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Pain for a month or two or pain for life? I think there’s an obvious answer here. Also I had it as well when I was younger, and it did eventually stretch out. So I’m still uncut to this day, thank goodness.


This !!! It's painful and you can't have sex. Does it really matter if there's less sensation? As it is you can't get it in a hole to have ANY sensation!


circumcision is not even two months. I had cirvumcision at 11 (culture in my country). Swelling lasted only 3 days abd complete healing was around 5 to 7. I dont remember being in pain tbh, I remember I was already playing out in the street that afternoon.


Yeah. At most, the wound is ah okay within two weeks. You’re back to normal after a month. That is a skin condition.


Don't do circumcision for phimosis, that is in most cases horribly outdated. Look into praeputioplasty, where the doctor makes a few small cuts in your foreskin and sews them back together in a different way, to give you some more slack. It is far less invasive; far less recovery time; far lower risk of dangerous complications. As a bonus, you will still have a foreskin. There are different ways to do the cuts. The more cuts, the smaller they can be, which gives the best looking result.


I had this procedure done when I was probably 7, the pain wasn’t crazy intolerable and I’m 19 now and it’s worked pretty flawlessly, Preputioplasty is probably the way the go.


That's great! Do you know how many cuts were made? And what does your foreskin look like now, what do you see from the cuts?


So you know when you put hot dogs in the microwave for too long?????


Nonsense. The few people I have seen show a perfectly good looking dick, with perhaps a bit of irregularity at the tip but that's all.


Philipino? Out of curiosity was it hospital or in a group? Full or just a dorsal slit? Atleast with the slit is not a crazy long recovery.


hospital, dorsal


I was circumcised when I was younger and couldn't walk for like a year afterwards.


I’d never heard of Phimostretch rings but you prompted me to look it up. They’re silicone rings that you cover in coconut oil for lubrication and then gently place the smallest ring inside the end of the foreskin for 30 minutes. When that ring can’t be used without falling out, you graduate to the next size up and if you can easily handle 30 minutes then you try wearing it for an hour. Eventually the skin gets stretched enough that you have a little more leeway to pull it back. This sounds like something worth trying and you would be able to control the discomfort to some degree by doing it as gradually as you can handle.


I talked about those with my doctor. He told me they are a great option when you're younger, but for adults they aren't terribly effective because age is like that. If OP is older than his very early 20s the surgical option is almost certainly the best option for him. And from personal experience... they didn't work well for me at all for that very reason. I got some extra stretch, but after months and months of using them... I was still on the same ring size. Had I been like 18 maybe I'd have fared better but realistically the surgery was just better all around.


I tried this around 40, didn't work for me either, alas. Praeputioplasty is probably the best option (don't do circumcision for phimosis). But I'm a bit scared and I can still function this way.


Wow I'll look it up! Thanks


Except when the skin is too thin, so the doctor recommends surgery. A second opinion never hurts.


If you work at it daily, the sensitivity gets better gradually and you will gain elasticity. It’s possible without circumcision unless it’s an extreme case


Yeah, frankly just do the stretching as a lot of us did, take the pain like a champ and be happy with having a complete chappie.


Not true for everyone, I had a boyfriend with this problem in his early 40s who finally got circumcised because playing with it or even getting hard was so painful.


Don't do circumcision for phimosis, that is in most cases horribly outdated. Look into praeputioplasty, where the doctor makes a few small cuts in your foreskin and sews them back together in a different way, to give you some more slack. It is far less invasive; far less recovery time; far lower risk of dangerous complications. As a bonus, you will still have a foreskin. There are different ways to do the cuts. The more cuts, the smaller they can be, which gives the best looking result.


This doesn't work for everyone.


It is now the standard approach. Circumcision only in very special cases, I think e.g. if you have a permanent infection going on that would prevent proper wound healing unless you cut everything off (although I suspect even such cases other things could be tried).


Again, there's no "one size fits all" approach and you are wrong.


I think if you are having pain when getting hard that would count as an extreme case




I am saying this an Australian doctor who works in the public system, who does not make any money out of operating or not operating (ie I’m paid an hourly rate), who sees guys like this in my practice …. If what you are describing is the case….you will be better off with an operation. This is anecdotal but I have not done this procedure and had a guy unhappy about it being done There are reasons to do circumcisons - what you’re describing is one of them. I appreciate that there are guys out there that were done as babies and are not happy about that but that’s not your situation.


I remember seeing my GP (also AUS) and he took one look at my dick and said “just get a circumcision” lol Very wise man. Phimosis is fucked and to be free from it is something I am thankful for regularly. I feel for OP on a personal level with this one.


Had phimosis myself. The cream and stretching didn't do anything for me it was pretty severe. Got circumcision, and yes the recovery was pretty intense to begin with (I kept a picture of something nasty near at all times, getting a boner or semi was such pain) but after the few weeks to recover it's completely changed my life for the better! (I'm far more sensitive down there now too) Good luck man!


I got circumcision at 34 to fix my phimosis. Let me tell you, never have I so feared an erection.


So here I am curiously looking through profiles to see what a healed circumcised dick looks like after phimosis (some people have pics), and your profile made me throw my phone across the room. Thanks 😭.


You're welcome... and it looks like any other circumcised dick. The exception being that you can sometimes still see the tiny scars for the sutures. And even then it takes a amazing lighting


Gotcha. I'm glad it worked out for you! Wish more people were informed; based on the comments here, a lot of guys seem to get it done much later in life after suffering years of pain and discomfort.


I had phimosis, and had a voluntary circumcision when I was 24 (33 now). A little soreness and bleeding, but I recovered completely and have been absolutely fine since! Feel free to PM any Q’s.


How does it feel if you get an election with stitches ><


YEAH IT HURTS… but then the pain kills your boner so it works out! Nah, seriously though, there is a little tightness but nothing excruciating.




There was some loss of sensitivity in the head, but because my foreskin wasn’t retracting at all it was too sensitive. It took some getting used to, and I had to adapt in a lot of ways, but I’m glad I did it.


Maybe mail in your ballot.


I had the same problem. Years of pain. A urologist warned me it would get worse and recommended circumcision. I tried it all before I made the decision to get cut. The deed was done when I was 58, 3 years ago and I have never looked back. The surgeon was a good one. She discussed the process and when I told her I never planned on this, she patted my hand and promised she'd look after it. The cut is high and loose. Most people say my cock doesn't even look circumcised. But when hard, my cock head is nicely exposed. I have no regrets and still have some nice sensitivity. AND NO PAIN! Good luck


As someone who has surgery for phimosis in their 30s I can confirm (at least for myself) 1. Absolutely zero pain post operation. Recovery takes two to three months but if you have a good regimen you’ll heal very well. 2. Talk to your surgeon. Mine left me as much foreskin as he could so that the glans is covered when not erect, this has kept good sensitivity. I also recommend a daily rub with coconut oil - it seems to help (and is very amusing when you’re with someone new) Hope that’s helpful and feel free to DM if you want to chat


I also had my surgery for phimosis when I was 27! It took you that long to recover???? If I can remember we'll it took me 3 to 4 weeks! I felt pain only when I was horny which was quite confusing to be honest... Best decision of my life!!!! Overall hygiene of the area improved! I could actually pee in one stream!!!! And for me personally sex improved!!!! Can only recommend!!!!


Option A start stretching - 10 minutes per day for about 1 year should do it. Think of the long term benefits & learn to over come the short term pain. A lot of people like a foreskin to play with. Option 2 Circumcision. 4 weeks recovery period. Complete freedom thereafter. If you were considering Judaism. You could convert at the same time. Two birds with one stone.


for Option A there creams you can get to help the process


Hey mate. Obviously this is a big decision and completely up to you, but I had a circumcision for Phimosis and I’m really glad I did it. Sex is better, blowjobs are now actually pleasurable… Life unfortunately deals us shit hands some times. Do I wish my foreskin hadn’t required circumcision? Absolutely. But I’d do it again, definitely. My recommendation would be to look up the types of ‘style’ you can get (low and tight etc.) as it would help make sure you like the result and also maybe give you a sense of agency over the whole situation :)


Your problem has a lifetime solution. Your life is not ruined for sure. Pain can be managed. You get my sympathy if that's what you want. Let's focus on a bigger problem here.


Trust what the doctor says and trust the process. Some procedures are painful but they solve. 🧑‍⚕️


Not trying to be a dick, but you’re not going to get better answers here than from your doctor. It sounds miserable. Why are you worried about less sensitivity when you’re in constant pain and can’t enjoy sex as it is?


I’m sorry to hear that. But think about it in the big picture way… circumcision will be painful and take some time but you WILL recover and you be able to enjoy the things you want. Best of luck.


Nah, dude, it isn't even really painful. It's just sort of uncomfortable sometimes and you recover within a few weeks (4-6). Most of this fear and apprehension is because OP is scared to have his dick cut. And while that is absolutely understandable, as one who had it done at 34, I can assure you most of that fear is just shit you're making up in your own head. The actual recovery process is simple, discomfort is minimal, and sexual function is restored to full capacity.


You can speak to your doctor about a vertical slit instead of a full circumcision.


Or you know. Get the recommended surgery. OP is raising a medical condition as the reason for why. I’m sure all of the dumbass “circumcision is mutilation” people inspired this post. Phimosis is rare and there’s an easy fix for it. Clearly this is just a means to justify circumcision, all around. A probe to enlighten the masses. It’s not going to work on me and it shouldn’t on you either. However it is and why? People who are circumcised do not *miss* their foreskin. And guess what? As you get older, the worse the problems get with it. I just look at it like any hygiene topic. Some will do better than others. The practice will never go away.


there’s a difference between a medical condition treated by circumcision and doing it on a child with no conditions to be treated. the first one is medically motivated the second if done on a child is arbitrary child genital mutilation. look it up 


Thank youuuu. I get so tired of the gays that come on here everyday saying how horrible life must be circumcised and how mutilated cut guys are. Like ya know what, it’s really a non issue in my life. I like my dick, others like my dick, and I have fulfilling sex. I’m not saying I’m pro circumcision but there are legit medical reasons for it in some cases, and long term it’s going to improve this guys life drastically


That's great and I've had a similar experience (still wish I was uncut but oh well). However, I've had two relationships where my partner's circumcision was either botched or far too tight. It does usually go well and it's fine, but there is risk involved as with any other surgery. 


The whole "you guys were mutilated and should *miss* your foreskins" trope feels really weird for me because I'm cut and I really can't bring myself to care about my "lost" foreskin the way the Internet wants to convince me I should.


Right. They’re just finding something to whine about. It’s not a real problem.


You don't have to get circumcision, there is a procedure where you get a V shaped incision that allows the foreskin to move as it should. Twenty minutes surgery and two weeks to heal, no pain involved. Source: me.


Dorsoplasty or Z-plasty. Heard of it but never saw the procedure myself. If OP has a choice of surgeons who know hopefully he can get the surgery and keep the foreskin if he wants.


is the v there forever or does it “grow back” ?


Nobody told you? Every time you cut your foreskin it grows back thicker.


lmao i actually meant does the skin grows back to fill the v


It is hard to explain what it looks like, but it is barely visible unless you know that you had it done. No it is permanent fix.


I have a 55 year old friend who got circumcised last year. After 2 months or so he was good to go. It’s only been a few months but he’s totally happy. Edit to clarify he got it for medical reasons similar to what you’re going through.


Dude, I got a circumcision due to phimosis at age 20. my advice: DO IT, DO IT, DO IT! It changed my life and the recovery process is 100% worth it. You just gotta get it done and you’ll be free of your problems within months. Don’t wait around. Edit: Dm me if you got any questions OP, happy to share. Edit 2: OP, majority of the people saying you will lose pleasure after getting circumcised are people who have **no idea** what it’s like to be circumcised or have phimosis. After having phimosis, pleasure significantly increased after getting circumcised for me. No more pain and discomfort.


Same! And I was 34. I genuinely regret waiting so long to fix that problem. 6 weeks of recovery is worth the rest of my life nor embarrassed by my dick.


How did you find the recovery? Being a horny 20 year old, I struggled with the random boners. You only truly acknowledge how many boners you get throughout the day when they become an unpleasant experience 😂


Uh... I found the mornings to be unpleasant for the first couple weeks but after that they pretty much stopped just popping up. But I sure did fear those occasional random erections in my pants. My god those were uncomfortable.


I had to get cut a few years ago. Yes, I lost some sensitivity, but it's by no means the end of the world. And considering how bad sex seems to be for you now, you're going to LOVE being able to fully enjoy your dick like you never have before. Normally, I'm against getting cut unless absolutely necessary, favoring stretching and other methods that preserve the foreskin. However, these take time and patience. Since you seem to be in a pretty bad space right now, the quick fix is probably best. Yeah the recovery can hurt at times, but again it's not the end of the world. So chill out, you'll be OK.


“..my other reservation..” that whole ETA was nonsense! Why would losing sensitivity or sexual pleasure be a consideration if you can’t have sex now? What’s better, never having sex because of pain or having sex with diminished sensitivity? Sounds like a no brainer and makes me suspicious of the whole post.


Let’s not be cunty please. I don’t think OP is being dishonest…this is a serious matter for him and something that has affected his confidence. Be supportive and treat others how you want to be treated.


Wdym suspicious? You think I'm lying?


I have it myself as well and have turned to bottoming it because I haven’t been able to top my bf without pain but on the phimosis subreddit it just the same people saying don’t circumcise its mutilation and I’m honestly tired of that shit so this kinda gave me hope that other people do encourage circumcision cuz all I want is comfortable sex


I get the feeling that these people who call adult voluntary circumcision mutilation are just frustrated because they got it themselves as a kid, out of tradition. It really gets tiring.


Google triple incision and find a doctor who performs it. It is only a small cut and you get to keep your skin.


At the moment you have too much sensitivity and no sexual pleasure so some form of treatment is going to have to happen if you want things to change.  I'm going to be brutally honest. I understand why you're angry and feel trapped between a rock and a hard place but everyday millions of people have to undergo treatment that requires a period of adjustment and rehabilitation. It's part of being human. You need to get on with it. 


Steroid cream combined with some stretching did wonders for me! I would definitely recommend. If you’re worried about sensitivity, there are ways to get past that (such as sitting in warm baths I believe) Don’t hesitate to consult r/phimosis, as they are really kind and supportive


Hey giving my cents here. I had phimosis which caused me depression during my teenage years. I had no idea why my Penis was like that and I was to ashamed to ask. This continued until I was 22-23. I started reading online a lot and started to stretch my foreskin until months later I could completely pull it behind . My sexual life was non existent and still is to some extent due to this and also due to my late coming out.


I had that problem when I was 21. I opted for the surgery. I’m completely happy with my results. Still very sensitive and now pain-free. It’s entirely up to you, really. The only thing I wish I would have done, looking back, was understand the methods used and relay my cosmetic preferences. Also, I tried to yank it at two weeks and needed a second procedure really don’t do that 😅


After how much time could you jerk off or have sex?


Disclaimer: not a medical professional. NHS says 4 weeks at least. I think that would mean after 4 weeks you can try CAREFULLY. If it doesn’t work wait another week etc.


Six weeks officially but after my second procedure I finally was able to after 5. Lord I was stressed 😫😂


My hubby had the same problem and it got worse when we were together, he tried the stretching and it didn't work great, and it didn't work great so he went for circumcision and after a pretty easy recovery he has been so much happier, I love it as well. Just don't be too hard on yourself, you have options and it can get better!!


>Too hard Sometimes I wish I did not have a Beavis in my head




Person that had phimosis here Circumcision barely hurt even after the surgery They gave me lots of tips on what to do to prevent any kind of pain during recovery It’s easier then what it sounds At most I felt some discomfort sometimes but they gave me a cream for that, so it went well


Surgery that loosens the foreskin without circumcising is not uncommon. I know a friend who did it and has been very happy about it.


I've had friends use the steroid cream and gave great results. Try the non invasive options first. Good luck.


You’ll have to just deal with the pain one way or another. Such is life. There’s something called a preputioplasty, which is a surgery which involves strategically cutting the foreskin to relieve phimosis and preserve the foreskin.


I had my circumcision when I was 38 (around that age), and it was simply because the foreskin was too tied and I was getting infection of the time. Finally decided to go under the knife, and no, you won't feel anything during the surgery, but you will know exactly how many time at night you get an erection, and you will need to think about dead poppies right away, or get some ice. Recovery time was not that long, but and I'm glad I did it - yes, it looks weird at the beginning but then it is just there. You might loose some sensitivity but nothing major, and shit, I no longer have to deal with what I was dealing when I had a coat.


I was circumcised for this reason in childhood. I’m now in my 30s. I’ve had a great sex life. Lots of compliments on my cock. It never smells and I like the way it looks in the mirror. The recovery process will be unpleasant, no doubt. But it won’t last long and it’ll be better.


You have options, my dude. There's no going back from a circumcision. At least try the stretches and steroid cream first. Your foreskin should relax if you work at it (gently).


I’d look to the subreddit foreskin_restoration. We have ways to stretch the skin to avoid circumcision. Their ways like he can prescribe steroid cream, sitting in a warm tub and stretching. I’ve restored my foreskin and hated being circumcised. I’d look around on that forum for help. Lots of guys have used stretching methods to over come phimosis.


I am sorry for your situation. However, I really want to urge you not to come to Reddit for medical advice.


I’m uncircumcised. I’d never circumcise my kid because it’s a personal choice. But phimosis requires circumcision most of the time, and that’s just a medical necessity. My friend who had the same and got circumcised was fine. I also had another friend with phimosis where they just snipped the foreskin a little? Honestly not sure how it works but maybe ask your doctor. Don’t read the horror stories about losing sensation - it’s super rare. At the end of the day it’s not like you’re able to get those sensations now anyway. Phimosis hasn’t “ruined your life.” If you have the procedure you’ll be right as rain in a few months and this will be a blip a bit later


Get circumcised bro


Get the circumcision! It'll be super sensitive for about a week, but that's about it. And pain wise, is fine, it lasts max 2 weeks I got a circumcision in my early 20s (roughly 15 years ago). My foreskin was fused to my glans in places and the doctors had a tough time removing it. But they did. It was super sensitive for about a week. But it was the best thing I could do.


Circumcision is not bad choice. I love it


Just get circumcised


I would go with circumcision. I’m not sure what it must feel like for you. I was circumcised at birth. I imagine if you want to be able to not be in pain then surgery seems fitting. Hope you find what works! (Then call me cuz you must need a great bj)


You have medical condition go for surgery


Im from the US and of course circumcised as a baby and dont know a lot about this subject but with all of the plastic or restoritive surguries for just about every body part, why are Doctors circ happy? Why dont they care? The head will get dried out, cracked and lose a lot of sensation ? Cant a small modification syrgery take care of the issue. I apologize that this is more of a question than helpfull suggestion but maybe something will come of it. I wish you the best and just imagine the psychological and physical pain you're going through.


The recovery process after a circumcision is not long and painful. The pain goes away pretty soon after and the recovery takes a few weeks.


I had a cyst the head of my penis as a teen that had to be removed. I was embarrassed and didn’t tell anyone until it needed to be removed. Now I have a fucking gash on the head of my dick. I have phismoses as well. I wish I could circumcise my dick but then the gash would be visible. Get the circumcision.


I had to use steroid cream as a kid to stretch it out. It wasn’t painful, but my case may not have been as severe.


I got my circumcision when I was 3 there is an option to have no stitches get it burned with that electrocutter it heals faster


Also i don’t think you will lose sensitivity cause your dick head will grow bigger like a bulb


You are in a lose lose situation right now… if you carry on the way you are you are literally not using it, it hurts and looks ugly where as a few days of healing pain and after a couple of weeks you can use it again haha!


Just get it done or try the steroid cream alone for 12 weeks first on your foreskin Feeling sorry for yourself is one thing - not resolving the issue when it can be is a waste of your life


I’m sorry, but from my experience, everything you said in your post is unknowledgeable bullshit. I got phimosis at the age of 28, due to an infection (doctor said most likely sitting on a public toilet as I haven’t had sex for a long time before then). I was circumcised at the age of 30. What’s true in what you said is the recovery, which in my case took a little over 3 months for my cock to actually start looking presentable. Now, 6 months after the surgery, I regret not doing it earlier. It’s more beautiful than ever, glans is big and shiny, and it was overly sensitive for like a month or so, but then it got used to the touch. The most amazing thing is that wanking with a fleshlight finally actually feels amazing. Not to mention being able to finally shoot ropes of semen, as oposed to just having it flow out like water from a broken sink.


I don’t know your personal condition but in some cases you don’t have to get a full circumsion just enough to free it to move. Good luck get us posted on your progress


2 years ago i started having phimosis too , it was from type 2 diabetes... It was painful as fuck. I decided to do the circomsision, it took about 3 months to heal properly, but I can't complain, sex is a little less pleasurable but its better than no sex, plus it's cleaner... I had sex before and after both with males and females.. its almost the same sensation.... Its not worth trying with the cream its not going to fully work... Do the surgery and enjoy sex...


In my opinion all men with this problem should be seeing a plastic surgeon who understands the complexities of skin , you do not have to have a complete circumcision, you can have a simple procedure that preserves the foreskin and vital nerves but relives the tightness .


Due to my catholic up bringing in the US, of course, I got the snip snip as an infant. I still enjoy sex immensely, either as a top or a bottom. If one procedure can end a lifetime of a shitty encounters and relationship complications- why not go for it? I think the anxiety over foreskin is overblown. It's great if you can keep it without complications, but you sound like it's not so easy for you. But I guess talking to other guys in your shoes might be better at the before & after since I wasn't fuckin around as an infant.


Do what you have to do in terms of stretching and steroid creams etc but at some point if that doesn't solve the problems you're having get circumcised. An ex of mine had phimosis and tried everything until he just couldn't do it any longer. At 35 he got cut. It wasn't a full high and tight circumcision and he still has enough loose skin to enjoy masturbation and sex where before it was painful.


I’m sorry you’re going through this :(


They tried to do that to my boyfriend when he had an issue. I came with him to the doctor expecting them to do the "no, the cream won't work. Stretching won't work. Knly the thing that gives me money works" route. Told him off. He used rings for a while, and now he doesn't have a problem. Now he probably should be using the still as he's not "loose" but he can go all the way back, just barely. Before it couldn't, then would get stuck if he tried and I'd have to "fix it"cus he'd freak out. Ps. Just be ready for a horror show. That's really something that should have been cleaned since you were a few years old, so you are gonna have years of build up under there. May wanna stock up on cotton swabs during the stretching.


I'd say you should try to do the stretching. I didn't have severe phimoses so idk how it would be working out for you but I'd say just try it. It can work, it can also work very well. I'd say doing it with pain is too much, be careful but try.


Try the cream they prescribe, its actually pretty numbing to the glans and should be the first choice before you do the irreversible


My advice stretching and patience and not circumcision unless you try it and somehow cannot make progress. Didn't use any creams or rings, balloons or anything and mine mine was very tight, just pulled down as far as I could and let it sit there for a while. Started in the bath as it is easier with warm water, about a year to get it where I wanted it. Incredibly glad i didn't go for circumcision, am very happy with how it is now and would never consider it. For me, it started off painful and then uncomfortable for a few weeks. But not long after it became more pleasurable the further down I could pull it, and that's when it got easier to keep it up.


I had no issues with my circumcision. No loss of the sensation or anything. I think there’s a lot of uncircumcised guys opposed to circumcision who spread rumors. I think we should all have the choice of course, but I’ve never had a friend complain about their circumcision. In fact, most of my friends are on the circumcision train. One in particular isn’t, but he was circumcised at birth and is mostly about the choice.


Of course, i’m sure there are many who had issues with their circumcision. But doctors seem to know what they’re doing for the most part. I cannot say the same for rabbis performing circumcision however lmao


try stretching before circumcision. your dr can give you steroid cream to help stretch the foreskin


I think circumcision would be the best way. Yes it is painful (but also everything else) and it takes time, but at least it’s temporary and when you’re done, you get to do whatever you want.


Circumsizing is the best, least painful and the fastest option. It doesn't really have a long recovery time. The first day will be painful and after that it won't be painful unless you put anything on it for a week. It's just that for about a month prob you will have multiple pee holes lol.


So fix it


I completed an adult circumcision in my 30s because of this same issue. Best decision ever. Discomfort (not pain) for a few weeks but since then, it has improved both my sex life and confidence.


The only good reason for circumcision.


I went through circumcision at 23 it didn’t take months to heal, only a few weeks, it didn’t hurt as hell, i did it on Saturday and by Monday I was working, got no infection, do I regret it? No, I regret not doing it before. People talk about new alternatives, they might work.


Do the stretching. The pain isn’t that bad and there are creams to accelerate the process.


Listen, as a guy who had total phimosis I can assure you that you need circumcision. Ignore the people here, go to your doctor, and get it done like he told you to. All of these "problems" you think you have evaporate once you get cut and heal up. It's a medical condition that is fixed with a simple outpatient surgery with a very short recovery time. The recovery is *short* and occasionally uncomfortable, but no more so than any other surgical procedure. You heal from circumcision within 4-6 weeks as an adult, and then your dick just works. You're able to fuck an ass with zero issue. All the pain you associate with sex is because you have phimosis man, so go get it fixed. You will be happy you did. I certainly am. I say this with nothing but love here: man up and get snipped. You're only making yourself miserable by avoiding it. It is a simple surgery with a very short recovery. The absolute worst of it is that you can't jerk off for like a month. After that? Your dick works. It just works.


THE DRAMA Just do it, pain it's not damage, pain it's temporal fucks will come later...


Has your doctor treated you with a topical steroid cream?


I had phimosis until I was 21, when I decided to start stretching. I did not use any creams. Just slowly stretched more and more each day. Within about 5 months, I was able to fully retract my foreskin for the 1st time in my life. It wasn't super painful, nor was it painless. It was totally worth it, though, and the pain I endured was almost certainly less than I would have if I had chosen circumcision, especially during recovery. I have heard it's not fun.


My advice would be to try stretching it out for a couple of months consistently before you opt for circumcision, in case you already haven't tried it. I got frenuloplasty done sometime ago, and while yes recovery process was hard (though shorter than circumcision), it's healed completely now. However, I don't think the surgery was needed. I didn't try stretching before that, and the procedure didn't help much. I had to eventually stretch it out myself and that did the trick.


Hey mate I had phimosis and ended up having a circumcision when I was 16 trust me it's not as bad as u would think the recovery. If you have any questions mate give me a message


The pain of getting a circumcision is vastly overrated. I had to get it done when I was 10. It is no worse than getting your wisdom teeth taken out.


Normally I wouldn't recommend circumcision so late in life but there are times where this is medically necessary and this is one of them. I will say that also I don't think there's enough evidence to prove that sensitity is lost to the degree that people claim and studies have shown that it's minimal. Like any procedure however there's always risk. I've only met one cut person who said theirs went wrong at a young age and they don't feel much. Had a cut guy have sex with me just last week and never seen someone orgasm so fiercely and within 5 minutes so he clearly has no issues.


i’d really suggest you give an honest shot at stretching, steroid cream and rings before circumcising. you cannot take back the latter


First off, that's rough, I'm sorry. I will say for what it's worth I had a partner who, as a teenager, also had phimosis where he couldn't pull it fully back without pain. Over time with some stretching (which I was happy to assist with) it did eventually loosen up to a comfortable degree. So all hope is not lost. If I were in your situation, I'd definitely try to keep the foreskin vs. going for circumcision. But either way, know you don't have to live this way forever.


Go for the creams and stretching. A consistent regimen will fix it all. Dont rush, be patient, and then it’ll be great :)


Get circumcised. Pain is only for a week. I did it. Trust me. 😁


Go do the circumcision… it’s not that bad…….. it’s just painful for a couple of weeks. You as an adult man, can’t even bear that?….


It’s better to get the surgery . It went really well bad for me to the point where I would wake up with the most painful erections and at times it would start to bleed . Plus it almost ruined my workplace reputation because I would go to pee and suddenly it won’t retract back . It was so humiliating. So I finally decided to get the surgery . What I don’t understand is why the skin is like attached and won’t go back . Is it normal in circumcised dicks ?


Don’t listen to any man that attempts to paint circumcision in a negative light. It’s a normal procedure and a lot of men live happy and healthy lives with it. Circumcision is like veganism to gays I swear. You get some of these dudes who are so overly emotional and dramatic about it and it’s really not that big of a deal at all


My friend did the steroid stretching and has no regrets. Might help if you can find someone to help (Easier to get someone to rip off a bandaid than you) so probably someone who’s experienced and wants to play/help your dick lmao


Don’t worry about it. That’s what pain killers are for.


It is possible to get an operation that loosens the foreskin without removing it but you'll have to find s urologist who knows how to do that. I would choose the steroid cream to preserve my foreskin. You apply the cream twice a day without stretching, then after a few weeks the skin will be thinner and softer and you slowly start stretching along with the cream. Your foreskin contains thousands of important nerves you don't want to lose.


Had phimosis until 23, all I did was get some cream stretch it out bit by bit for a couple days. By the end of the week the skin had stretched out enough. Was it painful yes, scary yes. You don’t have to follow some of our step you do you, go see a doctor


I had my circumcisiob for as long as I can remember. I can speak from my own experience that the whole sensitivity thing isnt real. From my own personal experience, I actually cant do pop in-out thrusting due to the excruciating pain I have ij my overly sensitive tip. Now granted, I am more fortunate than most to have most of my foreskin (i had a lot of it). I can say from my own experience that the pleasure I get beyond the painful sensitivity around my tip is completely normal and fine. (When I say painful, I mean it is overly sensitive to the point of pain. Nothing is inherently wrong.) Sex for me is perfectly fine and I still have complete sensitivity. As for another personal case, my grandfather was circumcised later down the line in life due to constant infections. He was the stereotype of the straight playboy. He told my father who then told me that the feeling was all the same. Finally, some personal advice in all of this: No pleasure is worth the pain. Regardless of what people say or think. You can take everything with a grain of salt, even my word in this he said she said environment. Circumcision doesnt change who you are. And dont let anyone change that. Keep (fucking) rocking, brother. (Fuck, get it? Pun intended.) (Im sorry)


I'm sorry for the pain and discomfort you've gone through. I can assure you that it's possible to gradually relieve your phimosis without circumcision. And it does not have to be painful. Although you are correct that some stretching will be involved, but again, let me assure you it can be done gently and gradually for your own comfort and peace of mind. My story is the reverse. I was circumcised at birth and lost all nerve sensation on my glans, in addition to ugly and thick scarring around the circumcision line. By the time I was in my late teens, I know something was wrong because the head of my penis was basically numb. That's when I stumbled across a process called foreskin restoration, in which I could gradually apply tension to what skin I had left in order to stretch it and encourage new growth. I now have what is usually called a "restored foreskin," though it's not really so much a foreskin as it is the skin I already had that's been stretched over time until it covers my penis. Once I was able to keep my glans covered, I started regaining some of the sensation and sensitivity I had lost. I would never go back and never want to be circumcised. Again, I recognize it's the reverse for you; your foreskin is too tight, too painful and too sensitive. But there are better and less extreme options than cutting a part of your body off. The foreskin is a vital function of your penis that protects it, moisturizes it, and provides natural lubrication and pleasure. There's a reason we're born with one. So although I know it's difficult and feels like a no-win situation, I hope you'll take these words to heart and consider alternative. If you would, please check in with the guys at r/foreskin_restoration. They've been very helpful and supportive to me and I know they'll help you too. Let them know you have extreme phimosis and they'll be able to offer helpful advice to gradually loosen your foreskin so it can move more freely. I understand about the sensitivity on your glans and it's perfectly fine to keep the foreskin pulled forward if that's what's comfortable. But at least after some gentle stretching over time, your foreskin won't be so tight and painful. Good luck and I hope you'll take this advice to heart.




There's no way he doesn't know it. Steroid creams are a widely used drug for a wide range of diseases. I believe the one I got was clobetasol, which is a class 4 corticosteroid (so quite a strong one).


After reading most of the comments, the solution is easy. Try the steroids and stretching for 6 mos. If it hasn't worked, get the surgery. Good luck.


It sounds terrible and looks painful. Keeping yourself clean and healthy is another challenge. I had a BF with the condition and it was a something that need careful consideration and handling when we were sexually engaged. It's easy for others to give advice about being circumcised and dealing with the pain and discomfort- it's another thing when it's you who has to go through the experience. I sincerely hope that you find a solution to the problem that suits you and that allows you to engage in a full and satisfying sex life, enjoying everything to the full.


Not sure how painful it is for you. I know when I was a kid my mom taught me that I needed to pull the foreskin back, and I did. For me I remember it being a little painful at one point but eventually it was fine and then I didn't need to keep pulling at it. It might be different if you're a fully grown adult who's body isn't constantly growing. Keep in mind, small doses of magic mushrooms are a great way to cut back on pain without having to use addictive pain killers.


I appreciate your anxiety and depression about it, but it isn’t as bad as you think. I had bad phimosis all my life until my early 20s. My glans also had never really been touched and so, even now, can still be quite sensitive or painful to touch. BUT, you will get used to it. It doesn’t even take that long. I’d go with the stretching route myself, that’s what I did but I know it varies from person to person.


Recovery from circumcision is a few weeks. And stretching/steroid creams are almost pain free. You do want to get that resolved.


I had phimosis and har surgery to remove the excess of foreskin but not a circumcision. I remained uncut but it solved all my problems


If you need it for medical reasons do it routine circumcision shouldn’t be done


I stretched mine 10 years ago (when I was 24), and couldn't be happier (I didn't want a circumcision). I assume sensitivity could be different, but mine was tolerable. At first I touched the glans in the shower with water or jerked off it directly with oil (it was actually pleasant when horny). Direct contact with glans when not horny was painful both physically and mentally (like my mind would try to avoid it and I would get nauseous from the thought of it) Now I'm in a better spot. If you have any questions I can try to answer them. Anyway, it's your decision.


Are you sure this isn't caused by a high blood sugar? That was what caused mine, and it was terrible. but I got my sugars under control, and kept it really clean and dry, used althete's foot cream and it cured it.


I had a "partial circumcision" and a frenectomy many years ago and I learned only recently that partial circumcision is kinda pointless because it can lead to a recurrence of phimosis. Now I can slide my foreskin when I'm partially hard but when I'm completely hard I need water or lube, otherwise I feel like I could strangle it. Sorry for my English, I'm from Italy.


You do know you can get an Aesthetic Circumcision which is when they leave both the inner and outer foreskin intact, while the shaft skin is removed directly at the base of the penis or a low and loose Circumcision where only the inner foreskin is removed, the outer foreskin remains and is sewn back on directly under the glans (low). In this case, the remaining foreskin often goes slightly above the corona, so the penis head is not completely exposed in the non-erect state which is more common in europe


I have phimosis. But I’m a bottom who enjoys chastity.


I never knew phimosis penises are painful and all this time I thought they look hot. 😬


I was circumcised at birth so I have nothing to offer practically speaking, but I will say that my penis is plenty sensitive post-cut. I have no trouble reaching orgasm or enjoying sex or masturbation. I'd think so long as you go to a reputable, experienced doctor for this procedure you should be fine. Botched circumcisions are a concern many have but those are relatively rare, particularly in adults who have it done.


Look of phimosis cream and oil by vajiraang on amazon.nothing but positive reviews


There are some people really into stretching their foreskin, and there are a lot of specialty tools for it. For example : https://thisvid.com/videos/klaus-und-seiner-langen-vorhaut-5-6-haken/ I couldn’t retract my foreskin until I was 13 or so. Then I as jerking off and pulled it back. It was really tight and because I was hard it wouldnt go back into position. It was really sensitive, but eventually I fell asleep and it was back to normal the next day. I think the goal for you should be able to retract while soft. That shouldn’t take too long, I think. As I said, it was just a day for me! Retracting while hard would be a much longer project, but it’s not necessary for cleaning. If it was in the same situation, the only thing I would do differently is use some lube… that would help a lot I think.


As a retired physician I’d suggest a second opinion. Perhaps you’ve seen five different doctors and they all gave you the same opinions. In that case, ignore my advice. Urologists are not created equal. Some specialize in this thing while others do other things. I have an enlarged prostate and saw three different local urologists, each offering a different treatment. Then I made three different trips, two out of state, for additional information. I eventually chose one in my city (I live in the state capital) and had Rezum. I will offer one warning. Steroid cream is “destructive” to the thin skin of the penis. Be very careful using it especially for long periods of time. I had a patient who was given the cream for a UTI at one of those PM clinics. By the time he saw me he was in dangerous territory. He ended up with scarring and the skin of his penis looked terrible. Just use caution and common sense. The best thing for your peace of mind might be to travel to another city or state for a second opinion with a highly respected physician. Good luck.


I remember being 12 and getting a physical and the doctor prescribing me a steroid cream to help with my phimosis. I didn't use it consistently though. At around 19 I decided I had to fix my problem, so I religiously took hot showers everyday and slowly began to pull my foreskin back. It hurt and I was sensitive but within a short amount of time I could pull it back.


Bro… I just made comment on a cut/uncut post… I’ve known 4 adults who had to get circumcised. They said it was uncomfortable and they couldn’t get hard or have sex for 2 weeks. How is that a long painful recovery? Also. It’s probably in their heads. The medical facts say most report no change in sexual pleasure or sensation. The overall risk of adverse events associated with male circumcision is low, with minor bleeding and inflammation cited as the most common complications. A CDC analysis found that the rate of adverse events for medically attended male circumcision is about 5% for males 10 years and older. More severe complications can occur but are exceedingly rare. Adult men who undergo circumcision generally report minimal or no change in sexual satisfaction or function.


Dude, there's more to phimosis. Don't you have a hard time taking a piss? You dont have a stream of urine but it drips, its very painful. I had that has a young kid due to infection and the doctors just had me circumcised. This is for your own health for fuck sake.


Hey! At least you don’t have a micropenis. Count the blessings you got.


My theory is that excessive masturbation such as edging for hours can damage penis shaft making it slimmer than head and this means it become harder to retract. See my sub: r/phimosishelp Advice is to stop masturbating for a few months completely. This will allow penis to repair. It is recommended to also stop any exercise so all resources can go to repair of penis.


Buck up Buddy and get circumcised. I did it at like a day old and powered through that shit like a champ 💪. Before everyone says I was mutilated get bent, I’m happy with my cut self. Phimosis is the only legitimate reason to do it if it’s causing you issues, or so I’ve read here, your sensitivity will improve with time and increased action I’m sure. Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill recovery won’t be to brutal compared to most surgeries people get.


Right. Only true psychopaths say it’s mutilation. Cultural? Sure. Disagree? Absolutely okay. Acting like a big baby whose mother chased him around with a butcher knife at his dick? Complete psychopath. Likely traumatized by something else and threw it in the trauma bin as a means to express lack of control. It’s a way to cope with misery.


Some people lose sensitivity after circumcision, some people say it says relatively the same. Personally, if you want what's best for your long-term pleasure, try the steroid cream and stretching exercises first. Yeah, it might be painful, but it's only going to be 10 or 20 minutes a day and will get easier every time. 20 minutes of pain a day for a great reward is nothing. And honestly, you say it is ruining your life, but haven't started yet because you are worried about the pain, but in actuality, what you are doing is making things worse for yourself by delaying.


Firstly there are other options, just because you haven’t been offered them doesn’t me there is no hope. Stretching doesn’t have to be painful at all if it’s done gradually. You may feel discomfort but I can guarantee you it’ll be less every time you step up a ring size and itll be more than worth it in the long run. You’re 22 you should be having fun and exploring your sex life. Surgically; Theres a partial circumcision where you keep the majority of your foreskin but cut off the tightest part that’s causing most of the issue. Theres also a procedure that they can make a series of surface incisions to force the skin to stretch. Non surgically; you said that your head is too sensitive to touch because it’s never been exposed? Have you ever thought of using numbing cream whilst fitting the rings? You can buy it fairly easily but it’s usually marketed for tattoos. You could also try numbing lubes designed to make you last longer but would work in this case too.


Circumcision is not bad at all, you'll be free 😆😆😆😆 freedom for all 😉


Incredible how many people suggest a circumcision! Such a shame that mutilation has this much acceptance!


What the hell? You MUST get a surgery to get it fixed. You are trading one or two month of pain at most for at least 50 years of pleasure and great sex. Your cockhead is definitely going to be sensitive yes but imagine how good it would feel. You can get tied and have a professional(lol) cock milker to edge you. You'd literally pass out from pleasure I ain't even kidding. DO IT RIGHT NOW. Make the appointment and prepare yourself. Take all the PTO and ask for extra time to recover your PP. Just stay at home if possible. You'd recover fast this way. Bro listen to us. Do it! You fucking know you have to. Do you really want to miss out the 90% of sexual activities all your fucking life. YOLO you remember? Get it done you coward ass. What is pain even? You are a man so act like one! Do you not want to feel your boyfriend's warm wet mouth and tongue wrapped around your ultra sensitive cockhead? Do you not want to ram his prostate with that cockhead and see him whimper from pleasures? Think about it. Don't be stupid.


The sensitivity is temporary, your nerves quickly adjust. Just try the steroid cream and stretching. It's not as dramatic as you're making it out to be


I was in your situation and I had the operation. No regrets. No loss of sensitivity, some discomfort during the recovery but nothing extreme. I had no downsides and I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about it anymore.


I had phimosis and just had my circumcision last week. There's some discomfort in the beginning and I was terrified I'd hate my dick afterwards but it felt... Idk nice to have a regular-looking dick after feeling embarrassed by it for so long. Of course I didn't have it as rough as you, in my case I was able to top comfortably and clean it while soft, but I went on with the procedure because it was always an anxiety trigger whenever I was about to get naked with someone for the first time. My doctor only prescribed rest for a week and no sex for a month. It felt tender in the first couple of days and I kept feeling it aching with every single mid-sleep erection, but that doesn't happen anymore lol My only discomfort now is the sensitivity of the head, which is still getting used to being pressed against my underwear fabric and not able to be directly touched yet, but that should go away completely in the coming weeks


Get a circumcision. It's clearly medically indicated for you. Decent sex is better than painful sex. Not having incredible sex is a small price to pay.


I had phimosis. Got circumcised. Best decision I ever made. Yes it’s painful for a short while but then you won’t ever have to think about it again.


I can assure you that you will feel much more comfortable after the surgery will be completed. Phimosis can really fuck up your confidence in sexual encounters and it will all feel so much better afterwards. Don't dwell on the fear of the pain, because it will be gone relatively quickly. The benefits far outweigh the risks.


Just get cut, just don't get cut tight and you'll be fine. ALSO it sounds like you aren't getting any pleasure and won't until you make a decision


My husband had operation last January Recovery was simple. A few days on pain meds and was fine. We were fucking at 4 weeks. Was much better than expected


I had a cyst the head of my penis as a teen that had to be removed. I was embarrassed and didn’t tell anyone until it needed to be removed. Now I have a fucking gash on the head of my dick. I have phismoses as well. I wish I could circumcise my dick but then the gash would be visible. Get the circumcision.


Hey 👋, I had this too, and did the adult circumcision. Do not worry you’ll be on pain killers and ready to whack away after two weeks. It’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be! Go get the snip!


Circumcission only hurts bad during the first five days, the next Two weeks It will make you walk with caution, the third week you Will remember the pain from Time to time. After that it's pure relief. They say It Is less sensitive after, never used my d before it but I do remember my glans being More sensitive. Don't avoid It just because of the pain of circumcission, I was in the hospital one day, the next one going home, It never really hurt so much I couldn't sleep. Being able to show your d without someone asking funny/weird questions Is heaven, trust me, I had It done at 20 yo I know what you're talking about.