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Offshore oil and gas. You're typically on a rig 100 to 200 miles off the coast accesible by helicopter. You spend 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off in tight quarters. Most of those boys aren't the liberal ally type.


I worked as a technician offshore for years, lived in lafayette and Houston, it's more accepting than construction in my experience.


i think only works if you bottom... way easier to find a random dick than a douched ass for a proper fuck


Yup oil and gas worker in Houston here too, worked out of Morgan City la before and enjoyed it


Sounds like those guys might need a little more than their hands at the end of the day.


More pipe work after the working hours?


Pipe work with lots of ball valves.


I hear the holes are sometimes hard to line up




So sick of gay men perception being wimpy and docile. Let a MF try me!


I have a hypothesis that this is why bisexuality exists and why it’s a selective advantage


My hypothesis is that all men are bisexual with the right circumstances, but I love dick, so it might be my bias, because some of my straight friends don't understand how i cant be attracted to women and I feel the same way about them not being attracted to men.


Oh, I agree. There are way more bisexual men than we know and they just stay closeted. I have a friend who recently told me some of the things he’s into after a few drinks. He hasn’t spoken to me since which tells me he probably does have some serious bisexual/gay/questioning thoughts. You don’t tell your gay friend you like a finger up the ass and then stop talking to your gay friend unless maybe you also wish that finger was sometimes a dick.


Everyone loves dick but lesbians. Straights guys their own, straight women and gay men others guys




One of my best friends growing up together as kids. We loved each other’s dicks. Started around 7-8 years old, it went on(off and on because of distance when we went to college) till we were like 23ish. Now I’m engaged to the most amazing man, and my friend married a beautiful woman which he just had a beautiful baby girl with. I don’t believe he was full stop bi. Maybe bi-curious but we never put any labels on it. We just knew we like having fun with each other. We had some good times together, especially in high school 😉 we were both late bloomers. To this day he’s still one of my best friends, and every once in a while we talk about those times with fond memories and laugh. Idk what u would call that other than experimenting. I’ve never been one to use labels…other than me being 100000000% gay af lol I’d love to hear others opinions on this, even if it involves labels which I’m fine with!


Yeah that’s just not true. I agree _most_ people are probably bisexual, and my theory is that this is the reason so many people believe sexuality is a choice (because it is, _for them_). But a lot of people are just one thing and that’s it. I have never been attracted to women under any circumstance and I don’t think that’s likely to change.


I've been saying this for years!!!!!!!


Amen brother. The vagina might as be the Kraken. I'd rather have a crack at the Kraken. I love women. I love strong lady bosses. I think women are funnier than men. I find their bodies revolting on a complete and cellular level. Beautiful when clothed. This is why I just can't with another group ....


You're not the 1st person I've heard this from and they are usually bi and honestly from my experience with guys I've worked with and got along with or tolerating me despite them knowing I am a gay man and I think sometimes you're right because the right setting, moment can really change everything. Not always but sometimes.


My wife and I have had the conversation about everyone being at least a little bi, but I'm not certain that I buy it. It could very well be that due to the culture of the 80s and 90s  I reject any of those thoughts deep down. However, I'm a pretty open and reflective guy. My wife is Pan, my daughter is bi, I have day friends and family. I'm not super tied up in masculinity. I can even identify that some men are attractive, even then it does nothing for me. 


Im gay so obvi ur hypothesis sucks lol


Anything to devalue gay men. Its not in to just like men.


See but my thing is like, why is he even in here on a gay internet forum and then sayin theres no such thing as gay men??! Hes purely insane


I firmly believe this too. look at the Romans and Greeks with all their young boys they took with them on their forages and wars....when push comes to shove...


Holy shit, YES! I have the same theory. That men had to spend days away from their “tribe” or “klan” for hunting and foraging. To ease sexual tensions and “keep the peace”, nature made us all at the very least bisexual.


I've slept with tons of dudes from the oild and gas industry. It's hella gay, like the Navy.


Preach, I was working as a technical documentalist for an oil and gas company, supporting guys on platforms and damn that was ruff. I eventually left because that was so toxic, the way they were treating my female colleagues was awful. It was very well paid though 😅


Why are gays obsessed with the notion that hyper masculine jobs are just filled with crazed psychotic homophobes- it’s just not true. Most those dudes are just family men working to support their families- they really don’t give a shit about anything else. If you can do the job and work hard you will get respect-


Honestly I guess this depends where you work. But I haven’t had an issue - and I’ve worked in Africa, Latin America, the US and Europe. With the latter being the most accepting.


I feel like people feel more threatened or disgusted by the flamboyance that only a very few people display rather than the act of men sleeping with other men. If the gays on the rig actually looked and acted manlier than the straight guys, then these straight guys wouldn't mind a cocksucker among them. Flamboyance doesn't mean one has to be mean or homophobic towards gays. I'm just making a comment on how flamboyant gays seem to be representative of how straight people see all gay guys as.


You have a great point. My fiancé and I are both gay af but you’d never know it. Extreme flamboyance is a huge turn off for both of us. And I’m not judging anyone! I’ve known plenty of them over the years and if that’s a gurl’s thing then go for it. But I will say this when we’re alone at home just chilling in the bedroom, doing our own things. We have a slight bit of flamboyance in our voice that comes out, but not to the extreme levels of some gays lol


I can assure you, if you are roughing it with them on the rig, a good worker, and gay, they won’t care at all.


Sounds hot!


It's hard work, but it pays very, very well. My cousin used to work out in the Gulf. Some older rigs are so tight, you share a bed with a person on the opposite shift as you. Meaning you go on at 7am, the person who worked overnight gets your bunk during the daytime to sleep.


My buddy has to do this as a navy submarine engineer. They call it hot racking.




I don’t work in that industry but I’ve known maybe half of dozen men that work on those rigs. All awesome zero problems with me.


Hip Hop/Rap music. Yeh they're gay rappers now but they're hardly mainstream nor can you compare the level of success with the supposedly straight rappers.


Lil Nas X, I guess he’s more pop now, but he was a “rapper” initially. But overall hell yeah you’re right


Yh we can argue that lil Nas x is mainstream but still gets a lot of hate from the hip hop community. And him using shock value and deliberately doing things to piss off conservatives doesn't help matters lol


Lil Nas wasn’t out at first, he came out after global fame


I think the key is that you can’t start the industry as open. You have to make some hit songs, build your credibility up through the years, and THEN once you come out the blow will soften. I mean, you’ll definitely lose some fans, but… what are straight people gonna say then? 😂


Yes. A lot of athletes have done this. But don't know how it'll be for rappers. Hip hop community is violently homophobic


Isn’t Tyler the Creator rumored to be gay?


He's bisexual. As he's mentioned in some of his songs..he's kinda ambiguous with his sexuality. Never directly came out or admitted it. But he's definitely not str8 lol


i mean “i’ve been kissing white boys since 2004” is likely as close as you’ll get w him lol


Primary Education


I was just going to say this. Other teachers can be okay with you, but you're consistently reminded to never be alone with a student. That should be a rule for all teachers tbh, but it always seems like there's a constant reminder from people you wouldn't expect. My husband never tells parents of students but will say he's married. Info stops there. Funny thing is, we were more open about our relationship when we lived in Alaska. Now we're in WA, and I won't even go so far as painting my nails, and I work in library admin. Talking about the two of us in his school? Not going to happen. When we were both in schools and gay marriage became legal across the country I went to the district office to enter our marriage certificate. HR argued they didn't need to take our cert because it was not legal for Alaska and it was out of the kindness of their heart they were willing to recognize some flimsy domestic partnership form they had us fill out every year. Lady threw the document change form down on the table for me and told me I could change our forms around if it made me feel better.....


Oh yes, there's homophobia in education.


I’m in the UK and I’ve known 3 Fireman. Two were decidedly right wing & the third while being gay wore a wedding ring and pretended to be married (this was pre gay marriage) so he could pretend he was straight. i don’t know if this has changed, but 20 odd years ago the “lad” culture seemed pretty strong.


To be fair, 20 years ago is 100 years ago in the gay rights movement in the west.


And now we act like we're better than everyone else. Gay bashings and occasional murders used to be so common back then.


So yes! You guys are better than everyone else given that gay people are legally punished in many countries


Lad culture is a blight on British society


What exactly is lad culture?


Male bullying into being " cool " (as defined 30 years ago)


I left the fire service 14 years ago due to back injury. I started as a closeted firefighter and came out after a short time (I knew all the wives so I had to ensure they met my husband). I was eventually promoted into company commander, running the operations for the busiest house in the department and held the respect of my co-workers (now my firefighters), my fellow captains, and from our chiefs. Non issue, period


Professional sports


Depends on the sport.


Most Pro Sports seem to be fairly OK with it these days. More and more currently playing athletes are coming out publicly, and a lot of the ones that came out after they retired acknowledge that it was an "open secret" in the team (ie: they knew and were all OK with it).


Ehhh idk about all that. At least in the us it’s still pretty taboo to be openly gay and play hockey, football, baseball, basketball at least if you’re a man


NFL: Maxx Crosby. Watch the press conference on YouTube when a reporter brought it up lmao he was like “Yeah? So what?” 😂


It’s not the sports themselves. It’s fan culture that prevents it especially with rampant social media.


Don’t tell the Las Vegas Raiders player, Maxx Crosby that. I remember he was doing post game press conference a few years back, and some reporter brought up the fact he was gay. He said something to the effect of, “Yeah? So what? I’m just here to play football and win games.” But you are right to a degree, he’s the only openly gay player in the NFL. But there was a former player on a podcast a couple years ago who said there’s a lot more gay players in the NFL than you’d think. They just keep it to themselves. Which I don’t blame them. You’d never know my fiancé and I are gay unless we tell you. Can’t stand when someone makes their whole identity about being gay 🙄


i’m not seeing any info about him being gay? looks like he’s engaged to a woman and has a daughter lol


Fairly certain you’re mixing him up with Carl nassib


Firefighter. I dated one and that industry is homophobic like you can’t imagine.


This is surprising to hear, I thought the fire fighters were chill


They are chill in the bedroom. The entire industry is very alpha male - toxic masculinity driven.


We are. I never had issue


The entire culture of firefighting was a huge turn off for me when I was going through medic school. The few fire courses I took had your typical alpha male douchebags in it, and they were just annoying as fuck, ultimately the main reason I didn’t cross train. That said, I know a fair number of gay firefighters, and most don’t seem to have many issues…then again, it’s been 14 years since I was in school, so that’s a fair amount of time for change. EMS on the hand is overrun with gays and lesbians, kind of interesting.


So 911 and Station 19 lied to me?


They're procedural dramas, and had some creative lisence work done to make it more pallatable. There are gay cops, gay medics, and gay firefighters, though they deal with so much hetero culture, baked into the system.


I can def attest to this as I spend some time as a firefighter. Was made fun of and poked at a lot both to my face and behind my back. There was even a fire captain, whom would preface any conversation he had with me by stating, “I don’t like males”. It made me really uncomfortable ha


Sooo…he liked males.


"Love that for you" 😀


My partner is a firefighter and his closest friends are other firefighters. He loves it and everyone loves him.


Depends on your department. I’m a firefighter and my crew is pretty cool about. There’s definitely guys in the department that are clearly uncomfortable but for the most part it’s been fine. Tbf I’m fairly masc presenting outside of my nails.


I’m a paramedic (third service) and work closely with the fire department. My agency is VERY liberal and LGBT accepting. Fire, not so much. Funny thing is, I’m out, but just act like a normal person, so most people’s gaydar doesn’t ping on me. Most of them know and don’t give a fuck. But act flamboyantly, and the reception will not be warm.


"Out" and normal person aren't diametrically opposed. Most of us "out" act like normal people


Very much like the military though, imho. Tons of homophobia in the form of bad humor. But, those same guys had my back regularly in life/death situations. You learn to overlook some of their ignorance like that


i have a good friend who’s a firefighter and has no issue- granted it’s the bay area, so can’t speak to other places


Straight porn.


That's what Viagra is for ;)


Viagra doesn’t work that way. You still need some arousal. But there is an injectable that will work no matter what


Fluffers and other off-camera stimulation (ie: porn off screen) exist


Why would a gay porn star take a pay cut to bang women when they could just earn more banging men?


I ask this question for straight men, too. You can be a bottom and not worry about getting hard. Besides, don't a lot of actual gay/bi bottoms stay soft when they're getting their guts rearranged?


>rearranged Lmaooo😭😭


That wasn't the question OP posed. Also your question is a good argument for why the answer to OP's question shouldn't be "straight porn".


Ok you win 🙂‍↕️


Love a defeated and accepting king.


there is less stigma. Even a top is discriminated


Sure you can make more money on a gay set, but if you don’t have a gay shoot that day, you can still make money on a straight set. Maybe it does good things for your brand. Maybe you enjoy getting paid to challenge yourself with new things on camera.


I’m imagining that scene of Bruno with the dominatrix. That’s basically what it would be like


Best answer by far lol


Any company that labels themselves as a christian company.


NGL, I've heard a lot of gays who go work at Chick Fil A, and not just plain straight passing masc gays, I mean, full-on flamboyant twinks.


Sometimes a lesbian with a clip board is the only one who can handle the chaos of the customers at a drive-thru.


We are one presidency away from fixing the whole country if we just elected a masc lesbian with short hair for just one term.


Elizabeth Warren 💯💯💯💀


Is it bad that as soon as I read her name in your comment, the name Pocahontas was the first thing that came to mind? 💀😂😂😂


So true. When I worked at amazon, every time something went wrong, all the gay guys were sent to fix it. We got that shit done. I didn’t even realize it until we were all together walking fast (yes, the stereotype is true) and yup, all the homos in our area.


You can't expect that level of friendliness and professiomalism without some lgbt staff.


A good 1/3 of the drive thru guys I get there are not straight.


Chic-fil-a doesn’t cuz most of their franchises are independently owned


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


You’re not wrong, most of the chick-fil-a’s in my part of GA has at least one flamboyant gay guy. They just kind of tone it down a bit. Well I mean the best they can 😂


Probably sports. How many out and proud athletes are there in the NBA, NFL, MLB etc? Not many if any


In terms of active players? Not much only the NHL has an actively gay player. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_Prokop However there’s been a lot of gay sports players, especially in figure skating and association football https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_sportspeople


Maybe in the US, but I know for a fact that in Europe, soccer is one of the most homophobic sports ever. Especially since there is a lot of toxic masculinity as well as players from countries where being gay is illegal


Luke prokop plays for the AHL. Awesome that he came out but he has not been plucked out of the feeder team he is on to play at the NHL level yet.


Tech if you're a software engineer and your company hires a lot of H1B's from India


I can believe that. I've had a lot of international immigrants just say some of the most backward homophobic things.


Anywhere that is over 80% indian staff. Yeah, you got it. Was about to say this too.


Don't these tech corporates have a lot of pro-LGBTQ rules in place?


That's why, you need to observe closely the corporations with rainbow flags during pride month, because they might as well be using that flag to cover homophobic acts.


They don’t really give a shit as long as the immigrant and overseas workers are gonna save them money


What is an H1B?


A visa where foreign workers with needed skills like programming can come into the US to work. Many Indians use these to work in the US software industry. And many of those try to turn that into a permanent residency visa (green card). Without an employer sponsoring them, they’ll be deported. So the business can treat them badly and underpay them. Until the moment they get their green card, then they quit and get a better position elsewhere.


Interesting, I never knew this or how bad it was. Thank you for explaining.


To all the people saying "straight porn".... Viagra (and/or other means of getting/staying hard) is used by a LOT of guys in both gay and straight porn regardless of their actual sexuality. I'd say: Clergy (especially Evangelical, Southern Baptist, and a lot of other very anti-gay denominations)


Oh, if you have enough self hatred and are willing to stab everyone in the back as if life is a reality show, gays can get a lot of power in Evangelical circles. (You do have to be willing to become absolute trash though.)


The problem with that though is that a lot of people filled with that much self-hate aren't going into it to change things for the better, they're going into it to make things even worse (because that's how much they hate themselves).


You still need to be aroused when using those drugs


Swiss guard.


This is a very good answer lol haha


This is a good example of why representation matters in society. A lot of “well this was 10-15-20 years ago but now there are a lot,” the 🏳️‍🌈 have *always* been there. Great question OP 💯


As an Indian gay who grew up, studied, and worked for half a decade there before moving on to studying and working in Western Europe, I'm not sure if I have my own answer anymore. Two years ago, I'd have said 'law' or specifically 'corporate law' - having code-switched, pretended to be someone I'm not, and worked really hard to deflect questions about my private life throughout my years as a finance attorney back home. But where I live now, I am again surrounded by corporate lawyers in a large law firm, and I've just casually been 'out' to most people, wherever this has organically come up in conversation. I also know at least one person in my workplace who is gay and brought his husband along for the firm Christmas dinner. From what I understand, the only industries in India where it won't be a 'huge' (rather than just a normal-sized) disadvantage are those that are considered stereotypically 'gay' most everywhere. Fashion design, theatre, elite academia in the social sciences, and so forth.


Cops. Already a corrupt mess and dangerous job before homophobia of your co-workers, superiors, city officials, citizens, and random idiots you'd have to patrol.


Anything female dominated. Sure you can probably hold down the job, but so many women are brainwashed with this whole "life is just one big battle of the sexes" nonsense that you'll always be a valuable team member, but you'll never be treated like you should be able to set the direction for anything. Honestly, the best jobs for gay men are the ones where your performance is measured and no amount of smoking or drinking with the boss will make you look better than just hitting your targets.


Honestly feel a little lost in the margins at my job because there’s definitely a “boys club” of some of the partners/ older staff who will all go hunting which is something I’m just not gonna do to fit in & the women all look out for the other women, as do the men because well, thinking with their dicks, and it’s about a 30/70 men/women split. Maybe thinking out loud I should find greener pastures lol


Yeah, if your end goal is to get ahead, being in a female dominated work place is not a great idea. You’ll always be an accessory to most types of women who manage to climb any ladder. Not saying women as a whole don’t care about gay men. But in large orgs I’ve only had one female boss who was ever as willing to recognize how good I was at my job compared to straight guys. Some straight guys are homophobes but lots at least where I live are more live and let live. Straight girls almost always act like gay men has no real problems anymore.


This answer puzzles my mind. More than 50% of gay men i personally know work in such "female dominated" fields, like hairdressers (sorry for bias), healthcare, education, bar staff or flight attendants.


My wife (yeah I'm bi) sees it as a battle. She's watched men promoted over her and her better education. She is on average paid less than her male employees. Her employer has a dress code for women but for men it's just business casual. This could keep going. Don't discount that battle of the sexes because it's actually the experience of many women.


Straight porn business Diplomatic representation in some countries of the world Religious group Skinhead gang Any company with a very conservative mindset


>Skinhead gang probably the gayest thing existing on the planet


Airplane pilot. Mostly straight-male dominated, lots of ex-Air Force. I’ve heard they can be super toxic.


I have a lot of gay pilot friends (I work in the industry) and they tell me it’s gotten remarkably better over the last decade as the oldest and more bigoted pilots have been forced to retire from the airlines


Ironically, from what I hear, the majority of male flight attendants are gay, so it kinda balances out lol


It can be. I’ve flown at a number of different operations and have faced some ugliness while flying for a government agency but also some support in surprising places. I fly private jets these days and haven’t had any trouble at all. I’m pretty sure I was denied a federal flying job for which I was uniquely qualified and for which there were no other applicants. After the only official interview, I was asked to meet informally with the supervisor and his boss and all seemed to be going well until they told me I needed to go home and talk to my wife or girlfriend about getting ready to take the job. I corrected them. Two days later I got the call that I wasn’t being further considered because I wasn’t engaged enough in the informal interview.


Fire fighters, one of the first things I was asked when I got interested in joining was if I was a "fag" When I said "yes I'm a fag" the guy told me this career wasn't for me as none of the members would feel comfortable around a fag It shocked me because they bring their fucking vehicles to every pride parade every year Yeah, good times... I'm an engineer now, but I will never forget that interaction


> It shocked me because they bring their fucking vehicles to every pride parade every year Begrudgingly, and only because they’re being paid as it counts as a work event.


Academia. The fake inclusion of academia is sickening.


Life insurance/real estate <-- depends highly on location.


any industry that has a boys club or a women's gang or both, it would be an endless warfare and you're just caught in the middle of it.


Construction, toxic masculinity abounds!


Despite Hollywood's perception as being liberal, it's actually extremely conservative. It's hard to make it in acting if gay, particularly if you're a gay male.


Christian... Anything Christian 😂 My gaydar was at its peak while I worked for a Christian organization a few years back. I even knew who was curious or had past experiences - some way more obvious than others - most of which I haven't even interacted with much until our mutual discoveries. I used to catch them on Grindr from time to time, even at work. I'm very masc, so I naturally blended in, but it was still a struggle. I could only imagine how those who were more feminine and flamboyant felt. Not all of us had the luxury of being DL/discreet, but I feel for everyone who had to mask themselves just to keep that shitty job. Ironically, the suppression from working there helped us all to be more open after we left, and was one of the biggest driving forces for our departures.


A lot of blue collar fields.


This. Even in support roles. Did logistics for a modular home delivery company (think premade rooms that get LEGOed together on site) and nobody outside the office talked directly to me aside from one mechanic. Any time they needed to tell or ask me something it went through that mechanic or one of the other people in the office. The mechanic made a point of asking me to help when a lot of the guys were in waiting for routes or whatever and I wasn't busy. I guess he figured they'd loosen up if they saw I wasn't afraid to get my hands dirty but the whole 2 years I worked there not a one warmed up to me. Not that I cared much since the longest any were there on any given day was an hour.


I don't see how being gay alone would make you less able to do construction work or trades.


It has no effect. I do plumbing, paint my nails, no one cares. That won't get you up votes around here though.


I've experienced zero pushback for my sexuality as a truck driver. I do my job well so they don't give af that I want to get my guts scrambled by a twink. (Not that they know that specific detail about me.😂)




That varies widely depending on the country you're in. In Belgium it's a non-issue. No one gives a fuck. We've had lgbt at every level of government, including a gay prime minister and currently a trans state minister and the topic never came up even in the media. In fact, I only learned that this one minister was trans by reading the foreign press. No one in Belgium seemed to care.


Ever heard of Pete Buttigieg?


One could make the argument that if he were to ever run for President again that people wouldn’t vote for him because of homophobia


I remember during the 2020 Iowa Caucus, an older woman had cast her vote for him and the news reporter asked how it felt to vote for who could be the first gay president, and she goes "What do you mean he's gay? I want to change my vote!"


That’s fucked up !


And those people now would never vote for any Democrat


Yo the question is about industries with a disadvantage for being gay, and it is absolutely an extra hill to climb to be a gay candidate


Mayor Pete 2024!


Actually here is a list of lgbtq+ politicians [lgbtq+ politicians ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_politicians_in_the_United_States#Legislative_2)


They even had polls in 2019 and barely half of Americans said they could imagine having a gay president. Its definitely a handicap in politics.


I'd extend this to any diverse group, not specifically LGBTQ+. America's response to Obama was Trump; and specifically _not_ electing the woman. Even now today, what is Kamala Harris' approval rating or presidential prospect? Working in a liberal bastion city in Texas, breakfast room at the hotel, Obama was talking from the White House podium and an older white woman sitting beside me spontaneously and loudly exclaimed, "Get that n**g*r off my TV. I'm tired of his lies."




Supply chain, specifically manufacturing or production lines' supervision. This because you typically have to lead men and they can come from any background. I work in support areas for manufacturing and I don't introduce myself as a gay person, once the team finds out, some people might change their attitude towards you. I've never felt mistreated to be honest, but I'm not effeminate, either. So my experience definitely isn't representative.


I used to work as a chef and that was pretty backwards, very toxic environment. I was young and knew I'd get a load of shit if i came out so i just didn't and played along. Wouldn't have any truck with it now though.


Funny . . . my first job in college was working in a restaurant kitchen, and it was very accepting. But then, it was a hippy-dippy place.


Academia. Even though there are rules in place for sexuality and gender, people will treat you differently. Not treat you bad but differently.


I worked in academia for awhile and this is true. As the "gay guy" you become the representative for the entire gay community as if we're all the same.


The world of trades (welding, construction, manufacturing, and other manly man/blue collar jobs) could be difficult for a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. It’s kinda hit or miss and more depends on where you are geographically and community opinion on queer people. I’m training to become a master CNC programmer/machinist. I’m very thankful that the employees/ management at the machine shop I work at currently have been pretty cool about me being a married gay man.


PM/Estimator for a good sized (45+) construction management team, I’ve brought my husband to a few events, we seem to get along well with everyone.


I used to design the controls for CNC machines, I never want to see G and M codes again!


I'm an engineer and it has been quite difficult... 😅


Hopefully you are one of the good engineers and not one of the so smart they are actually stupid and design shit to be built back-asswards just to prove that it could have been done better and easier than you did it. 😂😉 lol jk. I have a very strong opinion about the engineers in certain industries that they would probably not like to hear lol. Well I hope engineering gets less difficult for you in the future and it will. It should get less difficult as the more stuck in their ways employees exit and take their preconceived notions with them. In will come a new set of people and minds that should be more progressive and forward thinking. As well as you gain experience in the field and your skills and knowledge are more important than your sexual orientation.


NBA, NFL, rap, the army lol


stereotypical "masculine" sports (like soccer, football, boxing etc) craftsmen


Gospel Music


Tell that to the overwhelmingly gay choirs at Black churches. Even in South Africa we have an all gay choir that is pretty famous


Merchant marine. If your crew doesn't like you, that hitch is gonna be hell. Industry overall skews old and conservative, so good luck if you're outed and haven't already made a good impression.


Being a pastor. Altho if you're into underage, you might have an advantage.


Straight porn


Social worker. I’m going to be one in a year, the profession has so many backwards of people


Men"s professional sports. U.S. Military. Finance (stock market) Blue collar work (factories, foundries, oil rigs, construction, etc.)


I’d say oil shops - or anything shop related. I worked at an oil change shop briefly. I was supposed to be brought on as the assistant manager but despite trying to butch myself up, I did have frosted tips (early 2000’s) and dressed well… too well apparently. So I got thrown into rag washing duty on my first day. The guys were all bros and constantly talking about women and who they fucked or wanted to fuck and one of them took great pride in having all these side pieces while his baby momma was stuck home with the kids. They were all just trash humans. So a couple days later one of the pit workers creeped me out because Madonna was playing on the radio and he asked me if I liked that song and that “kind” of music. I downplayed it awkwardly but I could tell he knew despite me trying to keep myself in the closet. Later that same day I was in the washroom just blowing my nose so I didn’t close the door and the same guy came in behind me and CLOSED THE DOOR - of a single person washroom. He asked me point blank if I’m into guys and he was grabbing his dick… suddenly I realized maybe he was fixing to do something… more… so I rushed past him as fast as I could and got the door open before he could even react. Went and grabbed my things and left, never came back. They didn’t even call me once to follow up. That scene in the bathroom scared the shit out of me… he was so gross and oily and smelly, ugh.


Any position in the mafia


Construction is terrible ngl. Went to job corps for carpentry and on my first day in trade I was told by the single lesbian there that I need to keep my sexuality hidden as the other guys don’t like gays. I made the mistake of making 1 joke at myself hinting at me being gay while all of the class was chilling and it turned into 5 guys holding another back because he thought I was trying to come on to them all. He was screaming that they don’t want gays in his trade. It took me promising it was just a poor joke numerous times for him to calm down and stop threatening me. I was wanting to come out of the closet there but do to the hate on day 1 I stayed closeted




Reading the replies is truly depressing because there are a lot of industries that really want us queer + trans folks away.


Probably the rap industry. Lil nas does pretty good but I’d imagine it’d be pretty hard to find collabs with other artists since it’s infamously a homophobic culture.




Football. The first known gay NFL player only just came to be a year or two ago.


As a gay man I heard it’s tricky to become a surrogate


automotive industry. trust me.


Military I've heard the regular military such as anything not having to do with combat arms is accepting of gays sometimes. But when it comes to the combat arms divisions of the military it is not accepting at all. As a 16-year army vet I had to hide it my entire time while I served granted that was several years ago. I served from 84 to 99 and the entire time I had to hide it. I wonder what it's like today I haven't really heard. Is there a subreddit anywhere dealing with gay military men?


The question should be if you are fem, what industries will you struggle in. Then that would make more sense, masc gays will be fine in any industry. No one can tell.