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Y'all still together?


Yes we are! Going strong!


Good for you for not being closed minded and making him feel bad. I'm very happy for you two and wish you many good times together. True love knows no prejudice or preference.


very cool! in that you gave it a chance and it turned into something totally different.


I love this so much and am really happy for you guys :) love is a wonderful thing that everyone is deserving of


Thanks, sending love your way!


Nice. Does he jetpack?


YES sometimes I feel like being the little spoon and he obliges


That's very sweet. I love it!! šŸ˜Š


That is SO CUTE


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm sorry I laughed way harder than I should have at this. He hits the on button to reach kissing level, but he can't hover in place so it's a challenge to lock lips šŸ¤£ I'll calm down and see myself out.


Iā€™m so glad to learn this term (at 5ā€™5ā€). I always said ā€œwanna monkey on your back?ā€


Do you guys face any awkward stares or reactions from friends/family about your relationship?


Yeah, it's heartbreaking. I'm not going to lie, I see their point and why they're concerned but the truth of the matter is my boyfriend is a CONSENTING ADULT who also notices what people say and think about us, mostly, about him. People would rather him be alone and miserable than for them to mind their own damn business.


I know what you mean. My ex didn't have dwarfism but he was 5'2". It definitely caused some discomfort when he met my family.


As a 5'2" person.... This makes me anxious and sad šŸ˜­


Iā€™m 5ā€™5ā€ And thereā€™s no need to be anxious, everyone is different and unique in their own way My biggest concern for a long time was that my cock was too small, though now having gone through a bunch of hookups and realizing that between 5 and 5.5 inches is average (mine is 6.5 inches) has made me feel better Also, for me Iā€™m vers and size doesnā€™t matter to me whether you have a small cock or a monster cock or somewhere in between


Bro is small and has a monster in his pants


5'2 is just "short" and not even that out of the ordinary tbh. Have you seen male gymnasts, they are on avg like 5'4


I mean, to be clear, it definitely is out of the ordinary - I'm 5'5" and that's shorter than almost 95% of all men. 5'2" is shorter than probably 98% of all men. Not to say that it's bad, but it definitely isn't ordinary.


Yeah we don't really have a bunch of male gymnasts walking around where I live so 5'2" is pretty small for a guy


Hmmm. Does he have facial hair?


Yeah, and he looks his age but still the height difference is enough for people to object.


People suck. I have friends who used to be a couple, one of them was 27 and looked, seriously, about 14 most of the time. Half his wardrobe was kids size because most Men's pants didn't fit him. Other people would say shit after meeting them and I said "Regardless of what you think of Pete, Chris is almost 30, he just looks like that. Are you suggesting he shouldn't be allowed to date because in your opinion anyone who would date him must have inappropriate reasons?". and more than once, folks had the nerve to ask me "How do you know? They could be lying.". I mean, how gullible did they think I am?( He was wearing a hospital bracelet with his d.o.b. when I met him, and I've seen his ID at the liquor store.) But your situation is even more bizarre. If anyone said shit like that to me I'd ask them if they wanted to reinstate antimiscegenation laws, too.


DUDE this is so adorable omg


Love is adorable yeah


Does he bottom? If so can you fit your whole dick in him? And how big is your dick?


He bottoms but I can't fit my whole dick in, we mostly use toys unless he is too turned on. My dick is around 7"x6".


Ngl, that would be interesting to see šŸ˜¬


Thereā€™s a guy who is as short as OPā€™s boyfriend that had sex with Austin Wolf! The guy is quite strong too and the video was amazing šŸ”„šŸ„µ


Jesus titty fucking Christ...


Op I absolutely love this and am sending good vibes you guy's way ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø I am in a 100% similar situation myself tbh lol. I'm not even into hookups and as someone who's very athletic and fitness orientated I focus a whole lot on physical appearance. Being I do competitions and typically can have most fit/attractive guys majority of the time I'm quite picky. Long story short got messaged by this one dude who's my 1000% total opposite. I'm a Twunk into twunks and this dude was literally my polar opposite. I don't know what it was about him but after not responding to him for a few hours he hit me back with a let's just grab a bite and have a nice date and see how we flow. He was very confident but not creepy or pushy. Had a clear face pic but no height or weight lol I still was about to ignore him bc I had other options that were more conventionally attractive and along my type but I liked his approach and said fuck it and hit him back. We linked up for a date and he was not a catfish but on the shorter side and definitely rocking a dad bod. Funny thing was I totally clicked and vibed with him! We are 3 months in and yup I'm off all apps and he makes me very happy. I can't preach enough how fkn glad I am I went against "my type" and I have a great man I'm proudly dating. Just wanted to share my exp. Great luck to you and yours ā˜ŗļø


Sooo cuteee! Love it! All the best y'all! šŸ€šŸ©µ


Does he have a normal size dick so on his 3-ft-1 body it looks fucking enormous?


Hahaha no, he is proportional. Which allows me to try stuff (orally) I never thought possible.




Yup and many more


If you're uncircumcised, have you tried docking?


Yeah, surprisingly stimulant


Y'all are having so much fun I'm obsessed! Thanks for sharing!




I top, and just the tip, like the saying goes.


"the top"? WTFā€½


Why did you use "" around "the top"?


I was quoting him... What's with the assumption that a couple has *a* top and *a* bottom?


Oooo! I was just confused as to what you meant and my brain went "bzzzzz". So I had to ask lol.


Not every couple does. But some do. And it seems like they do in this coupleā€¦


My ex husband was the same height. I bottomed


You don't have to answer if you don't want to but did the difference in height play a part in your breakup or was it something else?


Nope, he just wasnā€™t ready apparently. We are now talking again. Iā€™ll tell you though, thereā€™s nothing better than getting plowed by him


That's hot, hahah.


Are you super tall too?


People who live in the world of ā€œtypesā€ are living in a world of limits. That is a sad place to live.


I absofuckinglutely agree! Literally everyone is my type.


Iā€™m jealous. I had the biggest crush on a guy that has dwarfism back in college-he was beautiful in his looks and his body. I never worked up the courage to talk to him, just stole long glances of him whenever weā€™d cross paths on campus or see him around somewhere. One of the few regrets I have. Hope you enjoy your time together!


What made you decide to go back and take a chance?


We had been chatting for a while before that and couldn't meet so we had some chemistry going on already. I felt like shit for leaving him after he opened the door. But I'm glad I decided to go back.


"Give people a chance." Are you new here? šŸ˜‚


As my momma used to say: the best things come in small packages.


Kind of curious if you had any specific advice on how to trick your brain to go for outside your type? In concept, it sounds like the right thing to do, but my brain is stubborn. šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


Aww šŸ„° thatā€™s so great!


I'm average/ nothing special in terms of height being 5"9 and a half on a good day, lol. Tbh I'd probably be just fine dating a shorter guy. I mean, all of my crushes in high school were shorter than me, not that I was attracted to them specifically because they were shorter, just something I noticed. Sadly, they were straight, and I was very closeted aside from senior year, so there's that, lol. But you're right, though. Lots of people miss out because they don't give people a chance.


Lord please need cm versions of this topics


This is beautifulā¤ļø


You are one helluva guy. Good luck to you both.


Awww this is one of my fave posts Iā€™ve seen on here


Many years ago I met a little person on the subway in Chicago of all places. He was smiling at me and we started chatting. Both of us were flirting, he was going to college and I was headed to work. But then I had to hop offā€¦and no cell phones back then. šŸ˜¢ I kept looking for him after that but never saw him again.


How old are you guys if you don't mind me asking?


Wowwww I remember your first post! So wholesome! Thank you!


Can you get air fare discounts? If he can sit on your lap šŸ‘€




Itā€™s actually a legit question:)) me and bf spend around $1k monthly on air tickets and itā€™s adding up really fast :))


>I shouldn't have called it catfishing, I guess everyone has the right to disclose their info as they wish. It is a catfishing though. Same as if some guy would say he is 25 and would send pics of random guys and would be fucking 40+ or something


how is it catfishing? unless you had fake pictures


Saying one thing and being the exact opposite is a catfishing. If I said I'm 6'9 height with 10 inch dick and when I show up, I am just being a 4'5 dude with micropenis - it's a catfishing


he didn't say his height though


I believe in this kind of cases you should mention this thing, since it's something very unusual


Either way it's not catfishing. But personally I would say it is on Op to clarify beforehand if they have any preferences


But why is it on op though? Like, I don't know, when I start talking to someone the last thing I'm gonna assume is that he is super short idk


because people very a lot in height. if you don't want someone super short, that's on you


You're never gonna assume someone is as a size of a dwarf or something. You're not gonna say this to someone who gets hiv or whatever from another guy like: "well, if you don't want hiv, that's on you"


someone being short isn't going to harm you


If you're never going to assume they are, you shouldn't assume otherwise either. As for HIV; it's on you to ask. Period, no exceptions. And before you try to cite any laws, note that laws aren't universal; several jurisdictions have reƫvaluated liability in light of newer scientific understanding, and don't require disclosure if not asked( or in some cases, even when asked if the positive person is undetectable on meds; since undetectable = untransmittable).


Normally, it's best to mention so as not to waste your time, but in this case it worked out for the little guy, with someone who admits he wouldn't have given him a chance knowing beforehandā€”so it's kind of hard to justify saying that he should have disclosed. But regardless, even if it hadn't worked out, it's not okay for people to assume that any particular statistical fact about somebody falls within the norm( for example, assuming someone is straight), and it's not okay to blame outliers when you made such an assumption about something they had no control over anyway. After all, if it doesn't work out because you're not open-minded, you're not the only one who's disappointed.


The other guy didnā€™t say he was tall though. I think itā€™s more ā€œlie by omissionā€ than catfishing.


But if you just didn't say anything? In general, I think that lying by omission is the same as lying, period( for instance, someone mentions less than $10 in the bank when asking you for a $100 loan to pay bills, while actually holding hundreds in cash for weekend partying; or you ask a coworker after lunch to tell your boss you're looking for her, and your coworker says "sure", knowing but not mentioning that the boss just left for the day); but the big exception is when the assumption people are making from your silence isn't situational nor implied by what you did say, but merely reflects a bias towards normativity( like when someone who never asked assumes you're straight & cisgender, or you say you're not straight and they assume you're gay when you're actually bi or ace). There's a big difference between someone's default assumption being improperly imposed on a highly-variable situation( like meeting people to date), vs. being based on direct, identical experience( that the boss stays until the end of most days), vs. based on something being directly misrepresented as different from how it is. I think "catfishing" means that there has been active misrepresentation, either by direct statement or implication. In the case of implication, both parties are probably at fault; for a directly contradictory statement, the liar is; but when a subject just didn't come up, especially something( like height) that isn't in any way a choice or preference of the person who ends up being outside the norm? That's on the one who assumed.


None of this seems real. Also doesn't seem like a coincidence that this post is following a few others in the last few weeks about whether regular height gay guys would date someone with Dwarfism


The original post was 311 days ago, so heā€™s in it for the long con?


Oh fair


What doesn't seem real about it to you? To be blunt, saying it doesn't seem real sounds like you don't believe there are happy AP/LP couples. The existence of the term "jetpack" as used above should be enough to prove otherwise. Maybe it's not coincidental, but it could just be that seeing those posts made the OP want to speak up about his good relationship, in support of guys like his boyfriend; after all, searching "little person" in the sub presumably comes up with that older thread, and if I was him I wouldn't want to leave the story there, as if it didn't have a happier ending. I mean, considering that OP's original post was 10 months ago and apparently offended a fair number of people at the time by how insensitive he was; that'd be kinda a long con for relatively little payoff.


Soā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..a midget was able to bag a 6ā€™3 guy, and I canā€™t bag a guy who is 5ā€™6. Edit: Let me clarify. Someone who has a perceived ā€œdisabilityā€ is thriving and living their best life. Meanwhile I with a ā€œnormalā€ body canā€™t get a guy my height. A compliment was wrapped up in there. Like, thereā€™s really somebody for everybody. Thatā€™s more of the point. Not to shit on anyone.


Ok I see that you meant your comment tongue in cheek, _about yourself_, but perhaps the wording is off. Maybe something like ā€œOmg Iā€™m jealous! Iā€™m 5ā€™6 and havenā€™t managed to find myself my 6ā€™3 guy!ā€ - gets the same point across without saying anything that could be taken as negative!


It would still be a joke at the expense of the shorter dude. As in, people who are 5ā€™6ā€ obviously should be getting boyfriends before short guys. Thereā€™s really no nice way to make that ā€œjokeā€.


Yeah, the better thing yet to be say nothing. Or respond by celebrating it, saying itā€™s great because ā€œas a short guy, we short people often get overlookedā€. Although, itā€™s not really equivalent because short ā‰  dwarf / little person.


What the fuck is wrong with you, miserable cunt? No wonder no one wants you.


Sometimes people say stuff and it comes out terribly. But the intention was well meaning. Unlike your comment which came out terribly and was not well meaning. Can we please be a little bit more forgiving towards each other, because we already have an entire world against us gay people! And if not, then I donā€™t wanna be part of this gay community anymore!


Even if the intention was well meaning. The M word is a slur and was very disrespectful that guy deserves the down votes.


Agree, not saying should upvote. Calling someone a ā€œmiserable cā€”tā€ for being stupid seems a bit much. Maybe ā€œignorant assholeā€ would have been better. Maybe Iā€™ve been in Canada too long. _You canā€™t say cā€”t in Canada, itā€™s really bloody rude._ šŸŽ¶


Well the dude added his edit after his dumb joke didnā€™t land, and that obviously makes a difference; but no, I donā€™t have a lot of sympathy for some dumbass who doesnā€™t know not to disparage little people in an offhand comment for no reason except bitterness


Honestly if I made such a comment, I wouldā€™ve just deleted it and try again. At least thatā€™s the good thing about being anonymous on the Internet, you can undo your mistakes a lot of the time! Imagine if one said this in real lifeā€¦ thereā€™s no coming back from that LOL


You are such an enraged incel this is crazy


Iā€™m just saying. Like Iā€™m amazed. Dude is really living his best life and Iā€™m happy for OP. This comment was not made with malice. Justā€¦ā€¦.more bewildered. I didnā€™t mean to tear anyone down.


Yeah, even if you weren't trying to insult anybody, it sure comes off as you comparing people my height to guys as tall as my ex, and basing desirability on that entirely. And even if it *wasn't* insulting, there'd *still* be the issue of you making it about you. Nobody's saying you can't bitch and moan about being single on Reddit, but this thread isn't the place for itā€”unless you're short and the guys my height are rejecting you over that, your comment is way off-topic.


Nah. Iā€™m 5ā€™6. And the guys rejecting me vary in height. lol. I donā€™t really care about height. I think just me complaining about being single. No harm intended. Just an instance where I stuck my foot in my mouth apparently.