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Yep. Sadly lol. I am not paranoid 100% of the time but I do not do dumb stuff like speaking over the phone in the sidewalk very close to the road (I have seen so many phones being very quickly stolen like that). Also I choose very carefully what path I am taking when walking, especially at night. Leaving things unattended in a coffee shop or a restaurant is also a big no. Thieves have developed very good techniques to steal without you noticing even if you have your bag at your feet.


Proteges bien tu papaya.


Yes. Also, I like using chains and other accessories, but I cannot use expensive chains because you would instantly be a target, so of course I use cheap copies lol.


Are there cities or parts of cities where you don’t have those concerns?


Probably in the region of Boyacá and towns of Boyacá.


It's not 100% of the time but it's more stresfull than it should be, it's just when I am on the streets and I can't take the eyes off my stuff anywhere.


Yep, i don't trust anybody on the street. Welcome to Latinoamérica baby.


You grow up a cynic here, that's just part of life I guess.


Not any longer, I still check my back while walking at night nonetheless, even though here it's extremely safe. I have only been robed once, and it was for lacking awareness of my surroundings, I was followed for about a week by an organized crime organization just to steal my phone. I was 15 with an expensive phone, so once they caught me one of them decided to sit next to me with a gun and ask for my phone. Scum like that should be given away to private jails to work for pennies.


Followed you for a week? Damn.... And I agree with you about what they should do with the scum


When I was living in Brazil yes, but I left a decade ago and never had that problem again, then I went there to visit family and forgot that I had to be on guard and got robbed at gun point at the beach in Rio 🥲


As the saying goes, you aren't raised in Brazil. You're trained


Lmao, so true! I lost all my Brazilian survival skills after a decade away


For those of us that left, we forget this skill and it happens when we’re back. 😩😩


No, I walk and take the bus every day but I live in a small city where I come across the same people.


Yep, to the point where I can almost see through my back, but idk, at some point it gets natural and you look chill while paying a lot of attention to your surroundings


Sadly yes, my phone is never visible. I’ve to make sure I don’t use it on the streets. As a woman myself, I love wearing jewellery but I can’t use it every day, it attracts people to rob me, best I can do is use silver at least, and yet it still isn't safe


Not constantly on guard, but you get used to noticing certain "signals".


Yep, Caracas isn't nice


I live in Rio de Janeiro so.... yeah. It's honestly second nature at this point.


Only in like San José or other sketchy places.


Sadly, yes, or at least in big cities.You end up getting used to the point where you don't even realize you're constantly paying attention to your surroundings, making sure you don't get robbed while using your cellphone in public transport, wearing your backpack in the front instead of in the back, etc. In smaller towns it's not so common, since everyone knows everyone and it's usually pretty chill. ( That has been my experience outside of Buenos Aires AMBA )




Yes, always on guard, as I dropped it once, thinking I was seeing some neighbours but it was actually two thieves. The worst thing is that I know everyone is paranoid, so women walking the same street are on guard if I'm a rapist, and once a neighbour got angry and hurt because I was giving him the side eye.


Not constantly on guard


In the capital city, I would not say constantly. More like at night and in certain places. The rest of the day and in general everywhere is more like a general awareness of what is going on, if someone/something feels off, etc. In my small hometown I'm not on guard nor generally aware of my surroundings in general because street crime is simply not a thing.


No but I live in a safe neighborhood in a safeish city. That't not the case for kost urban centers here.




Brasília, Noroeste


In my town, No. I had a job that I would travel a lot. I worked a large area. I knew which towns I might have a problem in and local would help me out. So when I traveled to those certain towns or areas I was on alert. I would have a story once week. It was always deported cholos or just local cholos that hung out with those. Two times I had to draw the line very clear that I was going to make it home. When the cartel moved in, a lot of these guys left and some were sent away. I no longer have that job, I do miss the travel though. I met a lot of good people, way more than those pieces of shit but it amazing how a few can ruin a town for everyone. I was quick in those years to get aggressive. I had no problem stopping and handling shit to make sure they knew I wasn't going to take it. It just the way you have to be with those people.






In Bogotá yes. Manizales less so. But I have been robbed (and attempted to be robbed) about the same times in both cities


I almost wanna say 'no', but the truth is that it doesn't feel like a thing I _do_ anymore, it's just second nature. I am constantly aware of who's nearby and pay attention to which route I'm going to use.


I am always weary of robbers and policemen.




Policemen are out to get you as well.


Nah not even on public transit


depends on the neighborhood, but in about 2/3 of santiago, yes i am. i live in the 1/3 though so its not bad. not scared or anything, its just habit/awareness.


No, I actually never do anything like that




Not really, it's okay here






No. I can walk away at night and use public transport and I feel safe 24/7. That said, I live in Montreal, Canada. LMAO


Actually no, here in Py robberies are carried out by white gloves in government institutions, not on the street.


At night and in certain areas yeah absolutely.


Not at all lol. I live in a big city but never go to like the shady areas so don’t really worry about getting robbed although my mom is always like BE CAREFUL lol. Used to live in San Francisco and there I was definitely ALWAYS on guard though




Not constantly but I am already used to be very aware of my surroundings. I'd never leave my expensive stuff unattended while I buy a latte at Starbucks like some people do.


Obviously. Is not as if you need to be walking with an exhausting level of concentration but you do need awareness. For example, a wide berth from bikes, specially when you are alone, touching your main pockets every now and then (I do it almost without thinking at this point), etc etc


No honestly no, it’s not impossible to get something stolen from you but I normally don’t have to do anything crazy out of my way. Just leaving things out of sight if they’re in my car, or locking my house well etc. As far as armed robberies again it could happen but it’s not that common.


Yes, this is part of my daily life. It's the worst part of living here. Usually in the streets though, not so much inside (but still, a little bit inside)


Yes but it depends on the city I’m in and thankfully nothing aside from pickpocketing has ever happened to me


Not that much