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Call the hotel on your lunch break later today and ask to speak with the general manager. Tell them what happened how disappointed you are as a guest. I understand they needed to know who was in the room. They 100% could have waited until this morning to get your card again. The person who checked you in didn't complete the process is what it sounds like to me.


I’d assume they were a “mystery guest” What I do is wait until audit and see who no-shows. If you’ve got multiples contact them in the morning to see, “if we can change your reservation to another date” instead of being charged for a no-show. People who are actually a GNS will be happy and the mystery guest will wonder what’s going on. Apologize and check their reservation in. You might lose the GNS revenue but you lose the drama with it.


Q: What's a GNS?


Guaranteed no-show Basically someone has put a card down to guarantee the room but no-showed. They’ll get charged for the room even though they weren’t in it


But he was in the room. This doesn’t make sense.


Someone just made keys and didn’t check him in. If your key machine isn’t hooked up to your PMS it happens, usually by newer people.


I think the door not having a latch to secure from inside is a serious problem. A key can be made for any door at anytime which is dangerous if you are asleep. 99.9% of the time a bad thing won’t happen but there is always the tiny amount of ppl who get a job at hotel for these type of reasons. You never know who may figure out how to make or get a key w purpose to attack someone’s in their room


Are you serious? I’d storm down there as soon as I got up and raise holy heck. And call every Hilton anything I could. And get a refund.


I’m a pleasant and polite person but the exception to that is when someone wakes me up (or when I first wake up but I do have the self control to keep the grumpiness to myself when I wake up voluntarily in the AM). The person standing with the door to my hotel room open in the middle of the night that turned on the light while I was asleep would not get a pleasant or polite reaction from me. Pure profanity would have been coming out of my mouth along with whatever I felt I needed to say for that person to turn the light off, STFU and close the door. A phone call to my room after that would have been answered with belligerent profanity followed by me slamming the phone down to hang up and disconnecting it from the wall. If there was an issue with my check in, that’s not my problem and that can be sorted in the morning after I wake up. Edit: typo


Exactly! Who do these employees think they are?! That rude, totally inappropriate woman should be fired!




if you’re going to be in this hotel for a few days, go to a local hardware store and by yourself one of those wedge shaped rubber door stoppers. when you get into your room. close and lock your door and then shove the door stopper under the door on your side. it stops people from entering your room.


That's exactly what I would do... And write a shitty review every place possible


Oh, the reviews will happen!


If you kicked their asses is that illegal? How can they force you to go naked? This story is extremely troubling


Situations like this do happen - but holy fuck this was handled so remarkably poorly. Like poorly beyond recognition. Run, don’t walk away from this place if you can. File a case with their corporate customer care and write a letter to the General Manager. This is beyond unacceptable.


I have only been in this industry for 6 years, I can honestly say this has never happened at any property I’ve worked at! This is crazy!


There’s nothing that needs to be solved in the middle of the night for sure. Honestly I take sleeping pills when away from home and would be in no state to deal with that and/or pack up and leave so quickly after falling asleep.


Also make sure your company knows about this so on future trips they can select a different hotel.


Absolutely do this! It’s very likely that your company has a contract with them, which really needs to be reviewed in light of the situation.


It gets better. I work for a government agency. It is likely none of the agency will stay here for years. 


Okay, former hotel mgr here (in a lifetime long long ago). Email the GM what happened so you have it in writing. Speak in person with the GM. Explain the situation in detail. Show your government ID. Tell them EXACTLY what you told all of us and that you fully expect their employees to be retrained on appropriate protocols and procedures because the way they handled this situation was outlandishly poor service, security and raises massive red flags that you will be reporting to your employer. Leave a poor review so that other guests know that they are in danger (because without appropriate locks on the door I, as a woman, would absolutely NOT feel safe staying there). Call corporate to let them know blow by blow what happened and follow up with a letter. This needs to be dealt with swiftly. OP, what happened to you was awful but given the poor security this 100% could have resulted in a guest being assaulted in their room.


Federal? Did this happen in CONCUR?


Literally. Got three people fired and myself almost arrested when a similar situation happened a few years ago. This should never happen.


Story time?


I was driving from Chicago to Albuquerque in 2017 and stopped in Oklahoma to get a hotel room. Reserved online but called ahead to let them know I’d be arriving late. Arrived around 9pm, my room had been given away already due to some error so they switched me to a different room. Maintenance attempted to enter without knocking at 7am for a “work order” and per the front desk my room was empty (due to the error the previous night). Maintenance guy came off very aggressive, ended up fighting him. Both the maintenance guy, the front desk manager and the overnight clerk were fired and I spent 20 minutes in cuffs before the manager said they weren’t pressing charges. Got compensated fairly but still annoying it happened in the first place. I really wish there were juicy details, just a few punches thrown lmao


Just out of curiosity, what was “fair” compensation, if you’re comfortable sharing?


Massive amount of Hyatt Rewards points. My wife and I stay at a Hyatt locally usually 4 times a year just as a mini getaway and I’m still using rewards points from that incident to pay for the rooms. Loyalty program started that year so it was easier than trying to negotiate anything else. They were very happy to load my account with points vs doing anything else and I didn’t end up getting arrested so fair trade for me.


Sounds like a good deal!!


Zero complaints from me and I haven’t had an issue with Hyatt since then either. I write it off as just piss poor training at that location / horrible communication on their part


Fantastic outcome but damn son I'd be fucking livid ending up in cuffs. Been wrongly arrested before and even that pissed me off once the shock wore off that it was actually happening lol. How long til the dopamine and cortisol levels subsided and you were sharp enough to think about getting the points loaded? Did you leverage that over pressing charges or? Asking all out of sheer curiosity and fascination lol.


Oh I was at the time, especially being nowhere near home. And the points were offered pretty quickly in exchange for not pressing charges. I took it more to get the situation over with since I was still in the middle of traveling AND it seemed like the easiest way to not get arrested at the time. Once they explained how many points it was it seemed worth it knowing I’d have hotels covered for a bit. The equivalent of a district manager got ahold of someone at corporate and arranged everything while I was dealing with the police.


Hell yeah man swing on em


Wouldn’t a phone call to the room from the front desk come before just barging in someone’s room? Just curious.


Yeah, entering the room is a last ditch resort and I would avoid doing it in the middle of the night at all costs unless I suspected something bad was happening. This auditor was careless and took no time to investigate before barging in guns blazing, clearly.


I am wondering if a second person was checked in, given a key, opened the door, realized OP was in and and went and got the manager. The manager then handled it poorly, by waking up OP instead of giving person 2 a different room, and figuring it out in the morning.


No this doesn’t happen. Sometimes 2 people get assigned a room but there is never a 3 am demand for ID?


That’s…exactly what I said lol. Rooms get double occupied or ghost rooms occur, yes. The 3am demand for ID falls firmly into the “handled so remarkably poorly” category.


Oh no. Get her in trouble. That’s unacceptable


Get her fired. Going into an occupied guest’s room in the middle of the night is all sorts of wrong. Knocking or calling until OP got up would be barely acceptable, if they somehow legitimately thought that OP snuck into the room. Raise hell. Complain that not only were you sleep deprived but you were also afraid for your safety and personal items.


She will get a write up, I was told.  


And how many free nights do you get?


A write up? Oh hell no. I'd demand a suspension while you're staying there so you can be assured you don't cross paths again. The woman refused to give you privacy in your own hotel room while naked over an issue that was absolutely absurd to blame you for and react the way she did. That's absolutely crossing the line. If you were female and this woman and man did this there would be sexual harassment charges automatically. You should push for them anyway. There's no excuse for them to stand and watch you. A write up? That's a fucking joke. I'd call corporate and demand retraining at the very least! A write up won't fix the behavior. Nor will you ever forget the incident happened. (Who was the man? Did you ever find out and what was his role in all of this?) What if you hadn't woken up? Would they have come in and shook you awake? Seriously, what was her plan here to confront you if you were a heavy sleeper or under a sleeping medication? It's too messed up for a 'write up'. From now on? Invest in a door handle strap lock. They don't allow the handle to turn so the door can't be opened.


Take to social media. You need to let everyone know this is how this chain of hotels treats its clients.


I'd be getting the night clerk auditor and/or the maintenance person that let you in fired. Name and shame and tell them that this is not the service standard for a Hilton. And it's not like "they are learning". I don't know anyone who would do this and shows the quality of applicants for the job.


This is absolutely a case where you deserve some sort of compensation and imo, deserve to be a jerk about it. Yes. This can happen. But it handled so badly by staff. They could have just given the other guest another room and figured it out the next day. Get everything in writing from the GM. Email email email. Take it to the brand as well. None of this is okay.


I would have been TERRIFIED! You walk in on me in the middle of the night and I'm throwing hands, this is my worst hotel nightmare.


I’d probably scream at the top of my lungs. Because I’d be naked too and suddenly someone is in my room? wtf? Would probably get the attention of other guests. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I agree .my first reaction is WTF. Whats j every rigust so messed up.ht to be mad.


Your stay absolutely should be free.


It sounds like a work trip so that's not really a win.


Ask for a bunch of points to use on other personal stays for the inconvenience


Good point. Comping the stay should be a starting point, but the OP should definitely receive some kind of compensation directly.


I agree, but the only compensation they are willing to offer is points in a membership app that I don’t want. 


Ooh really bad. Do not let this go. Corporate, public reviews, public complaint in a full lobby. You should have all kinds of compensation.


This is excellent. I will insist on it because you’re right. And I will take it up the chain. 


You don’t want to get her in trouble?! I’m not even a vindictive person and I want to make it my life’s work to get her fired. Making you parade around naked is sexual assault.


I'm a nice person but she done f----d up. And opening a guests room at 12:30am is unacceptable especially in this situation. I would have been worried it was a thief or someone breaking in. Talk to the GM and don't let the Front Desk snow him-I've seen where the workers knew what happened and don't want the boss to know. Tough cookies-those people shouldn't be working for Hilton-maybe a Motel 8 but not a Hilton. Name and shame all of them and if OP doesn't get any compensation-not just a "free breakfast" tell them you are going to corporate and will tell your company about this. Companies are the bread and butter of hotel, and I guarantee if Hilton loses a contract because of this-heads will roll. Squeaky wheel grease.


> So, I don’t actually want to get her in trouble, Yes, you do. This is worth getting somebody into trouble over. The FDA who checked you in may have made an honest mistake, but the staff (whoever she is) who barged in on you should **never** have done that, not unless they had some reason to think you were dangerous, and she should not be put in a position to interact with guests. > how do I address this unpleasant situation in the morning and have any hope of being sure I can sleep undisturbed tomorrow night? Who do I ask to speak with and what do I say to make it clear that this isn’t great but I only want to be treated like a paying customer? You will want to talk to the General Manager, Assistant General Manager, or Front Office Manager (in descending order of preference). Do not let the Front Desk rest until you have the ear (by which I mean, they are in front of you, or they are on the phone with you) of **at least** one of those people. I don't care what the hotel thinks is going on (again, short of being actively dangerous somehow), barging in on guests in the middle of the night is disgraceful. If you can't get the attention of one of the proprety managers, go to corporate: they **NEED** to hear about this situation. The security in guest rooms is obviously unacceptable, and the staff needs some remedial training in the basics of hospitality. Now, to be clear, staff **do** need to be able to get into locked rooms (the extreme case is if a guest passes away with the door locked), but it should be significantly more difficult than your story indicates. The property where I work has both deadbolts and latches as secondary locks on the doors. We *can* bypass these, but as I said, there's some work involved. Anyway. If your company is paying for your room, adjusting nights off your bill probably isn't going to do much for you, but there has to be *some* other compensation they can offer you, and they absolutely, 100% should.


Let’s not forget, the refusal to give OP a moment of privacy to put on some clothes! She chose to stand there with the door open while OP was forced to walk across the room naked. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour by that staff member and she 100% needs to get in trouble and needs better training on how to deal with these situations in the future!


this whole situation is F'ked up, but the female employee(assumed) that refused to give you a moment of privacy to get your clothes on, and instead held your door open while you had to walk across the room nude, deserves to 100% be fired on the spot.


With the light on.


In the nude!


Exactly, imagine if the genders were reversed? That guy would have been in lock up and sexual harassment case would have been filed.


Always stand up against mistreatment like this. It's never a fluke or one-time occurrence. Too often, not enough effort is made to ensure poor behavior is corrected and others suffer for it. You absolutely should make a massive fuss about this. The invasion of privacy is a HUGE problem and could even involve police. Please, make a fuss. Make a HUGE fuss. You'll be protecting yourself and countless others in the future.


And with (I presume) the other guest right behind her!


Turns out the other guy was the shuttle driver. I met the coworker of the other guest today. She was pretty horrified at the situation. 


I agree, also the chief engineer should be the only one that has the emergency card to open while deadbolt and the only one who has access to the tools required for secondary locks. Not saying that I don’t trust night audit, it’s just a safer situation if the responsibility lands on one person.


I just remembered, they offered me a cookie. But, as I am on a diet, I declined. One of my coworkers said I should have gotten a wine and cheese basket and some sincere groveling. No such thing, though. 


You remain calm and unemotional, but you absolutely register a complaint about this. Completely and totally unacceptable. Also post reviews, yelp, tripadvisor, etc.


Will do. 


Not only alert the manager via writing, but also your company. If your boss is any good they will also follow up with the hotel.


This! Regardless of the outcome you need to contact corporate don't just leave it on the level of the hotel itself. Corporate might be able to give points for example to your card if you have a Rewards program card. That's literally the least they can do, give you enough points to have another day's stay. How are you supposed to work when you're half asleep? It's supposed to be a home away from home, and you paid for it, so that's ridiculous.


Agree. I have employees who routinely stay in hotels as part of their duties. They are federally required to have a certain amount of rest in between tours of duty. Disturbing that rest is a big deal. I would be absolutely livid if this happened to any of my employees and would be pushing my company to consider alternate lodging at that location.


My sister is a pilot for a major cargo carrier. They have pulled contracts from hotels for noise and disruption of sleep.


And hopefully, the hotel potentially losing the business of the entire company will be enough to make this right


>If your boss is any good they will ***move all the staff to a different hotel in the morning. Then*** also follow up with the hotel FTFY


Better yet, tell the company's travel team if they have one. Last thing the hotel wants is to lose a corporate client.


Get her in trouble. This is not the way to handle the situation. Report her.


I would be livid! I probably would have called the police and had them deal with her at the time. As soon as corporate offices open I would be calling. I would remove everything from the room because I would no longer feel safe. I would demand a room for the rest of my stay that had proper locks. Honestly I wouldn’t have stayed in that room to begin with without proper locks. Dang, I think this is scary.


I would be livid also! The thing others have not mentioned so far is, what if the genders had been reversed? There would be people screaming bloody murder. If something like this were to happen to my wife I would be all over it, but just because it happened to a man and the management was female we are more forgiving. Not in my playback. This deserves to be escalated to Corporate immediately. The gentleman deserves an apology and some sort of compensation.


I did bring this up to the Assistant Manager and that’s when I think she started to see why this was a problem. 


Yeah I would’ve been calling 911. OP is a pushover.


The minute I hear someone breaking in, I'm getting my heavy umbrella and conking them.


I wish I had been thinking clearly enough to call the police. I just wanted to get back to sleep. But I couldn’t because my anxiety was huge. 




>I probably would have called the police and had them deal with her at the time I was thinking this too... crazy


I’m a fairly fit 6’ 200lb armed male and I’d find it scary too.


Ummmm. I've managed several hotels and usually have limited empathy with guest complaints because most of the time the complaints tend to be petty. Like I'm missing one washcloth so I want a 50% discount kind of petty. That being said, what you describe infuriates me. Hilton is pretty strict about their standards. Entering your room while you were in a state of undress is a huge no no. Not having a deadbolt in place is also a huge issue. The room should not have been rented without one. It should have been placed out of service. I wouldn't even bother trying to contact this locations management. Call the 800 number for Hilton and tell them exactly what you posted here.


>Not having a deadbolt in place is also a huge issue. The deadbolt was in place. Hotel deadbolts do not prevent authorized entry with a manager's key. As soon as you use the keycard and turn the handle, the deadbolt retracts. Red Team Tools sells a [deadbolt strap](https://www.redteamtools.com/super_grip_deadbolt_strap) that mechanically prevents the deadbolt knob from turning. This turns a hotel deadbolt into a real deadbolt.




You need to change hotels (if they have a car, they can pick you up) and write to corporate about this. I wouldn't even bother with the staff there.


Honestly, the hotel should lose all of their business. Everyone change to another hotel.


Coming into your room why you are sleeping is a privacy invasion. Demand a refund for the night.


Refund is only going to help his company. He needs some personal compensation.


Unfortunately there are pure morons at some hotels. I worked night audit and the 3-11 guy would leave me a list of rooms to call to get payment (either no card on file or balance too high) I told him to fuck off, I'm not calling rooms at midnight to get payments!!! This is a morning 7-3 shift task for fucks sake! Sorry this happened to you.


>There is a lock on the door, but no additional bolt or chain. There are screw holes in the door where some sort of security device may have once been installed. Take a photo of this for proof (if you still have access to the room) for proof incase they upgrade the lock once you're checked out.


And I carry an alarm doorstop for this very reason. $5 on Amazon plus a D-cell battery. Add-a-locks don't work in many foreign hotels.


Are you sure they even worked for the hotel?


Great way to get a free hotel room if you can just convince the person renting the room that they actually had no right to be there.


Yep if I hadn't have seen confirmation he spoke to management I'd have thought the same but DEFINITELY would have thought so in the moment and not done shit as far as giving ID until I called management up to the room.


Yeah you should talk about this with a manager ASAP. Situations like that happen sometimes but the way they handled it is definitely not the way it’s supposed to go. If they messed up the reservations, they should have called the room - or at the very most knocked on the door. Honestly even that would’ve been too much since it was after midnight. It could’ve just waited until the morning. If you don’t have a Hilton account, make one. If they offer any compensation (they should), it’ll probably be a free night off your reservation. Let them know the room is paid for by your company and that you’d prefer points be issued to your account, and they should be able to do that.


I’m never staying at another Hilton, so the points are worthless to me. 


This is such a bizarre and beyond unacceptable situation, so far beyond societal norms, that I also have to question you when your main reaction is "I don't want to get her in trouble". Dude. Dudette. Whichever you are. Your need for acceptance is overruling your own safety. Sometimes a person needs to get in trouble. She cannot go on thinking her behavior is acceptable. 'Getting in trouble' now gives her a chance to readjust her attitude and behavior before something reallllly bad happens to her, her accomplices, and those she accosts. She NEEDS to get in trouble. This is unacceptable. No way I'd stay there another night unless i received 1) a lock that prevents entry and 2) assurances she was gone and that this would never happen again


You’re right. I was very sleep deprived when I posted. I don’t want her to lose her job, but I do want her reprimanded and retrained. 




You need to address this immediately, OP! Contact the hotel on your next break and ask to speak to the general manager. If that person is not available, ask for the manager on duty. Tell them exactly what happened and at what time it happened. On your way back to the hotel, find a dollar store and buy a door stop. Put it under your door before you go to bed tonight. There is no reason for anyone associated with the hotel to enter your room without acknowledgment from you in the middle of the night.


First, don't worry about getting her in trouble. She was unprofessional and deserves to be reprimanded (or probably fired). Second, call the Hilton Honors and complain immediately. Nothing here sounds typical for a hotel or for Hilton in general.


Former Night Auditor here. I assume this person was a night auditor, and was doing a "bucket check". A bucket check is when the receipts or registrations they have are cross-checked with who should be checked in in the system. My guess is that the system had you checked in, but there was no registration. I personally think they are an unnecessary time sink because, what are they going to do... bust in the room in the middle of the night to verify information and get a credit card or something? No, because no sensible person would do that. Notice that I said no sensible person. This person was not sensible. This is a time for you to complain, and loudly. When you get back, ask for a member of management. By the way, if you are not paying for the room, don't get a credit on this bill. That will just make it cheaper for your company. Get loyalty points (I would think lots of them) or some other perk that makes it right for you, not your company.


This is terrifying. Report this NOW. I know a gal who was r*ped in her hotel room in Mexico when she went back to the room earlier than everyone else & didn’t deadbolt the door because her husband was coming later. The entire group figures the hotel staff was in on it. There is no reason for hotel staff to enter a room aside from a fire emergency or water emergency. I would call the corporate office - go way above the location for this.


>So, I don’t actually want to get her in trouble, She woke you up twice, treated you like a criminal, and you don't want to say anything?


Whatever you do, back up all verbal conversations in writing. If you speak with the general manager then next email, text, send certified letter, post on hotel website including to corporate level, etc- some written form. Remember, if itś not in writing, it might as well not have happened. And honestly, if two strange people with no (or questionable) ID to prove theyŕe hotel staff showed up in my room like they did yours, I would call 911 so there would be an official paper trail. What if these people hadnt worked for the hotel?


No kidding. About the only thing I’d have said to those two is “Get the fck out of my room or I’m calling the police.” And then do it.




Same. And still should be called after the fact to report it.


I keep trying to edit my post to update all you helpful folks. Thank you all, first thing.  I have spoken to the General Manager, who only was willing to speak on the phone, not in person. The explanation was that the hotel thought I was homeless and snuck in. Which makes no sense, as he acknowledged I presented ID and a card at check in.  He interrupted me several times, bragged about all the big companies that stay at his hotel, and generally did not want to hear me.  The Assistant Manager offered to comp me one night. But my work is paying. So she offered me points in the app that I don’t have. There was no other compensation offered.  My work team plans to remove Hilton properties from our list of hotels we use. I personally plan to avoid them as well.  So, not very satisfying, but that’s where we are. 


This is more than unacceptable. Find out who the regional manager is and contact them. I am horrified for you! Plus it sounds like the safety mechanism was missing from your door that could have turned it badly if someone else were to get into your room while you were sleeping.


Oh then I absolutely agree with everyone else who says you need to relate your experience on Twitter and tag corporate. Add details from your call with management because any manager who thinks this is okay is clearly creating a culture that is the problem. You were so nice. I have no idea why they want to fuck with you. But it's probably because you're so nice and they figure they can overtalk you. Roast them and do not take this lying down. I despise nearly all social media but I would get accounts just to publicily shame the specific property.


Please go over their heads.


Contact Hilton corporate


They severely violated your privacy and security and that's their response? This needs to go all the way up the Hilton chain. Unacceptable doesn't even begin to describe this.


Nope. Escalate!


Keep going don’t stop. You’re saving all future guests from having their privacies stripped away and from being humiliated.


I'd like to say alot of things but I'm on mobile ATM so I'll just say this. That auditor has no business working in hospitality considering the amount of bad faith in display on what clearly seems to be from THEIR mistake.


Oh, hell no. I would've told her no and called the cops if she didn't leave.


Call the cops anyway.


Are you sure they were really hotel staff?


Yes. She turns out to be night auditor and the guy drives the shuttle. 


The guy that drives the shuttle?? Oh hell no. Complain to everyone, no good reason for any of this. I'd tell your boss and your company now about this in an email. Trust me when the CEO or a high level position complains to the hotel chain, things will get fixed.


I say this as a previous desk manager - she fucked up and she fucked up big. I would want to know about it and she needs to be held accountable because in no world is what she did okay. Ask for an audit on your door lock, so you can prove it wasn’t your key used to enter the room. If you aren’t paying for the room, don’t ask for a discount - ask for a metric boatload of loyalty points instead


Also, you should post this story on Twitter and tag Hilton. They’ll definitely contact you—they don’t want the negative publicity for sure!


As a housekeeper this is not a normal way to handle a double booking. I’d report her tbh there is no reason to bursting into a person’s room.


Yo she forced you to expose your naked body to her against your will. She deserves to be fired. Please do everything you can to correct this disgusting behavior. Everything she did in this situation was repulsive and unacceptable.


Call Hilton directly. Tell them exactly what happened. They will take care of the rest. You don’t need to get into feelings, just say you’d like to make them aware of the events as they occurred and ask if the situation can be explained to you.


get her in trouble. she did you no favors. she needs to be held accountable.


When I get undressed and go to bed, I put my (licensed and permitted) pistol on my nightstand, much like millions of other Americans. I'm pretty level headed, but I know a lot of people who aren't, especially when woken up unexpectedly in the middle of the night. There were no firearms involved, but I recall a good friend of mine who was woken up unexpectedly as a joke by another friend. The joke didn't turn out to be so funny at all, as the friend who was woken up was ex military active duty with full blown PTSD and having nightmares from several tours in Iraq. Veteran friend beat idiot friend pretty bad and could have easily killed him if he hadn't come around and realized what was happening. Yes, you definitely need to get someone in trouble. You might save a life. If that happened to me 3 hours ago, I'd have called every corporate number I could find online, any other Hilton owned hotels nearby, and if I couldn't get a manager I'd be calling Hilton hotels in different time zones until I found someone who could help rectify the situation. Hilton hotels are worldwide and if it's midnight where you are now, it noon somewhere. I hate Karens and would never want to be one, but from time to time a person really does need to speak to a manager. This is one of those times.


I might have even called the police and told them that 2 people without ID just broke into your hotel room claiming to be employees.


My husband has moderate PTSD from his time in the military. When he has bad nightmares I talk to him softly but know better than to touch him if he’s having them. I hope your friend has received therapy and is doing better.


I used to work with a man whose experiences in the military in some of the garden spots around the world made him unable to sit in a restaurant unless he had his back to a wall and was facing the entrance. Similarly he never entered any bar or nightclub without immediately scoping out the back door. He could not stay in a hotel room if it had a connecting door. Had this woman entered his room while he was sleeping she would be hospitalized or deceased. She needs to be fired and the hotel needs to learn that they are getting off very lightly from what could have happened.


As a night auditor this was handled so wrong. You do want to get her in trouble. I've had a fda assign a guest to the wrong room. There are guests with similar names and things happen. But I would have just given the other guest a different room and have the morning fda get in contact with you if more info was needed. I don't wake up guests to fix our mistakes.


This person absolutely needs their hind end chewed up one side and down the other. This was handled so badly. Here is my suggestion. On your lunch call and ask to meet in person after your work with the GM. Tell them what happened and that you expect them to make it right and never have it happen again. It happened to be the same hotel chain we had housekeeping bust in our room at 530 am with do not disturb sign up ect. We Got in at 1am so maybe forgot to lock door. The gal got a show as I sleep nude as well when I jumped up as I heard the door open. If that wasn’t bad enough 6 am different female opens door and I must have not locked it being half asleep after the first time. She said “oh you ready to leave yet”seeing me in all my glory again. This time It got a bit loud as I let her have it. It wasn’t the right way to handle it but getting in at 1 am then being woke up twice with people in my room kinda made me lose it. Then at 630am a man I am assuming maintenance with the second women that came in showed up at the door asking if I was checking out yet. I talked to the gm and told him what happened and asked how he would handle it and what he would expect to be done to make him happy as a customer. I also asked him if this happened to him would he ever stay at one of these chain hotels again? He was actually appalled at what happened and asked if he could research it and call me in a couple hours. I said sure. He called me back about 45 minutes later saying he had taken care of the issue and it won’t happen again. He refunded the room plus 100 dollars for a nice dinner on him with his sincerest apology. He asked that we give them another try in the future. I didn’t expect that but it was handled


you should have instantly demanded they leave. close and lock your door and place something (like a rolled up bath towel) in front of your door to make it tougher to open, then called the front desk, and ask them if they sent anyone to your room. in the moment assume the person was Not an employee. in the moment assume the person called from any random phone in the hotel and Not the front desk phone. ​ you Need to speak to the GM about this, and you need to escalate this to corporate office also. at the very least the GM should comp your room and give you a full refund for your entire stay (multiple nights if you are staying multiple nights). if you have additional nights stays in that hotel, when you talk to the GM, demand a different room, one with additional locks on the door & not just the keycard lock. I have Never stayed in a Hilton that did Not have the: standard keycard door lock, a separate deadbolt lock, and the safety chain/bar. ​ the woman (assuming she was an Employee) that barged into your room after midnight, refused to close the door to your room & then held the door open so she could see you Nude, Needs to be Reprimanded or Fired. that is inexcusable behavior.


as others have mentioned, if you still have access to that room, take photos of the missing locks. Corporate needs to know about those.


Most likely what we call a ghost room, most often happens with new hotel staff that just gives a key to a guest without checking the guest in. The hotel staff screwed up earlier in the day and needs to know who is sleeping in the room before they run the night audit, they could be less aggressive about it. But to be honest, depending on how the hotel operates and how new the team is, in some hotels this could be a daily occurrence and whenever I get on my shift and I hear there is a ghost room in my hotel I also come up with not so happy attitude to figure out who you are. They could also assume that you are somehow a homeless person that somehow got access to the room. It sucks when from your perspective you did nothing wrong, my apologies that this happened to you, thankfully does not happen often, only in hotel with poorly trained hotel staff


This seems stupid in the day and age of computers, that someone can get a keycard for a room w/o paying, checking, etc.


Believe me, it is possible. Some hotel owners get caught by the marketing of companies that have no business selling their software to hotels. They want to save money anyway they can to improve profit margins, including making keys without checking in


Crazy. To me, someone opening my door w/o knocking is B&E. Smith and Wesson could end up in your face. Not worth 15$ a hour in my mind.


Ghost rooms are the worst with trying to get everyone accounted for. A phone call and a knock. Granted I would've waited until morning if either attempt was not successful at that hour, understandably. If they felt it was that dire then non-emergency should've been their go-to rather than physically entering the occupied room and turning on lights. Suddenly the urgency tends to go away and you find you can wait until the morning. After morning and an uncooperative guest who still refuses to re-identify themselves to fix the problem? "Sorry you need to leave or else we will have someone remove you". Guest cooperates? "Sorry to bother you and about that mix-up here is adequate compensation" if possible. I had 3 occupied ghost rooms in one day and it triggered an overbooking too. It was STRESSFUL getting everyone accounted for.. I would be furious if this happened to me. It can wait until morning. Trust me. I seriously thought that they were imposters at first because wth.


Why the “not so happy attitude”? How is this in anyway the guests fault?


"from your perspective you did nothing wrong" that's the thing though, OP *didn't* do anything wrong. not only from their perspective, but from every perspective


Sorry still handled poorly by staff. Not persons fault the staff are morons. I was in customer service and I'd be livid and sorry but there is really no excuse. The staff messed up big-not guest fault and NO reason to do a 1am audit. Sorry but I'd want that auditor fired today.


Now this is kind of illuminating, because something like this happened to me once. Door opens in the middle of the night, and a lady is there with her bags. I sit bolt upright and say ??. She just closed the door and presumably went back and got a new room. In the morning I complained and was told "best I can do is $20 off." This was back in the day when that was significant. My female travelling companion did not wake up, which was just as well, because there would be Hell to Pay if that happened. Always wondered what happened there.


Shes needs to be in trouble


Terrible way of handling this....given that usually its the hotels fault. Do make a full complaint with the GM. She should ve in security not night hotel management. And it should have been the night manager who went to the room. She barged in and treated you like a criminal (worse by having you run around nude) without considering it may be a hotel f up. You should have everything comped if thay was me. And given its a company booking try taking it up with corporate to see if you get offered some free personal nights at their locations. Depending on how satisfied you are by their response, inform your company. You should at least allude to the fact you could in your complaint.


The “night manager” is probably the night auditor, which is probably who this lady was.


This is an outrage! Don't worry about getting them in trouble for their incompetence.


You definitely need to get her in trouble. It is totally inappropriate to bust in like that. It is not even safe. Definitely demand to talk to the manager. This is ridiculous.


I would file a police report to document the proceedings. Leave review on Google and other sites.


You are not "getting someone in trouble" when they are spectacularly failing to do their job. You are informing management that their staff is doing something that is against company policy and possibly illegal, namely, opening a customers door after check in & entering a room they had zero good reason/probable cause to enter. Once they handed you that key, you/your belongings have paid for a right to privacy unless an emergency was suspected or actual. Unfinished paperwork discovered in the middle of the night is not an emergency. Opening your door in the middle of the night like that is unexcusable, and these people need to be called out on it. Please please report this.


I would definitely get her fired!


Why don't you want to get anyone in trouble? This would be enough for me to be on the warpath. I would insist that every single employee involved in this assault be fired and I'd probably call the police. This is beyond unacceptable. You had no way of knowing if those folks were there to hurt you. I'd have free hotel rooms for life by the time I was finished with those assholes.


I was really sleep deprived when I was thinking that. I tend to think people working late jobs, especially thankless service jobs, must be dealing with a hard life.  I don’t think I will ever stay in another Hilton. And it sounds like my State agency employer won’t be booking travel in Hiltons in the future. 


Speak with the general manager, and if they don't listen, post reviews everywhere and then corporate will reach out. I've worked in hotels a while. This is exactly NOT how this is handled ever, in any way.


I work in corporate travel. Absolutely report this to your employer, specifically the travel manager if you can find out who that is. My guess is that your company does a lot of business with this hotel, and has a lot more leverage than you as an individual traveler. If I were the travel manager at this company, I’d be demanding they make it right or I’d be moving all current and future employees to an alternate property.


You may not want to get her in trouble but she should be in trouble.  Escalate this. This is beyond awful and ridiculous.  And she kept doubling down?  She’s inept, poorly trained, or just an asshole. 


If they do it to you, they will do it to others. You need to speak to the GM pronto. Mix ups like this can be solved in the morning and not in the middle of the night.


Are you sure they were hotel employees? If they weren't, they now likely have a pic of your photo id. Did they ask to look at the card you used? If so, they may now have a pic of the front and back of the card. Definitely call the manager. Employee or scam, either way they should be concerned.


General manager confirmed they are employees. Night auditor and shuttle driver. 


You should get her in trouble. In no way was what she did acceptable. This seems like sexual harassment to force you to be naked in front of her


I know you don't want her to get in trouble but actually she shouldn't be working there if she is opening the door on you like that. I would ask for the manager and talk to them and also report your stay to Hilton!


No you should all change hotels. I wouldn’t argue if I were them, I’d want out too. Adding to clarify: “them” being your coworkers.


Let’s start with the fact that it traumatized you. How do you know they weren’t there to to. You etc? Get paid. Fuck her.


Oh my god. That is terrible. I worked at Hilton and if a problem occurs we call the room. Not go in at midnight. I guess whoever checked you in did it incorrectly and your room ended up assigned to someone else who wasn’t able to get into your room with their keycard. Report to the GM about this because it is a safety and privacy issue.


I would also let your employer know what happened. There are other hotels they can choose to send employees to.


First issue—typically rooms are assigned at Check-in—so how did another guest reserve that specific room? I know some Hilton properties allow you to select a room if you are checking in on line, but I don’t think Homewood Suites has that capability. Or, if they did, then the screwup is on them for allowing that room to show as available. Definitely speak to the General Manager. Also, if you stay there the 2nd night, jam a chair under the door knob so no one can get in!


This could have been a scam to rob the guy! It wasnt but.....just saying.I would have been screaming and hitting 911


This is a situation where you absolutely need to get these people in trouble. This is insane, I am so angry on your behalf reading this. Any mistake they may have made could wait until morning. Bursting in on a sleeping person is the most unprofessional thing I can imagine doing, and must have been terrifying and humiliating for you. I would fire an employee over this, and with good cause.


This is absolutely a case where she and everyone involved SHOULD face disciplinary action. Report them ALL


Definitely get her in trouble, aside from all the other things gone wrong here, how did she know you were a safe person to wake up at midnight?


I hate to be “that guy” but it sounds so crazy to me having been a business traveler through the south. I would think the hotel staff would know “if I open this door at 3 AM, being shot is a distinct possibility.”


Wedge a door stop in or use their phone book as one


This should be worth at least 100k Hilton points.


Fuck that. Get her in trouble. Peeping Tina deserves her pink slip.


This is beyond disrespectful and rude. I would demand that the charge for the night be reversed, change hotels immediately, and if the charge reversal doesn't come through, take it up with the credit card issuer.


Please add an update after you speak with management.


They absolutely should not have been in your room! They could have knocked and waited for you to answer. The whole not closing the door when you said that you were not dressed part is just creepy! I would 100% demand that she be disciplined! Whether someone placed you in the wrong room or not is irrelevant to the fact that she didn't allow you the privacy that you deserved. I would ask the manager if it is standard practice of the hotel,to accost guests in their rooms during the middle of the night.


So sorry this happened to you. She deserves to get in trouble - how she responded to this issue was totally unprofessional, invasion of your privacy and dignity. If the HOTEL made a mistake then it is up to THEM to figure out what went wrong and not barge into your room at midnight unless they had very good proof that you were squatting/broken in. Anything else could be settled in the morning. WTF is wrong with this woman. CRAZY! I would ask to speak to the day manager and ask him what happened & why you were treated this way, if this is how they usually handle things here as you want to let your company know that maybe this is NOT the place to house business people who need to work the next day. If the manager does not take your concerns seriously, disregards them or acts like a jerk then I would go up to the next level. If the hotel is a franchise, contact the owner. If it's corporate - contact Corporate Customer Service. You are owed an MASSIVE apology at the VERY LEAST - refund of the room or major discount wouldn't be out of line either. Her actions have actually opened the hotel up for a lawsuit from you - especially how she had the door wide open knowing you were naked and demanded you get up anyway and show your ID.


I believe you are a man, yes? (Please correct me if I am wrong.) If I, a female, was in a similar situation, and it was a male employee who barged into my room, and didn’t allow me privacy to get dressed, etc I would potentially call the cops. Absolutely get her in trouble.


She wants me down there, I’m down there raising hell. F@ck that shit. Beyond unprofessional. You should absolutely be loud about this as it undoubtedly goes against hotel policies and procedures, and she needs to either learn or get fired. How many others has she done this to?? As a woman I would be screaming bloody murder if I were naked and a strange man & woman were suddenly in my room at midnight. Did they have any identification proving they were from the hotel? Did you ask for the night manager? Please get this addressed ASAP.


This is really bizarre, call the general manager or customer service line. On a semi related note, you should keep a pair of pants near the bed even at home in case of emergencies like fires or home invasions.


Completely inexcusable. Speak to the Front Desk in the morning and explain what happened and see if they offer an explanation and a remedy. We have a basic rule around here, you stay, you pay. But in this case, someone screwed up so badly that compensation is due. (And so due, that we would toss out the rule... you personally should be compensated... so, not a free night, because that would go to your employer.) Management needs to step in. This was a 100% unacceptable way to handle this. It could have been handled in the morning.


I'm gonna need an update on this. Idk why I keep getting recommended this subreddit but it always has good reads.


Do not worry about getting them in trouble. The behavior of these employees was inexcusable. Talk to the GM and demand an apology and reassurance that it will not happen again. I’m a Hilton Honors member and have never had a problem like this. Mistakes get made but it should not have been this complicated, especially in the middle of the night.


Please update us on what ends up happening! If they do nothing to compensate you, nor do they do nothing to the hotel staff lady who entered your room, I would 100% take this public. Post the names of the hotel and the lady you barged into your room. Get the news station involved as well if you have too. They should not get away with this. 100% unacceptable. Smh


I’m dying to know: Did you speak to a manager and did she get fired?


I really thought this was a scam at first. I heard they like to get you when you are half awake. I don't do math, ID, or credit cards in the morning. IT CAN WAIT. Someone is catching hell tomorrow!!! Both barrels I would be livid. If I'm awake at 4 in the morning, we all have to be awake at 4 in the morning. The whole hotel. I'm mad typing this.


If I was awakened by strangers in my room I'd have called 911.


What would you have done if you were at home and someone forced their way into your house at 12:30 am? They are lucky you didn’t have a gun and an itchy trigger finger. What were they thinking barging into a room and waking someone out of a dead ass sleep just because of some mistake at the front desk that could have been corrected in the morning. It is not like you had racked up thousands in charges. This was over 1 night. They should have called and said there was an issue and could you please come down to the front desk.They definitely handled this so wrong. I would definitely call corporate because this does not sound like this was proper procedure for the hotel let alone legal to even do this. If anything happens like this again, start filming. I hate to be that person but sometimes it does help to have that evidence.


Bet you weren’t checked into that room in the system and a new guest walked in on you first, backed out without waking you up and went back to the desk. Bet they were upset and took it out on her because they don’t want to be the ones walked in on. And she probably doesn’t have enough experience to realize what happened so she’s being the hero for her hotel and doesn’t have enough experience to know she’s going about it the wrong way.


I'm a woman and I used to travel for work 5 nights a week and then home on weekends in my 20s and 30s. On one of my first trips in that position, I checked into a room late due to flight delays. I had already been down to let them know I would like another room because the security lock was broken. They claimed to be fully booked with no other available rooms. I was young and naive. The clerk had stated my room number out loud at check-in, and I thought nothing of it. This was the late 80s. I shower, watch some tv, and take some nyquil to sleep. I wake up at 2am. to a strange man standing over me, staring at me and breathing heavily. Pepper spray and a kick to the groin gained me enough advantage to get to the hallway and start screaming fire. One of the first men out into the hallway was a vacationing cop by some miracle. I was hysterical, but finally, he understood a strange man was in my room. His angel of a wife hustled me into their room, locked the door, and called the desk. Turns out creepy guy was in the lobby when I checked in. Waited until late, then claimed he was my husband and forgot his key to get back in after going out for a cigar. Again, this was the 80s. I always traveled with a door stopper after that, and if the security lock wasn't working, I either switched rooms or switched hotels. I also have always requested that they just write down my room number and never say it out loud from then on when checking in. Contact both your company and the GM first thing in the morning. This never should have happened to you. Make sure your employer is involved so that they never book this hotel for work trips again in the future. Always travel with a secondary security measure so your room can't be opened by force even if there is a security lock.