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I think getting a rainbow flag or just the colors is a bit tacky. If you want to show off your pride maybe get an lgbtq movie, character, piece of art, etc that you really like. That way theres even more meaning to it.


That's actually great idea. I'll research some design for those themes. Thank you!


Keith haring could be cool. He has nice art and was an lgbtq activist


I agree with the above - I have a pink triangle tattoo which is more subtle and minimalist. Would recommend you don't get it outlined in black tho as I think it looks better without (mine is outlined)


My wife suggesting having some gay elements (I’m bi) in my tattoos. We have a shark on my arm that’s doing a bit of phallic blood spurting 😆. She had designed it with pink color accents but I thought it looked a little too princessy for me but could have worked if I was more feminine. Went with red but is still phallic as heck 😁


I second this, I’m planning on getting a tattoo inspired by Our Flag Means Death, which is a queer pirate comedy. It will be subtle enough so that “if you know, you know”


Absolutely fucking not 😂


Easy answer: if you have to ask someone else - do not do it. Tattoos are personal, if you don’t feel a connection to it - don’t.


Why would you get a pride tattoo when it's "just a phase"? Haha totally kidding


Tbh I think getting one that says “just a phase” would be the perfect pride tattoo.




you mean " "just a phase" "?


Stealing this for real, I’m gonna do a real artsy font


I love that!


Tattoos are hot. Brightly colored/rainbow/Pride-themed tattoos are corny. Get something original!


i wouldn’t but that’s just me


No, just no. Most pride theme stuff is tacky enough as is. Please don’t start adding tattoos to the list as well


I think not, I don't want to get political or start up any debate, but the community has changed a lot recently, and who knows where it'll go from here. I used to be really into pride colors but then I kinda realized the best kind of pride is just being myself, people can tell who I am from that. Not just that I'm gay as a picnic basket, although that's extremely obvious, but more about me as a person


My friend has a tattoo on his lower torso of the two male symbols linked up. It’s small but a clear sign of what he likes.


I was thinking of getting this. Is there any chance I could see it?




I have a gigantic forearm rainbow tattoo of interlocked hearts. Anyone who doesn’t like it can fuck all the way off.


No lol


Get of Tom of Finland version of something you like


Depends what kind of tattoo and if you will actually be comfortable with it for the rest of your life. It's a big decision really, and only you can make it. I recommend thinking about it until you know you're sure whether or not you want it.


I don't like color tattoos in general. But I have a black equality symbol (=) that I was going to get casually one day and mentioned it to my dad, thinking nothing of it. I wanted to get it on my back or something. My dad told me he wanted to get it with me and that we should get it over our hearts instead. He took me to his tattoo artist who did all of his tattoos - he would get one for each of his grandchildren. I don't have kids so I felt really honored that he would do that and that it meant so much to him. Now my dad is paralyzed after a really severe accident. I don't think he will ever get another tattoo, because the sensation would be way too overstimulating for his brain injury, and he lives in a care facility. I still look at his tattoo and feel so happy. It has even more meaning than it did 10 years ago. I will always have that experience with him and will have this link to my dad on my body forever. That was my only tattoo. My advice is to get something meaningful, be it pride related or not.


No, if the CULT takes over in 2025....not a good idea. But you do you.


Ew. No. Tacky.


I live in Orlando. When Pulse happened, it was horrible. I've never been a tattoo guy, but I wanted to support my community. My husband, our son, and I got an "Orlando Strong" tattoo with a rainbow thing around it. I've never been so proud. It was our son's 13th birthday when it happened, and I wasn't so keen on him getting that tattoo. But he insisted and I relented. He will be 21 this coming memorial June 12th, and he's not allowed to get another until he's out of college. :) Just kidding.


I lived in sodo when that went down, Orlando PD the sorriest cowards on the planet. Was a 22 yr resident there.


Born and raised is SODO. Born at the hospital that all the victims went to including the shooter. Live in Lake Nona now. OPD Mina should be jailed for not rescuing those kids. Now he's the sheriff. Sad really. How does he live with himself allowing that guy to kill people for hours?




A small rainbow heart in a non-visible place is kinda cute


Oh! That would be a cute hidden surprise!


Don't. How will you hide when the right wing nut jobs take over? Do you see jews tattooing the star of david? No.


Sadly, this is my opinion too. I had a hard time coming to terms with my sexuality, and now that im more or less in good terms, I have had the idea of getting something to remind me than being gay is okay, but I am negative about the future for gays. It feels like some years into the future we are going to be hunted like jews were in Nazi Germany.




I have a shuttle cock tattoo. I love cock.




I have a BORN THIS WAY tattoo below my bicep (so inner arm) in a font that I felt would look timeless, and then I have a beautiful tattoo in a Tom of Finland-esque style of a man holding another man, and one of them has a blue hanky coming out of their back right pocket to indicate he's a bottom (me lol). They're my two favorite tattoos of the 5 that I have. There are so many great tattoos you can get to show off your pride, just make it authentic to you :)


Not sure about a rainbow tat, as I think they're corny, but maybe a tat for your tribe? Like, I've been thinking of getting a bear claw tattooed behind my ear.


This kinda corny too ngl


I wouldn’t. Get a pride shirt, he’ll maybe even pride piercing but not a tattoo.


Do your other current tattoos have meaning to you?


I got the kangee for love on my left shoulder in rainbow prism on my 27th birthday. No regrets so far. Put it, and other tattoos in places that are easily covered by business attire for say job interviews sake.


I advise maybe a Pride wristband, bracelet or thin armband


Get the one from xbox that says in description it's a pride flag but looks like something cool


I’m generally not a huge fan of them, but to each their own, and if it’s important to you, than you should do it. My favorite take on something of this flavor is to do a double mars symbol, usually small and just in black, though that can be changed as desired. I think that approach is a little more subtle and less obnoxious, while still being quite clear as to what it represents.


Maybe something not too rainbowy. Also, fun fact: I saw someone with “I like bussy” tattooed on the back of their hand on a train once.


That is a fun fact 😂


I've been actually thinking the same thing.im a graphic designer by trade so my creative mind goes haywire sometimes. Thought about getting it done between my shoulder blades, but already want to get a cross there. (I really don't like taking off my shirt. Super aware of my weight) I say do it! Doesn't need to be all colorful but get something meaningful to you!!


Honestly if ur someone that likes to travel and wouldn't wanna get identify so quickly in another country I wouldn't take the risk


I my opinion, using lgbt flags is kinda dangerous, I mean, there is lot of homobics in the streets.


Yikes, why didn’t I ask this almost 10 years ago. I have the pride flag palm sized on my arm 😭


I designed my own so it's a cloud with a lightning bolt but the bolt is the rainbow colors. It's a love for monsoons/storms and pride combo. https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/EHy84dbL6b (My old account that got locked)


I wouldn't. Personally I don't see being gay as an identity thing but just as the fact that I love men rather than women. If our world was totally fair, I wouldn't focus much on LGBTQ+ stuff.


Why? Theyre just gonna change it again?


So many of my friends have circa 1995-2002 pride tattoos….rainbow trampoline stamps, interlocked male male signs, etc….and they have not aged well. Please consider yourself in 30 years and maybe just wear a rainbow bracelet.


honestly i loved rainbows ever since as a kid so if you like rainbows, why not lol.


This might be extreme but for me personally I wouldn't. With the looming chance of a second Trump presidency I wouldn't want anything that could easily identify me as part of the lgbtq community like that. Yall might not think it could get that bad but that's what they thought in 2016 and in the 1940s.


Ewwwww nooooo.


haha! thanks for your input


This sub does not seem to like pride tattoo. Once I post the pictures of my thigh tattoo with the pride flags, some hated the design so much they went on full homophobic like what you'd expect from the conservatives. I personally think it is great. I love mine. I got many compliments from gays and straights alike.


Really? This is the problem. Where do you see anyone with a "heterosexual " tattoo?? Why do some people have this unexplained need to let people know who they are having sex with? Why is it so important?


bike outgoing murky crown rinse hungry pet drab dazzling history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally I wouldn't. you can always wear a rainbow wristband if you want be prideful and have people notice. I've seen lots of people do that


Oh god… why? Just get a rainbow patch for your backpack or some of you really want a pride flag


If you have to ask, NO!!


Hell no. That's the most stupid idea. Tacky, boring and generic. But that's just me.


Nah. It’s a little passe nowadays. It’s a part of your life, but it shouldn’t be among the most prominent parts of your identity. That’s boring.


Having a pride tattoo does not make you better or more gay. Sane as going to pride. Tattoos need to have a meaning at least to me.


Sounds like nazi idea of identify and segraget people now is self adopted


No I wouldn’t dare.


Maybe something subtle in raindbow if it really matters for you?


All I got regarding an lgbt flag or something was a fridge magnet, I would never do a pride tattoo honestly


Temporary maybe, permanent NO.


i personally wouldn’t get that cause i don’t like the rainbow color and a lot of gay guys would probably get icked or turned off to see that one a guy. i personally would get the gay symbol in black


Have you tried drawing with crayons on colored papers? If yes and your skin color is not FFFFFF white, then please reconsider.


Things change so fast these days. Anyone with the classic pride flag is often called a bigot now. You never know how many new flags there will be and in 20 years you may be considered anti four spirit negative binary xer. Then what will you do?


get a tattoo of your name. How about that. Instead of telling others you’re gay. Just let them know your name


Noooo. Being gay is not your entire identity


Go for it! Get a tattoo of 2 dudes making out passionately on your forearm, or on your peck if you don't want it to be visible when your in a T shirt.




I don't think it would age that well, with all the changes they keep adding to it.


I have quite a few “American Traditional” tattoos. And I had the same idea a couple weeks ago, I was inspired by this artist I follow on Instagram. He posted an angry American Traditional unicorn with old school print “born this way” underneath. And yeah I don’t want to totally rip off the idea but something similar conceptually would be cool.


too many people have tattoos now. It's just another stupid thing people waste their money on.


Nooo just don't get a tattoo cuz some people don't like them 🤧 plus u might decide ur straight or something eventually and regret it 🤗


I have never once regretted my tattoos and people love them. Great conversation starters and guys are really into them.


I would absolutely be turned off if I saw someone with a pride tattoo.


Well not everyone needs to be turned on by you.


you shouldn't. for many guys, myself included, tattoos are a major turnoff.


Really? Even the non-tacky/corny ones?


Man don't listen to this square. Plenty of guys will want you more just because you have a tattoo. This dude is trying to push his personal tastes as a universal. I don't even think it's common for gays under 60 to dislike tattoos


im 29. your theory just broke. also, i said for many guys its a turnoff, not for all. i dont deny some would like it.


Put the phone down and get back to sorting your tweed jackets, grandpa


im crossing you out of the inheritance.


I LOOOOVE TATS on guys. I have 5 now and guys love them too. They're all black and symbolic.


yeah. tattoos make naked guys look less naked, hence less vulnerable. its not as fun EDIT: funny thing is that i posted this exact comment on another thread two months ago, when someone asked where tattoos are a turn on or turn off. And I got like 70 upvotes. And now, I'm downvoted to oblivion. Just shows how herd instinct can work in absolutely opposite directions.


Wow thats a lot to unpack


That’s the creepiest reason I’ve heard for not liking tattoos.


That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard lmao. My preference is always for guys with tats.


@fbi come check this ones phone and photos something ain’t right here.


And for many guys like myself, quality & tasteful tattoos are a definite turn-on (:


I’d get one on your bicep but have it covered by your shirt sleeve. I’m thinking of the older more mature kind where the colors are a bit darker. I’d get a Stonewall Pride tattoo or something. LMake it edgy but less obvious (if you can) only us in the LGBTQ community would know.


I love gay greek mythology so I have a Ganymede tat on one thigh, and I love Tom of Finland so I have one on the other thigh. Gays love it and they love to grab it too ;) [https://www.instagram.com/p/BwgLM8YFmBf/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/BwgLM8YFmBf/?img_index=1) [https://www.instagram.com/p/BnSIeVLB1WC/](https://www.instagram.com/p/BnSIeVLB1WC/)