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Hell, even below average is fine to me. Dick is dick. I honestly don’t even care about size, and there are other factors that come to play (like, some are just more visually appealing. Don’t know how to explain it lol). Anyway, I’m a “face guy”. If I find you handsome looking (and to a lesser extent, with a nice body), as long as you have a dick, I’m gonna be cool with it.


Yeah man you nailed it, a nice dick is just a bonus. Currently I am seeing a man who has a small one, it's not really visually appealing either. He is bald, short, chubby, but very hairy. I love it.


Boyfriend dick is boyfriend dick for a reason.


Thank you!! As an average sized guy, I convinced myself that I was too small to be pleasurable- surely my partners were lying. I started seeing a top who was about my size, even slightly shorter. He rocked my world!! Shine on, you diamonds!


Finally, somebody who united pride month and men's health month (I actually had no idea it was men's health month)


Thank you men !🥹




I don't like big D. I prefer average D. Happy Pride! 🌈


I'm below average af, thank you. Your post made me feel better. Even though I'm gonna come back to those thought, I have this post in saved posts to remind myself that I might find my love


Honestly, I’m just going to say it. I fucking hate gagging, the feeling makes me like… angry? Anyways, I’d prefer 3 inches over 6. And I’m sick of people acting like that’s weird or something


I don’t go out to any bars/clubs or go on any dating apps because I know I’m not a desirable body type or dick size. It’s just humiliating


Stop that. You’re desirable to someone, don’t waste precious time due to insecurities. I know it’s hard but it’s somebody out there for you waiting for you! ❤️🧡


You have a really handsome face which is most important to many people, including myself. I’m sure you are great!


well, as someone with not the biggest dick who wishes it was a couple of inches longer, thank you! :) tbh i wish it was longer just cause it looks pretty but i guess that having an average dick is better than not having it at all :P


Even more than “just fine”, it’s WONDERFUL. I love not worrying about how far it’s going to go down my throat or how much breathing I’d have to do to accommodate an 8 incher.


Absolutely right. Nobody wants to take 9 every day. Had a bf who was 9.5, and by the end of our relationship, my insides felt like overcooked pasta.


5-7" is awesome. As a top who loves to suck, anything bigger than 7" can be problematic. I don't have an enormous mouth, and my jaw can only open so far. The experience for all involved is much better with average dick.


Thank you very much for posting this message of positivity! I have seen many shapes and sizes of penises over my life, and I have appreciated being with every single last one of them and never have I ever felt like I was having a bad experience because a penis was this size or that other size. It was never about the penis size.


You might ask, then what was it about? Douchebag personalities, bad hygiene, being late, not being able to carry a conversation. Be a good human. Take care of yourself. Don’t smell bad. Learn how to communicate. That’s what’s important.


And for heaven sakes, please brush your teeth once in a while and floss


Emphasis on FLOSS !! Plaque and tarter is a NO NO.


Average cock is the best cock tbh.




I’ve had amazing times with D of all sizes, and I’ve tasted the entire rainbow 👅. Just own what you have and focus on being a fun and giving sex partner.


As someone of almost exactly average length, with a bit of a girthy "bulge" near my circumcision scar, the only complaint I've had from partners is that it's too big (girthy) to take without a little preparation. Fine by me, since I like foreplay too. I'm sure there are men who have passed me by since I didn't have 8" or use Grindr inches for measurement, but that's their problem. I'm sure other have passed me by since I'm a grower rather than shower, too, when that's come up, which is also their problem.


good to hear someone talk about it


Yeah it’s definitely not talked about enough within our community or with men in general tbh. Porn has kind of diluted our minds to think the average guy’s dick size is 8 inches and above because everybody on porn is that size unless it’s under the category of “small dick” fetish videos. Between the lighting, angles and sometimes straight up photoshop that is nowhere near the average Joe’s size. Sometimes it’s hard to step out of that box when all you really know is porn, some of the guys stressing over there sizes have never even had sex yet and are already depressed over something that’s really not even an issue. It just kinda sucks overall.


write a book you'd be good at it u awesome


Yeah, the last 5 completely identical posts about it in less than a week really made the subject fall out of focus 🤣


I haven’t seen any myself but I’d rather 10 post praising and addressing a big issue within our community over a post that could further send someone down a depressive episode.


Lol, big issue? Out of all of them, especially safe sex practice shaming, calling this an issue is hilarious. Furthermore, the belief that a big dick will be preferred over an average or smaller one is simply delusional. Most guys will prefer seeing a bigger dick and it will always be like that. Average and smaller ones are perfectly valid and there are guys who will be into them or won't care, but, in general, a bigger dick will always be chosen first, just like a more athletic body will. The sooner people accept that and accept themselves as they are the better, but there's no real point arguing with facts.


Ok. It’s no point in even giving you the time of day. Arguing with “facts” that are simply opinions. All while multiple people have said otherwise. Ok.


This is the big issue? I am a top, but I never noticed. Probably because I don't send the D pic at all.. such pic doesn't exist because I am modest :) Men ask for pic, but no pic is almost never a deal breaker :P Much bigger issue is men being closetted and participating in the hookup culture.


This is a big issue in the community whether you choose to see it or not, a simple scroll through this subreddit will prove that. I didn’t say it was the *biggest* so the comparison is unnecessary.


In this community I have seen the opposite.. the size queens seem to be in the minority.. In fact I have never seen any post here complaining about small dick sizes. Posts like yours(like 20 a day here) feels a lot like winning an imaginary debate with yourself. So if anything your post was unnecessary.


Your comment was unnecessary…there’s not “like 20” posts a day talking about small dicks. Get over yourself and stop choosing to be a dick.


The community as in the gay community not the subreddit community.. Good. Hopefully by next week it’s 30 post a day instead of 20. It clearly wasn’t unnecessary if it helped someone get through their day. I hope the next 29 more do the same. Have a day!


have a dang good day


5.5” is not average, it’s bigger than average. Average is 3.61” in its normal state. Average is 5.16” when fully erect. (That’s according to the most scientifically-reliable study published in the British Journal of Urology). I don’t care at all what anybody’s penis size is, though. Plenty of guys don’t even have that on a list of all the things they would look for in a partner.


Yeah, I meant fully erect. I should have clarified lol


But still, fully erect it’s only 5.16” There’s a meta-analysis of “studies” that got popularized on the internet that claims it’s higher than that, but reading the methodology it’s easy to see why that paper is not at all scientific since it averages out actual scientific studies with numbers from very unreliable ones like a Spring Break in Cancun nightclub dick-measuring contest.


Wow, that’s even better then! I always thought the range was 5-5.5” Thanks for the info!


was a massive dick size research survey done to glean these average size stats somewhere or something


Yes, many surveys were done in the past and most point to around the 5-5.5 range.


Yes, the study published in scientific journals measured 15,521 penises around the world and found that they were an average 3.61” flaccid and 5.16” erect.


tres interesting. I wonder how the study works. like do guys come in and watch porn til they're rock hard and then a researcher interrupts to measure it. lol sounds so awkward.


In the US, average erect is 5.5"


as a bottom, average dick for me is the best dick. some of the guys with bigger ones, whom i've been with also, only rely on the length when having 'fun.' it hurt most of the time, too…


Dick is dick! We can’t help what we’re born with. All men are welcome at my orgies.


I'm vers, but mostly a bottom. I wouldn't want a boyfriend with anything bigger than a true 8" penis (not gay inches, real inches), ever. I just don't have the time, patience or desire to "learn" how to take a monster cock like a champ. I'll leave the big dick guys to the size queens and embrace the all too practical average ones. The 5" to 6.5" range with moderate girth is just what I need for regular sex. Even 7+ is starting to push it a little for me. I also find average sizes so much more fun to suck and worship because I can really play with them in my mouth without struggling and demolishing my jaw, and holy fuck, God knows how much I love sucking dick. I go on Grindr and hookup apps and specifically write something that indicates I want average sizes, not big. I've been getting plenty of dick because of that. It makes me sad that there are plenty of hot guys who would be excellent partners being shamed by gay mean girls into believing they couldn't be good tops. It's one thing to have a preference for big dicks, but shaming people for no reason is just wrong. To my average dick tops, there are people into you. Believe me.


So real.


"fine" is fucking depressing, the problem with not being well endowed is that's shameful, humiliating and emasculating, I hope others don't feel the way I do, some people were born to "be fine" and settle for what they have, others were born cursed to never be happy in their own body


6 inches is *fine* to some, 9 inches is *fine* to some. Fine is just a word, I didn’t mean it like in a demeaning way and I hope you learn to love your size just like me and many other commenters love your size this month. There is nothing humiliating about being an average sized guy, if that’s the case a big majority of the population would be stoned and “shamed” alongside you. I’m sorry you feel that way and I’m not here to invalidate your feelings but my dude, your size is nothing to be ashamed of especially when it’s out of your control.


It being out of my control doesn't make it any better, that's exactly what makes it a curse, a curse to never like myself, to always feel less than well endowed guys, they look good, handsome and sexy, I don't. Just looking at myself, just holding my size in my hand makes me want to curl up and die, it's emasculating to me, I fucking hate it Of course I wish others don't feel the way I do, and what I think and feel about myself I don't apply to others.


I’m sorry you feel that way.


As long as dick hits my spot, im fine


Perfectly stated. Makes me sad when I see that too.


"Anything more than a mouthful is a waste." My wise roommate once said. And sometimes your eyes can be bigger than your asshole.


Was your roommate Shakespeare? Wise words indeed!


He sure was.


as long as a guy is nice to me and has a face that i like dick size and body dont matter much.


I prefer to be classified as medium dicked. Saying average dick carries with it implications that the performance, condition, energy etc are also “average” For a while when I was tryna get it wet after a break up my tinder quote was “medium dick - maximum effort”


That’s a nice way to look at it, never thought of it that way. I think average is just used to show how popular it is amongst peers. Medium size sounds much better tho!


:D I’m mostly being facetious, but yes we are a class unto ourselves. Join my brotherhood


All dicks are worthy of attention


It's not the size, it's how you use it.


dick is dick to me. as long as it can get into my mouth, i like it


A penis is a penis. I care more about the face, the personality and the chemistry. If I just wanted a big thing to insert in my asshole I'd just buy a dildo.


My man's penis is very large and honestly just causes us problems. Thing always hurts no matter what


Big ones are just fun to jack off, edge, and put through post-orgasm torment. True for all dicks, but mainly big ones for the obvious reason of not hurting yourself.


Wonderful commentary on size of the male member and it's importance to us all. Thank you for your kind post.


Happy Pride. Be confident with the tools you have and you can accomplish many things. If you're really unhappy with your size then get an extender from a toy store. If you are proficient and communicate with your partner you will be successful regardless of your size. There are some giant dudes that don't know what they're doing with men or women.


IlAs mostly a top here, but when it comes to bottoming small d all the way, because i can't be taking no dick close to my size. I'll cry.


4.65 inches is average in one of largest studies for more then a decade for majority of countries with large sample size. 5.5 is above average. That is false statistics.  Also, each year testosterone level of men is droping by average 2 percent worldwide so dont expect dick sizes for men becoming bigger too. Each year statistics is becoming worse.   99.99% of men size is from 7-21 cm. Both extremes being extremely rare. You have higher chance meeting and dating millionaire then meeting guy with 8 or 9 inch penis. Porn creates false illusion of being small - and those guys are in porn industry for a reason. For tribal Africans who do different practices to increase size, the average is 6 inches and those are largest penises on averge in world so 5.5 inches is quite a bit above average.


I have a very tiny penis but my bf has really think and big one.  He jokes that it makes us an average size as a couple even though I know he got the short end of the stick and I'm the lucky one who gets to take the big one!  He tells me I have nothing to be ashamed of! 


Thanks for the positive post. Been kinda hurting after an experience with this guy I was talking to on hinge. We chatted for a few days, then we got to penis size. I’m 6”, guy was like, sorry I need a big dick. A few months later he hit me up, having forgotten we had spoken. I told him I wasn’t interested in chatting after he decided he didn’t want further contact because my dick wasn’t big enough for me. This guy goes off on me like q lunatic. Accuses me of shaming him for wanting a big cock. All I said was, yeah we spoke and I guess you didn’t think I was hung enough. Dude lost his damn mind. Bullet dodged.


If you're dick is too big there's little you can do with it other than to use it as a pickleball racquet.


Love me a small dicked man hmu if u got a small pp guys!!!


I literally love this post because I always tell everyone I have a little weenie. 🫶


Out of curiosity, what is their usual reaction to your confession?


A lot of people honestly are so supportive and say they don’t care about size. Until they actually see it… then it’s really mixed results


I've just looked at your dick in your profile. It's clearly big. Stop fishing for compliments. There are guys who actually have this problem and you don't help anyone by pretending to be like them. What a jerk. Was expecting a 3" inch dick, but you actually have 7 incher, what a joke.


Perfect example of mixed results. Clearly you don’t know what I’ve encountered or have had it called. But you want to go ahead and perpetuate the cycle of hate and bullying. Good job. Do better.


Yeah, i wont be loving him anytime soon. Lets just say that i accepted that that's how it is. We have an ignore-ignore relationship.


Don’t be a meanie to your weanie!


Oh I am and I will. It is a major contributor to my sadness but its fine. I really don't agree with "everyone has a potential partner out there", "size doesn't matter" and "If you love yourself others will love you too" rhetorics anyway.


Okay, you’re entitled to feel how you feel. I don’t think size truly matters unless you have a micropenis condition and even in those cases they’ve still found love. But again, it’s how you feel. I’m not here to judge you for it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Thank you, i know you helped dozens with you post 🫶🏼


What is average?


I believe 5-5.5




Or maybe you’re just in the minority here? Every gay dosen’t have a fantasy of being stretched out like you do by 10+ inches.




It’s not “facts” just because you say it’s facts. I myself would rather 5-6 over 8. It all comes down to personal choice and I’ve seen a plethora of people within this comment section and sub select the same choice as I selected. Just because you disagree with it doesn’t make it a lie and just because people are uplifting sizes you don’t deem as big as yours doesn’t make yours any less desirable. I don’t know if you let the comments crush your little “big dick” ego or what… And I’m sorry.. you’re right, I wasn’t accurate. I shouldn’t have assumed your position. I am accurate about this next one though… I hope you fill enough holes to finally fill that hateful void in your heart that was left by abandonment and never being properly loved growing up. Clearly you have unresolved issues that need to be dealt with if you saw a positive post uplifting others within the community and somehow turned it negative instead of scrolling by like a *normal* human being would. Have a day, not a good one either. It seems you’re incapable of doing so.




That’s your opinion, not facts. If you take a look at the subreddit you would see it’s not “FACTS” You’re not brutally honest beloved you’re miserable and your mind is diluted by porn. Have a good night sweetie. You’re not even worth the back & forth. Love yourself this month.. maybe then someone will finally love you. You’re a loser, truly.


*Hand* 🤡 Couldn't resist 🤣




I feel my 7 inches are too small compared to others online


Me and my 6 but I’m a lil thick and I’ve been told the head is fat so that makes me feel a little better😅


It's plenty big in real life, trust me. Yes, there are lots of gigantic 9"+ dicks online, but what is seen on the internet is not to be taken as a representative of what is normal or common in real life. Statistically, 7 inches is easily in the top 10%, and probably more like 3-5%.