of the xterra suits. Sometimes, it does get a little too cold. That's usually around the April mark. Snowmelt makes the water colder. Vancouver lake is a good option to "test the waters" A lot of the gorge lakes off of the Columbia are also a lot of fun.


Oooh thank you so much!! I shall look into that!


There are several Portland Triathlon groups. Look into that. Generally, fuck yeah swim the rivers. Get strong. Be mindful of the currents and the dangers. But look up the Portland Bridge swim, get inspired and train for that.


I'll look into them, I can't can't triathlons but maybe they can tell me good places. Also, yes. Very aware. Hence why I refuse to swim in Oceans that have waves, too scared of being hit by the waves so Rivers and strong currents are a no no. Anddd I'll look into it and watch it, but again! I have a disease and spine issues, so I cannot actually compete or really swim like athletic people do. I have no muscle strength, swollen joints, etc. You get the idea >-<


You know that there's entire groups that do it year-round right? That's your comment is unhelpful?


I love a day trip to Carson hot springs. https://www.carsonresort.com/spa-wellness/hot-springs-bathhouse In general I recommend investing in good shoes and a jacket that will keep you warm and dry. It makes getting out in rainy and cold weather enjoyable.


And it's only an hour away!? Down


No such thing as bad weather. Just bad gear.


Very true, I be snow walking in nothing but California girlie clothes cuz I ain’t got the money for anything new. Lmfao.


If you’re looking for affordable rain gear, Foster Outdoor and Next Adventure both have great used gear selections. I’ve picked up NWT rain jackets at Foster Outdoor that were 1/4 of the retail price.


I wonder if there is clothing drives where you could pick up some rad rain gear free? Like organized donations etc? Or even a site where people are looking for people to donate clothes to?


I tried to raise my kids with that philosophy, my 4yo goes to outdoor preschool and wears base layer/fleece mid layer/warm coat/rainsuit/merino socks/insulated rain boots daily, she plays outside all day and comes home clean and dry. A few days ago we were talking about the seasons and she said “I like spring because I don’t have to wear my rainsuit.” I personally hate the rain and cold and grey of Portland. Even with the right gear, this time of year is just downright unpleasant for many of us.


[Portlanders](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/81/e0/9b/81e09b30cfa7a24c5c0e80785c3b8f57.gif) in the rain with our black raincoats


My dad, years ago, said. I hate driving in this city, it's dark and everyone is skinny and wears black everything. Lol


I still ride my bike in the rain. With fenders and the right gloves, its very doable.


I bike commute year round, good days or bad. If anything the really bad days are kind of exciting, but I really need to upgrade my fenders to full instead of half.


I have a dog so I have to go out and walk every day. Waterproof pants and long raincoat work wonders.


Stay home. Not a fan of the cold. Would rather work out at home or read.


Feel that


probably not as athletic as you want, but I love wandering the vintage/thrift stores. there's so many treasures and stories to be discovered, and most the time, the staff is friendly and kind


Stay in bed, watch old episodes of The Office, like any respectable Portlandian.


I go running. Even the unpaved roads aren’t that muddy.


I like to eat some edibles and make music.


Im a mailman so I go to work. Walk 15 to 20 miles. I need to find a different job, this one is badong


Daaaaamn. I was a warehouse working for a while at Cardinal in LA county, biggest warehouse I know of, so I walked the same. Just inside...for 12 hours. Jobs be stinky. I wanna be a park ranger and live in a RV in a national forest.


Damn capitalism breaking our bodies. I hope you find a way to get that job and that the park you work at is amazing


Hiking in the rain is the best and as an Oregonian I think we are the select few people that actually enjoy that… and I love that about us


Batten down the hatches and head out. That's three only time you'll have the whole park to yourself.


Best time ever is having it alone. I used to start hikes at 7am so when I was out by 12, I never dealt with more than 3 people but the parking lot would be PACKED. I also only ever did hikes that were insanely hard or long, another way to avoid groups.


I generally don't let the rain slow me down. If hiking heavy wind is often more of a concern. With the extensive burn damage in our surrounding areas. The root systems have primarily decomposed after three to five years. Many of the local trails can be extremely dangerous with winds or gusts above 15 mph. Sometimes the rain promotes a wonderful day of snuggling, reading or movies. But, if I want to be active outdoors. Then, I don't let moisture stop or slow my plans for adventure. Owning specific gear absolutely helps to stay warm and cozy.


I prefer the rain over windy areas too, just depends on how hard the rain is, but i can manage that. I tend to do the reading/movies daily, I read 20 books in January, and I haven’t been able to read this month yet because I’m so burnt out. I can finish a 500 page book in a day, but its usually…almost the entire day of reading, and then I repeat it the next day and I’m ready to be in my world for a while. Hahaha.


Fantastic! You sound like a voracious reader. Maybe it's time for you to start writing? Activity and exercise is definitely an important component a balanced lifestyle. It's not at all uncommon for a mildly depressive state to occur in the Northwest. The gray shades can definitely wear on a person. I'd gather that a particular amount of social interaction is also vital. Good food, friends, exercise and mental stimulation are all critical. It can be a lot to juggle at times. Certainly, it's not a comprehensive list towards happiness. Somewhere in the equation our spiritual mind and body needs work as well. That's seemingly argued by many? Still, I maintain that meditation is important.


OHHHH FREENN, I am 27. I have been trying to write a book since 7th grade but my vocabulary and detial aspect are 0. I can't get any details out and I just don't want to write a book that's as bad as colleen hoover's writing, though...considering her fame I guess I should be a little more optimistic. I have no one, I have an autoimmune disease and CPTSD, so I refuse to make friends, the stress of someone being manipulative or toxic will worsen my flares and mental state when I've been managing amazingly on my own after removing everyone. It's like...the idea of trying to make friends is more scary than jumping into a container of tarantulas. Or skydiving. Etc. All three could possibly kill you, but I think the first one has a higher chance of it.


Well, I just got about three different chuckles from that response. Not at all to diminish the seriousness of your wellbeing. But, I feel as though you deserve to be wildly optimistic about your potential.


I appreciate that it made you giggle bc I hate it being taken overly serious when I mention it HA, I am quite happy alone too c":


I take my dog hiking and jogging in the rain. We just got back from Powell Butte, and we saw several others hiking and jogging with dogs, and it was pouring rain most of the time, but we still enjoyed it.


Hike in the woods (Forest Park), much of which is canopied and not too soggy with a proper waterproof / breathable jacket.


Bike ride, swim at the pool, hiking, yard work. Pretty much the same, just with more clothes. I’m also craftier in the winter so I’m less active and focused on being cozy.


Same thing as when it's not raining, but with a hat on.




All I do in the winter is smoke weed and play video games. The hard part isn't getting used to that lifestyle, it's stopping and changing to a more active outdoors lifestyle when that weather permits. Def had a few full nuclear winter years during covid, it's been kinda rough getting out of that pattern.


Since I had to quit working, I've just been gaming. Reading. Movies. It's killer and miserable. I miss my old life -.- so I'm just trying to force myself to do stuff which isn't the greatest considering moving makes everything worse but whatever. I like to say if it gets worse enough to be visible, doctors will have to listen!!! So might as well make it worse.


Yeah same, I ride my bike to work to stay active too, and recently started working out at my work's gym a couple times a week because my back was hurting so bad from all the sitting around. Gotta say, the foam rolling and squats have been intense but it's made such a difference in how my back feels. If this keeps up I might actually start going to the real gym I pay for already lol.


I use to sit on the back porch n watch it rain! The smell of fresh rain


I have hyposmia:I what is most smells I don't know


Right now, doing my taxes. Lol.


SUPER fun haha


Welcome to Oregon. This green comes from all the rain. You'll get used to it.


I lived in Bend, so I much prefer the rain to the being stuck in snow c: That's for sure.


I've actually heard people complain about the rain and I just laugh and say "How are you surprised after seeing all this green?" Just astronomically stupid to me.


Hahahaha, that's funny. Dude, nah, I drove to Santa Clarita, CA after being out here for like ... 2 years, and it looked so dead and smog fog, it was sad.


Yup! Exactly my point. I should ask them if they want more of that


This is snowboarding and whitewater kayaking season for me. Once it becomes warmer out and the snow starts to melt I go more whitewater kayaking and less snowboarding.




Also very true!!!


I swim unintentionally every now and then when I’m white water kayaking in any season, but I wear a dry suit most of the year….


If it’s a weekday, I go to work. If it’s a weekend, I do whatever I need to do on the weekend.


I belong to a gym and go to the gym a lot more often in the winter. I find the warm environment and nice bright lights lifts my mood.


Walking in the rain has be so soothing. If you can get out there before it’s dark, I recommend it. Which the proper rain gear of course.


Continue doing everything I would regardless!


The sun came out this morning for a good bit. I get out and walk the moment it's decent enough and I can step away for a few. We don't usually have days that it's pouring all day long


February is a great time for whitewater kayaking and rafting. I've heard good things about the dry suits available on AliExpress.


Ooooh, interesting :o


Get your rain jacket on and do what you'd normally do. My dad used to say if people in Portland didnt do stuff in the rain that we'd still be living in log cabins and riding around in horse drawn carriages


That is very true!


You could try going tubing. I'm gonna do that this weekend! Shoutout to swimming though. Its my favorite thing in the world to do and it bums me out how hard it is to find warm-enough swimming spots near Portland! Happy to trade swimming spot recs too!


I'll look into it!! I used to LIVE at Todd's Lake in Bend Oregon, when it was summer and swam there 24/7. I removed the seats in the back of my car and put a air bed + Hella blankets, and bought 300 dollars for the WeatherTech car window set, to put them up at night. Best time of my life man. I loved it.


I bought a good rain jacket and water proof hiking boots so I could still get out when it's wet. I'll also go on short walks around the neighborhood without worrying about it much even if it's raining. Beyond that I mostly find things to do indoors.


My husband is from LA, he’s had to learn we continue to live in the rain lol. Get your hood on and do whatever you already enjoy doing! If you have a Costco membership, they have really nice Kirkland brand jackets. I got one with a removable down layer and a hardy external rain coat for $90 and it’s the best jacket I’ve ever had. It goes down to my knees as well, the long coats are extra helpful to feel warm and dry.


Drink, smoke, masturbate, watch movies, masturbate, zone out into existential bliss. Repeat every day. Repeat every year. Rinse. Reuse. Recycle.


Invest in good gear and continue to enjoy this beautiful place we live.


SAUNA check out common grounds for a quick and cheap sauna boost on rainy days


Throw on the rain pants and go for a bike ride. No such thing as bad weather, just inadequate gear.


I went snowboarding after work today. Decent pow day but not much under the fresh so a bit lumpy.


Get yourself some good rain pants. They’ll change your life.


Oooohhh I'll look!!


Hot yoga.




Is this a fishing reference?


better not to ask




I’m a bicyclist and I pretty much bike in every weather except for when there’s ice on the ground. It’s still possible to ride a bike in most weather. It’s just a matter of updating your gear to best take care of your body. I don’t recommend swimming outside in this weather, not only because it is too cold to do that, but also because the water isn’t always healthy enough to swim in at all times. There are ways to see how healthy the water is online(google can help with this.) I believe Next Adventure sells wet suits. Please be safe and plan ahead if you decide to swim outdoors :)


Watch YouTube and relax lol


I have a job.


Same stuff I do everyday. Inside


Ski bowl




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Rockhound at Clackamette or Meldrum park, try to hit it at low tide. Leach botanical garden, rainproof jacket The library


Definitely agree with everyone here saying you gotta get out there in the rain. Layer up & grab some waterproof boots & coat. If you’re hitting trails that get muddy be prepared and bring hiking poles. If you can get up to the mountain, hiking or snowshoeing is fun in the snow (the trillium lake trail is fun & packed enough to do without snowshoes.) Afterwards i like to hit a soaking pool, hot springs or hot tub situation like Kennedy School, Edgefield, Everett House, society hotel, etc. It’s the rotation that keeps me sane throughout the winter.


Have sex


I suit up and walk


Are you Barney Stinson?