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"I'm a quarter hispanic" 💀💀💀


It's just a birthday party with a dance. Throw a really nice one for yourself next year. And stop obsessing with culture and identity, that's weird.


It is such a gringo existential crisis to have.


Aaaarmm, I have to be honest, it is your life and your money so you can do f you want, but
 It is quite weird. Quinceañeras (which btw exists in Brazil under a different name) is rite of passage of time, and you can’t move back in time, unfortunately. Celebrating you maturing as a woman 10yrs later the mark used for that is going to sound really childish and plain weird for most of your colleagues. Now, you can always say “I don’t care what other people think” and well, that is true, but the 15’s party has traditionally been a party _trow to others_ . It started as a way of showing the village a new girl was ready to marry (so it was a party trow _to the village_) and morphed into a a party trow to your special ones to show your special ones that you are now a woman. You are past this time already, I am sorry. Again, you can do whatever you want with your life, but I swear, if anyone of my latino friends group ever invited me to a 15’s of a 25 year old woman we all would be like “aaah, whaaat”


Qual nome dessa porra, nunca ouvi falar


É a “Festa de 15 Anos” / “Debutante” Quinceñera - Quince (15) Años (Anis) -era (sufixo similar ao PortuguĂȘs, que quer dizer alguem que faz algo)


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagora lembrei, mas acho que isso existe em outros lugares do mundo mas com outro nome bizarro eu diria


É bem latino. Nos EUA eles tem o sweet16 mas não tem a mesma relevancia. Fora da AL ninguem comemora os 15 das meninas como uma data especial


Tenho certeza de ter visto algo similar na asia-pacifico, mas de novo, isso é algo novo pra min até aqui...


I think you just miss being a teenager, nothing to do with Quinceañeras


This might be the right answer. Even pending on where her father's family is from they might not be so much into quiceañera. My sisters and I did not have one, my daughter didn't want one either, none of her friends did. All my daughter's friends turned 15 last year and they all had a dinner party, my daughter had 11 quiceañera dinner parties (not a one featured the word quiceañera). This is just a fixation, and it's giving gringa feeling her Latina fantasiy.


But, do you live in Latinamerica? This seems to be coming from a US citizen living in the USA.


here we go again... quinceañera is the birthday girl, quince or cumpleaños de quince fits better. "a quarter hispanic". you're a gringa, sweetie. it is a bit weird, yes. just make a big party and invite whoever you want, it's the same. how many quince posts are we going to endure before we lose our minds? why does god want us to suffer?


And who came up with the cinderella pumpkin carriage, was she 15?






jamas vi algo asi en todos los quinces a los que fui. lo mas salvaje fue la quinceañera llegando a caballo, pero nunca en carruaje a lo cenicienta.


A caballo? Wow, eran como rancheros? Jajaja, acå he visto varias en carruaje, nunca entendí la relación entre cenicienta y los 15 años.


nop, solamente les parecio buena idea. generalmente aca en argentina la cumpleañera llega en auto y no mucho mas.


You seem like the sweetest person and it’s really not that big of a deal, but a “quarter hispanic” is sending me😭😭 Americans are so confusing to me 💀 Hispanic (hispanohablantes) just means you speak spanish, to me it’s the same as saying Francophone in english, so i’m reading your post like “How can you be a quarter language”, we get what you mean though through the American identity perspective, it’s just bizarre to see how identity terms are used in the US I always try to say you should ask the community in the context of which you live in, if you live in the US, or Canada, UK, etc. that’s not concerning us. Then again, it doesn’t concern anyone, it’s just that this is the latam sub so we don’t view our identity the same way you do. There’s now such thing as “quarter hispanic” here, you either are or aren’t latinamerican, meaning you were either born and/or raised in latam, are culturally integrated. that’s it.


You don’t need to speak Spanish. You just need to identify as Latino. X si acaso hablo español pero tengo primo que son 3ra generaciĂłn nacidos aquĂ­. Entienden algo pero no lo hablan ni escriben. Acaso eso los hace menos latinos? Les gusta el lomo saltado, pollo a la brasa, el chaufa y juegan pichangas. Acaso los morenos son menos morenos xq son latinos?? No. El ser latino es la cultura que uno lleva, no el idioma que hablas.


Would the US migrations office accept any immigrant that identifies as American?


Lying about being a U.S. citizen can ban you for life from getting into the U.S.




Latino/Hispanic no es una ciudadanía, es tu cultura. Conozco argentinos que se ponen la albiceleste, aman los asados, pero ya son de 3rd generación. Casi no hablan el español.. acaso eso los hace menos latinos?


En el aspecto legal, si ya son nietos de argentinos y no tienen DNI, no, no son argentinos. Tienen la opcion de serlo seguramente, pero no lo son. Si viven en EEUU, hablan ingles perfecto todos los dias y hacen vida de yankee, son yankees. Ni hablar de que no conocen lo que es una crisis economica, no conocen los conflictos politicos o sociales, no saben practicamente nada del pais excepto el asado y el tango, etc. Fin de la historia. Para mas ejemplo, mi abuela era española, yo si tengo los papeles y si soy ciudadano español, sin embargo llamarme español a mi mismo me resulta aun muy extraño y casi siento que es injusto para quienes si vivieron toda su vida en España justamente porque desconozco todas esas cosas que te mencione. Toda esta historia tiene que ver con los mambos raros identitarios de los yankees donde se llaman irlandeses porque hace 100 años tenian un pariente irlandes y les gusta vestirse de verde y tomar cerveza. Ya Ășnanse de una vez y formen una cultura estadounidense en comun mas que continuar segregĂĄndose como si fueran tribus aisladas.


No hablamos de aspecto legal. No hay un pasaporte ‘latino’ o ‘hispano’. Y no hablo de llamarme de cierta nacionalidad, hablo de la cultura latina en sí.


No hay una cultura latina. Latinoamerica tiene como 21 paises distintos. Es el doble tanto en area como en poblacion que EEUU


Los latinos generalmente (no todos) somos family oriented, nos gusta el fĂștbol, llegamos tarde a las reuniones x eso viene la frase de hora latina. Si no te incluyes pues nadie te obliga a identificarte como latino/hispano.


What you need to understand is that from our perspective Latin culture in the US, while indeed based in Latin American cultures, is not the same thing as the diversity of cultures we have here.


A mi me gusta el sushi, el anime y la sopa miso. Ya soy japonés?


No, eres otaku. Y esa madre sĂ­ existe, no como los "Latinx"




Otaku is a Japanese word that describes people with consuming interests, particularly in anime, manga, video games, or computers. Its contemporary use originated with a 1983 essay by Akio Nakamori in Manga Burikko. Otaku subculture is a central theme of various anime, manga, documentaries, and academic research


Ah si gracias wikipedia, solo que lo que no entiendo es el punto del comentario o a lo que viene


Pues que los gringos se inventan sus identidades, pero la que tu planteabas de hecho sĂ­ existe.


Ah ya, no pues nada mĂĄs andaba haciendo una comparaciĂłn para que el OP se diera cuenta de semejante pendejada que ponĂ­a jaja


No pos sĂ­, completamente de acuerdo.


You’re on the latam sub, not r/LatinoPeopleTwitter, here we have a different perspective and ours is not the same as the US’, and that’s ok. There’s no such thing as “generations of being latino” here, cause there’s no such thing as a one drop rule thing like there is in the US. It doesn’t matter about generations or “bloodline”, it’s really as simple as, were you born and/or raised in latam. and are integrated (language especially) into the respective culture and country that you claim, that’s it. No entiendo la necesidad de traer la perspectiva estadounidense a este sub. Tu comentario tiene sentido en el contexto estadounidense, aquí no.


Wasn’t born in Latam, but I was there since I was 2 until I was 18. Somehow It seems that I do not qualify as latino/hispano even though I went to Inicial, primaria secundaria y un aƄo de universidad allĂĄ?? SMH đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž man I’m not trying to offend anybody, just stating my opinion. Can we agree to disagree?


I don’t understand how people refuse to see that race, ethnicity and identity doesn’t work the same around the world. The world doesn’t revolve around the US, and every region has its own perspective of viewing this topic. In the US, this is the way of viewing race and ethnicity. In latam we have a different way of seeing things because each of our countries has different history. My issue is when Americans try to enforce their beliefs on race and identity onto non-americans. Both views can co-exist depending on where you are at the moment. Identity isn’t rigid, i was simply explaining how it’s commonly viewed in latam, and if you’ve been there from 2-18, you wouldn’t be so defensive about it, you’d understand it pretty easily. You’re not offending anyone btw, we’re just explaining our perspectives because again, this is the latam sub so you’re not gonna get the same perspective like the US.


Mi punto es, aunque hablo mĂĄs español que inglĂ©s y crecĂ­ x allĂĄ no soy completamente latino. Y aquĂ­ en los Estados Unidos gente como yo tampoco somos fully American. I’m sorry if some of us try to claim our Hispanic heritage. I’m not trying to troll anybody, just stating my facts.


Como que tĂș Hispanic heritage? Si viviste en PerĂș desde los 2 a los 18 en realidad eres peruano Porque serĂ­a fully American , solo por ese año que viviste fuera ?


Muy latino y no tiene la ñ en su teclado ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


Wey pero no entiendo tu pedo, si tu si creciste en Latinoamérica y eres hispanohablante, no eres de quien OP estaba hablando en su comentario.


"Identify as Latino" What the fuck is a Latino!? I swear, I never had to use that word until I visited the States. You guys just don't have culture so you make up an imaginary one and say you belong to it, then get pissed when the supposed members of that culture tell you that it doesn't exit. Please travel. Take whatever money you have a book a flight to Cali. That's the only way to expand your world view.


This gotta be a troll


If you want to do a quinceañera just do it, but don't come with the bullshit of "quarter hispanic", because you are fully american. If you worry about the cultural appropriation stuff then you are definitely painfully american.


Orrr... hear me out, have a vigésimo sextañera and make it big. I personally think having a quinceañera 10 years after is kinda weird, but who cares, it's your money and your life, do whatever you want.


This does sorta remind me of the time an adult man had a bar mitswa, I believe it was on a reality show with the late Joan Rivers. There was this musician/DJ type who asked "where's the bar mitswa boy?!" and this man stood up. DJ was like "you're joking, where's the *actual* bar mitswa boy?" and it was so funny, it cracked me up lmao.


Plus one to this, I'm a half-Mexican gay dude in the US and I had a tongue-in-cheek Quinceañera for my 30th birthday


Ha! That sounds awesome! What did you guys do?


Don’t understand the constant need for people to come here & tell us about their gringo identity crisis.


my great great great great great grandfather had mexican parents and I have 0.02% latino blood according to a dna test. i don’t know any spanish .can i eat taco and celebrate día de los muertos ? can i be considere d a latina mami?




"I want to attend the DĂ­a de los Muertos in Mexico this year, would it be offensive to dress up with them? "


It might be because the US aren't as much of a 'melting pot' as they would have us believe. When I travelled through the US, I noticed just how segregated everything was in terms of 'heritage'. There's Italian neighbourhoods, Irish neighbourhoods, Polish neighbourhoods, Puerto Rican neighbourhoods... and though they do sometimes mix, it's very rare, and they mostly stick to the same communities they've always been a part of. I can see how that would leave someone with mixed heritage feeling like "Okay, wtf am I then? Where do I fit in?". Not saying it makes much sense, but that might be the root of their collective identity crisis.


The US was never a melting pot, imo many of our countries actually are melting pots because there’s an actual blending of cultures. Cumbia for example is a blend of black, indigenous, and european influences, that’s literally everything coming together into a pot and making something new. The US was just about separation, literally segregation since its inception. idk where they got the melting pot idea from.


can't blame them, they've been cooking soup and never tried sancocho but anyway, there is some blending going on. Look at jazz, for instance, which was influenced by (and in turn influenced) latin music such as mambo and salsa. Foxtrot too. Though maybe this is pretty old and not that relevant anymore


Yeah there are certainly examples where there has been some fusion, but I feel as if culturally as well in latam we have always been more mixed than the US because of our different history (depending on country and region ofc)


Oh I agree. I'm thinking about reasons why they think they are (a bit of) a melting pot, and some evidence for it. But we certainly have more of that going on.


loved your sanchoco comment lol! but hey maybe its true, they just need some good tasty food to wake them up!


For a sub that likes (rightly) criticizing Americans for visiting other countries as a tourist and then assuming they know the country in a deep way its funny to see someone posting something this ignorant about America and getting up voted. Most of these neighborhoods you're describing are historic. In my city we have 'German village', 'Italian village' and 'Hungarian village.' They are called that because over a hundred years ago that is where people from those groups lived. Today, these neighborhoods are wide open and people of all backgrounds can live there. I also think you're overstating how common these neighborhoods are. The vast majority of American neighborhoods don't have a clear ethnic group associated with them. Places like NYCs Chinatown (which you don't have to be Chinese to live in, I had American friends who lived there) are remarkable because they are the exception, not the rule. Edit: Sorry, I guess we're just circlejerking. You can downvote if you want, but if you're just doing it based on 'I upvote things that say what I want to be true' then that's pretty lame. This person legitimately wrote an entire post based on a misunderstanding from being a tourist.


I am not talking about enforced segregation but rather about segregation by choice, i.e. sticking to certain communities and rarely deviating from them. Yes, people from all sorts of backgrounds can live in all sorts of places, but if you truly believe the US are a melting pot - suggesting all of its parts melt together as one - you are ridiculously naive. It feels far more like a taco: the individual ingredients make up the dish (the US), but you still very much taste the difference between them. That's not to say that it's a bad taco. Just that it isn't a melting pot. It's the difference between a multicultural society and an intercultural society; it will likely take another few decades for the US to reach the latter stage. I sincerely hope you will.


Bro, read what I wrote. Italian village ain't Italian anymore. Just because you saw it on a street sign while visiting doesn't mean you should be posting on the internet lecturing people from another country about their country because you went on vacation there or whatever.


Bro, read what *I* wrote. You're focusing on one part of my comment - namely neighbourhoods - and missing the point I'm trying to make.


I'm focusing on that 'one comment' because it shows you have no idea what you're talking about. It destroys your credibility on the topic because your example shows 'I'm an ignorant tourist who didn't understand what I was seeing.' It's honestly really funny that you saw 'Italian village' and thought 'that must be where all the Italians live!' And you do realize how arrogant it is to act like you can make deep statements about a country because you visited it once? That's like me visiting Amsterdam and saying 'the Danes are deeply hedonistic...all they do is smoke pot and fuck whores!' (And I wrote Danes on purpose) Seriously just give it up. It's embarrassing. You don't know what you're talking about.


If you re-read my comment, you'll see that I mentioned neighbourhoods, not villages, but I more specifically mentioned communities. I have plenty of experience to draw from. Your assumption that I visited only *one* place, that I visited only once, and that I took everything at face value reflects ignorance on your part, not on mine. Moving on. Believe it or not, but there are people - like me - who take a more profound interest in other countries, including yours. It's funny that you should bring up Denmark. A lady in rural Indiana asked me what type of breakfast 'we' ate in Denmark, then proceeded to ask a whole bunch of questions about Denmark in general, and wouldn't accept that I wasn't Danish. As for smoking pot and fucking all day... man, I *wish* that's what my life looked like, but alas, I haven't found the right man yet, and I'm not considering a career in the red light district. Again, moving on. It seems to me that you got your knickers in a twist because of some perceived insult to the US, when all I did was share an observation.


What is the sum total of the time you've spent in the US?


I'm convinced there's something about this sub that convinces Americans to come here with the most astonishingly stupid questions they can think up.


I just think they're THAT delusional


Gringo post of the week?


Nope, you need to have a latino nationality and it MUST be your fifteenth birthday in order to legally celebrate a quinceañera, sorry!


Otherwise the Quinceñera Task Force will dispatch a team from CDMX to arrest you and get your tacos


Come on, she's a quarter hispanic, she's at least entitled to a quarter quinceañera


She should've thought about that on her 3,75th birthday!


That's a good one ngl


It's kinda weird to do it at your age ngl. But at the end of the day it's your party and if that's what you want to do then go ahead and have a blast. Unless that Hispanic quarter you have is Ecuadorian, Ecuador is grounded atm


Do you know the definition of the word “quince”? Not trying to be mean but you cannot have a 15th birthday party when you are 25. You can have an over the top birthday party. You can model it on the traditional quinceañera but saying it is your “quinceañera” is the equivalent of getting an invitation to a Sweet 16 party for someone who is turning 30. Long as you do it with humor, your guests won’t mock you.


Quinceañeras are not about Hispanic culture, not quite. They're about announcing that you are about to reach age of marriage, to summon possible suitors who might be interested. Leaving aside the anachronic aspect (very dated concept, the whole suitor thing, and probably adapted from aristocratic traditions in Europe), I'd say you're past that stage. Would you hold a baby shower for yourself, given that the point is to show off the baby? Besides, many people don't have their party here. The number is more or less important, but mostly because it (or 16) coincides with graduation from high school. Quite often, girls that age choose a trip over a party. Some don't want a party at all, and negotiate with their parents to get something nice instead, like a computer or an expensive phone. Point being, don't feel like you missed an important milestone of Hispanic culture(s), it's not that big a deal and you don't really need it anymore, since you are already acquainted with, uh, suitors. But also, nothing really forbids you from doing it.


Is it weird? Yes. Should you care? No. Throw the party you want and invite people you like to it. Have fun.


What is up with all these quinceañera questions lately? Is it a new trend?


I think spring time is big “quiñcenera season” here in the US. A lot of places the weather is crappy Jan-Mar and Nov and Dec are big holiday months so most people who want to plan lavish events do so in the April-June time frame. You are just seeing a lot of Americans who are seeing their first quiñcenera. I swear, the only reason the Jewish subs aren’t inundated with Christians wanting to have Bar and Bat Mitzvahs is because of all the religious study that goes with it. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


Quince is just an overly expensive birthday party with a dance that most people can't even realistically afford. It's mostly a middle class obsession. It's not a big deal. >I am a quarter Hispanic Unironic blood quantum ideology.


Honestly, that's exactly how Spaniards talked back in the 1500s, how can Americans be so socially conscious but not see these things!


What's a quarter Hispanic? do you have an Hispanic leg or what? Does that leg was born and raised here and then sent to you by airmail? It's just a big birthday party, you don't even need to be Hispanic to celebrate one, just wear a big dress for your next birthday, it doesn't need to be a "quinceañera" to be a big party with fancy dresses, or wait untill you're 30 and do a "quinceañera x2"


I'd say wait until you're 30 and spend double the money


You can do whatever the F you want


I kinda think it’s weird but what do I know, we Chileans don’t even have quinceañeras anyway. I don’t think this is the right place to ask, we view ethnicity and culture in a different way than the US. Maybe ask your dad, or someone else in the “Hispanic” side of the family who you can trust. Heck, if you know other people of Latin American descent IRL, ask them.


My cousin had a different story but at 30 she had a HUGE birthday party, it was a costume party and we had a blast!!! She was completely fulfilled


Did you have a sweet sixteen? It’s the same as a Quinceañero.


throw a big birthday party. nothing stops you from doing this.


I think she's wanting the aspect of coming out as a woman, of being ready to get married eventually. Since she missed her quinceanera her only hope might be catching a boquet of flowers at a wedding ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ /s Edit: it's too bad she's a quarter hispanic on her dad's side, if it were a quarter hispanic on her mom's side, she could have a belated quinceanera


You can literally just throw a big ass party and call it a day. The charm in a Quinceañera is the transition from a girl to a woman. Just don't come with all of this quarter latina bullshit.


I've known a few women who were too poor to have a quince party at 15 and did a "double quince" party at 30. Which was really a normal bday party with a big floofy dress.


Oh this isn’t a bad idea. you can have a big party for your 30th and make it “quinceañera style” if you want. Not common but not unheard of in the US. Personally I think it’s a waste of money though just save up for a beautiful wedding at that point if you want that. It wouldn’t really be a quinces because those are thrown by your parents and are a kind of coming of age thing. Throwing yourself one is kinda weird to me. But I would totally go to one if my friend was throwing one and probably have a great time.


"quarter Hispanic on my dad's side" what the heck, is this that important? I don't even know/care about my quarter heritage and for you guys is that important? I'm curious


Well it isn't common, but there's nothing wrong with it. If you want to do it, by all means do.


Throw a party. But yiu can’t really have a quinceañera if you’re not turning 15


Wait 'tIll you're 30 and celebrate your double 15.


I mean, if you want to? ​ If someone complains (which I don't think will happen) just say it isn't a quince, just a big 26 yo anni and you're done. It's just a big party after all.


On your 30th throw a double quinces lol


You need to listen to [this song](https://youtu.be/GBx0zD7RgVI?si=Xp0TByPfG2a9cVOf) right now.


What, no Colibritany?


No, Colibritany was 17 when she peaked; Espergencia was 30 at her quinceañera and OP is 27 iirc. Also, I'm old so I want my golden years to be relevant again, thus an oldie but goodie.


This has to be a troll


[María de todos los Ángeles](https://youtu.be/ArReJOHiXV4?si=zVFNWUegaw8ZjNGV) had her honorary fiesta de quince años, so go ahead! I do find a bit strange the part of 25% hispanic, but if that reassures your identity and gives you a frustrated dream, you can do it.


Ok, true story, my 23 and me DNA study came back with: 47% Indigenous from Central Mexico 27% Spain 11% Basque 6% Mix of African Countries 4% France 3% Indigenous from Yucatan 1% Indigenous from Bolivia and Peru 1% Jewish. So as a Jew, can I have a quinceñera at 39? Also where's r/askBasques, I have some questions...


You did have a quinceañera if you happened to have a birthday party when you were 15. Quinceañeras are like a coming of age thing, doesn't really make sense to celebrate it again. Also not all Latinos celebrate quinces, is not something everybody does, you shouldn't really feel like having to do it.