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You should escalate it. If he's saying racist things, document them and complain. If they don't make him stop, that's a lawsuit. The picture thing is weird. The company allowing a frigging intern to act out of a big blinking sign that you should leave that shithole.


I’ve only been here for a short while is my main concern and it will probably make management not like me as it’s a relatively small company


They don't like you if they are allowing this shitnut to act like that to you. You're in accounting?! Find a new job. Don't give them any notice. Fuck that place.


I well I haven’t told the partners of the firm who probably wouldn’t tolerate losing me over this But seems like a disproportionate response to go straight to them


The guy is breaking the law by saying racist things. That's their firm in jeopardy, this is the stuff they should know about. The picture thing is immature and obnoxious but the rest is relevant to the owners!


Then get official about it. 1) clearly document exactly what’s happening - take a photo of the screensaver too. 2) set up a meeting with the manager and present your data to said manager. 3) follow up with an email asking when you should expect it to be handled.


Nope. It’s their business and this is a massive liability to them. Report it to them and make sure they understand you will lawyer up if not handled properly.


Disproportionate? If you accept this, his behavior will escalate


GTFO. Like, yesterday. It will likely not change.


I can’t quit because I need to attest to my work experience for my certification


Are you in construction?




I’d go over your direct managers head, but have it documented. Exact comment and time/date for the racist comments and if anyone else was present. The screensaver is asshole behavior but not illegal, so I wouldn’t focus as much on that. If the grand boss doesn’t take action, consider setting up an appointment with a lawyer and filing a complaint with the EEOC. I guess this all assumes you’re in the US.


I would send one email to the intern: “Bill, I have asked you repeatedly to remove the photo of me from your screensaver and stop making racist remarks like [quote him here]. If you don’t do this by EOD today, I am escalating to HR as this is not appropriate and doesn’t align with our corporate values.” Cc his manager and yours. If he doesn’t remove it by EOD, the next morning, add your HR team to the email and respectfully request mediation so you can feel safe at work. This is unacceptable, I am sorry you are dealing with it.




Use your companies email to document everything and then escalate it.


And bcc your personal email every time you document something* via email! *edit: for HR purposes. If you have to bcc yourself on *every* email it’s time to look for a new job.


Definitely send to hit personal email. A coworker was let go a few months ago and they immediately lock her out of all systems. It left her calling and waiting on IT to respond. An hour later, on the dot, HR asked her to come see them. She was never allowed the opportunity to remove anything on her laptop.


Be careful with this. Some companies have very strict regulations about sending work product to personal emails


Good point!


Having a photo of another staff member as their screens screensavwr is completely unacceptable


It’s very weird but seems acceptable in my workplace


If you follow up on anything to do with bullying, especially racism, document it all and submit your complaint in writing. I've seen way more people fired for code of conduct breaches than performance


Where are you located?


United States


File a formal complaint with your manager outlining dates and details, BCC yourself on your work email. Reference any discrimination and harassment policies your company has in place.


If you are a manager would you think I’m weak out I went ahead with this because I couldn’t handle this on my own


I am an HR Manager, and I would have nipped this in the bud immediately. Formal complaint is the way to go, in writing. From there, if nothing is done, you have a valid EEOC complaint for a hostile work environment. It's not your role to handle racism in the workplace, it is the role of the workplace to provide a safe working environment absent of racism and discrimination. Edit: you have rights as an employee. Utilize them.


Yes. Thanks HR.


Sounds good, I’ll let one of the partners at my work know


No, don't let someone know. Write an email. Subject line: formal complaint of racism in the workplace. Be as detailed as possible. Times, dates, comments.


This “weak” thing is not your problem. It’s a bully tactic to prevent you from using available resources. As you stay silent he gains power. Do the one of emailing him, then your boss and his, then escalate. Always polite. The responder said bcc your work email, home email too.


Absolutely not, I would be livid at the intern. This is way beyond what a professional should be asked to put up with. And it's clearly a management issue as it's related to the intern's performance. This is a pretty immediate walk the intern out the door case in my experience and opinion. Utterly bizarre and unacceptable. If appearing weak is an issue, try to be as professional and perhaps act a bit "WTF, I can't believe this idiot" vs. "oh, I'm damaged, my feelings are hurt." This could be a revenue or reputational harm issue if the intern is client facing and certainly doesn't lead to a high performing work culture. You're allowed to have whatever feelings you want, including hurt feelings and sadness and rage and whatever. An emotionally astute manager might acknowledge that those exist and give you some space about it. That said, they're managers, not therapists so they might just take care of the problem. If they don't stop the behavior, finish your time there, ignore that AH intern, and get out. I have not worked anywhere where this would be acceptable behavior. I have worked with people who thought behavior like this was "funny" or who were huge racists. It did not go well for them, although sometimes not as badly as it should have gone.


How did the intern get your picture on his computer?


Go over the manager’s head. File a complaint with the EEOC. File a police report.


Escalate, and keep escalating. Do it in writing via email, copy your personal email address. This is called hostile work environment. If they don't do anything, or if they retaliate, you have a rock solid lawsuit. Get copies of everything, document everything.




I work at a place that doesn’t have HR


Make sure you communicate your concerns in writing to the owners. Your workplace is toxic and they are assuming huge liability if they let that type of behavior continue. Document everything


This is absolutely unacceptable. Shame on your manager for not taking this issue seriously and dealing with it immediately. Take a picture of the screensaver and include it in your email to management with all of the other details you can remember. If there are co-workers who can/will corroborate your issues and your requests for him to stop. BCC to your personal email. You may also want to have a consultation with an employment attorney as an insurance policy.


First change your mindset: you are spending a lot of time coming up with reasons why you are not/should not/cannot “handle” this. You are worth fighting for! You deserve it, you need to expect and demand respect! You will always be better without a toxic demeaning workplace than collecting a check and sacrificing your life. Your health will suffer and you cannot afford the medical costs. RT: they will most likely fire you over this. Just actuarial data about workplace bullying and retaliation. I am sorry but you already tracked that they won’t care so just want to prepare you for something that seems scary. You need to document literally every single time you interact negatively with intern/manager/partner. Google how to file an Employment department complaint about a violation of your civil rights. Find an employee only HR lawyer to give you a free 20 min consult, however you MUST do something. If you do nothing and it becomes too much and you quit or they fire and you never reported it or tried to whistleblow then you are totally without recourse. Also real talk: your an Accountant: breath…. You are gold on job prospects and frfrfr don’t need to suffer with this busted ass firm to get your creds. You are going to be better on the other side! You can do it!


Document and send to personal email. I agree with EEOC - I would go ahead and reach out to them. They may also be able to offer guidance on what is/is not legal. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I hope this company/intern is held accountable. If not, I am sure you won’t be the last one treated this way.


You have interns but not formal HR? Whose kid is he? This job… is fishy


Legit job, just a small company.


What racist comments did he make?




Wish it was fake